That should keep you busy for awhile. Besides that I recommend monkey island 3 & 4, hilarious adventure games.
Single player games! - Page 2
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11782 Posts
That should keep you busy for awhile. Besides that I recommend monkey island 3 & 4, hilarious adventure games. | ||
France8043 Posts
On July 09 2008 20:54 0xDEADBEEF wrote: Duller than Diablo is impossible. :p I liked DS 2. Didn't play DS 1, but 2 is/was certainly a fun game for playing through it once. Only redeeming point for Diablo 2 is that it's so simple that you can play it with casual gamer friends at any time. But this is about single player, so... DS 2 > D2. Diablo 1 solo >>>> DS 1. The ambience is like way better ( and you cant call me a nostalgic because i played diablo 1 very late like in 2002 ). Although Diablo 2 is quite boring sometimes i think it is still better. It has better drop / item system, better design ( but still quite bad, lol @ Act 2, 3 and 5 ), the gameplay is faster (i hate slow hack and slash ). Dunno about DS 2 but if it is like DS 1 it is really bad imo even in solo. On July 09 2008 20:54 0xDEADBEEF wrote: Torment is never hard... it's really all about the story, characters and immersion. Combat is like a fun addition to the game, not really an obstacle and certainly not what you're busy with most of the time. You should finish the underground ASAP, you'll find something... interesting in the Drowned Nations Catacombs. ![]() When I found that, I was really hooked and excited about finding out more. If you didn't meet Many-as-One or the Silent King yet, that's also fun... Dont worry i didnt say that Torment is bad, moreover i think i'm a bit faulty because my English is terrible so i cant enjoy dialogs like you or English native speakers did, and i'm a bit bewildered by the weird world and characters ( which is a matter of taste ). But, my problem about Torment gameplay is that i did a "smart" character to get better dialogs. So i have a charracter with 19 Int, however he is kinda weak ( 9 Str, 12 Const ), but even with a "weak" character ( and he is still a warrior... ) fights are easy so it is a bit boring, because i thought that i would have to use tricks or to avoid fights to go further in the game but no, i can win all the fights ( i didnt even use the charms i have collected ... ). Nevertheless i use the dialogs to solve problems because i can get more Xp ( but what the point of getting more Xp if the game is easy ? ) When you play BG if you chose to play a warrior with 9 at Str, you will get badly punished by the first though monster. Another example of why this game is too easy. When i was at the undead city, the game bugged and the skeleton priest didnt want to let me go out. So i tried to kill him and all his minions and i succeded at the first try :/. i know as you said that Torment isnt about fights, but i like challenge, and i'm a bit disappointed because i feel it is all about completing dialog trees ![]() It looks almost like a book ( it is both a critic and a compliment for a video game ![]() | ||
Australia1382 Posts
Some people said KOTOR for a starwars game, but Jedi Knight II: Outcast is easily the best Starwars game ever made; if you like the sweet idea of FPS/3rdPS/3rdPLightsaberownage hybrid. | ||
Germany1235 Posts
On July 09 2008 22:31 Boblion wrote: Another example of why this game is too easy. When i was at the undead city, the game bugged and the skeleton priest didnt want to let me go out. So i tried to kill him and all his minions and i succeded at the first try :/. I haven't tried that. Many fights can be avoided, this one is no exception. Did you manage to get into the throne room? ![]() Set the difficulty slider to maximum if it really bothers you that it's too easy... then the monsters will do double damage which can be nasty sometimes. Not often though. :p You can also try to kill Many-as-One for a challenge. Just a stupid rat, what are you waiting for? :D i know as you said that Torment isnt about fights, but i like challenge, and i'm a bit disappointed because i feel it is all about completing dialog trees ![]() Yes, well... it's intentional that many things are different from traditional computer RPGs. Dialog in PS:T is much more critical and game-deciding than combat. In other RPGs, you save before some combats, but in PS:T, you should save before some dialogs instead. See the first answer in this interview here for more examples: (warning: major spoilers if you read more than just the first answer! If you also don't want slight spoilers, don't click on it at all). It looks almost like a book ( it is both a critic and a compliment for a video game ![]() Yeah, it's like an interactive book, and this greatly enhances the story and character interactions. My advice is to play PS:T when you're not in a hurry. Gotta immerse yourself in it. Also, talk to your party members from time to time... it's fun and sometimes rewarding. ![]() | ||
United States453 Posts
Based on your favorite games you will really enjoy Master of Magic and Star Control 2. They are DOS based games but their quality is so good, they will stand the test of time. I am playing Grandia 2 right now and its pretty fun, but its no CT. | ||
United States1253 Posts
On July 09 2008 13:17 Nitrogen23 wrote: LOL IN VIDEO WHEN SHE SAYS "WHAT DOES A GIRL HAVE TO DO AROUND HERE TO GET SOME KHA'AK?" HAHAHAHHAHAH LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLO OMG AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. I like how she keeps on repeating it hahahahahahahahaha. on Topic: Deus Ex: Invisible War is one of the most fun RPGs ever its actually an RPG/FPS hybrid, and that just makes it all the more cooler. Like it's predecessor there's a lot of freedom you have and many ways for you to play the game. I thought the Splinter Cell games were pretty fun too, but I think I liked the co-op versions better. | ||
United States190 Posts
anyway, back to the topic, i really liked Metal Gear Solids. the story line is just really great, and well thought out, although i do think the gameplay is not as tense as some of the other games. i also vote splinter cell. it was crazy fun when it first came out. | ||
Canada15390 Posts
Colonization: 1994 TBS. very, very fun. Generally fairly short games. Westnoth: HERE. You can see my post about it HERE. various snes games and psx games (among the Front Mission, Metal Marines, Super Mario, Final Fantasy, Tales of Phantasia, MGS) | ||
Sweden33719 Posts
On July 10 2008 02:50 Cogito wrote: Chrono Trigger and X-Com were already mentioned. Based on your favorite games you will really enjoy Master of Magic and Star Control 2. They are DOS based games but their quality is so good, they will stand the test of time. I am playing Grandia 2 right now and its pretty fun, but its no CT. Omg Strontrol 2 = best voices of any game ever. Sooooo funny too! DL: | ||
9070 Posts
And ofc NWN... | ||
Germany1685 Posts maybe that helps you painkiller is a good shooter if you enjoy trashy gameplay with loooots of monsters etc. last singleplayer game i played through was Rune i suppose.. really enjoyed it at that time.. the levels were very well designed on the whole (you have quite a voyage.. through the underworld, viking fortifications, meet gods..) and it just felt cool playing an action adventure with ut99 engine. (we also played it a lot via lan) yeah mass effect is great - already mentioned i hear different opinions on the witcher.. some say it's really great and a must play.. but some1 in the comments here said he didn't enjoy it. anyway, there will be an enhanced version later this year so if you wanna try out the game i'd wait for this as they improve dialogues, voice acting and some other things.. i'll buy it then too ![]() and i want to underline disciple's pick: Disciples II is indeed a great game with the positive aspects he already named. (if you are in for tbs) so my cleared recommendations (for antique pc ![]() | ||
United States5345 Posts
On July 09 2008 19:43 XCetron wrote: I was actually considering getting X3: The Reunion but I haven't found much info on it. Someone convince me quick, gogo KHA'AK 'nuff said. | ||
France8043 Posts
On July 10 2008 06:35 Ghardo wrote: last singleplayer game i played through was Rune i suppose.. really enjoyed it at that time.. the levels were very well designed on the whole (you have quite a voyage.. through the underworld, viking fortifications, meet gods..) and it just felt cool playing an action adventure with ut99 engine. (we also played it a lot via lan) Rune is really good, i agree. Multi is funny but becomes boring quite fast in my opinion. If you like the multi here is a cool vid: + Show Spoiler + ut99 engine produced so many good games ![]() | ||
Canada222 Posts
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Canada15390 Posts
max payne (the original) was pretty damn fun too | ||
Sweden1696 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + I love the fact that you don't even have to fight the final boss, you can just talk your way out of it if you have enough Wis+Int | ||
9070 Posts
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Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
Morrowind was also quite a good game. You could do all sorts of shit. | ||
9070 Posts
On July 10 2008 08:49 Last Romantic wrote: Silent Hill 2 had the sickest soundtrack. . Indeed and btw SH5 will be out soon so now is the perfect time to go thru SH 1 and 2 again. | ||
Korea (South)2131 Posts
When I get around to it, I will definitely play FEAR and Max payne. I havn't played any real horror games so I duno what its like. I kind of doubt a game could scare me though cus im immune to horror or something lol. Deus Ex, as many people mentioned is amazing. I did read read many bad reviews for sequel though, which detered me from playing it. I also really enjoyed jagged allience 2 (although I lost interest eventually lol), so I will give UFO a try. Baldurs Gate. Now that is a series that everyone hails in the RPg department. I have been meaning to play it, but never really got around to it. Someone mentioned Jedi Outcast. If that is the same series as Jedi Academy, then yes that game is incredible. I played Jedi Academy online for a bit, and it was so addictive. Once you get good at using the saber its like an artform. My fav move was, walking towards the opponent with your saber sheathed, then bust out the 1 hit kill backstab move. It rarely works, but once in a while u can get the kill. Once, my internet went down for an extended amount of time, and I resorted to playing D2 single player. It was so much fun until I went to Nightmare and my resistence got fucked over lol. I ended up doing nightmare meph runs.... on fuckin single player and realized it was time to quit. I played morrowind for a bit, but I went off track with the flying spell and ended up in some wierd castle with guards everywhere. I also stole all these crazy shit from the mage guild. I duno that game was maybe too open ended for me. The game I really want to recommend to everyone is again Space rangers 2. There is so many mini games in it that it doesnt get dull. Not to mension the combat system is one of the best ive seen. You can toggle it from turn based to real time. They both have their uses in different situations. Here is a short clip of the different aspects of the game. | ||
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