On October 16 2014 11:09 Jaaaaasper wrote: Kwark beyond being absurdly rich, do you know why reddit has such a hate boner for you? Also if micheal was being serious, how the fuck do you make that much money from eve, even assuming you are the turbo jew rmter reddit thinks you are. I mean assuming that someone is absurdly rich in a game and has no fear of rmting, how the fuck would anyone make that kind of rmt money.
KwarK is undoubtedly one of the richest players of EVE, particularly if you look over a long span of time. CCP watches such cases like a hawk. KwarK has had numerous alts banned in conjunction with his activities and had to go through a non-trivial process to get them unbanned, including sending significant evidence that everything he was doing was above-board. The thought of him getting away with some RMT scheme under CCP's nose is laughable.
Yeah I'm aware he doesn't rmt, at first I was just quoting reddit and then mid post I started wondering how much work someone would have to put into making that much money from rmt.
United States41987 Posts
Also the fact that you would ask if I RMT on a public forum when the topic was brought up due to people getting caught RMTing by posting about RMT on a forum is pretty funny. I have no idea about any of the answers to your questions as I have no knowledge of RMT or anything RMT related. I spend my time trying to get my eve isk pile as high as possible, ask me questions about how to make the pile larger, not smaller, and I can answer.
Okay assuming that 25 dollars is a billion isk, assuming that you have found the optimal way of making isk, how much time would you have to spend playing eve to make 75 to a 100 grand a year?
Also it appears I am bad at english, I was trying to ask that question at the beginning but it came out insulting. Sorry about that.
United States41987 Posts
$100,000/$25 would give you number of billions of isk needed to sell. Then you would take that number and divide it by billions of isk earned per hour in order to get number of hours. Additional hours would probably need to be added for the selling process itself however. Also with plex over .8b the $25 per billion number is probably unrealistic. But I expect you know all of that already.
Yeah the 25 per was something mentioned in the groon leak thread. I was just asking you because if anyone knows the optimal way to make isk in eve its probably you in regards to what the top amount of isk you could bring in with out botting blatantly to the point that even ccp could catch them with out them being stupid around vov.
Kwark has divided by zero, the most efficient way for kwark to make money is to mine.
In other news no one care about, I had my best ever game of dust yesterday. I went 71/5. My team lost, one of the win cons is to basically get 150 kills.
I need to buy a capture card for my ps3, it was glorious solo play (which is apparently dead in dust too as they say)
United States41987 Posts
I suspect I actually work harder than many for my isk, I have a lot of it because I actually quite like carebearing. Multiboxed mining is pretty good if done right thought, that's my current setup.
Let's talk Stealth Bombers! As we mentioned in the Travel Changes Dev Blog, we are doing rebalance passes on Bombers and Hictors in Phoebe.
Our plan for bombers in Phoebe has several aspects, all aimed at keeping bombers effective while strengthening their counters and allowing skilled fleets to protect themselves.:
A stat rebalance on the bombers themselves. Short version is significantly more HP, weaker agility, larger sig radius, more cargo (so that they can all carry 3 bombs), smidge more CPU, lower warp speed.
Cloaked ships will once again decloak each other if they come within 2km.
Reduction in HP (with increase in resists) for the damage bombs, so that they can be destroyed by (named or higher) medium smartbombs.
17% reduction in bomb speed, with associated flight time increase. This means that you'll have 12 seconds to react to bombs instead of 10. Range stays the same.
Doubling the effect of the Bomb Deployment skill, to 10% per level. This will allow people to bomb more often.
A new anti-capital void bomb with a tiny range and a large explosion radius. You need to land it right on your target but if you hit a cap ship it will eat a ton of cap.
New 10km radius interdiction probes. Intended to give fleets more options for bubbling themselves and pulling in opponents (including bombers) at undesired ranges.
Ccp throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Capsules can survive a bomb blast, how is that op? Isboxer is op, bombers were fine
I like the new void bomb though, it's a nice idea
United States41987 Posts
Corp chat when a hostile gang roams through 6VDT
[16:33:26] Wrathful Penguins > o/ [19:00:54] Captain Sitark > lol 6vdt [19:02:56] Captain Sitark > are we getting fcuked in 6vdt there is a lot of tham [19:03:26] Captain Sitark > http://i.imgur.com/MK6SSh4.png [19:07:05] Captain Sitark > is any on here [19:09:47] Wrathful Penguins > I am [19:10:00] Clavain Davaham > same here [19:11:03] Captain Sitark > just log in to see the russias in 6vdt lol [19:11:34] Wrathful Penguins > yeah, it's all over [19:11:36] Wrathful Penguins > evacuate fountain [19:11:39] Wrathful Penguins > russians have it now [19:12:18] Captain Sitark > have what ?? [19:12:24] Wrathful Penguins > all fountain [19:13:28] Captain Sitark > WTF [19:13:43] Captain Sitark > so we ant going to war [19:13:56] Wrathful Penguins > grab any ships you can before you can't even dock in the stations [19:14:07] Wrathful Penguins > put everything in one industrial and run for the border with goons [19:14:13] Wrathful Penguins > it's all over [19:15:26] Captain Sitark > i cant do that lol [19:15:58] Captain Sitark > how did this happen ?? [19:16:14] Wrathful Penguins > we failcascaded after Loq stood down [19:16:18] Wrathful Penguins > turns out we needed pearcy [19:16:32] Captain Sitark > no one told me to get out [19:16:39] Wrathful Penguins > I'm telling you now [19:17:01] Captain Sitark > if i go out they well kill me [19:17:11] Wrathful Penguins > gotta risk it man [19:17:21] Wrathful Penguins > you don't have much time [19:17:31] Wrathful Penguins > but don't take jb [19:17:36] Wrathful Penguins > 6vdt jb is already down [19:18:26] Captain Sitark > no one see this happening [19:18:40] Wrathful Penguins > were you not there for the SOFA? [19:19:01] Captain Sitark > this as killed me i cant rebuild i have lost billins of isk [19:19:19] Wrathful Penguins > better biomass, scorched earth policy [19:22:01] Wrathful Penguins > deny the russians the glory of your stuff [19:22:09] Wrathful Penguins > see you on the other side [19:23:26] Clavain Davaham > I've already moved out long ago [19:23:32] Clavain Davaham > #noloqnovictory [19:24:51] Wrathful Penguins > http://evenews24.com/2014/10/08/fatal-ascension-autumn-drama/ [19:26:48] Captain Sitark > therehave lift 6vdt [19:27:02] Wrathful Penguins > then we may yet survive this siege
I somehow couldn't escalate it to the point where he would realise my first response was a joke.
United States41987 Posts
no longer any hostiles in local, still cannot escalate it sufficiently high
[19:26:48] Captain Sitark > therehave lift 6vdt [19:27:02] Wrathful Penguins > then we may yet survive this siege [19:29:23] Captain Sitark > i need some one with a JF to halp me get out lol [19:29:44] Wrathful Penguins > contract me all your items and I'll get them moved out with the last of my stuff [19:30:04] Clavain Davaham > that's what i did [19:30:27] Captain Sitark > theys a lot for it lol [19:30:34] Captain Sitark > of [19:30:48] Wrathful Penguins > just the most precious ones then, take only what you can carry [19:30:56] Wrathful Penguins > we may not be able to get back [19:31:44] Clavain Davaham > I left a bunch of stuff behind [19:32:25] Wrathful Penguins > there was only room in the JF for half my family of characters [19:32:31] Wrathful Penguins > I don't know when I'll see the other half again [19:33:17] Wrathful Penguins > I'll never forget the look in that Brutor woman's eyes [19:33:20] Captain Sitark > lol [19:34:18] Captain Sitark > can i ask where FA new home is lol [19:34:51] Wrathful Penguins > Station: D2-HOS I [19:34:55] Wrathful Penguins > it's our lifeboat in goon space [19:35:10] Wrathful Penguins > I'm there right now [19:35:14] Wrathful Penguins > local is all FA [19:35:41] Captain Sitark > well there is a lot of fa herein 6vdt [19:35:51] Wrathful Penguins > evacuation is ongoing [19:36:58] Wrathful Penguins > you really need to listen to the SOFA recording [19:37:05] Wrathful Penguins > although the en24 article gives good background [19:37:20] Wrathful Penguins > it's all happened so suddenly [19:37:26] Wrathful Penguins > with the leadership change and the military collapse
Kwark, I think I know how you feel when you suddenly come across shit you forgot you had. I just found 1000 firetails on a character that I didn't know I had. Granted, it's only like 8b on buy orders right now, but still. Kinda nice to suddenly find 8b like that.
I logged into it just to plex it.
Congrats on Gorski Car becoming moderator of EVE Reddit (r/eve)
Lalalaland34484 Posts
United States41987 Posts