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United States41980 Posts
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France284 Posts
On January 26 2013 22:45 KwarK wrote: My pos system fixes all of the above. Just sayin'. Fixes what I said about poses in my second post, I agree completely. Doesn't really fixes the deeper problems of highsec I stated in the previous post (I edited while people posted...). It could still be a good improvement, I agree. | ||
United States41980 Posts
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Germany3208 Posts
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United States41980 Posts
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Lalalaland34483 Posts
On January 26 2013 23:24 KwarK wrote: Then we should make missions have captcha rats which have dps that increases over time unless you identify the captcha. Holy crap Kwark for CSM gogo | ||
Germany3208 Posts
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France284 Posts
On January 26 2013 23:09 KwarK wrote: The problem with moving away from missions towards more "productive" areas of PvE is bots imo. Bots will always depress the market until it's shitty whereas missions are naturally quite interactive. Either that or just get rid of belts and replace them with probable mining belts (grav sites?) with low amounts of ore in them but the ore refines into a LOT of stuff. Unless a probing bot exists that'd mean you couldn't just set a bot going at a belt and then it'd happily munch roids and make you rich because regular probing would be required but at the same time mining income would go up which would be good for everyone. Agreed, more importance to grav sites could be part of the plan. Not sure if probing could cause real problems to bots though. But having probing as something useful for mining could create interactions between explorers and miners (mining corps would need some explorers to spot sites). Maybe you could keep belts, but with them giving a really low income, so that miners can still start with belts, but are pulled into either exploring or getting a corp with explorers to make a real profit. Bots are already a problem with missions, but instead of spamming the market with products, they create money, which isn't ideal either. The problem here is botting more than the feature. it could be addressed by making mining and industry more interactive. Which would be needed anyway to pull people into it. But as I said, I think highsec need a balance between exploring, missionning, more "random but easy to access sites, FW like", and mining (and maybe PI, and other forms of harvesting). At the moment, highsec exploring is quite bad and tedious (most of the sites are useless), missions are taking most of the space and mining takes what remains. Using exploring as an enabler for the other activities seems like a good way to approach things. It would push people towards more interactions. One thing I have learned, and I think too much people oversee is that yes, you can drag some of the highsec people towards low/null if you give them big enough incentives and a nice, steady way towards more risk (instead of the current cliff between nearly no risk and complete exposure to risk), but you won't pull all of them into it. Not even half of them. The industry people, some of the harvesting people, yes, you have your chances. They already interact with other people around them to make their part of the game work, and if the incentive is big enough, some of them will move towards riskier areas of the game. But most of the "carebears" ones? A lot of the mission runners and miners can't accept that other players will blow up their ship, even if the reward is far greater and the risk minimal. You could say that they don't belong to EVE, but I think that as long as you can integrate them in the big cycle of harvesting, creating and destroying, they're a meaningful part of it, and will be drawn towards more interaction. The problem is, the best possibility for their game play at the moment (missions) isn't interactive at all. Draw them towards harvesting and creating, and they will slowly turn into the previously mentioned group. The, you can tempt them with bigger things to harvest and create. Edit : Or just have it as soon as you undock in highsec, you have to solve the captcha, else concord kills you. Would get rid of the courier bots too. Why just highsec? But I think this will just annoy the crap out of the non-bots players. You have to make it more fun and interactive if you want to do a system to distinguish bots. | ||
Germany3208 Posts
Nullsec ratting bots on the other hand have only ISK income. But in the end i think they cancel each other out pretty well, because we don't actually see inflation. | ||
France284 Posts
On January 26 2013 23:35 Warri wrote: Mission bots do, in fact, provide items more than ISK. The ISK part of missions is tiny compared to the LP part and (i figure most of them do it) the salvage part. Nullsec ratting bots on the other hand have only ISK income. But in the end i think they cancel each other out pretty well, because we don't actually see inflation. LPs are more important than ISK if you blitz missions, but I'm not sure it's the case if you do them the long way and kill all npcs (if they salvage, it's logical they do). I'm not sure how mission bots do operate, though. We don't actually see inflation because people stockpile ISK. Inflation happens if the money moving in the system increase faster than the quantity of things happening in the system. But non-moving ISK won't really create inflation. The quantity of money in EVE is still growing steadily. | ||
United States41980 Posts
My fleet chat (with dudes I offered my maxed out links to in local) [14:42:39] Goujuuma > why are you mining ice btw? [14:43:09] Vaun Lucifer > why else do you mine ice for fuel lol [14:44:27] Goujuuma > you mine ice to fuel your own pos? [14:46:24] Vaun Lucifer > yes i know im not in a corp but its being setup were kinda knew to this we just left a rundown alliance and corp and are branching out on our own now and settig up the pos as we speak [14:47:11] Vaun Lucifer > so we are taking turns getting the fuel now | ||
United States41980 Posts
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United States41980 Posts
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Johnny Business
Sweden1251 Posts
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United States41980 Posts
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Canada3368 Posts
On January 26 2013 23:53 KwarK wrote: Also are incursions still any good or completely fucked since the nerf? I think they're down to 80 million per character. But it's not Vanguards and only Vanguards now, also the Incursion FC's are terrible and slow and retarded so you end up at like 50m an hour or less. Even the big famous groups/FC's that run the large sites, they are just risk averse and slow and retarded, despite this they are famous in the circle. | ||
Finland753 Posts
Does anyone have a clue about what concord lp is worth? | ||
Sweden182 Posts
On January 26 2013 23:51 KwarK wrote: Captcha rats which scram you, keep up with you, can only be killed by solving the captcha and have slowly increasing dps over time with a 50m bounty would work. Have them in null, low and high on belts, missions and sites. If you were at your computer and being an average highsec bear then "holy shit, 50m, bank!". If you just went afk for a few minutes you'd be fine because the dps would start incredibly low. If you ran bots then you'd lose golems after 20 minutes or so when it finally got the dps to break its tank. They would also keep you in space if you disconnected. Getting popped after 200 words in row in cyrillic. | ||
Sweden83 Posts
On January 26 2013 08:36 Firebolt145 wrote: None of the recruiters are on atm. What is your ingame name btw? ign is "Blargaharg". Surname might be Thelleri but I can't remember, I just randomized. | ||
United States41980 Posts
On January 27 2013 00:03 solsken wrote: Getting popped after 200 words in row in cyrillic. It's not like cyrillic captchas don't exist. They could pick their captcha language. You could always make it an opt out feature. Have a box that you tick that makes captcha rats not appear if you don't want the easy iskies and then CCP can focus their attentions on those that opt out. | ||
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