So there we are: two nolifers(obviously - me and vil) looking for something to do on new year's EVE(pun intended lolol). Got some exits into domain, 6 jumps from amarr, sounds awesome. I'm thinking I'd try something new so I fit a plated cane. The stats seemed nice. Burn to Amarr buy the stuff(cost 50mil after insurance, the fuck is up with that). Vil decides to fight in a balls-to-the wall neutron myrm and 2 guys from over the pond decide to come along. Rengas brings a cyclone and Patch brings a nanopest(both quite manly ships).
Go check out ami, find a drake on gate, KILL HIM. Screw around for a bit. I personally was hunting a ratting harbi in some god awful pipe system with a 70au warp across and belts right in between.
Meanwhile(assume eve has no relativity so "meanwhile" actually makes sense*) the guys are hunting/baiting a gang of typhoon, arazu, taranis, cerberus. For some reason they didn't engage.
By now our GCC's from the drake have run out and we start moving on, FC Vil decides a plated cane(me) is the best for scouting our gang of merry men(ships with 10s align obviously awesome at scouting). We wander aimlessly for a couple of minutes. Miss a cerberus on a gate, no worries, just keep on moving on like spaceships with flu. 2300 ding-dongs in eve and me and vil wish the guys a happy new year. But trying to not get to tangled up in blue** and as always hungry for blood(or I guess in this case, clone carcases), we press onward. After several empty systems Patch gets a flashback from when he used to pvp around these parts and suggests we head on to Gonditsa. As I'm waiting on a gate, not more than 2 jumps out from said system, for the guys to catch up local spikes by 8. Spamity spam goes the scan button(while my heart goes tuddibum, tuddibum) as I reapproach the entry gate.
Drake, drake, lachesis, cane, harbi, drake... I jump out, warp back to the guys on previous gate. We wait for them to jump in. Drake lands on gate aggresses me, vil commands us to jump. WE oblige. Decloak on the other side a lachesis aggresses. Ships goes boom. Harbi next. Ship melts. Cane next. Ship turns into rubble. Only drakes left. As we engage on the first one Patch announces his tempest is going into structure. We press on the drake and he dies after a painfully 20s. By now our tempest is dead and I'm the primary. Being skyhigh on the adrenaline I ofcourse forget to align out thingking I'm a goner for sure(they still have myrm, 3drakes, lachesis and another cane on the field).
However I forgot the golden rule of eve - Always assume the person you're fighting is mentally handicapped.
Just as my armorcane enters structure the lachesis loses point. As I notice this my mind starts going "FUCK FUCK I'M NOT ALIGNED". Sadly by the time I start to manuever my ship to escape the enemy myrm enters scram range and points me, sealing my fate. I warp out my pod and start to breathe heavily.
I learn that vil and rengas have survived the engagement and are repairing in a nearby station. While I start to browse the region for decently fit ships that might be on contract I hear vil saying he's warping in on gate where the enemy was last seen. The golden rule strikes again, not only does vil land on lachesis, said lachesis also aggresses vil at point blank range and our Serbian hero goes to town. Calling upon the might of rengas to help they successfully hit the ships only weak spot(the pilot's stupidity) and take him down. Noticing the enemy ships that have warped in on them only field distuptors at tackle they start to burn out, separating an enemy drake from the rest of the gang(myrm, cane, drake). As the drake starts to take armor damage the rest of the fleet is catching up to them and vil notices he must consider warping out. Turning his ship to maximum sublight speed and overheating his microwarp the escapes the battle with only 10% structure hitpoint left.
Rengas however decides that if he's going down. The drake is going down with him! Overloading everymod at his ship he points it at the drake and hopes for the best. The enemy however employs cowardly tactics and as Rengas takes the drake into low armor their ecm drones successfully jam our hero for a single cycle. And then another cycle, and another, and another,...(seriously what the fuck is it with a flight of light drones getting 6cycles on a battlecruiser). Knowing his attempt has been thwarthed, Rengas leans back in his chair(but not for too long because he needs to spam the warp button from the pod :>) and accepts his fate.
As the dust clears the score points to the victor.
*Physics reference, get it? **blue in this case means sad
All in all one of the best fights I've had in eve ever. Small gang warfare is a shitton of fun(and quite often less frustrating than solo pvp - although solo will forever be my one true passion)
P.S.: Mad props if you find the "dylanesque" sentence in the BR Apologies for the ginourmous ammount of spelling errors.
never forget the golden rule of eve i warped out 3 times cause people only had disruptors on me
that final drake was left in structure and under gcc, im relatively sure sentries finished him off.. hopefully they upload the lossmail if there was one.
also yulwei was scouting cause he was the only one with a web, and had a triple point besides
On January 01 2011 02:21 tHornstein wrote: Well I think it's about time to announce what has already been pretty evident for the past month or so.
EVE just doesn't really have that magic anymore, for the past month I've only logged on to update my skill queue (and even then I just logged on without thought and just dumped some long term skill on there), and even that felt like a bit of a chore. I've contracted all I own to Karah because I owe him ISK (can't even remember how much it was I owed~) and will not plex at the end of the month.
Was a nice run while it lasted and its a shame I never really got past that curve and into full-on EVE PvP and I may just return at some point in 2011 but at the moment I really have no desire to play.
edit: Shoutouts~ Kwark - I know I may have given you a lot of shit in my time (infact I know I probably gave everyone a lot of shit~) but thanks for putting up with me and guiding my first few EVE months into a fruitful and fun experience.
Karah - One of the nicest guys in corp even though I do think he should be less caldari!
Callum - ilu 4 ever and 4 life
Dexx - You carry on being awesome sir. Best of luck with whatever you're doing.
Serg - Same boat as dexx, great pair of vets who gave me a lot of help.
JP - I never recieved my award for #1 manlover in corp. I will take u 2 da movie any time though.
Nou - I'm actually going to contract you one of my hurricanes. Stop losing so many of them!
Capqu - stop being so gallant(e)
Teaboy - How did the surgery go?
vov - has anyone found a use for you in fleets yet?
sorry if I forgot anyone~
Aaahhh It was fun having you around. Anyways nobody quits forever, that's the rule so I'll see you in a couple of weeks.
Wow no shout outs to Ceedim? Seriously
United States12546 Posts
Ah, this is why you only do shoutouts to one or two people, at most. If you try to shout out to everyone someone invariably feels left out.
My feelings are hurt and they will never heal. If you give me all your assets, I will accept your apology.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
I guess the med neut vs small neut is debatable, in my honest opinion i prefer the small one because it can actively shut down someones scram if you are in trouble, while the med neut can be unreliable, and its not like you were usually fighting in med neut range with a nanovaga when its anything else then a frig. IIRC its something like 50 seconds for a small neut to cap out an AF. That's a VERY long time.
in order to acquire 1x TE II, and to me, that makes no sense whatsoever. its a shame to have a ship with a 50% falloff bonus not receive an additional ~27% falloff bonus with one single module, yes? Especially since vagas almost always fight around a 20 km orbit.
speed/agility > range > tank are the priorities for a vaga in my opinion, though you may disagree.
(Also, go 220 vaga, 425s suck on this) You'll have no disagreement from me that the 220 variant is superior. Especially since the 425 variant is a brick.
United States12546 Posts
Warning: educational content
There is a cool story in here somewhere so if you want to just read that, skip down to near the bottom of the post. But I wouldn't do that if you want to learn how to make some isk.
Courier contracts in EVE, which are agreements to move goods from one station to another, have four components: reward (how much the mover receives for completing the move), collateral (how much the mover must pay if he fails to complete the move and keeps the items for himself), location (where the cargo must go), and size (how large the cargo is). When deciding whether or not to accept a courier contract, it is important to remember that profit can be gained in two ways.
a.) You complete the contract and collect the reward. b.) You break the courier container and sell what is inside.
At the most basic level, this means that even if a shipment is headed for the deepest part of 0.0 and is too big to fit in a jump freighter, profit can be made by someone who accepts the contract if the collateral is low enough. I myself have picked up courier contracts with near-zero collateral with Hulks and Interbus Shuttles inside them. What this means is that I essentially got those ships for free, since I paid no penalty for taking the cargo and bolting.
I'm not someone who would ever waste his time hauling cargo in an industrial ship, so when I look for courier contracts, I look for two things: contracts that are worth my time to haul (aka ones with a high reward) that I can take in my tiny Dramiel, or "suspicious" contracts.
A "suspicious" contract is a courier contract that is likely to contain cargo greater than its collateral. The idea is to seek contracts issued by EVE players who are ignorant of the correct workings of the EVE courier contract system.
Here are some examples of suspicious contracts. NOTE: these only apply to routes that go entirely through high-sec.
-- Contracts for which the reward is near or equal to the collateral. -- Contracts which have too high of a reward, given the travel distance and size of the cargo. For example, it would be unusual to see a 30m-reward-contract with a route through 16 jumps of high-sec and a size that could be taken in a hauler. -- Especially lucrative are contracts which have near-zero collateral (below 100K). Sometimes these contracts are Ibises. Sometimes they are Cyclones.
Contrary to popular belief, once you accept a courier contract you are able to see what is inside without breaking the box that the cargo is in.
SO. This brings me to what happened tonight
I took a risk and accepted a courier contract that I could not haul. It was 24,000 m3 that needed to be taken 16 jumps though Forge high-sec. 30m reward and 500m collateral, ridiculously high reward for something that could be put in a hauler. I accepted with some trepidation.
After I accepted, I noticed that the issuer was in an NPC corp. High reward, NPC issuer. Signs of a scam? "If this is a scam," I thought, "It's one of the worst I've seen. I can just pass off this package to another character and haul it EZPZ with no risk of suicide gank. 30m is a big reward to put on the line for a would-be scammer."
I checked my assets tab to see what was in the box. Eight Giant Containers. Intriguing. The asset tab only goes one level down, so if anything was inside the containers, I wouldn't be able to see it. To go deeper, I'd need to head to the cargo in person. I got in my dram and made 16 jumps. I opened the courier box and saw eight Containers each named "EMPTY".
They weren't empty.
Long story short, there was about 1.5b worth of stuff in those containers. I took out a few courier contracts to get the stuff to Jita and made sure to price the collateral accurately.
Motbob just beat out my best profit from a single contract by double. T_T
After meatbob told us in chat about his exploit I decided to try it out~ Worked like a charm~ x2 maybe x3 what the collateral was worth. Thanks bro^^
United States42023 Posts
On January 01 2011 11:49 pahndah wrote:Wow no shout outs to Ceedim? Seriously  I almost kicked you yesterday for inactivity.
there was a thread on eve-o about a guy accepting a contract that required a freighter to execute and 1bil collateral. inside the courier package he found 5bil worth of megacyte, so he just took that :D
IIRC its something like 50 seconds for a small neut to cap out an AF. That's a VERY long time.
nope, more like 20-30 if it has an mwd (which it would have to have in order to catch a vaga). it wont arrive to you with 100% cap, probably 60-70, and his total cap is reduced from regular maximum, cause of mwd.
which is all besides the main flaw of your argument, which is "you should never get caught by an af in a vagabond". if you do, youre doing something else wrong.
< just bombed the hell out of a mining party in a wh.
hint: your not safe inside of a pos sheild if you don't have guns.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
On January 01 2011 02:21 tHornstein wrote: Well I think it's about time to announce what has already been pretty evident for the past month or so.
Sif forget me 
Good luck hope to see you around again though
Russian Federation3631 Posts
which is all besides the main flaw of your argument, which is "you should never get caught by an af in a vagabond". if you do, youre doing something else wrong. because a Vagabond will always be fighting a single AF/inty at any given time...
(Even people who I'd consider 'very good at the game' fit medium neuts to vagas, does this mean they are lousy pilots who always get scrammed by AFs?)
and people i know and consider very good fit 425s and small neuts, point is both have their strengths and weaknesses, its not just like you said "small neut is fail".
Dammmmmn. I take this as a challenge! Its time to see who can find more idiots in EVE.
Nice X-Photon.
On January 01 2011 21:41 KwarK wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2011 11:49 pahndah wrote:Wow no shout outs to Ceedim? Seriously  I almost kicked you yesterday for inactivity. 
Ceedim is pretty much one of the veteran old-timers in the Hatchery, how dare you kick think of kicking such an asset to your fighting force.
Edit: Grammar
On January 01 2011 09:20 genwar wrote: Or sitting on a gate outside the system where 7 titans have died in the past 30 minutes and not allowed to jump in or risk the node crashing.
Troll? Since when does the NC follow their FC's instructions? If you don't, there were 600 other dudes who did. vOv
did pl just leeroy another titan?