On December 03 2014 12:18 DiracMonopole wrote: I still dont understand why huge fleets dont have a single virtued prober with a squad of ab intys to repeatedly fleet warp at the tengus
I don't understand what you mean there Michael, I didn't see anything in this sentence about orbiting the anchor and pressing F1
You are not aggressive early enough vs those easy T1 frigs. You were faster than them, could have taken it too them. You were not pressing your advantage and flying to scared there. You COMPLETELY missed the ares. Should have been dead the second he closed to 16K on you. In general your speed of switching targets / keeping up with what was on the grid could use some improvement. IE shoot targets farther than 30ish K is what really killed your cap. Other than that, nice effort. You have come a long way in the last few weeks
Thanks for the criticism! I was kinda spooked about turning for the t1 frigs because I knew the rest of the blob would be landing right behind them. You can see the spot at 0:40 seconds where I should've reversed my orbit, bringing me back in range of the three mwd t1 hulls while simultaneously bringing myself away from the belt warpin. I also missed a chance to warp out at 1:22 and 1:35, which I should've taken considering the TD's were on field.
I absolutely need to be crisper selecting the right targets and being more grid-aware, that's what I'll work on when I go back tomorrow.
Rewatching fights is extremely helpful in improving piloting, I think I'm just gonna run OBS when I'm in space from now on.
Rhea is just around the corner and it’s got so much amazing stuff that the opt-in version of the star map overhaul almost snuck under the radar! Not to worry though, I’m here to tell you all about it so get ready to see some very exciting progress on one of EVE’s most fundamental features.
We’ve wanted to work on improving both the visual experience and usability of the map for some time now, but it took a kick in the pants from our recent new player user testing to move it all the way up the priority list. We have our eyes set on a range of improvements, so in Rhea you will only see the first stage of what we have in store. That said, we hope that many players will already prefer the beta map over the existing one.
Allow me to highlight a few of the most exciting changes coming in this release:
Yeah it was everyone south of fountain vs pl, plus bl, and then nc. showed up and forced the n3 alliances that were there to stop shooting pl, which meant that hero and bl gtfo'd.
Bisu you should write an essay on the bravenewbies reddit explaining that they knew 100% that NC were coming to help PL and that the fact that the NC supers dribbled in 2s and 3s through Catch on their way there completely unharassed is a colossal fuckup. NC could get onto grid to save PL's bacon but there was nobody who could get onto grid to save theirs. Their supers were spread across like 6 systems going gate to gate with a fair number of them going within 1j of V-3. There needed to be a bubble and delay them order at the very least, it would have gotten a number of PL super kills, but honestly if they'd actually thought about it they could have sent the large number of people who couldn't get to HED to catch the NC supers while they were separated and then killed those off with their superior subcap fleet and BL's assistance. They tunnel visioned hard and allowed the giant super blob to converge.