On November 23 2010 08:10 KwarK wrote: Gorrlax, my LP has built up a bit. If you don't come back soon I am going to cause a crash from which prices may never recover. Last time Rens, this time, the world.
tell me when you do because i've got like a million units of rf fusion m on arach
oh god...
Guess I wont be selling ammo anytime soon...
On November 23 2010 07:18 bN` wrote: The only time I saw a lachesis was when darkside would come around to scalding pass everyday and beat the shit out of us with their drake fleet, keeping the primary pointed at 90km.
Other than that they might as well not exist.
Tbh, I could see a well flown lachesis being a huge asset to Hatchery drake gangs. Admittedly, they're a bit less crazyily effective if you don't have a CS boosting, but they're still pretty nasty.
Nothing like thinking you're out of point range and aligned then... Hello Faffy!!!
United States42004 Posts
Night went well. We're flooded with new members atm (7 in 2 days) but they're getting trained up and getting on ops so it's all good. Even had two day old guys come with us today and see the basics of hisec war and lowsec piracy. The op couldn't have gone better. Caelum was scouting them out and found 8 or something in their home system with 3 sitting at 0 on the station. Naturally they still refused to engage him despite the odds and he was a little reluctant to 1v8. He batphoned me and I showed up with a ham drake and a scimmy and Caelum was able to bait them out. A brutix (bc), rupture (c) and abaddon (bs) all went after his hurricane (bc) and immediately turned and ran the moment I hit local with penguins. We chased them down (btw they still had the better fleet at this point, it's just we've smashed them down so often their mentality is always to run from anything) and killed the brutix and rupture while the abaddon redocked. Nou then told us he had a raven on a belt in the adjacent lowsec so we ran there and arrived in time to rep his shields (cruise raven lol) and take that kill. So a war victory, a bit of station camping and some spiteful lowsec piracy, the new guys got a very good picture of how we do business.
As we strolled home because they were never gonna undock again Lucefir told us he was scanning down a cane in his cane when a pilgrim jumped him. We made best speed but it was somewhat hampered by him not being on vent, not being in fleet, being unable to put himself on fleet despite it being open for anyone to join and being unable to tell us where he was because he can't count. We arrived in time to see him die and claim the pilgrim kill (worth around x4 his loss) so a pretty big win for the fleet there while the loss rests entirely in the hands of individual incompetence. The pilgrim pilot was actually quite a nice guy too and we set up a 1v1 which I won. Didn't kill his ship though because he was a good sport about it.
The war is now going very well. Yet more kills and they are losing members at a tremendous rate. By my count they've lost 6 in the last 24 hours and it's the higher skilled members that are going. Their leader has rebutted any attempts to resolve this diplomatically and has instead turned their POS into a death star and invited us to attack it if we can. However I think we'd rather just keep killing their members over and over until they all quit or he pays up.
Was fun to tag along for that and see how it would be done if I had some that did damage. Set up a skill queue on EVEMon with all the basic stuff, and then a skilling up to fly a cane with 90% of the setup for the one in the corp fittings, any other things that would be good to train afterwards? I was thinking about planning for Core Capacity after I finished that.
On November 23 2010 15:29 KwarK wrote: The war is now going very well. Yet more kills and they are losing members at a tremendous rate. By my count they've lost 6 in the last 24 hours and it's the higher skilled members that are going. Their leader has rebutted any attempts to resolve this diplomatically and has instead turned their POS into a death star and invited us to attack it if we can. However I think we'd rather just keep killing their members over and over until they all quit or he pays up.
losing a crazy amount of members, you guys are beating em up pretty good. and LOL @ Death star. you guys are making me sad that I re-founded an old corporation with some guys and didn't catch TL beforehand. If anything goes awry here (we're kind of stale in the water at the moment) I will be sure and give Kwark or someone a poke in SCBW.
Okay Kwark, its time for our secret weapon, Break out the dreads, we need to take that pos down. All dreads to the high-sec out gate go.
Hope I can join you guys before this lot surrenders; this war business sounds like a hell of a lot of fun!
can dread even get into highsec? lol it would be awsome if we can take that pos down though.
United States42004 Posts
We won't be able to take it down anytime soon. However a quick read of their site tells me they use it for production and have a collection of BPOs there which is pretty interesting to me. It also tells me they're unlikely to surrender anytime soon. This means two things, firstly they have money and assets that we want to make them give us and secondly that their position will continue to get weaker while ours simultaneously gets stronger. We will be able to destroy that pos in a month or two, we already have a dozen bs pilots with more training all the time meanwhile they are losing members. I have absolutely no problem with keeping this war going indefinitely because they're doing nothing to inconvenience my carebearing activities, clearly their members feel differently.
I feel I'll leave it another week and then have a talk, our first real diplomatic contact, with their leader. He could always let his corp die out of spite but I don't really want to kill it and I doubt he really wants to make me.
I was joking Guilford. You can't bring carriers or dreads into high sec from low/0.0.
As a POS owner myself, I can tell you that if they defend it and it is a faction medium or large tower with guns, ewar and hardeners, you'll need a lot more than a dozen Battleships. Especially if they can manually take control of the guns.
United States42004 Posts
Can you give me a rough idea of what I'd need then? It's a minmatar tower I believe (didn't say size) with small and medium autocannons on it.
United States12546 Posts
On November 23 2010 18:20 KwarK wrote: Can you give me a rough idea of what I'd need then? It's a minmatar tower I believe (didn't say size) with small and medium autocannons on it. ...can't you go scout it out?
United States42004 Posts
On November 23 2010 18:26 motbob wrote:Show nested quote +On November 23 2010 18:20 KwarK wrote: Can you give me a rough idea of what I'd need then? It's a minmatar tower I believe (didn't say size) with small and medium autocannons on it. ...can't you go scout it out? I can give you a screenshot of it if you want, I'd still be no closer to knowing what I'd need to beat it. I've never engaged in pos warfare, I'm just told that my usual approach of "we can take it" might be flawed in this one case.
United States12546 Posts
If it said just "Minmatar Control Tower", that means it's a large.
If its a large and they've set it up to be a deathstar in any remotely competent fashion, you won't be able to take it out. You'll also have to take into account the reinforcement timer and the fact that he can just move his stuff out right as its about to fall in a cloaky hauler or something.
Also if it is a large, even undefended it'll take you more than an hour of shooting at it non stop with 10K+ dps just to bring down the shields.
When I get home I could a picture of my own POS for comparison, which I'm reasonbly sure would need a fleet of 40+ Battleships focus firing the right modules to take it down. It has the guns and ewar strategicly spaced out and divided across a diamond pattern to avoid any blindspots or orbital trickery.
The main thing is, when you can take manual control of the guns (as I can), you can insta pop Logistics and even Battleships. POS guns get insane modifiers like 72x with 200km+ range, an additional 200km+ falloff and they can use faction ammo. Now assume there is about 12-24 of those gun batteries. If you kill one, I can just online another. Range won't matter much at that point and constant neuting and ECM on top of that can make it very very difficult for a fleet to stay alive.
I don't do much special at my POS other than constant Invention, my most expensive BP is probably that of an Arbitrator. If I got decced, I'd still unachor all the labs, turn on the hardeners (doubling the HP) and be ready for a fight. Assume they'd do the same.
My POS, with hardeners included has nearly 50million HP to chew through. Don't forget that once the shield hits 25%, stront can make it invulnerable for about 36 hours max, but they can modify the amount and have the POS come out of reinforced at a time(zone) of their choosing.
If possible, try to find out if any of them could have Starbase Defense Management. It requires Anchoring V, so they may not have it.
Without manual focus, the logistics won't get focused down and can keep everyone alive, making it a lot easier.
Still, you'll have to decide if the POS is even worth engaging. In low-sec you got Dreads that make it a cake walk unless they bring an equally sized fleet, but in high-sec it can be mental.
Things to watch out for:
Faction Neutralizer Batteries, these babies got 3million HP and neut 1200 cap every 10 seconds. Coupled with focus fire, they hurt...a lot. They won't need more than 2-3 to make a POS that much harder to kill.
ECM + Damps: Most effective on Caldari Towers, but depending on how they set it up, it can double or triple the time you need to take down the POS by virtue of constantly having to relock at a slow rate and at a closer distance than you might like.
On November 23 2010 18:41 pahndah wrote: If its a large and they've set it up to be a deathstar in any remotely competent fashion, you won't be able to take it out. You'll also have to take into account the reinforcement timer and the fact that he can just move his stuff out right as its about to fall in a cloaky hauler or something.
Also if it is a large, even undefended it'll take you more than an hour of shooting at it non stop with 10K+ dps just to bring down the shields.
when in doubt, do as we always do...
break out the rifter blob!
I flew out and took a look at it. Kwark won't be able to take it down. Its a minmatar large pos with about 25 med ac/arties and 15 small ac/arties. About 5-6 neuts, and about 10 ecms. There's also a bunch of hardeners so apparently this guy does know how to fit a somewhat sensible deathstar.