United States12546 Posts
6/5This? This is what you've got? Two whole hours of system control before your 'mighty forces' are routed and your spam ruined, your towers not fitted or stronted or fueled, your mouthpieces mewling on ****heap about how you 'accomplished your objectives' while your capitals are ****caged, your regroups abandoned in the face of our fleets, your towers burning and your allies impotent?
This is your offensive, Molle?
This is what you've got?
Or perhaps I'm not being 'patient' enough to appreciate the myriad subtleties of your latest plan. To my untrained eye - and indeed we t1 goonie nubs are not known for having much to do with alliance warfare or the arcane arts of conquest in 0.0 - it seems that you've opted to invade H74 in the exact same way you did in I1Y - or the first time you invaded H74 - just with more towers, as if that would somehow make up for the stuctural issues which have crippled your warmaking ability.
Line by line. Molle rallied his ragtag group and handed out 5 towers to 9 different alliances. His plan, which he gloatingly announced on teamspeak, was that each of these 9 little groups would crap out their towers in H74, leaving us with 45 hostile towers to contend with in one day, blocking out every moon. He laid the blame for his failure in I1Y on 'not enough towers', rather than, say, an inability to control the field in his own primetime in the face of our coalition.
17:00. Hostiles move to H74 and down the bridges into the system, then the jammer. They take a while at this. Rage increases as the spam mails start flowing. When the jammer is down, we have 400 people on TS and more than 130 capitals online. The caps in particular are furious, having watched Imperian lead the subcaps into H74; they want action. KIA and TCF bridge subcapital fleets in to join up with Imperian's mob of Goons/RZR/RAWR. A hotdrop is to be had against the RKZ/A/ROL capitals on the field sieging the jammer tower - but the enemy gets wind of the size of our capital group and aborts their sieging. This only enrages the capitals more; they want blood. **** it, we engage and begin using our capitals against the hostile subcapital group. The enemy is ground to paste and routed. They vow to regroup at 9:00 and log off. While logging off, two of their carriers are caught outside of shields and destroyed.
Spam takes time. You need fuel, stront, and hours to online the mods. The enemy had capitals inside H74 for little more than an hour before they were routed. 28 towers were dropped out of their 45 intended - AJ Regard proceeded to loudly bleat that this had amounted to an 'accomplishment'. Three of the five KenZoku towers had no strontium; we killed them. Not one of the five ROL towers were even onlined; we killed them. Our capitals ravaged the unfit towers; they didn't have enough stront, so they began coming out of reinforced in US primetime. We killed them.
They regrouped at 9:00 into a ****cage. Their regroup was abandoned. We destroyed still more towers, not just in H74 but around Querious; after downtime the pace has only increased. More than 30 of their towers come out within the next 23 hours, including a R64 in 5V. This is a killfrenzy; we may now luxuriate in the humiliation and tears of those who dared declare that there 'are no goons'.
Next time, don't invade S-U8A4. Weekly overviewRKZ is losing towers across Querious to our concerted focus on burning out the weeds their quislings scattered across the region. After days of losing 8-10 towers without contesting anything, Molle has committed to yet another spam attack in H74. It will be crushed; it is being crushed, as I write this. Simultaneously, the pet towers elsewhere are dying. It is time to twist the knife, to go on a rampage of destruction like we did in Delve, an unceasing dance of slaughter.
The pos jpg is longer than I can fit into my monitor to take a single screenshot of it. Imperian says he is doing his best to help me with this problem by rapidly blowing up everything on it.
We adhere to our strategy; it has brought us success and is forcing Molle into increasingly spastic attacks, like the jerking limbs of a dying man. There are 136 spam towers in Querious; after today, that number will be much lower. A shout out to our allies. With Period Basis secure, KIA's fleet was free to aid us; they were invaluable in the fight, the first to jump into H74 and reinforce Imperian once the jammer was down. TCF were seconds behind with a 100+ force which they frogapulted into the breach. RAWR/RZR/PL were with the main force, and Imperian's FCing won the day - yet again.
None of this would have been possible without the efforts of XIX and RA to turn the eastern half of the galaxy into a hellstorm. Because of their ongoing war against the whimpering masses of IRC/ED and Atlas/-A-, we have been able to recover from our mid-May slump and expose the impotence of KenZoku to the world.
IORN is getting their ass kicked by someone, I looked but couldn't find who. In other news United Legion is completely off the map, although they still have sovereignty in 10 systems.
edit: grammer
Canada9103 Posts
Afaict, there has been no fighting in the IRON systems that lost sov. Meanwhile, several corps left IRON recently, so I'd assume they took their towers with them, leaving those systems with no sov claim.
Triumvirate continues to harass the NC:
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/TVN-FM/kills (Vale of the Silent) A Majesta Empire station system in a sov 4 const. Looks like Tri got a lot of kills for few losses, recently.
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/EC-P8R/kills (Pure Blind) An IRON station system. About half as many recent kills as TVN, and less one-sided.
In Etherium Reach news, an Initiative poster writes on SHC:
A station system (1H5-3W) dropped to neutral sovereignty today. Whilst Ethereal Dawn do have a tower majority in the system (14 towers to 11) obviously the claim timers are slightly out. So whilst this will probably swing back to Ethereal Dawn sovereignty tomorrow (or soon thereafter) it has removed sovereignty level 3 which makes things slightly easier from an offensive point of view. -Phill. This station is in the former ED sov 4 const, where 2/4 of the stations are still held by RA.
Canada9103 Posts
For amusement, here are AJ Regard's posts on SHC:
We started up today by going for h74.
We got in and had control of system immediately. Hostiles jumped in via jb and burned inside their pos, and we killed like 5-10 bs's before they got in.
We proceeded to incap the jb they came by + the scramblers.
They warped to second jb tower and we followed them and incapped that jb + scramblers.
Hostiles had like 5 titans rdy in system on the other side of the jb during this.
After both jb's were down, we proceeded to take down the jammer which went off without any trouble.
When jammer was down a fleet of rorq and other industrial ships jumped in and we spammed some 40+ towers (system has 65 moons).
We proceeded to destroy 2-3 offline towers, one being a PL large with mods and stuff just sitting in space, others goon smalls.
They managed to online 3-4 of them, and we reinforced all of those.
Capitals jumped in and we reinforced another 2-3 towers.
It was getting late, and hostiles were beginning to grow in numbers while ours were going down.
Cynos openned and kia bridged in regular fleet, and we ofc warped to location and started shooting.
Some minutes later more cynos went up and hostiles jumped in 120'ish caps, and had their regular fleet warp to same location.
We followed and the fight began.
Node had been petitioned but didnt feel like it was working very well cause god damn that lag was horrible.
Anyways we engaged cause well a fight is a fight. It was quite late for us and very late for russians, but what the hell shotting hostiles is fun even if you do 1 volley every 5 minutes
It was quickly clear that hostiles had clear advantage in bs numbers, and they had capitals on the field aswell at their pos.
We didnt lose shit that fast due to lag so stayed in aslong as we could.
Lost more than we killed I think, going by wrecks, but it was fun hehe (even with lag).
Main objective today done, with the tower spam.
Has already been a few towers killed due to lack of whatever, but majority should still be standing tomorrow
Let the fun commence!
Think we managed to spam 20-25'ish towers that are still alive and have stront and not fuck up timers or died
An ex-Goonswarm mod corrects him:
You have 19 large and 4 small which are still alive. Fucked up timers is a matter of opinion, but there's a few of those towers coming out in US prime.
And later, a Goonswarm member posts:
As of 15:00 Eve, We're currently destroying every single tower that's coming out of reinforced in Querious. Kenny is offering no resistance at all.
We have some of their formup POSes rapecaged in H74, and they're occasionally taking potshots at our bubbles, but goons & friends seem fairly quick to respond.
Kenny has been unable to capitalize on their tower spam, and if things keep going like this, they've just tossed away billions on towers for us to blow up.
A friend of mine wants to try out Eve together. But I have a question:
How does small scale PvP balance work? How much does individual skill matter? If me and my friend are skilled can we do small vs small scale pvp and we will only fight against balanced opponent of similar size? Or are we eventually gonna get overrun by those 2 million people guild with no chance of fighting back?
edit: Is APM or any kind of physical skill important?
On June 06 2009 07:34 VIB wrote: A friend of mine wants to try out Eve together. But I have a question:
How does small scale PvP balance work? How much does individual skill matter? If me and my friend are skilled can we do small vs small scale pvp and we will only fight against balanced opponent of similar size? Or are we eventually gonna get overrun by those 2 million people guild with no chance of fighting back?
edit: Is APM or any kind of physical skill important?
Ok taking each question one at a time. Small gang pvp (maybe 15 ships max) is pretty balanced imho, there are alot of different ways to fit ships and assuming you engage a similar sized gang then FC and individual skill will win the day barring a mismatch in ship size (Battleships beat cruisers etc, usually).
next, you rarely if ever get a purely even fight in eve, the game just isn't set up for a "arena" style fight, you are looking for people to gank or other fleets to engage. basicly it's like poker, you don't look for the best competition you look to stomp the crap out of someone. this is not to say good even fights don't happen, but you are not out broadcasting in local for a 12 man cruiser fleet to come out and play. that being said Liquid inc has over 75% efficiency on our kill board with most members being less then 2-3 months old. So with intelligence it s entirely possible to be on the winning end of pvp with low skill points.
Thirdly, you will of course run into gangs that you cannot take, this is life in eve. you will then run away from them. but eve is a big place and large fleets move slowly. so usually you can avoid them unless you want to engage a BS blob.
And lastly APM is not really important, at least in terms of sc it's non existant. what is important is making correct decisions in a few seconds, this is particularly important for a fc, as once a fight is going it tends to incure losses (people get warp scrambled) also situational awareness and planing before the op play big roles (fitting the right equipment etc.). For example a good FC will see a Falcon (ewar ship) decloaking and immediately issue an order to lock him and set the drones on him (since he'll jam you and prevent you from targeting him and anything else) also maybe sick the intys on him, as well as track the number of warp disruptions on the main target telling people who are taking damage if it is ok to warp off or not. Maybe giving say the intercptors anti ewar assignments once additional points are on a target, etc etc. the game is very deep but honestly not taxing from a mechanical standpoint. Plus this is just gang warfare, you add to this the market which is 100% player driven, as well as all of the politics (even in low sec, even for a noob corp like liquid, p.s. SCUM has no balls and dock up every time a frig of ours comes into system :D), and you have te deepest sandbox game ever made. how many other games let you actually concour the universe huh?
EDIT: ps the best way to get into the pvp game early (low sec and soon to be 0.0 ;p) is to join liquid inc. in game. #teamliquid is the tl public channel and SCBW is our corp public channel, we do ask though that you complete your learning skills as a small (very small) prerequisite. this is so we can ensure you have proper start in the game (and we have been known to throw countless millions of isk buying learning skills for noobs.....well more noobs then most of us ;p).
Aggro is looking pretty scary at the moment, they've grown at a ridiculous rate, now they have 23 corporations and 1800+ members. Holy shit for an alliance created about a month ago. However, growing at such a rate, as Bill said, makes them vulnerable to spies. Apparently they also have quite a few capable pilots, but I don't know how well they can coordinate after such a short time together. I wonder if they'll try to attack Red Alliance next; it would take alot of the pressure off -A- and IRC/ED.
Hey Bill, What's the chance that Solar Fleet goes unfriendly with Red Alliance? They are already allies with ED/IRC and are attacking parts of NC (mostly Majesta empire).
What do you expect? Us to pat them on the back and say good job?
This started because they, a group of multi-million SP pilots in a massive 0.0 alliance, decided they wanted to stomp a bunch of lowsec pirate newbies over some internet words that offended them. They were not after some fair fight or a good time... they were attempting to remove us from the game in possibly the most one sided 'war' to date. This war is no more than a protracted 'NO U' from the above newbies. Except we were able to follow through.
There are a thousand reasons you can come up with as to why they lost. Individual battles, 'omg NAP fest', Haargoth stealing their alliance, etc. But looking at the overall picture... they started with every advantage possible and we started with newbies in Rifters.
But now we're sitting in Delve and they're the lowsec pirates.
This is a pretty good post for a goon. Just saying. The "NO U" line makes me laugh. (:
United States469 Posts
It's not just that your coalition has become a joke, made up of failed alliances and propped up by foreign powers who hold you in utter contempt. It's not just that you can't even take down a jammer or invade a system without screwing up horribly. No, Molle, what's truly hilarious about your utter failure in H74 over the past 'two weeks' (if we are generous and deem a day a week to salvage some pride in your 'new offensive') is that you had to de-tower nearly every system you invested towers in during your previous failed offensive in order to make a play for H74 - which isn't the sort of thing that an alliance whose sycophants constantly bleat about 'endless isk reserves' would do.
It's the sort of move an alliance who only controls two R64s would do. The sort of move an alliance whose every strategic move recently has been a desperate attempt to recapture or defend moon income. The kind of move made by the poor and desperate, in other words.
What, does this mean all the mewling about T2 Bpo income (nevermind the profit margins are nominal due to invention) or Empire Missionrunning (what, you expect to fund an alliance with missions?) is a lie? A shill? How could this be?
You had 33 towers in P4. You took down all but two. Your extra towers in 'FakeDelve'? Down. Your pets are stripping A-B and ES-Q. It's amusing, if I had realized that you had to take down your towers elsewhere to make up for your failed play in H74, I'd have mocked you for it yesterday - but we were too busy watching every last tower you placed in H74 transform into a killmail. Your remaining towers in P4 have since been sieged, of course.
H74 is hellpurged. You told us that you'd 'show us what a real hellpurge' was when you attacked I1Y, remember? We're still waiting.
Not that obliterating everything you invested in H74 completely occupied us. No, we were busy outside of H74 as well, destroying over 30 towers in various scenic locales in Querious. ZAU, 5V, QXQ, M1BZ, C-7, UQY, etc. But then those were mostly 'pet' towers, and so you didn't show up to try to defend any of them, just your R64 in 5V.
That was where you had hoped to salvage a silver lining to the H74 debacle. You could have said "Sure, we lost H74, but we defended 5V. We haven't lost any ground, they're still on the defensive." You mustered your dread fleet - an entire 60 capitals! Of course, most of them were those pets you hadn't bothered defending recently. And we had 196 in our capital fleet.
Your R64 died in a minute and a half under the guns of ~150 dreadnaughts. Your fleets panicked and scampered back to 49, terrified that your last bastion would soon be invaded - but we were too busy burning the fields around your castle. 33% of your alliance income is gone - but don't worry, in the minds of most of your members (who you have kept so scrupulously ignorant) t2 bpo 'income' and missionrunning will save KenZoku yet.
United States469 Posts
Since H74 fell, the greatest resistance we have faced has come from either Triumvirate (who sent a RR BS gang of 40ish down to Delve yesterday) or our own titans (who fired off five doomsdays on said TRI gang) who are so fiendishly bored that they have begun actively discussing new and amusing ways to vaporize blues.
Several pet alliances have either failure cascaded (Skunk-Works) or begun taking down their towers willingly and announcing that they are fleeing the war for good (Frontal Impact). Some Skunk-Works corps and some Frontal Impact corps will be joining EXE, but this is mostly a canard being spread among the GKC in order to make themselves feel better. It's true, some corps will join EXE, but so far the vast bulk of the fleeing S-W corps have joined Aggression. Will Frontal Impact actually flee to wormspace? We'll see. We've been letting them take their towers down and evac, though.
Outside of the Last Bastion of 49-, the fields of RKZ are burning. We blew up their towers in NU4 and 4-2 today in the 8:00 eve - onward timeslot. RKZ has now chosen a few key systems where they have invested spam towers, and it is an entirely defensive configuration. They're trying to solidify jump-bridge systems to link 1-SMEB to 3BK and 49, rather than spamming to break our own links.
Obviously, our highest strategic priority (with the capture of 5V and the defense of H74) is now to snap those defensive links which RKZ has thrown up. We want them isolated and unable to move. I'll be updating the Spam Tracking spreadsheet shortly; it's changed rapidly in the last two days because of the mass un-towering and rearranging that took place.
Yesterday we were pretty informal. Towers got popped, DBRB took people out on a slosh op into -A- territory and whacked a freighter. Today we need to do a lot more siegework, and Imperian has a fleet up right now working on that. Our pos jpg is getting pretty short, so we need to make it grow again.
thanks for the updates aurra j/w, how biased are these? even shc gotten quiet in the delve thread, i assume there isn't much going on if those are accurate; not looking great for kenny =(
they aren't that biased, the content is 100% truthful
ofc the wording might let you think that this is all propaganda, but believe me it's not
Canada9103 Posts
Some stuff on BoB's demise from the CoH thread.
Human Being posted the following. The link to SHC doesn't work anymore.
*Jaw-drop* :O AJ Regard post on Scrapheap... <bottom of the page, assuming it doesn't get deleted to save face>
Oof, that didn't take long...
For those who didn't get to see it, AJ Regard posted a picture of Baghdad Bob over the words "all part of the plan". Just that. It was refreshingly honest and humorous.
He also posted this:
http://i39.tinypic.com/2qntdat.jpg lol
On the Ars Technica forums, there's a single BoB/KenZoku poster in amongst all the GoonSwarm members from Ars Ex Discordia corporation. This poster, Buxaroo, is the most blindly-supportive member of KenZoku I've ever heard of. He always insisted during the PR-8CA camp that everything was going according to "Molle's secret plan". He stood by the claim that they were indeed going to take back Querious and Delve. He was continuously mocked for his devotion but maintained it in the face of all other posters on the forum.
Today he posted in the Ars Technica thread:
Quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bob is dead
And only that. It's as profound as AJ Regard's post.
Seoul Power posted some pictures of the war, then mentioned:
Apparently when Molle asked for our capital count and got the answer(~130), he fell silent.
Also, replying to some questions:
Quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another question is what did the Goons think of thier chances of actually pulling this off? We are talking no-[censored] answer here. Not the standard line.
I can't really answer the other ones, but this one is pretty easy to answer. Going in, we figured it'd be a massive slugfest with grinder after grinder trying to take what we could. We would have been perfectly happy to take hold in just a single constellation, sov 4 it, and proceed to grind our way through the rest of the region. After the pr- camp started, we became much more optimistic, once we saw that AAA wasn't riding in. Once we secured Delve, we were very confident that it wasn't leaving our hands. From there, the fight went to Querious and Period Basis. We only ever really wavered once we lost 49-, which caused a bit of a lapse that ended with our Memorial day offensive. The general feeling among goons is that we now have to make a calculated, deliberate attempt to lose this war. Kenny's morale is probably the lowest it's ever been in their entire history, pets are bailing left and right, and AAA is showing less and less interest in Querious, though that's bound to change once we make a play for 49-.
Generally speaking, most of the pet corps are going with Atlas and Aggression. It may not seem like it, but Aggression's formation was probably a good thing for us, it gave the pet corps a way out. There are many members of the pet corps that are unhappy with their situation, but lack the spine to go off and form a new alliance, and enemy alliances won't take them. Aggression gave them a place to go.
Canada9103 Posts
Seoul Power explains why Dyspro and Promethium are so valuable, yet the other r64 minerals Thulium and Neodymium are not:
Dyspro and Prom are used in T2 ship and module production. They form a basic raw material, but they may need to be reacted into a new material. Dyspro and Promethium see a much more widespread use, creating higher demand for a rare material, while Thulium and Neodymium don't have as many uses. Once you have moon materials, they need additional processing, so you take the raw materials and do a simple reaction to turn them into alloys and compounds. From there, you then have to do a complex reaction with alloys, compounds and possibly more raw moon materials to make advanced materials. Then you take the advanced materials and use them to create t2 components, which are then combined to make t2 ships and modules. Very rarely is this entire chain done by a single person. A lot of people make their money setting up a reaction tower, buying raw materials and processing them and selling the result for a profit, and the cycle goes on until it makes a T2 ship or module. Promethium and Dyspro just see the most use out of that entire process out of the r64s and their low supply marks a huge uptick in value because of the high demand.
Canada9103 Posts
Aggro, Atlas, BYRN, RA, and IRC/ED
As of today, RA has taken all 4 of ED's stations in their former sov-4 const:
But despite their victories in Etherium Reach, RA, along with X.I.X, are facing serious problems in the south.
First, here are quick links to the Detroid and Insmother regions -- the bulk of RA's territory -- on Dotlan:
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Detorid http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Insmother
In addition to Atlas's captured stations, if you look carefully, you can see that a number of scattered non-station systems have been snatched up by ED.
Second, an update from Atlas poster Quesa on SHC:
Quick update to summarize the last half dozen posts.
Atlas has gained sov or taken ownership 5 Detorid stations. The Sov4, 77S cluster is being contested and should fall by the end of next week. XIX has been seen evacuating assets from 77S in a large logistics op that was scouted booby-bridging about a dozen frieghters.
Over 90 hostile towers have been destroyed in a weeks time in Detorid. XIX also, before they evac'd, left us a present of over 20 towers in 77S. /shakes fist!
Whilst ATLAS has made the majority of the pushes to RI and kill the towers in Detorid, I can't help but give a shout out to AGGRO, VI and UK who have helped us greatly in securing a larger timezone to work in and supplying Atlas's capitol fleet with the muscle of RR BS fleets to down jammers much more efficiently than we may have been able to by ourselves.
Another Atlas poster:
Another Dyspro moon has been captured this morning. Think that is the last high end XIX had in Detorid.
And here's a battle report from a 3rd Atlas poster:
+ Show Spoiler +Atlas battle report for today: Later this week, Atlas and Aggro had been going into Insmother together and downed the jammer in an RA station system, 5C-RPA, part of one of RA's sov4. We reinforced like 10 or so POS in there, and dropped our own staging POS too. Today, 6 of those POS came out, and we had seen that RA had pulled their fleets back from drone lands to defend. We kinda had other priorities at that hour, because another highend, an RA promethium, was coming out of reinforced at the same time. Seeing that RA was not gonna ninja rep up the jammer on their highend like they did on another one right before DT today, we decided we could go pick a fight for once. 90 Large towers killed in 7 days kinda makes you a bit bloodthirsty. We waited for RA to cyno in their repping carriers on their first POS, and when their cyno popped we opened ours up and brought in 70 caps and 100 support on top of them. But alas, all the carriers had logged off the second they saw our cyno open on them, so we didn't catch a single one. RA support was heavier than ours at this point, numbering about 60 BS. They warped in snipe range on our caps and support, and we ordered our support to warp off to the friendly POS. We got dictors and slings in place, and jumped in 2 Titans, of which only 1 DD. Our dictor slings were pretty much fail though, so we didn't catch much in that DD and most kills in that round went to the capitals that shot the BS that had come in close range on us by mistake. We then proceeded to warp caps off, but some got stuck on the POS or simply didn't warp in time, so RA support warped in again and started shooting one of our dreads that had been bumped away from the blob. We warped in all carriers again and started to rep him, he was out of range though at first and he was going down at a steady rate not able to tank the BS fire. We got better slings in place this time, and with all their effort focused on downing the dread that was now holding with the reps of the carriers, we warped our dictors in on the RA fleet along with our second Titan and got a pretty nice DD off. About 20 BS died and same number in other support. RA fleet went home after this, not wanting to fight more today against us, and some of them went back to Drone Lands. After that we killed 5 of the towers that came out in 5C-, and jumped over to kill the RA promethium moon that had been out of reinforced there for a couple hours. That leaves RA with only 1 highend left, a promethium moon. Props to RA for bringing a fight at least, and it was a welcome change to all the POS shooting our guys had been doing for days now. Atlas KB report: http://atlas-alliance.com/killboard/?a=kill_related&kll_id=79892 tl;dr - apparently RA has only 1 r64 left, a promethium moon.
To make matters worse, S0orched Earth (BYRN) has allied Aggro and Atlas, reset TCF, and started shooting at TCF's towers in their region, Wicked Creek. A quick map link:
An Atlas post on the subject from SHC:
TCF was giving byrn a pretty raw deal, they (tcf) had 2/3 r64 moons, 3/7 stations are were doing nothing with the space other than milking renters and dyspro. In that context as well as the past history, you can't really blame them.
So what do we call this new AAA, Atlas, Aggro, and Scorched Earth coalition?
This means we can't call them the A-Team anymore 
I think we can run with AAARSE.
Lastly, here's Human Being's post on the topic of Scorched Earth:
This morning Sc0rched Earth reset all their standings, then set Aggression and Atlas blue, and subsequently started shooting Tau Ceti Federation's Towers in their pocket of Wicked Creek.
What an amazing sense of timing they have...
I'd speculated about TCF coming south to aid Red Alliance along with GoonSwarm, but that was based on the assumption that they felt as strongly about the "Red Swarm Federation" period of their history as the Goons did. *Now* it's personal for them as well as sentimental.
I suppose the Sc0rched Earth leadership thinks it is practicing realpolitik: the neighborhood has changed recently, so they'll switch to the dominant side. Yet they do this just as Querious is entering end-game and with all the deftness of Intrepid Crossing invading C-J6MT in Insmother. Rather than just being in a serious fight, Red Alliance is facing an existential threat to its survival from a host of enemies...just like GoonSwarm was when they left S-U8A4 years ago and found their only friend in RA.
So, you have a power block in the South consisting of: RMT-ing serial-betrayers (AAA), an alliance that has failed in every other conflict it has been involved in and is still under the same leadership (Atlas), a group of KFC-castoffs (Aggression.), and some opportunists most noted in the game for a recent back-stab that happened just as the cavalry was on the horizon (Sc0rched Earth).
Against them you have Tau Ceti Federation, Red Alliance, Legion of xXDEATHXx, Pandemic Legion (who have already been fighting in the area and would be looking for the most interesting war anyway), and a very motivated GoonSwarm.
Do note very carefully though that all this momentous buildup of events is transpiring without anyone giving even a passing thought to what BoB/KenZoku might do or not do...
While goons may post all this optimistic "motivational" BS which is far from the truth. They can't afford to move away from Delve anytime soon for simple reasons. The minute they do, Kenzoku will spam like mad all over the place.
The only people who can really do anything to help RA will be PL who always look for cap fights, TCF, who have been doing nothing much lately, and XIX. Everyone else will be tied up in Delve or with the IRC/ED conflict..
Here is my reasoning:
NC, can't send any pets to help RA, since Trium. are like a plague, love em since got lot of my country men, TROPA DE ELITE YO....and they will trash everything in sight like they already are.
The main NC fighting force is tied up in Delve helping the failswarm alongside PL. We got our hands busy enough dealing with -A-/kenzoku + allies forces. The minute we would step away there would be a huge counter spam by them and then we'd be back to square one and a lot of us are kinda sick like myself of holding failswarms hands...
As demonstrated before by Atlas + few other smaller entities they could hold their own against TCF/XIX, hell, they bitch slapped them so far back their faces are still red. Don't matter if PL/TCF come to play since Atlas won't have problems with them. Only time I predict they will need the help is when it comes to capitals. The French (TCF) have a huge cap fleet and not afraid to use it all over the place, it's one of the things they do best and are known for. PL also has a huge cap fleet, who wouldn't when they keep taking all the moons they can get their hands on :D....we're talking hundreds of bill a month in isk for PL. For this cap help they can come to -A- who are more then happy to dish out their toys.
Not to mention there is again IRC/ED, what will they do once RA pulls back to defend their turf... will they begin a counter invasion or stay out of it...
But whatever happens goons will be chilling in Delve defending against the kennys.