Game is awesome.
I take all negativity with a lot of salt. It's an MMO, and if there ever was a "fanboy", you'll find him when talking about MMOs. Some people really don't want to see a new MMO steal all the limelight at the expense of whatever MMO they've devoted so much of their lives to.
Personally, I think TOR is making a huge advancement for the genre.
I, for one, can not GRIND. I don't play chores, I play games. I could never put in the hours of key-spamming-boredom that is required from the standard MMO. The group dungeons and raids --- FUN. But everything else is just horrible, horrible, horrible.
TOR is an actual game, by modern standards, where WoW isn't. When I play TOR, it doesn't matter if I'm questing or doing a group-quest, doing a group instance, crafting, whatever -- its entertaining.
I usually don't grovel over "story" in videogames -- even the good ones are highly overrated IMO -- but this game is making me realize SO MUCH the importance of having an identity to your character and his/her goals.
I'm not just a "toon" looking to get my gear.... I'm playing a ******* game.
Some games, like Starcraft, can afford to get by purely on gameplay, because they don't inundate you with anything BUT pure gameplay. An MMO, on the other hand, needs more. And that's why TOR will succeed, despite the very vocal naysayers. It might not change much from the WoW-formula, but what it does change is hugely for the better.
On November 28 2011 00:18 Enox wrote: played to lvl 13 now.. imo its just "ok". not a bad game, but not different enough from WoW to buy it. maybe ill get it later when the price drops or when it becomes free 2 play
It will never be free 2 play! lolz to all these wow-fanboy-casuals.
User was warned for this post
On November 28 2011 05:41 Rikke wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 00:18 Enox wrote: played to lvl 13 now.. imo its just "ok". not a bad game, but not different enough from WoW to buy it. maybe ill get it later when the price drops or when it becomes free 2 play It will never be free 2 play! lolz to all these wow-fanboy-casuals.
NO offense to you, but posts like these are why the game's community is going to be so awful. People yelling WoW clone!(even when kidding), GO BACK TO WOW KIDDIES, LOL THIS ISNT WOW YOU LITTLE KIDS, and even worse the people who are complaining its not SWG2 are really getting on my nerves.
Yelling about how much WoW and its playerbase sucks isn't going to make SWTOR any better, its just ruining the community. Everyone needs to fucking forget about WoW and SWG and just take the fucking game as it is.
Also I don't know how saying "not different enough from WoW to buy it" makes him a "wow-fanboy-casual". That makes no sense at all. Not to mention the fact that anybody who says shit like that was probably extremely casual(and yes if you are from SWG you are a casual player... setting up fucking stores outside your "house" and letting people browse your gear is not hardcore in the least)
I have played my share of MMO, of all kind, sometimes in foreign langages I didn't even understand. After playing this beta week end questing, crafting, PvPing, rerolling. I don't want to get the game at release.
I would recommand this MMO only for Star wars fan that will listen to every discussions, quest animations. Graphics are NOT what you can expect from an AAA game released in December 2011, it's sometime not so bad, but some textures, animations or characters are just horrible, it really kills the overall atmosphere of the whole experience.
There are different currencies for PvE, questing, instancing content just like WoW, MMO players will not be lost in this game but nothing feels really refreshing and it feels like they spend 80% of their ressources to get voices ingame and everything else lacks polishing. There are some good idea, mostly related to the pet, craft system. Past the 10 first minute of hitting with a lightsaber the gameplay stays like any other old mmo.
What nailed the coffin for me was the gathered classes to save content developping for them. Instead of 8 classes, with 8 stories, and unique quests, you get 4 classes that gets specialty at level ~10. 2 classes start at the same starting Zone, for example sith inquisitor and sith warrior start on Korriban and the only unique content you get is 1-3 quests per level that are tied to your class but is located at the same place or 10 seconds away from each other. So you get 2 starting zones with different quests per faction for a game that has story/background for it's best feature.
On November 28 2011 05:41 Rikke wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 00:18 Enox wrote: played to lvl 13 now.. imo its just "ok". not a bad game, but not different enough from WoW to buy it. maybe ill get it later when the price drops or when it becomes free 2 play It will never be free 2 play! lolz to all these wow-fanboy-casuals. ok, so explain me what kind of my post makes you think im a fanboy or a casual? i played wow from beta for many years and it wasnt casual at all. i just said that Starwars is too similar to WoW so i wont buy it. im also not playing WoW anymore and i dont plan to start again, so im not a fanboy at all. and for the free 2 play part: bookmark this thread and check again in 6-12 months. we will talk again then
What really bothers me in this thread is total disregard of the fact that this is still beta (I guess that's the double edged sword of letting so many people do the beta weekends). People who shit on this game for lagg/FPS during beta don't really need to play this game anyway, at least I'd prefer them not to play it, since I don't want to play with idiots, so this beta mass invites are a good way to weed out the dumb.
I have played wow since early beta, and I can't even start getting into how flawed that game was back then. I played every exp and enjoyed it. The way wow tells it's story now is superior to most modern single player games (at least to me). This struck me most when I caved under the hype of skyrim and got into it (I haven't played any oter TES games before). The flow of questing and exploring the game of wow (at least in cataclysm) compared to skyrim or even KOTOR and MASS EFFECT is insane, at least for me, and is finally met and passed with this game.
I loved the voice acting, and enjoyed the sarcasm and wit of characters in the game, the way that the story is told is amazing for me, and doing the sidequests was actually kinda enojoyable if only for the conversations and dark / light options (+ stuff from KOTOR).
Companion system is dumbed down from KOTOR, but I guess it had to be done, so no real complaints there. I love that this games combat system gives me a feeling of power that I did not feel in wow for a long time (since you are always fighting more opponents that he size of your party.
I have never been a fan of MMO PVP (don't think RPG and PVP is compatible) and specially pvp before the max lvl is reached, so I haven't really tried it yet (if I want to have a skill based PVP battle I'l play starcraft).
Haven't gotten into crafting system, but I was never a fan of it, since I love PVE and storylines, and crafting does not have any play in that, but from what I herd about it it's based on companions/crew, and I'm all for that (fuck clicking 300 times to lvl a skill).
CONCLUSION: I will most likely buy this game a few months after it's release, when most of the bugs are fixed and some features that are not yet copied out of wow are added (LFG system etc.), but from what I have seen, I will gladly spend my money on this instead on Mists of Pandoria.
my english pretty bad because im korean but will share anyway
after the intro zone you can do one party based quest for go to the next planet ( realy do this one dont skip and just go to the next planets )
only that , make me buy the game , this instance take alot of time and was pretty fun , first i have enter with 2 other players then we wiped at the first hard boss , go out of the instance find a healer and go back , and the instance was decent , some dps die 2 time with the healer too after some fight ( maybe the healer was bad , i dont know )
but overall that was pretty fun and i cant wait for real instance ( raid ) higher level .
the pvp realy suck ( mostly because of the animation bad )
the quest and cut scenes are amazing and fun ( when you are with other people if you pick same reply you got social pts or something like that )
you can pick dark side or good side in many quest and the story change with what you reply to the npc ( so that not like all other mmorpg where you cant change anything )
your pet ( whatever you want to call it ) can do alot of stuft , you can send them on mision alone and they give you reward when they come back , you can send them sell grey item , you can find many custom option for weapon and armor
some item got 3 slot for custom , you put gem , strap and something else for get higher stats .
they are honor item ( pvp ) but also token you get doing quest who give amazing item
picked a jedi character and the skill graphic and attack look realy good , some skill look realy cool with 2 light saber sword
and the game look HUGE , realy huge , im only lvl 14 and out of the tutorial world since lvl 12 and that huge .
overall the game decent and worth a try for anyone who love mmorpg , im realy loving that and was not hyped in any way because that was a star war game ( usualy im more into medieval mmorpg )
overall im giving the game 8/10 ( not higher because the pvp suck and some class are REALY more strong that other )
when you see the score screen after the battleground and most people have done 30k dmg and someone up here with 80k you know something wrong .
just hope they dont try to much to balance the pvp , this alway kill fun game when they do that because this affect the pve too ( skill should be changed only in pvp and when you enter pve they are not the same ) i alway think that since forever but no mmorpg dev do that , they alway mess pvp with pve and this game can go the same way and suck after some time .
On November 28 2011 07:46 Jankisa wrote: What really bothers me in this thread is total disregard of the fact that this is still beta (I guess that's the double edged sword of letting so many people do the beta weekends). People who shit on this game for lagg/FPS during beta don't really need to play this game anyway, at least I'd prefer them not to play it, since I don't want to play with idiots, so this beta mass invites are a good way to weed out the dumb.
So I'm an idiot, and I'm dumb because I get performance issues and I bring them up in hopes of them getting fixed?
Yeesh, that's a little harsh
Well, it may be still a beta, but release is like 4 weeks from now. The lag might be fixed, but i wouldn't play that 'it's still beta' card, anymore. With that being said, i had little performance issues.
Yeah, it's open beta now. Open Beta is for stress testing servers. Alpha/Closed Beta is for balancing the game.
On November 28 2011 05:38 Leporello wrote: Game is awesome.
I take all negativity with a lot of salt. It's an MMO, and if there ever was a "fanboy", you'll find him when talking about MMOs. Some people really don't want to see a new MMO steal all the limelight at the expense of whatever MMO they've devoted so much of their lives to.
Personally, I think TOR is making a huge advancement for the genre.
I, for one, can not GRIND. I don't play chores, I play games. I could never put in the hours of key-spamming-boredom that is required from the standard MMO. The group dungeons and raids --- FUN. But everything else is just horrible, horrible, horrible.
TOR is an actual game, by modern standards, where WoW isn't. When I play TOR, it doesn't matter if I'm questing or doing a group-quest, doing a group instance, crafting, whatever -- its entertaining.
I usually don't grovel over "story" in videogames -- even the good ones are highly overrated IMO -- but this game is making me realize SO MUCH the importance of having an identity to your character and his/her goals.
I'm not just a "toon" looking to get my gear.... I'm playing a ******* game.
Some games, like Starcraft, can afford to get by purely on gameplay, because they don't inundate you with anything BUT pure gameplay. An MMO, on the other hand, needs more. And that's why TOR will succeed, despite the very vocal naysayers. It might not change much from the WoW-formula, but what it does change is hugely for the better.
You are making good points. Too bad that the way SWTOR turned out with the way conversation works etc just doesn't work for me. I liked the way you can choose the way to do some quests, but in the end the conversations just killed it for me. But i can see how people would enjoy it...i mean, people liked Dragon Age 2 also...
I'm level 10 now and tried some PvP, it was a horrible boring mess but at least the level scaling boost thing seems like an okay idea for when doing PvP while leveling, 44/6 k/d as minium level bounty hunter. Mostly reminded me of some f2p MMORPG PvP. Also it just didn't feel very involving, I didn't get the feeling that I was actually killing people, had no idea whether I had 0 or 44 kills before the match ended.
Quests are the usual boring MMO quests. They try to spice them up with the story and dialog cutscenes but those don't really deliver either, and constantly being given choises to kill quest characters after exhanging two lines of dialog with them isn't amazing either. I enjoyed the making choises aspect of previous Bioware games but it just feels out of place and not very interesting here.
It's not an awful game or anything but it's not for me, I think Bioware got too occupied with voice acting and story and forgot about the gameplay a little. At the very least PvP'ers should stay away from this, one good thing it did for me was getting me hyped for GW2.
On November 28 2011 08:17 RoyalCheese wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 05:38 Leporello wrote: Game is awesome.
I take all negativity with a lot of salt. It's an MMO, and if there ever was a "fanboy", you'll find him when talking about MMOs. Some people really don't want to see a new MMO steal all the limelight at the expense of whatever MMO they've devoted so much of their lives to.
Personally, I think TOR is making a huge advancement for the genre.
I, for one, can not GRIND. I don't play chores, I play games. I could never put in the hours of key-spamming-boredom that is required from the standard MMO. The group dungeons and raids --- FUN. But everything else is just horrible, horrible, horrible.
TOR is an actual game, by modern standards, where WoW isn't. When I play TOR, it doesn't matter if I'm questing or doing a group-quest, doing a group instance, crafting, whatever -- its entertaining.
I usually don't grovel over "story" in videogames -- even the good ones are highly overrated IMO -- but this game is making me realize SO MUCH the importance of having an identity to your character and his/her goals.
I'm not just a "toon" looking to get my gear.... I'm playing a ******* game.
Some games, like Starcraft, can afford to get by purely on gameplay, because they don't inundate you with anything BUT pure gameplay. An MMO, on the other hand, needs more. And that's why TOR will succeed, despite the very vocal naysayers. It might not change much from the WoW-formula, but what it does change is hugely for the better. You are making good points. Too bad that the way SWTOR turned out with the way conversation works etc just doesn't work for me. I liked the way you can choose the way to do some quests, but in the end the conversations just killed it for me. But i can see how people would enjoy it...i mean, people liked Dragon Age 2 also...
Could you elaborate please? I haven't played the beta. How does the chat work?
On November 28 2011 05:38 Leporello wrote:
I take all negativity with a lot of salt. It's an MMO, and if there ever was a "fanboy", you'll find him when talking about MMOs. Some people really don't want to see a new MMO steal all the limelight at the expense of whatever MMO they've devoted so much of their lives to.
Good point, I'd never thought about that.
On November 28 2011 07:46 Jankisa wrote: What really bothers me in this thread is total disregard of the fact that this is still beta
This point would have been solid a few months ago. Considering that the first Early Access group begins on the 15th, they have only 18 days to make fixes, burn discs, seal boxes, ship them out, etc. Just saying, this is not the best point to use as defense at this stage of the game. All they can expect to do is fix the gameplay issues but not the issues with how the game plays. They aimed for a niche group and they will get them but this style of game is just not going to attract everyone. I hope it does well though so they continue to improve it though if it does not, I'm sure going F2P will help fill the gap of needed purchases and transactions to make up any lost costs.
So before I say anything, I will say that the 3 MMO's that I have played are Lord of the Rings Online - a long time ago, Runescape - a longer time ago, and World of Warcraft - I quit March after playing it for about 3 or 4 years.
I really didn't like the beta. I tried it because my friend kept talking about it and then curse sent me a code so I just gave it a shot. I couldn't get into it. Simple as that. The more I played the more it was just walking around doing things that I didn't want to do. I only made it to level 3 on my jedi before I gave up with it. I made it a bit past the first major town - or at least I think it was, it had a jedi council - before I realized that there was no way that I was gonna get into the story.
Pros - Sick ability animations - The jedi spinning around was really cool Good voiceovers - They were nothing less than I expected from bioware Diverse classes - Each class seemed very unique Phasing - They used phasing so much better than WoW, although adding a single player element to a MMO is kinda weird
Cons - No auto attack - Um... what the hell? Maybe its just me but I hated this. Big starting areas - I'm not sure if this really is a con, but I felt I was running around too much to soon. By level 3 I was able to get lost in a building looking for my quest turn in. Questflow - The quests didn't flow as well as in WoW. Also, they were kinda hard to find (maybe I missed something idk) Graphics - They sucked. They shot for slightly above WoW level graphics - which are like 8 years old. Glitches/Bugs - It was a beta. What do you expect from it? I get that they are going to fix it, but as the game stands now it was annoying. I didn't get any crashes, but there were huge drops in frame rate for no reason.
Overall I think it deserves a 7/10. I could tell it was good but I just couldn't get into it. It honestly just felt too close to WoW for me to pick playing it over the game I dumped days and days into. Instead of making me want to go buy the game, I actually want to go resubscribe to WoW... which I am reistalling now.
playing beta since saturday nearly without sleep ... its the god fucking best game ever !
On November 28 2011 08:38 FoeHamr wrote: So before I say anything, I will say that the 3 MMO's that I have played are Lord of the Rings Online - a long time ago, Runescape - a longer time ago, and World of Warcraft - I quit March after playing it for about 3 or 4 years.
I really didn't like the beta. I tried it because my friend kept talking about it and then curse sent me a code so I just gave it a shot. I couldn't get into it. Simple as that. The more I played the more it was just walking around doing things that I didn't want to do. I only made it to level 3 on my jedi before I gave up with it. I made it a bit past the first major town - or at least I think it was, it had a jedi council - before I realized that there was no way that I was gonna get into the story.
Pros - Sick ability animations - The jedi spinning around was really cool Good voiceovers - They were nothing less than I expected from bioware Diverse classes - Each class seemed very unique Phasing - They used phasing so much better than WoW, although adding a single player element to a MMO is kinda weird
Cons - No auto attack - Um... what the hell? Maybe its just me but I hated this. Big starting areas - I'm not sure if this really is a con, but I felt I was running around too much to soon. By level 3 I was able to get lost in a building looking for my quest turn in. Questflow - The quests didn't flow as well as in WoW. Also, they were kinda hard to find (maybe I missed something idk) Graphics - They sucked. They shot for slightly above WoW level graphics - which are like 8 years old. Glitches/Bugs - It was a beta. What do you expect from it? I get that they are going to fix it, but as the game stands now it was annoying. I didn't get any crashes, but there were huge drops in frame rate for no reason.
Overall I think it deserves a 7/10. I could tell it was good but I just couldn't get into it. It honestly just felt too close to WoW for me to pick playing it over the game I dumped days and days into. Instead of making me want to go buy the game, I actually want to go resubscribe to WoW... which I am reistalling now.
wanna get on to your cons after i played every race from 0-10
no auto attack - not saw it, since the normal attack is bad as in every game i not recognised it but you normaly die if you not press any button ^^ but sure they will implent such things in options later
big starting areas - not as big when you find out how the car system works and the stone you ahve you can teleport to every of the areas all 30 mins too from everywhere so its pretty near also the walk distance is not as long as it was in wow in hte old times (before they made 20 fly postions between everything cause of some whines) i love that they make so much space
questflow - ??? there are the main quests and the side quests easy to see from the mainquest way and you can follow everything on minimpa (it even tells you which door you have to use pretty easy to find way easier then old wow (again not this new click on quest and it makes it for you wow shit from last 2 years)
graphics - well yeah could be better but i like them they are not as bad and "sucked" when you still played wow ... its better then wow definatly and an mmorpg need to have other things then "good graphics" as you can see all the ones with good are dead cause its other things that are more importent and sometimes they not fit both
bugs etc - 0 disc on a beta stress test weekend ... what more can i say ^^
still beta but if it stays as it is and got slightly imporved it CAN KICK WOW FROM THE FUCKN THRONE !
ps: for all who say its to near to wow ... every mmorpg is near to wow or its just a bad mmorpg that was dead after 1-2 months ... its a reason million people play it ^^ starcraft is like age of empires in so many ways cause its the SAME GENRE GUYS ! xD
My impressions so far at level 6:
Don't want to sound like a broken record but yeah, it's very WoW-ish, which is fine. I kind of feel the early zones are quite cramped and a bit cheap feeling, almost like some random korean MMO -- but the combat looks great and is very well animated. I'm not terribly impressed with the questing, and I do enjoy me the usual Bioware RPG. I felt like WoW had more interesting quest lines, a better atmosphere, and just all round better pacing and such.
I hear the game picks up at higher levels though, and in general, I'm pretty impressed. Looking forward to more.
On November 28 2011 05:41 Rikke wrote:Show nested quote +On November 28 2011 00:18 Enox wrote: played to lvl 13 now.. imo its just "ok". not a bad game, but not different enough from WoW to buy it. maybe ill get it later when the price drops or when it becomes free 2 play lolz to all these wow-fanboy-casuals.
thank you
(out of context) this statement basically sums the entire thread
Anyone else know how to deal with the problem of validating my account? It keeps on saying that my password is 30 characters when, in fact, it's 7. No matter what I do I can't validate my account because it thinks my password is 30 characters...