I've played a lot of Single Player games.
Hell, when I started playing D2 online I had already played it in Single Player for about a month. It was more fun because I was not funded and get rushed, etc.
Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning.
Dungeon Siege 2: BW. I didn't play that much but it looks great.
Fable: TLC THIS IS PROBABLY THE BEST SINGLE PLAYER RPG IMO. Your character is fully customizable (I may be exaggerating as you can't make your guy black or anything) and there is so much to do when you aren't questing. I wished the story was extended a bit longer and was harder. I'm currently playing this with my all-skill character. Still deciding on allignment.
KotOR of course. So many more.
Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
Also, I started the game without tutu. I do not want to restart now even though Im only lvl 3 lol. Is there a way to install tutu and keep my current save?
F.E.A.R. is he best FPS game i've played in my life in terms of gameplay and storyline. you need a pretty good comp tho to get the most out of it. The AI is wicked sick and it gets pretty scary at some points.
Also NOX is a pretty old and less wellknown game but I personally enjoyed it. It's kinda like baldurs gate except its pretty short and fast paced and mostly real time action.
On July 17 2008 08:31 MyStiC_Chaos wrote: Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning. .
lol DS is an horrible game. It is like diablo 2 but 10x worse.
On July 17 2008 08:34 gameguard wrote: Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
Also, I started the game without tutu. I do not want to restart now even though Im only lvl 3 lol. Is there a way to install tutu and keep my current save?
1- a sorc isnt really better than a mage. He will have more spells slots but he cant learn many different kind of spell.
2- You need to start a new game if you want to play with Tutu. But if you play as a mage it isnt really important imo because the subclass arent really better. A mage is more versatile than a sorc. The only things that Tutu would make better for you is the 800x600 resolution, window mode and max hp per level. So if you dont really care about graphics and arent lazy ( do the save / load trick to get the max of hp ) it isnt really important.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night it has the best. soundtrack. ever. in addition to really fun gameplay.
Super Metroid is pretty awesome too (and very similar).
Oh, try Cave Story too. it's a free game for PC, feels like a megaman/contra/RPG hybrid, and it does everything really well. i don't really know the story yet, because i've just started playing, but it's been fun so far. http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/
On July 17 2008 09:20 hiddink wrote: F.E.A.R. is he best FPS game i've played in my life in terms of gameplay and storyline. you need a pretty good comp tho to get the most out of it. The AI is wicked sick and it gets pretty scary at some points.
Also NOX is a pretty old and less wellknown game but I personally enjoyed it. It's kinda like baldurs gate except its pretty short and fast paced and mostly real time action.
F.E.A.R. is nice, but far from the best FPS... the level design is very repetitive, and the scary parts are too predictable. It's pretty much "scary scene" - "soldier fighting scene" - "scary scene" - "soldier fighting scene" and so on.
NOX was fun, but it's absolutely not like BG at all. It's like Diablo.
@Sorcerer question: Sorcerers are better than mages because they can cast spells more often, obviously. A mage is more versatile, i.e. can choose from a much greater variety of spells, but there are only a few really good spells from each spell level. So if you want to maximize your efficiency, and you play a mage, you'll basically use the same spells a sorcerer would use (the best ones) but you have less spell slots available. A Wild Mage is fairly powerful though. And fun.
ah well, im begining to like my mage. The versatility is good to have i guess. And regardless of being a sorc or mage, i think it would play out pretty similar in most circumstances. On a solo play, a mage would potentially be better than a sorc right? Since they can prepare spells depending on the situation. Although if u make a good sorc, it should be able to cover all the bases... iduno.
I actually planned on playing solo/duo with imeon or something.. but then I realized none of us can melee for shit lol. The spells are quite lacking in terms of power at the begining of the game. Mage seems like only a support char at this point. Not to mention i took dagger as my weap lol, throwing weaps only stack to 10 and u cant put it on quiver which is annoying like shit. I ended up just using the +1 sling -_-
Anyways, It seems so hard to play a low member party with a mage PC. Blind/sleep can only take u so far. Right now I got kivan and minsc along with imoen and things are much easier now. But then, I have to go rescue minsc's girl.... And when she joins ill have 2 mages -_-. Then I need a cleric probably. Thats like a full party lol which is not what i intended. With a party liek taht, can I get max level on BG1 + expantion?
On July 17 2008 09:36 Boblion wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2008 08:31 MyStiC_Chaos wrote: Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning. . lol DS is an horrible game. It is like diablo 2 but 10x worse.
Didn't say it wasn't, did I? I agree, it's so bad. It was just one that came into my head. DS2 is better.
On July 17 2008 15:53 gameguard wrote: But then, I have to go rescue minsc's girl.... And when she joins ill have 2 mages -_-. Then I need a cleric probably. Thats like a full party lol which is not what i intended. With a party liek taht, can I get max level on BG1 + expantion?
If you're not that much into the role-playing aspect, you can kill Dynaheir if you just want Minsc. You just have to send her somewhere alone into enemies. Minsc will then be sad but stay with your party. And don't worry about max level or experience. The game is designed for a full party, less characters just means faster levelling but it's by no means necessary.
master of orion 1 is pretty awesome and it is free. Some see it as a somewhat simple strategy game but there are a lot of subtle cool stuff about the game that you discover as you continue to play. Definitely a revolutionary masterpiece when it was released in 1992 and still enjoyable to play today occasionally.
Also, some dude conveniently dedicated his website to Master of Orion original that has literally everything to help players including how to get the game to play on XP, Tutorials for the noobs, nice tricks, Comparisons of all the races, and battle reports on Impossible Difficulty
The only "flaw" is that occasionally the game will ask you to identify random ships as a defence against people who didn't buy the game. You can try to guess the ship's name but if you get it wrong 3 times in a row you instantly become genocided. To simply defeat this problem, use this website that has all the ship names:
Also, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (DX) for the Game Boy Color was a pretty sweet game too. I personally thought it was better than Link to the Past.
^is 1 better than 3? btw anyone know a good jet fighter simulator?
Yeah 1 and 2 are infinitely better than 3
3 is a big crappy mess of fresh poop on a stick
If your PC can handle it, play Mass Effect. Definately an awesome epic game. It offers fantastic characters, a thrilling story, well written and spoken dialogs and an overall great universe. Game of the year so far for me.
i just try Heroes of Might and Magic III awesome game
^Wow, I tried it too after your suggestion. I'm playing the tutorial and loving the pace right now. Is this the best in the series?
Sweden630 Posts
Definently. HoMM 3 is just awesome.
On July 17 2008 08:34 gameguard wrote: Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
A sorceror is only more powerfull if you know beforehand which spells are usefull during the game. If not, I suggest going with a mage.
The reason why the sorceror is more powerfull is explained above, there are only a few usefull spells each level that you will use during the game. And yes, you do get to cast more spells a day with a sorceror than with a mage.
Here's a spell list for a (solo) sorceror that I made a long time ago. This will also make a decent selection for party sorceror, although you might want to replace some spell with party buffing spells then.
+ Show Spoiler + lvl 1: Magic missile Chromatic orb Spook Find familiar Protection from evil
lvl 2: Mirror image Melf's acid arrow Resist fear Knock Agannazar's scorcher
lvl 3: Flame arrow Remove magic Skull trap Melf's minute meteor's Fireball
lvl 4: Greater malison Stoneskin Secret word Minor Sequencer Wizard eye
lvl 5: Animate death Breach Lower resistance Sunfire Spell immunity
lvl 6: Improved haste Pierce magic True sight Protection from magical weapons Contingency
lvl 7: Mordekainen's swords Project image Spell sequencer Delayed blast fireball Khelben's warding whip
lvl 8: Abi-dalzims horrid wilting Pierce shield Simularicum Spell trigger
lvl 9: Timestop Chain contingency Shapechange Wish
That said, BG 2 is the best game ever created and I play it to this day (yes, better than sc). There are ton's of mods out there that make the game more challenging, add new NPC's, new quests, new items etc. The party aspect of the game is great and soloing is a huge challenge the first time.
Besides that, singleplayer games that run on older PC's:
Might and Magic 6 Fallout 1 Commando's Planescape Torment Baldur's gate 1 Old SNES RPG's playable with rom (Zelda:A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy series, Lufia 2:The Rise of the Sinistrals, The Super Mario RPG) The Pokemon games can be quite fun on a rom. Beyond Good and Evil
On July 22 2008 07:14 mistapooh wrote: ^Wow, I tried it too after your suggestion. I'm playing the tutorial and loving the pace right now. Is this the best in the series? yea i remember reading 3>5>2> or =4>1 5 got better gfx tho. but i had lags with it on my p4 3.2ghz ,1gig ram, 9600 ati
Planescape: Torment is so awesome, currently playing through it a second time. Also playing Deus Ex for the first time and it is very good (graphics are dated but the story and gameplay are top notch). System Shock 2 was also very good, one of the few games that genuinely scared me and cool hybrid of RPG and FPS.
Hmm. I just beat BG1 and am about to play 2. This time I want to use all the good mods. Can you guys sugest which mods I should get and in which order to install them? One thing I am curious about is the ascension/redemption mod. Do these mods change the endgame drastically? Is it better than the original end game? Am I missing out if I end up playing through BG2 just once? How does it relate to the ending movie?