Metagaming in EVE - Page 52
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Slovenia504 Posts
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United States350 Posts
On July 25 2009 07:29 Bill307 wrote: Guess I have to spell this out for you: bN was being sarcastic. You have telepathic connection with him? And no it's fine bN, i just thought it was pretty messed to act like those things are macho and fun to laugh about. It's like laughing about landmines in cambodia. | ||
Canada69 Posts
On July 26 2009 08:53 BisuBoi wrote: You have telepathic connection with him? And no it's fine bN, i just thought it was pretty messed to act like those things are macho and fun to laugh about. It's like laughing about landmines in cambodia. Debbie downer over here. | ||
United States1081 Posts
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Canada9103 Posts
On July 29 2009 00:14 number1gog wrote: This used to be a good thread..... Then EVE got quiet... ![]() | ||
United States163 Posts
EVE didn't get quiet at all. Do you guys even play EVE? There's more pew than ever! | ||
United States1081 Posts
Plenty of pew, but it was the Haargoth/BoB/Mittens backstory that made it so good before. Now that it's all over it's..... quiet. CAOD is the same goonthread reincarnations week after week, and C&P has month long lulls between good story thread. Amamake is getting gay and blobby, so I've moved to high sec for ninja salvage. It can be fun but meh... | ||
United States2140 Posts
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Canada978 Posts
The City of Heroes board shtuff is done, and the thread is back up, but at a new URL. Here's the most recent page: As a plus it looks like the amount of posts per page has been doubled. | ||
Belgium122 Posts
On August 02 2009 20:49 General Nuke Em wrote: My fake reset backbone. I mean goddamn I hardly play EVE at all these days and here's me killing a dude from Red Alliance, now a goon pet. My fake reset overlords will not be happy. On a more serious note, what do you expect? "Yeah sure we'll fight tooth and nail alongside you for 3 years to defeat your arch nemesis and take Delve, ok we're done now bye we don't give a fuck if you get rolled over 2 weeks from now"? Yes there are certain people we like to shoot more than others, and nobody is above forming alliances/coalitions/blobs whether they be permanent or temporary if its in their interests to do so. Goons aren't on the front of the list of people we would rather shoot and Delve isn't high on the regions of r64 moons to take over, but we shoot them just as happily as anybody else if that's the only fight in town. I dare say the PL reset was genuine, considering the fact PL and the Northern Coalition have been blowing the crap out of each others dreadnought fleets. I can see some neutrals in the fight as well. General Nuke Em, what's the story behind Cry Havoc and others fighting on your side? | ||
Serbia1416 Posts | ||
Canada599 Posts
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United States1293 Posts
On August 05 2009 00:04 e4e5nf3 wrote: What are the former BoB players doing right now? I'm assuming all of them didn't cancel their accounts after they lost their space. Have they decided to join up with other corps and alliances? They had some pretty good PVPers from what I hear so their talents could be put to some use. A small number of them did, in fact, cancel their accounts and join other alliances. However, most of them are sitting in their respective corporations (Black Nova Corp, Destructive Influence, Finfleet, Evolution, and Reikoku). Some are participating in "factional warfare" while others, such as DICE, are shooting just about everyone. No-one knows what ex-BoB plans to do. I think its pretty obvious that they are trying to wait it out, since none of the corps have tried to join any alliance. The Factional Warfare might just be a guise in order to draw attention away from BNC and RKK; FW is certainly not a replacement for 0.0 combat. Perhaps they are waiting for the "grand reset" some predict in the near future, or for sovereignty rules to change. We can only wait and see. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Also that guy who sold his character so he could send me ISK was told he would get his stuff back if he sang for us. Unfortunately i'm in France so i couldn't give it back if i wanted too. Some stupid pledge involving declaring his allegiance to Allah Don't stop believing Killing in the name of We could have got more but he was at work and his boss came over and told him to shut up. | ||
Canada978 Posts
The obvious answer is that they're different people with the same name on different forums, but I'm curious if there's more to it. | ||
40426 Posts
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Serbia1416 Posts
On August 05 2009 00:04 e4e5nf3 wrote: What are the former BoB players doing right now? I'm assuming all of them didn't cancel their accounts after they lost their space. Have they decided to join up with other corps and alliances? They had some pretty good PVPers from what I hear so their talents could be put to some use. We killed waagaa ktlehr (bob fc and the guy who lost the MS in the delve war) and his sniper gang last night, so theyre still playing :D And theyre still in their old corps. I dunno about their talents, but they got caught by a bc blob in sniper hacs, that isn't very good. | ||
Belgium122 Posts
As always, the guys on the CoH boards deliver and give us: All incarnations of the Fat Bee. The Great War - Scroll edition This is a must-read. A history of the First Delve War, Tapistry of Bayeux style. Plenty of jokes and awesome graphics. The font is a bit hard to read, so here's a transcript: + Show Spoiler + 1. For Darius JOHNSON and zapawork, on the conquest of Delve for Vadinho, Zastrow, and Vio Geraci for inspiration and for newbies. In the name of the prophet Karttoon. 2. Once upon a time there were two alliances. One was favored by the devs. They could do no wrong, and any who exposed their gifts was baniced from the land. The other had to fight tooth and nail for a single belt of crokite. (Pictured: SirMolle receiving gifts from the devs; Kugutsumen banished for exposing that) SirMolle, the leader of Band of Brothers, was afraid to challenge equal opponents even with his dev favors, lets his K ratio suffer. So he sent forth his army of highly skilled men and transvestites to massacre the weak. Refusing to engage, GoonSwarm's young pilots hid and sold their enemies overpriced Caracals until SirMolle's patience wore thin. He departed, declaring a premature victory. Goons were furious at the loss of our wealthy customers and swore revenge. For his part, SirMolle resented our refusal to pad his killboard. Also once one of his minions got himself run over by a truck and SirMolle held a grudge against anyone deemed insufficiently grief-strucken over it. Some people are very judgemental. (Pictured: the Smoske incident) 3. As time passed, Goonswarm allied itself with Red Alliance and Tau Ceti Federation and stormed the southeast. Eager to take credit for Lotka Volterra's presumed victory, SirMolle declared war too. When we annihilated Lotka Volterra and pressed westward, only his titans gave him the courage to continue the fight. In those days, logged-on titans were unstoppable and SirMolle ceaselessly abused his power to kill even lone frigates. Frustated, our founder Remedial urged a full retreat. When we refused, he stole the ham from our very mouths and abdicated his throne to The Mittani. Equally frustrated, The Mittani declared war on the devs. Goons eagerly leapt into a threadnought from which few emerged unharmed; The Mittani himself was crippled. As the impossibility of victory grew clear, he ordered a ceasefire, appointed Sesfan Qu'lah his successor, and wheeled himself into the shadows. Only to be mauled by a bear, poor guy. (Pictured: SirMolle remote doomsdaying a frigate gang as cartographers Roffer and Colonel Ives watch) 4. Unmoved by our drama, Band of Brothers continued the slaughter. To protect our first mothership, still cooking in 0P-U0Q, the lieutenant Suas successfully distracted the enemy with easy kills from coked-up SpecOps cannon fodder in XGH-SH. To evacuate our second mothership's components to safety, he and Nync POS spammed the system. (Pictured: POS spam; xttz has a mothership) When we noticed that SirMolle was relocating towers from 9-980U to XGH-SH to compete with our spam, we saw an opportunity to recapture that system. One horde of angry Russians and a few logisticians later, Band of Brothers' progress was halted forever. (Pictured: angry Russians, Grayton and Stampert doing logistics) 5. GoonSwarm's efforts were aided by Bane Glorious, a holy man who daily begged the devs to end titan invulnerability. During the defense of XGH-SH they finally reached the end of his manifesto and answered his prayers. SirMolle knew the devs' will but arrogantly continued smiting frigates until Hrin caught him at it. Then Band of Brothers was helpless to save their leader despite DigitalCommunist's best rhetoric. (Pictured: the death of Shrike) 6. Desperately needing a titan to compensate for certain inadequacies, SirMolle seized a subordinate's. Our efforts to kill this one went, shall we say, rather less favorably. (Pictured: Molle steals Hegemon Rast's titan; Suas mourns Nyx and caps lost in the massacre in ZID) Our allies had better luck. Tau Ceti Federation steamrolled through Omist. In Catch, Red Alliance and Against All Authorities killed a titan on their own. SirMolle refused to steal a replacement for Seleene, insisting that a transvestite should be glad to be relieved of the thing. Mercenary Coalition muttered bitterly but bowed to their master. (Pictured: TCF ; Seleene mourns her Ragnarok) 7. Further south in RIT-A7, a handful of Black Ops and Pandemic Legion ships had been terrorizing the Band of Brothers pet R i s e for weeks. Now a goon prophet arose to minister to our enemy, to warn them of SirMolle's infidelity and to reveal that Band of Brothers had no intention of providing the protection R i s e had paid for. Unable to handle the truth, even after a disastrous pep-talk by Yaay confirmed it, R i s e continued to wait for rescue. When the Eye of Terror opened, R i s e was finished. Spurred on by chat porn from Band of Brothers' countless cascading pets, the full weight of GoonSwarm landed on the triangle. Laughing at R i s e's misplaced loyalty and Firmus Ixion's faith in a false god, we decimated R i s e's carrier gate camps, broke their Sov4, and laid waste to their land. (Pictured: RoyOfCa's "PEOPLE OF RISE" propaganda; Sesfan and Papa Digger being awesome ; Apple Boy looting wrecks ; The Mittani receiving intelligence) 8. With his buffer of puppet-states collapsing, SirMolle realized he could not hold back the Red Swarm Federation. Abandoning his vassals to evacuate their armor tanked Rokhs on their own, he ordered his soldiers back to Delve. And so the prophesies of RoyOfCa came to pass. Band of Brothers packed into Delve, fat with new recruits plundered from dying pets. Occasionally they puzzled over their lack of allies and released videos claiming victimhood in the war they had begun. (Pictured: BoB withdrawal from Omist, Feythabolis and Paragon Soul; dudes chilling) The Red Swarm Federation also pressed on to Delve, divvying up our new territories and gaining new allies, including the Mercenary Coalition. Finally fed up with SirMolle's heterosexism and flatered by Suas' paean(?) Seleene threw her lot in with us. (Pictured: Scavok killing the fleeing enemies ; Tortuga casting Molle aside) 9. With great fanfare, GoonSwarm took QY6-RK and our first foothold in Delve. Sesfan Qu'lah attempted to name the station to honour an enemy commander, but was thwarted by the devs, citing the lady's enormously delicate sensibilities. Even today those who dare to speak her name are struck mute. (Pictured: conga around Skynet ; Suas making songs ; wounded tiger) At last we forced our way into NOL-M9. As SirMolle had a prior engagement showing Thai children his titan, the defense of Band of Brothers' home system fell to his deputy, Jake Noble. Unfortunately for GoonSwarm, Miners with Attitude was simply better than us. After a bitter fight our flagship Rorqual was destroyed and we were pushed back into QY6-RK. (Pictured: the loss of Oort's Erebus) 10. Samhandwich astride Sally, his Wyvern class mothership that was aborted and then raised from the dead, as the prophet Karttoon promised all good goons will be, except Sally's seventy two virgins had neckbeards...? (Pictured: Sally) Pressing the advantage, Band of Brothers drove us from QY6-RK. Faced with eight titans, cynojammers, and jump bridges, and abandoned by both the duplicitous Seleene and our exhausted allies, goon corpses littered the landscape. Realizing that despite conquering seven regions he was no closer to slaying SirMolle, Sesfan Qu'Lah resigned and appointed Darius JOHNSON our leader. (Pictured: BoB titans stomping goons ; Seleene begs to SirMolle ; Sesfan passes leadership to Darius) 11. With one last halfhearted cap battle, the Great War floundered to a close. GoonSwarm withdrew to our new southern territories, to amuse each other, or hit rehab, or explore our feminine side. And a new prophet arose to lead us in the way of the jihad, and pubby miners wept and paid mercenaries small fortunes to chase our brave jihadis and died nonetheless. And the prophet Karttoon smiled. At long last deciding that blatant favoritism was bad and oversight was good, the devs declared an election for an advisory council. As a negro scarred by disenfranchisement, our leader insisted every goon vote and both he and Bane Glorious were elected. Their combined skill was fortunately enough to check the council chair, a debaunched courtesan determined to reshape the very universe to reverse her compatriots' history of unmitigated failures. (Pictured: Stoffer Ninjapirate's ascension to a dev, dudes chilling, Poluketes dazzling everyone with animated Little Bees; Darius and Bane arguing with Jade Constantine in CSM council; the jihad against highsec miners) 12. Unsatisfied to merely advise the devs, Darius JOHNSON deployed the fleet to Geminate to exact punishment for Peoke's terrible spelling. The early campaign was marked by the loss of deadtear's titan, to the delight of the enemy and goons alike. Buoyed by this good omen, GoonSwarm proceeded to obliterate Smash and R0ADKILL despite their diligent use of multispecs. (Pictured: the loss of deadtear's Erebus ; nicnivin seduces BobVII) (Pictured: the Smash campaign) 13. Victorious, GoonSwarm returned home to consolidate our space and reclaim some moons from Stain Empire. Jealous of our northern frolic, SirMolle briefly invaded the Northern Coalition and, determined to outdo us, lost two titans. The rest of his band of ex-pets followed his example, proving themselves worthless under any alliance name. (Pictured: NC kills Molle's titans ; goons shooting SE towers ; Hoegaarden along with all of GROON is kicked out of Goonswarm) A minor disagreement over the merits of Ebay mushroomed when nync's old corp heartlessly slew a goon. After Red Alliance sided with us and expelled the corp, nync was forced to shop for new allies. Sadly the best he and his aluminum magnate could buy was a tubby kid in need of a dentist. (Pictured: disagreements over the BJD4 deadspace complex; various Russian factions) 14. When Darius JOHNSON sounded the Horn of Goondor, prying 0oyz from nync's cold, dead hands in Russian prime proved laughably easy. Conveniently concerned for his wounded bosom friends, SirMolle fled the Northern Coalition and opened a second front against us. Unwilling to let him off that easily, the Northern Coalition followed him south. GoonSwarm, for our part, refused to be distracted from our valiant fight against game bugs. (Pictured: siege of 0oyz; BobFromMarketing loses a MS; various sieging and a wizard is smoking weed and fighting a dragon and the dragon's fire breath is lighting the bong) 15. Unfortunately for SirMolle, Jake Noble was too busy gloating over his short-lived access to our directors' penis jokes to help Band of Brothers win a single cap battle. Then, deciding that some trinkets trapped in DG-8OJ were more important than his director-level spy, he instructed Iromei to offline the system. Iromei was immediately kicked and his prenatal titan confiscated. When overtures of Boss Tess failed to net a replacement spy, Jake Noble was driven mad by his own irrelevance and lost his entire knowledge of game mechanics. Meanwhile, angry that no one worshipepd him in absentia and unable to endure the thought of Evil Thug in the arms of his beloved nync, Suas ditched rehab to steal the newborn titan. Remedial promptly sued for plagiarism. SpecOps was disbanded on the off chance of its dozen remaining members might stop weeping long enough to stage a coup. (Pictured: DBRB kills Hurley's Avatar; Vio Geraci punishes Iromei ; Suas steals a titan) 16. Suas was forgotten when we found a Band of Brothers director in our midst. Haargoth Agamar begged to stay, explaining he only wanted sanctuary from our enemy's elitism and mindless ex-pets. He said we were nice. The Mittani's steely heart was warmed, and Haargoth was told he could remain if he closed his alliance and gave us their name. So he did. (Pictured: SirMolle robbed blind and raging; goons abandon everything to gay Russians and set sail to Delve) And then there was only one alliance. (Pictured: Shadoo shooting lightning everywhere, goons recuperate, Darius passes CEO to Zapawork to Karttoon) Delve is perfect. 17. Historia scribitur eunuchis speculatoribusque ostentatoribusque qui laniant mortuas linguast et budunt braeco trocho. Et victoribus~ Poluketes 2009 If you liked it, give isk? Or better yet make DBRB shut up. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Alright, I'm pissed, we just killed a TRI titan and I missed getting on the killmail by minutes. Story of my life, I missed the titan kill in January along with Shrike's 4th loss under similar circumstances. ZAF's killboard is prettier than ours, so that's the one you're going to see. In other news, Triumvirate removed the part of their killboard that shows their efficiency. It was at about 60% to goons and at 19.7% to KIA. EDIT: they disabled comments on their killboard as well. Looks like they're going on their killboards. More news on the TRI titan, it was from a guy that just joined TRI two days ago. The moment he lost it was supposed to be the titan's grand unveiling. I'd say it was pretty grand. The unveiling was a double doomsday, our FC Scavok (who is awesome, by the way), saw it coming, so only ordered a small part of the fleet to come in to bait it. He held the major part of the fleet back, so they came in and doomsdayed, only for the remainder of the fleet to cyno in and take one of the two out. There's a thread on the eve forums that lists all known titans in the game. Most FCs have the pilots added to their address book so they know when they log on and such. | ||
United States41117 Posts
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