On October 11 2011 18:03 Ighox wrote: Why are you even in this thread if all you have to say is this? Would be just as retarded as jumping in a discussion thread about SC2 and just starting talking about how awesome Flash is, I see your point yes, but your point is pointless.
Well, mainly because I was hyped to fuck for this game. Predominately, however, I have dozens of hours of Beta gameplay with multiple classes when 99% of the people in this thread are just looking at Gameplay Trailer Videos, and I would like to share my opinion?
Sorry about that. I'll refrain from speaking about this game in the future with any modicum of criticism from now on. I did not know telling people "not get super hyped for this game, because it is not as good as they are claiming it is by a long shot -- as most MMO's are not -- but if you like the WoW formula you will get some enjoyment out of this game because it honestly brings nothing that revolutionary in terms of actual gameplay" would get everyone's britches in a bunch.
EDIT: Also, that was a horrible analogy. Seriously.
Posted this in another forum, figured I'd put it here, hit 23 on a Sith Sorcerer (Inquisitor):
Overall I enjoyed the beta a lot. The art, sound in the game are unreal. I made a lot of comparisons to Rift as that's the only MMO I've played extensively, and when I did a drive through of Kaas City for the first time I was amazed that the scenery just blew Rift away. You can really tell that they spent a lot of money making it. Similarly Nar Shaddaa looked amazing as well but I didn't get as much time to play that zone. The level of detail in the art, the fact that everything has a voice in the game, it's all really fantastic.
The story for Inquisitor was solid, I've heard there's other classes that have better but I like that they're putting a lot of emphasis on it, should make leveling alts less painful (was brutal having to do the same quests again in Rift).
There was a ton to like about the game in it's current state, that being said I do have some criticisms.
The first flashpoint I did (Black Talon) was pretty fun, but one thing that became very apparent to me and again during the other flashpoints is that there doesn't seem to be a huge emphasis on group composition. The one time I ran through Black Talon, we were all around level 10 and only two of the group had done their advanced class training. We had no healers and no tanks, just 4 DPS running through this dungeon and somehow managed to complete it (we did wipe a few times however).
I ran two other flashpoints, Bringing Down the Hammer and I think the other one was called The Tomb Opens. From what I've heard they're both unfinished, but hopefully that was in regards to the boss fights as well because they were rediculously easy, and again unit composition didn't matter much although we had heals in those, it was DPS with shield buffs tanking the bosses. One thing I liked a lot about the dungeons in Rift is that every role (DPS, Tank, Healing) has to be there and everyone has to be on point to a degree (assuming the players aren't out-gearing the dungeon) whereas in TOR it just felt like you could get any 4 ppl together and run through them.
Another criticism I had is that healing in the game seems pretty slow for my tastes. Maybe there's other classes more suited for it, but at lvl 23 I had 2 healing spells, 1 was a 1.5 second cast and the other was a 3 second cast and it was just really easy to do. The bosses didn't really do a lot of damage and in the cases they did, there were no instant cast heals, no big heals (the 3 second cast restored roughly 25% of player health). It got really bad when my force level got low (and it did, a lot, lack of force seems to be another issue for every class) and then the fights just slowed to a crawl, where it was basically waiting for force to regen (I didn't get a real force regen cast until lvl 20ish) and then casting a heal.
Finally I thought the UI was really clunky compared to Rift, although I'm not really worried about that at this point as I'm sure it's a lesser priority. The chat window could use some work, I liked how in Rift players had links when they typed so you could invite them to a group or send them a tell right from the chat window instead of having to type out a / command with their name, I liked how you could link items and quests in the chat window, etc. TOR doesn't have any of that right now.
Overall the game has a ton of potential, art, sound, immersiveness, story are top notch and it seems like that's the part they're really focusing on completing before launch. The criticisms are lack of difficulty, lack of emphasis on group setup, UI needs to be more user friendly.
The UI needs to be scaled down or we need the option to scale it manually. Gameplay was freakin sweet. I made a Jedi Knight and even at level 4 I was having a blast. Can't wait for Dec 20th!
Was wondering if anyone who got in could give their opinion on the PvP, especially from someone who truly enjoys competitive PvP?
PvP the ranged classes dominate. Theres still balancing to be done. Also too much cc going on imo. Other than that it feels pretty similar to other mmos. Plenty of abilities and cds to manage.
Havent really done any high lvl pvp yet. Did so up to the 30s. Focusing on hitting cap before outfitting pvp gear this time. Just hit 41 on marauder. Got to 33 on assassin last build.
Only PvP I've participated in is duels, but just the mechanics and programming of the game seem superior to WoW's for a PvP setting as everything feels like it's at a faster pace and that individual movements will mean much more (think the pacing of SCBW vs WC3). Since there is no autoattacks, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more positional micro going on than other MMOs. Haven't played past level 11 though, so the only way I could see their PvP going wrong is if it lacks the spell depth and combinations that WoW had, but I don't see them failing there because you've already got a pretty decent arsenal of spells at 11.
Seriously though, this game wouldn't even have to be an MMO to be worth playing imo if you enjoy other bioware rpgs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The production value in art, environment, music, landscape, etc is absolutely amazing. Also, if storyline is remotely important to you, the leveling process doesn't feel like a grind at all it really allows you to immerse yourself in the character because the voiceacting is spot on 99% of the time. Class diversity is also a big plus, played smuggler, bounty hunter, jedi consular, and sith warrior, and it's pretty amazing how unique they all feel.
Good to see all the glowing reviews of this game. My guildy (an Englishman) said the classes he tried were the 'dog's bollox' which apparently is Liverpudlian for 'Floppy Ass Titties' or a compliment of that magnitude.
For ranged classes, are u able to backstrafe and shoot ur instants like you could do as a hunter in wow? Or is it all just standing still and shooting for the most part?! Also as a mellee are all ur attacks instants(for the most part) so you can continually move when attacking? sorry if these are dumb questions but i continually see people posting things like "can't move while attacking" on different forums.
On October 10 2011 18:33 Archie_Lewis wrote: I was following ToR very closely past 2 years, but when they actually showed it at Gamescom, I saw just WoW in space. I dont want to bash this game, because I really like Star Wars and I want it to be the best game in the world. But what I saw was just disappointment Its an mmo. You could read that since the day it was announced. Wow is an mmo.
On October 22 2011 06:52 PHILtheTANK wrote: For ranged classes, are u able to backstrafe and shoot ur instants like you could do as a hunter in wow? Or is it all just standing still and shooting for the most part?! Also as a mellee are all ur attacks instants(for the most part) so you can continually move when attacking? sorry if these are dumb questions but i continually see people posting things like "can't move while attacking" on different forums.
Yea, you can do all those things. It plays very much like wow's pvp where melee is constantly moving and attacking.
On October 09 2011 21:03 Chillax wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2011 20:51 PraetorialGamer wrote: As long as this stays canonical, I don't really care about the rest of the story.
If Bioware breaks the lore, I will not buy this game, as I am what could what could generously be called a book of SW lore. Surely there is some wiggle room here though, this is set in an era that hasnt been covered much right?
Yes, but I would very visibly wince if Bioware makes a single incorrect reference to established lore, like the Mandalorians wearing durasteel(wrong) or the Sith all having the ability to use Force Lightning whenever and wherever(also wrong).
While the second has been emphasized much more than I would be comfortable with in recent Star Wars games, so far I haven't seen anything overtly wrong.
I looked but might've missed it in the mass of comments above, but does anyone know if we need to pay each month to continue with the game if we just play the single player? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I have never played an MMO.
On October 24 2011 10:35 Darclite wrote: I looked but might've missed it in the mass of comments above, but does anyone know if we need to pay each month to continue with the game if we just play the single player? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I have never played an MMO.
There is no single player, you have to be online to play. And yes very likely it will be a subscription based game. That said I havent seen that comfirmed anywhere, But I would highly doubt it wasnt.
On October 24 2011 10:47 Darpa wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2011 10:35 Darclite wrote: I looked but might've missed it in the mass of comments above, but does anyone know if we need to pay each month to continue with the game if we just play the single player? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I have never played an MMO. There is no single player, you have to be online to play. And yes very likely it will be a subscription based game. That said I havent seen that comfirmed anywhere, But I would highly doubt it wasnt.
It's in the official FAQ:
Will I need to purchase a monthly subscription in order to play Star Wars: The Old Republic? Yes, a monthly subscription is required to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players will be able to select one of three different subscription options: 1 Month Subscription: $14.99 (£8.99/€12.99) 3 Month Subscription: $13.99 per month (one-time charge of $41.97/£25.17/€35.97) 6 Month Subscription: $12.99 per month (one-time charge of $77.94/£46.14/€65.94)
sorry ill pass on this , out dated graphics , more importand stale outdated gameplay ( combat mechanics directly copy cat form wow erc) boring enviroment - boring classes , same ol pve to instance pvp ( battlegrounds )
Thanks but no thanks
Gl with that pricing model vs guild wars
On October 24 2011 21:36 topoulo wrote: sorry ill pass on this , out dated graphics , more importand stale outdated gameplay ( combat mechanics directly copy cat form wow erc) boring enviroment - boring classes , same ol pve to instance pvp ( battlegrounds )
Thanks but no thanks
Gl with that pricing model vs guild wars
Thanks for that wonderful contribution to the thread? Also as for the pricing model. How'd that same pricing model do for WoW when the first Guild Wars was out? Oh it did pretty effing good iirc.
I'm fairly sure GW2 compares a lot better to WoW/ToR straight up than GW1 did back in the day. I tried both WoW and GW1 when they came out and absolutely hated GW1 in comparison. I'm pretty excited about GW2 though.
this game might ruin my career, kotor1/2 were sick good but luckily your saved by finishing the game and flushing out all the story. for something like an MMO its not realistic to be able to finish it in a week or a month or even a year.
On October 22 2011 17:52 Gotmog wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2011 18:33 Archie_Lewis wrote: I was following ToR very closely past 2 years, but when they actually showed it at Gamescom, I saw just WoW in space. I dont want to bash this game, because I really like Star Wars and I want it to be the best game in the world. But what I saw was just disappointment Its an mmo. You could read that since the day it was announced. Wow is an mmo.
And that right there is the biggest problem plaguing MMOs in my opinion. Nobody wants innovation. Nobody expects innovation. All MMOs are expected to play exactly alike and have the same mechanics or else it sucks. There are plenty of games that have broken traditional MMO boundaries, but main stream MMO fans reject them (Eve, OMG spreadsheeets/learning curve, Guild Wars 1, OMG instances). MMOs do not need to have the exact same class mechanics, grouping systems, quest systems, and loot grind in order to be "MMOs."