On August 12 2011 08:40 Eishi_Ki wrote: Has there been any news regarding servers? Will NA and EU etc play on separate servers (ala WoW, LoTRO etc) or on global servers (ala FFXI, FFXIV)?
Consular Shadow btw, well up for a TL guild
There will be servers based all over europe and NA, but you can access all servers no matter where you bought the game. So you can buy an account being from eu and choose to play on NA or eu servers, freely.
On August 12 2011 12:29 redFF wrote: The only thing that annoys me is that they are advertising 8 unique classes when in reality they only have 4(which is fine). Looking at the descriptions on site it seems the difference between playing a smuggler and imperial agent is the same between playing a tauren warrior and a human warrior in wow. It's disappointing that they can't give the different factions totally different mechanics/classes to play with but it would be harder to balance and all bioware seem to be focusing on is voice acting and questing T.T. That's fine for a single player game but not for an mmo. I'm getting more and more worried about this game every day.
edit: So i watched some gameplay videos and there is so much talking to sit through lol what are they doing.
The reason they say 8 is because each of the 4 classes is really two classes. a Sith Juggernaut and a sith marauder are very different. Think warrior/rogue in WoW. The sub classes is what gets you to 8, not the 4 per faction.
What's the role of the four classes? To make choosing simpler e.g. you pick one of four, then a few levels down the road you pick from a pair of sub-classes? Or can you just pick any one of the 8 specializations from the get-go and the four types are descriptions like the warrior/rogue/wizard/healer quad-fecta?
On August 12 2011 12:29 redFF wrote: The only thing that annoys me is that they are advertising 8 unique classes when in reality they only have 4(which is fine). Looking at the descriptions on site it seems the difference between playing a smuggler and imperial agent is the same between playing a tauren warrior and a human warrior in wow. It's disappointing that they can't give the different factions totally different mechanics/classes to play with but it would be harder to balance and all bioware seem to be focusing on is voice acting and questing T.T. That's fine for a single player game but not for an mmo. I'm getting more and more worried about this game every day.
edit: So i watched some gameplay videos and there is so much talking to sit through lol what are they doing.
The reason they say 8 is because each of the 4 classes is really two classes. a Sith Juggernaut and a sith marauder are very different. Think warrior/rogue in WoW. The sub classes is what gets you to 8, not the 4 per faction.
What's the role of the four classes? To make choosing simpler e.g. you pick one of four, then a few levels down the road you pick from a pair of sub-classes? Or can you just pick any one of the 8 specializations from the get-go and the four types are descriptions like the warrior/rogue/wizard/healer quad-fecta?
The choice of base class mainly affects the story you experience, unlike most MMO's levelling one class will be significantly different to levelling another (with lots of quests being class specific), the Advanced class choice is more akin to the choice of a standard class (they can all have a dedicated DPS tree, and the secondary tree is either Tank/Healer/DPS).
Can someone care to enlighten me on how the gathering/crafting mechanics work with respect to your ship crew.
I watched Bioware's 3 minute movies feature on it but how exactly does it work when you send your crew out to gather materials, do the litterally just wonder off into the game world and get to it (potentially being attack by opposing faction) or do they just disappear and after some allotated time appear back with resources?
On August 14 2011 01:22 Asymmetric wrote: Can someone care to enlighten me on how the gathering/crafting mechanics work with respect to your ship crew.
I watched Bioware's 3 minute movies feature on it but how exactly does it work when you send your crew out to gather materials, do the litterally just wonder off into the game world and get to it (potentially being attack by opposing faction) or do they just disappear and after some allotated time appear back with resources?
Your companions do the job for you. You can find some gathering nodes in the world, but they are rare. Instead you send your companions on mission to gather resources or craft things. It costs some money to send them and they will return after a few minutes with your goods. The advantage is that when you can send all your companions out since you have numerous companions. Leveling crafting/gathering remains similar to WoW mechanics.
Edit: I just played PvP, and I must say I'm disappointed. It;'s WoW syndrome all over again. Republic are full moronic idiots who roll DPS classes and get owned so badly that it ain't even funny. So much for playing the Jedis.
Well really, there's only so much you can do to please people who've played MMO's (read: WoW) for half a decade, if that's all they can compare it to (granted that's perfectively justified). I'm still just simmering (not shimmering) with excitement for this game, so bump goes the tread.
On August 14 2011 01:22 Asymmetric wrote: Can someone care to enlighten me on how the gathering/crafting mechanics work with respect to your ship crew.
I watched Bioware's 3 minute movies feature on it but how exactly does it work when you send your crew out to gather materials, do the litterally just wonder off into the game world and get to it (potentially being attack by opposing faction) or do they just disappear and after some allotated time appear back with resources?
Your companions do the job for you. You can find some gathering nodes in the world, but they are rare. Instead you send your companions on mission to gather resources or craft things. It costs some money to send them and they will return after a few minutes with your goods. The advantage is that when you can send all your companions out since you have numerous companions. Leveling crafting/gathering remains similar to WoW mechanics.
Edit: I just played PvP, and I must say I'm disappointed. It;'s WoW syndrome all over again. Republic are full moronic idiots who roll DPS classes and get owned so badly that it ain't even funny. So much for playing the Jedis.
Have you found an apprentice to succeed you...? One far younger and more powerful...?
Does the game have any mechanics where players repeatedly tap certain keys if player A wants to push player B, but player B decides to counter... and winner gets to proceed with the attack? found those in some really, really old snes games... where characters could power up... and cast a particle beam from their palms...a turtle destruct wave... or something...
EDIT: Also found a video of the developers running through Eternity Vault and not wiping completely like they did yesterday (probably due to time constraints).
On August 18 2011 00:56 LedFarmer wrote: Just got my beta invite, but my internet at the moment (mi-fi card) won't let me download this game. Guess I have to wait till I go back to school :X
*Checks email* Dude I'm so jelly. Maybe wake up early and go hang out in Starbucks all day so you can use their internet to download the game? Perhaps your mi-fi card will be enough for you to play it once it's downloaded.
On August 12 2011 12:29 redFF wrote: The only thing that annoys me is that they are advertising 8 unique classes when in reality they only have 4(which is fine). Looking at the descriptions on site it seems the difference between playing a smuggler and imperial agent is the same between playing a tauren warrior and a human warrior in wow. It's disappointing that they can't give the different factions totally different mechanics/classes to play with but it would be harder to balance and all bioware seem to be focusing on is voice acting and questing T.T. That's fine for a single player game but not for an mmo. I'm getting more and more worried about this game every day.
edit: So i watched some gameplay videos and there is so much talking to sit through lol what are they doing.
The reason they say 8 is because each of the 4 classes is really two classes. a Sith Juggernaut and a sith marauder are very different. Think warrior/rogue in WoW. The sub classes is what gets you to 8, not the 4 per faction.
no it's more like an arms warrior in wow and a prot warrior in wow lol. if so then wow has 30 classes!
Been in beta for a few weeks now and I'm LOVING it! It's a bit slow to start, but Bioware deffinately delivers their trademark storytelling experience. The cinematic quests make the game truely amazing, but people that are looking for a grab-quest-no-questions-asked-kind-of-game are going to instead find atleast 2-3 minute long cinematics each quest. You can spam spacebar and click random responses, but the story for each quest I've done has been actually really enjoyable rather than something as simple as killing a boar for its meat because x person says so. All this considered though, leveling to cap will deffinately take some time if you decide to watch each quests cinematic and answer choose your answers.