On December 31 2010 06:48 TurpinOS wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 06:41 KwarK wrote:WT logs on in emol so we send a semi afk guy to check the stations. Then Phisp sits in the station playing eve poker with the guests in the background and shouts when he undocks. He undocks and redocks so I get a nanodrake and sit 20k off undock with the rest of the fleet 1j away. A zealot undocks, I point it and attack and tell phisp to undock in his incursus. Zealot thinks he can kill the incursus and burn off out of point range. However in a nanodrake with thermodynamics V that's just not gonna happen. The rest of the fleet warps in eventually but the job is done. The drake catches up and dual webs him and it's very over. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=8408115 All I read was *blabla* look at me guys Im cool cause i have THERMODYNAMICS LEVEL 5 BIATCH *blablabla* rofl. trolling aside, nice job gayz also, nou lost another cane ?? ehehehhehe such a lie
Russian Federation3631 Posts
What a truly disgraceful zealot fit.
Nice job nonetheless.
United States42021 Posts
Whatever, that's close enough. :p
We were roaming earlier and found a red nh on a gate. Should have realised something was up when he didn't immediately warp (he jumped through gate as we were warping to it) but the system he'd come from was clear. We engaged and he burned back so we divided into two groups and started killing him on both sides of the gate. Another pirate cship showed up (I forget which) shortly followed by a rapier which hotdropped three capitals on us. I called a deaggress obviously and they killed the claymore a second before hyey was able to jump out. Quite an annoying loss but whatever.
I think they logged the rapier in, the nh must have just been baiting back and forth waiting for a roaming gang to come past. Quite annoying to lose a claymore on a gate because they have infinity EHP but I guess 3 caps justify it.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
Sounds like I'm missing out on so much.
On December 31 2010 06:48 TurpinOS wrote: also, nou lost another cane ?? ehehehhehe
im so fail
EVE is the mafia of MMOS theyre is so much crazy shiet that happens like bank robberys, burglaries and lieing and backstabing its crazy
On December 31 2010 02:42 sermokala wrote: well I just found this. I'm an industrialist with 4 accounts that lives in a wh mining abc's. I'm pretty much good on every industrial thing there is with some of my 0.0 alliance contacts and some really really old friends in pretty much everywhere. (Ie I literally know people invading fountain and people defending fountain and I know a few people who do the industrial side for Pl's current campaign. (if you don't think PL has the best industrialists in the game you don't know how 0.0 works)
I'm pretty much just doing my own thing right now with my current buddies so just pm me if you want an answer to a question I'll answer it to the best of my attention.
anyone use bombers in this corp? they form a very good alpha core even without the bombs. Also hellcats are very good ONLY with guardians but with guardians they are as good as you hear.
I just laughed for about ten minutes straight.
From what I've read the russians have some of the best industrialist (and RMT macro miners/ratters). How else do you think they are able to make a profit in the Drone regions when all they get are minerals over there (and subsequently pay PL with supercaps [supposedly]).
[02:17:39] KwaK UK > o/ [02:17:46] Litharis > ? [02:19:21] KwaK UK > hey can u give me some isk? [02:19:45] Litharis > Oh yeah anything you need kwaK UK [02:19:56] KwaK UK > 1 mill would be fine [02:20:28] Litharis > Waiiit [02:20:47] Litharis > KwaK UK just made like 2b. why do you need 1mill [02:21:05] KwaK UK > meh more on somerblink [02:21:17] Litharis > Ok, I loled [02:21:30] KwaK UK > 
They know you a little too well.
Oh god Blink. So tempting, yet a good way to lose isk according to statistics (minus the promos; Kwark does not deserve that mach) ~_~;;;
It depends on how you define industrialist, I guess. Just pure isk-accumulation is probably some trader/speculator.
But if you define it more traditionally, as some, you know, engaged in actual industry (building shit), there are a few huge supercap builders. PL definitely isn't one though, there is no in-alliance supercap production at all anymore.
So tonight we had a lot of brand new players online and I decided to take a fleet out on a learning experience.
5x t1 (very very t1) rifters 1x t1.5 rifter 1x t1 griffin Me in a retarded punisher
We went through lowsec, and it was very very boring so, I decided that even though it was for most of them a first or second roam ever, we would go into nullsec.
We get into bvip, and see that a vaga is following us, he lands on 0 on gate with us, other side of the gate is cleared, he agresses our griffin, and, and, I TELL THEM TO FIGHTTTTTTTTTTT
So yeah, lets just say a vaga is not the best target to engage. In the end we lost pretty much everything we had.
Some people will tell me that I was retarded for calling the engage on the vaga, but I kinda expected us to all get slaughtered when I did so. I knew we were lacking on the dps side but the truth is, you can kill as much 1 month old retarded players ratting in lowsec as you want, youre still not gonna learn much.
Now, in a single engagement, I thought to 7 brand new players : -What disengaging means and how its done -What ships kill frigates -That you should kill drones before anything else when youre in a frig (usually) -That you should get a close and fast orbit on such ships that have weapons that require tracking -What a bubble is and the fact that it gets your pod popped
Anyways, was fun for a learning experience, hilarious killboard below
reliable and patient teacher A+++++
On December 31 2010 13:13 OPSavioR wrote: so many losses...
Its actually the fact that a single guy popped us all that makes it hilarious
New people are the easiest to train to become good pvp pilots (which are hard to find). They don't come with the ego of pretending to know how to pvp.
On December 31 2010 13:39 pahndah wrote: New people are the easiest to train to become good pvp pilots (which are hard to find). They don't come with the ego of pretending to know how to pvp. like kwark...
jk jkjkjkjkjkjk
Kwark is hardheaded he learns from experience!!!!!
Russian Federation3631 Posts
Actually, while vagabonds are good at killing frigs, frigs are conversely a decent vaga's worst enemy (a taranis will kill a neutless-vagabond, for example, and an incursus + nosranis will often kill a med-neut vaga fit).
**Commence killboard stalking**
Ceragor The Corporation of Noble Sentiments None Vagabond (Heavy assault) 425mm AutoCannon II Hmm...the only decent 425mm fit, IIRC, flies like a brick (2TE/2gyro + ACR, you really have to sacrifice a lot to fit the mandatory med neut). Surprised you couldn't get under guns. (5 warriors vs ab rep fit rifter actually doesn't kill the rifter all that fast.)
Were most people hitting approach on the vaga? Once you get below 1 km even titanium sabot + dual 180mms will not track on an afterburning frigate and with multiple frigs in your gang its gg at that point.
On December 31 2010 15:54 419 wrote:Actually, while vagabonds are good at killing frigs, frigs are conversely a decent vaga's worst enemy (a taranis will kill a neutless-vagabond, for example, and an incursus + nosranis will often kill a med-neut vaga fit). **Commence killboard stalking** Show nested quote +Ceragor The Corporation of Noble Sentiments None Vagabond (Heavy assault) 425mm AutoCannon II Hmm...the only decent 425mm fit, IIRC, flies like a brick (2TE/2gyro + ACR, you really have to sacrifice a lot to fit the mandatory med neut). Surprised you couldn't get under guns. (5 warriors vs ab rep fit rifter actually doesn't kill the rifter all that fast.) Were most people hitting approach on the vaga? Once you get below 1 km even titanium sabot + dual 180mms will not track on an afterburning frigate and with multiple frigs in your gang its gg at that point.
Frig Vagabonds worst enemy?
No way...you can fairly safety harass a group of intys and be fine, even getting a few kills here and there with it. A neutless Vagabond is a shit vagabond so the only thing that can touch one is a huge amount of nos frigs which is RARE.
Now a hurricane? Run the hell away lol, vagabond fails hard against BC.