On August 18 2011 00:56 LedFarmer wrote: Just got my beta invite, but my internet at the moment (mi-fi card) won't let me download this game. Guess I have to wait till I go back to school :X
*Checks email* Dude I'm so jelly. Maybe wake up early and go hang out in Starbucks all day so you can use their internet to download the game? Perhaps your mi-fi card will be enough for you to play it once it's downloaded.
I am just going to go over to a friends house, would be kinda hard to take my 70lb rig to starbucks
im disappointed you'll be stuck with the same boring lightsabre for 10 years that you play
no moving up from a dagger to a rapier to a bastard sword to an enchanted two-handed 6-foot devastator
lightsabres are cool and all but i would prefer starting with a tiny one and progressing to maniac one. and having lightsabre battle axes and halberds, and a huge lightsabre shield for my tanking knight. it IS the old republic so who knows what crazy stuff they used back then
Hey I don't know if this is the proper place to post this or not, but I would really like to have fellow SC fans in a guild. My family and friends have started a guild. We will be playing on the dark side. The guild name is "Han's Cholos" Search Cholos if looking! We will most likely be playing on the u.s east servers on a PvE realm. We will hopefully raid at 50 and will have vent (and of course some light role playing ).
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area. I don't want to seem like a spammer. Just would really like some fellow Liquidiers to join in this new mmo experience!
On August 18 2011 03:00 FFGenerations wrote: im disappointed you'll be stuck with the same boring lightsabre for 10 years that you play
no moving up from a dagger to a rapier to a bastard sword to an enchanted two-handed 6-foot devastator
lightsabres are cool and all but i would prefer starting with a tiny one and progressing to maniac one. and having lightsabre battle axes and halberds, and a huge lightsabre shield for my tanking knight. it IS the old republic so who knows what crazy stuff they used back then
We know exactly what kind of crazy stuff they used back then. There are tons of canon sources covering the eras before and after this. The only major changes to lightsaber technology in the 25,000 years before Episode IV was the removal of the need for battery packs (worn on the belt, with a power cord going from the pack to the hilt).
The only variation on 'light weapons' was a stupid 'lightwhip' that a Sith woman used, and that was a ridiculously stupid idea (and I'm glad her character was finally killed). Light doesn't work that way... it doesn't even work in the way lightsabers do, but that's far easier to 'believe' in the context than light bending into shapes as if a Green Lantern were manipulating it.
On August 19 2011 01:49 hejakev wrote: I wonder how much SWTOR will appeal to the old SWG crowd. I hope it's complex, not just Star Wars version of WoW
Sorry dude, but that's exactly what it is, down to every little detail and they're not even pretending that it isn't
On August 19 2011 01:49 hejakev wrote: I wonder how much SWTOR will appeal to the old SWG crowd. I hope it's complex, not just Star Wars version of WoW
I'm a huge SWG fan and played so much back in the day
I was so excited for TOR but after getting into the beta, if you had any fun with SWG, sorry, but this game isn't even close.
It's a wow clone almost button for button.
Obviously the combat has some glaring differences, but the fact is it will be fun to do a play through of a class or two, but won't hold interest passed a month or two.
On August 19 2011 01:49 hejakev wrote: I wonder how much SWTOR will appeal to the old SWG crowd. I hope it's complex, not just Star Wars version of WoW
Sorry dude, but that's exactly what it is, down to every little detail and they're not even pretending that it isn't
With better questiong from what I understand.
PS: I doubt they will ever make something like SWG, considering how it um, died.
Honestly, the cinematic effects make this game look amazing, but the game play is lacking when comparing graphics with that of the original KOTOR. But when just comparing sole gameplay, it looks pretty darn sick.
Bioware is doing a great job. They are doing awesome updates with the game and beta. I really think they are going to release an amazing game. Do people forget about the fully voiced part... That is what they are trying to implement. It is awesome. It will be a different mmo with some wow aspects. That isn't a bad thing considering the success of WOW.
From Totalbiscuit with one of the developers (I believe) playing through the sith warrior opening story. it is quiet a good video to see if you enjoy it. This personally completely sold me on this.
On August 19 2011 01:49 hejakev wrote: I wonder how much SWTOR will appeal to the old SWG crowd. I hope it's complex, not just Star Wars version of WoW
Sorry dude, but that's exactly what it is, down to every little detail and they're not even pretending that it isn't
With better questiong from what I understand.
PS: I doubt they will ever make something like SWG, considering how it um, died.
They killed it by trying to make it into WoW. They implemented a "combat upgrade" that made the combat less like a Jet Li movie and more like WoW's hit-and-wait style. In the following 2 months, they lost over 60% of their subscribers.
I don't think it's too optimistic to think they'd learn from their mistakes.
So we should start a Teamliquid guild. Get everyones opinion on whether we should go with the Empire or Republic and be based on PvP or Pve based server.
On August 19 2011 08:33 Arthemesia wrote: I'm so sad I've singed up during the first week they were accepting invites and still havent gotten a key.
If you ordered through Origin, The "Digital Rights" key code is what you use. You receive it when you get email that states:
Thank you for ordering from Origin Store on <date>. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for EA * Origin.com on your credit card billing statement.