Every once in a while, I have this urge to take a break from cs/sc and delve into some epic single player games. But its unfortunate that I never end up finishing them due to lost interest. I will blame the deteriorating quality in games and not my short attention span.
Anyways.. when I have this urge, I go googling for all kinds of games that arnt mainstream. You know, those games that end up in the shelf of some used book store. Most of them end up being terrible but the hidden gems are definintely there.
I will list some games I've come across (both well known and obscure).
Fallout series - I played the 2nd one. This series is popular for a reason. Gameplay is top notch. The freedom it gives the player is amazing. It might have been a little too much freedom for me though, because I lost interest after san francisco (getting imba guns with some tricks).
Neverwinter nights - Again, great game for rpg fans. I thoguht I was an rpg fan, but these days I get tired of reading so much text lol. I quit a third way through maybe.
Planscape torment - Haha, I couldnt play this game past the beginning cell that you are in. Too much reading and random clicking to find some wrench...
Space rangers 2 - Now here is a game that held my interest til the end. Its a fun as hell space adventure game. It has the same basic principles as most space games like diff alien races, trading, bounty hunting missions, etc. It has a great battle system that kept me interested, and I was always eager to find better weap drops from killed ships. Also, there is a decent RTS minigame when you try to liberate a planet. Another minigame exist inside wormholes. Your attack in the minigame changes as you equip different weaps on the ship prior to entering the wormhole.
Master of Orion II - Epic Epic game. Space rangers 2 got me into the space genre, and I stumbled upon this masterpiecee. Its the OG of games like Galactic civ. This differs from space rangers 2 in taht you dont control one ship, but a generalCant really describe the awesomeness, you just have to try this. I think its abandonware now?
Advent Rising - This was a pretty interesting game. Its a fast paced FPS game. The story was cowritten by Orson Scott Card (enders game. Overall, the game keeps a nice pace and isnt too drawn out. It was developed to be the first of a trilogy, but the game didnt do so well and ended up being dropped. Its still a good game, so might wana give it a try.
Throne of Darkness - This game is so lol. Its a diablo clone set in fuedal japan. Unlike diablo, you aquire 7 characters from the first mission. You can use up to 4 at a time and can switch them out anytime you want. You end up switching them out alot, which takes some micro because your chars get hurt FAST and the only practical way to heal them is to send them back to heal (chars only recharge when they are not in active party). Inventory management is a nightmare since all 7 characters will end up picking up various drops. This game might seem so wierd at first, but once you get the hang of it, its very playable. Just remember to pay special attention to wizard because that fucker cannot lvl up worth a damn until lvl 12 or something (get lava ring!). I may get back to this game someday, but right now I ditched it for
Freelancer - Space adventure in the same vein as space rangers 2. Its in 3d however. Not the zomg amazing graphics of today, but 2003 3D. Graphics are not bad at all though, and gameplay is what really counts right? Missions tend to get repetitive as fuck (go there and kill this), but combat doesnt get dull, and its fast paced. Oh and if you end up playing this, get the discovery mod which supposedly adds alot of content without disrupting the original feel of the game.
Games I'm interested in but didnt play yet(mainly due to antique computer):
Dawn of Magic, Mass effect, The Witcher, X3: Reunion, The bard's tale, Darkstar One.
Please share your opinions about any single player games that captivated you in the past o.O
I will end the post with this review of X3:Reunion.
Mass Effect engaged me a lot more than NWN, even though it probably has twice as much text/dialogue. I just couldn't get "in" to the NwN storyline, though I did finish one of the expansions and several user mods (most are better than the game itself). Apparently the sequel has now been patched to the point of playable, but I haven't played it yet.
Continuing the Bioware theme, I love Knights of the Old Republic. Great story, engaging characters and lightsabers. I had fun. The sequel's okay, if not incredibly buggy.
Oblivion was another game that I really couldn't get into that much. I'm not really sure why, but I didn't find it as jawdroppingly amazing as many other people have.
I'm a bit curious about the Witcher, so hopefully someone here has played it and can give some feedback.
I suffer from the same thing that you do, getting bored because of my constant engagement in the multiplayer experience, but Max Payne is a game (both 1 and 2) that I could get through and that I actually wanted to finish. It's super fun, you like shooters obviously, and it has a really nice feel to it. The storyline is awesome as well. Definitely play through them if you haven't yet.
Also, the single player campaign in Dungeon Siege 1 is awesome. Imagine Diablo 2 on steroids. A very similar feel with some awesome added extras. I am about to go through Dungeon Siege 2 myself.
If you appreciate DOS games, try Death Rally for racing, and Bolo for IMPOSSIBLE hardness in a simple puzzle game. Definitely 2 classics right there.
X3 is really good, lots of stuff to do... though it's really hard to start off since you get like no money, a crappy ship with crappy guns and crappy shields, and you don't have any rep... so you can't buy anything, pretty much. There are a few tricks to get set up and start making some money, and once you have a fairly steady income you can start making more money and eventually get yourself into decent stuff. Lots of micromanaging your freighters and stuff for a while, though, and combat isn't super awesome until you get some better stuff and can hunt tougher targets.
I absolutely hated The Witcher and couldn't even get past the first real chapter. My biggest complaint with the game was that the conversations were stilted. If you asked questions out of order, the characters would often act surprised to learn things they already knew, ask questions they already knew the answers to, etc. Even if you went through dialogue options sequentially, it seemed like all the lines were recorded independently of each other and with no emotion. The combat was exceptionally weak, and the game contained quests that even MMORPG designers would have rejected for being too boring. Apparently it has a good story, but good luck getting to it.
Mass Effect, on the other hand, was very good and definitely worth playing.
Gothic I & II -great setting, some good quest that can be done in diferent way (mostly in G2), 3rd person view, combat system based on timing attacks/blocking in the right moment. Game is not ridiculously easy like oblivion where you could kill everything from start.
I'm so annoyed they haven't made a sequel for Advent Rising yet. Biggest cliffhanger of any video game ever.
Like it's not really even a god damn ending it's like a 3 parter TV show, it ends right when something interesting happens. ARGH D: Anyway, I think the problem is the people who made the game don't own the rights to it and the people who own the rights to it are just sitting on them -.-
I'm actually playing Darkstar one right now.. it's, I dunno. It seems to be getting better but the characters/story started off just a liiiiiiiiiittle cheesy and the ship is kinda boring in the beginning (but as I said, it seems to be picking up steam ).
As for other fun single player games, well, if you like squad based tactical games you *have* to get UFO: Enemy Unknown, the first of the X-Com games. Brilliant game tbh!
Deus Ex was fun, although if you are crazy like me you'll end up reloading 500 times because you decided hey, I'm gonna go through this game killing as few people as possible (which lead to me doing several retakes cause stunning people with the prod can be difficult :D).
Escape Velocity Nova is pretty fun, it's kinda like freelancer/darkstar one etc but in 2D. It DOES have cheesy storylines (yes, there are a ton of them) IMO but fun all the same.
The White Chamber - short point and click adventure game with amaaaaaaazing atmosphere, I *LOVE* this game. So sosososo good. It's sort of a horror/sci-fi setting, very very very well worth playing. And hey, it's free! http://www.studiotrophis.com/site/home
Bioshock is totally worth buying if you can run it. Awesome atmosphere, pretty interesting story and characters (but I don't like the ending), fun gameplay. Very, very good game IMO.
Currently playing F.E.A.R and fuck me if the first mission isn't awesomely scary haha (I thought the first level in Bioshock, when you are exiting the bathosphere or whatever they call it, was suuuuuuper scary too btw, just the first 2 minutes of it). Anyway, game seems pretty good so far but I'm not very far in.
1213 is a sweet, semi-short, free platformer~ish game, http://reloaded.org/download/1213/171/ Very nice storyline and pretty good gameplay (although the controls CAN be frustrating when jumping over gaps and shit), old school graphics but I like 'em.
Deus Ex is THE best single player rpg/fps you'll ever play. Try it. Now. Just don't quit at the first two missions or so. They are quite boring compared to the rest of the game.
Morrowind (there's quite a bit of text/lore/background etc. but reading it is optional), Thief series, Bioshock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Deus Ex, Jagged Alliance 2, NWN 2, Dawn of War.
If you like horror games then check out F.E.A.R. and System Shock 2.
These are my standard recommendations. Normally I also include BG and PS:T but you have to read quite a bit there.
On July 09 2008 14:58 Quesadilla wrote: Dude, straight up - Max Payne.
I suffer from the same thing that you do, getting bored because of my constant engagement in the multiplayer experience, but Max Payne is a game (both 1 and 2) that I could get through and that I actually wanted to finish. It's super fun, you like shooters obviously, and it has a really nice feel to it. The storyline is awesome as well. Definitely play through them if you haven't yet.
I only played to Max Payne 2 but i have to agree, it is THE 3third person shooter on PC ( first game to use the bullet-time i guess) and the ambience is awesome ( very dark / depressing ), i really liked the "dream levels" for example.
On July 09 2008 14:58 Quesadilla wrote: Also, the single player campaign in Dungeon Siege 1 is awesome. Imagine Diablo 2 on steroids. A very similar feel with some awesome added extras. I am about to go through Dungeon Siege 2 myself.
On the contrary i really disliked Dungeon siege. It was one of my worst experience in video gaming. I played it a lot during two days because i expected the story to improve. But it didnt, so i stopped to play this game. Gameplay is 10X worse than diablo 2, and design is as bad or maybe worse. Dull is the perfect adjective for this game imo.
Now about that the two games i enjoyed the most:
Baldur's Gate 1+2: Arguably the greatest RPG, i'm playing a bit Planescape Torment at the moment, and now i understand why i liked BG so much. I think it has a perfect balance between dialogs / fights, i think that Torment is too talkative and incredibly easy, moreover the fights are boring imo. ( nevertheless i havent completed Torment, i was bored so i did a break, maybe it become harder after the underground part )
Baldur's Gate even normal difficulty mode is a real challenge for a new player, not only because he wont know where to find the best items but also because you can find some really dangerous opponents really fast if you arent cautious. The storyline is also awesome, but i have a slightly preference in BG1 story, because when you start the game, you know nothing about your character, and that made me really eager to know why that Big guy in armor killed my father.
Deus EX: Another example of a game close to the perfection for me. Awesome music and story, some really cool characters, and the gameplay as Frozenarbiter said is so versatile that you can play this game in many different ways ( you can avoid to kill people and use stealth, you can try to hack computers and bots or you can play like a "standart" FPS ).
On July 09 2008 18:29 Boblion wrote: On the contrary i really disliked Dungeon siege. It was one of my worst experience in video gaming. I played it a lot during two days because i expected the story to improve. But it didnt, so i stopped to play this game. Gameplay is 10X worse than diablo 2, and design is as bad or maybe worse. Dull is the perfect adjective for this game imo.
Duller than Diablo is impossible. :p I liked DS 2. Didn't play DS 1, but 2 is/was certainly a fun game for playing through it once. Only redeeming point for Diablo 2 is that it's so simple that you can play it with casual gamer friends at any time. But this is about single player, so... DS 2 > D2.
Baldur's Gate 1+2: Arguably the greatest RPG, i'm playing a bit Planescape Torment at the moment, and now i understand why i liked BG so much. I think it has a perfect balance between dialogs / fights, i think that Torment is too talkative and incredibly easy, moreover the fights are boring imo. ( nevertheless i havent completed Torment, i was bored so i did a break, maybe it become harder after the underground part )
Torment is never hard... it's really all about the story, characters and immersion. Combat is like a fun addition to the game, not really an obstacle and certainly not what you're busy with most of the time. You should finish the underground ASAP, you'll find something... interesting in the Drowned Nations Catacombs. When I found that, I was really hooked and excited about finding out more. If you didn't meet Many-as-One or the Silent King yet, that's also fun...
Snes emulator + chrono trigger, zelda 3, secret of evermore. Chrono trigger has the best video game music of all time and it is the best rpg I've ever played. Zelda 3 is without doubt the best zelda ever. And secret of evermore is just a really cool time travel related rpg.
That should keep you busy for awhile. Besides that I recommend monkey island 3 & 4, hilarious adventure games.
On July 09 2008 20:54 0xDEADBEEF wrote: Duller than Diablo is impossible. :p I liked DS 2. Didn't play DS 1, but 2 is/was certainly a fun game for playing through it once. Only redeeming point for Diablo 2 is that it's so simple that you can play it with casual gamer friends at any time. But this is about single player, so... DS 2 > D2.
Diablo 1 solo >>>> DS 1. The ambience is like way better ( and you cant call me a nostalgic because i played diablo 1 very late like in 2002 ). Although Diablo 2 is quite boring sometimes i think it is still better. It has better drop / item system, better design ( but still quite bad, lol @ Act 2, 3 and 5 ), the gameplay is faster (i hate slow hack and slash ). Dunno about DS 2 but if it is like DS 1 it is really bad imo even in solo.
On July 09 2008 20:54 0xDEADBEEF wrote: Torment is never hard... it's really all about the story, characters and immersion. Combat is like a fun addition to the game, not really an obstacle and certainly not what you're busy with most of the time. You should finish the underground ASAP, you'll find something... interesting in the Drowned Nations Catacombs. When I found that, I was really hooked and excited about finding out more. If you didn't meet Many-as-One or the Silent King yet, that's also fun...
Dont worry i didnt say that Torment is bad, moreover i think i'm a bit faulty because my English is terrible so i cant enjoy dialogs like you or English native speakers did, and i'm a bit bewildered by the weird world and characters ( which is a matter of taste ).
But, my problem about Torment gameplay is that i did a "smart" character to get better dialogs. So i have a charracter with 19 Int, however he is kinda weak ( 9 Str, 12 Const ), but even with a "weak" character ( and he is still a warrior... ) fights are easy so it is a bit boring, because i thought that i would have to use tricks or to avoid fights to go further in the game but no, i can win all the fights ( i didnt even use the charms i have collected ... ). Nevertheless i use the dialogs to solve problems because i can get more Xp ( but what the point of getting more Xp if the game is easy ? ) When you play BG if you chose to play a warrior with 9 at Str, you will get badly punished by the first though monster.
Another example of why this game is too easy. When i was at the undead city, the game bugged and the skeleton priest didnt want to let me go out. So i tried to kill him and all his minions and i succeded at the first try :/.
i know as you said that Torment isnt about fights, but i like challenge, and i'm a bit disappointed because i feel it is all about completing dialog trees .
It looks almost like a book ( it is both a critic and a compliment for a video game ) but it lacks of balance between fights / difficulty / dialogs in my opinion, nevertheless i would rate it higher than 15/20 because of the story, characters and world.
Wow +1 for Freelancer; it is easily one of my favourite games in existance; I wish wish wish wish WISH a sequel was made at current PC specs, the graphics would be amazing. Trent was such a pimp too.
Some people said KOTOR for a starwars game, but Jedi Knight II: Outcast is easily the best Starwars game ever made; if you like the sweet idea of FPS/3rdPS/3rdPLightsaberownage hybrid.
On July 09 2008 22:31 Boblion wrote: Another example of why this game is too easy. When i was at the undead city, the game bugged and the skeleton priest didnt want to let me go out. So i tried to kill him and all his minions and i succeded at the first try :/.
I haven't tried that. Many fights can be avoided, this one is no exception. Did you manage to get into the throne room? I think that's required to be able to leave without a fight... and it's fun anyway.
Set the difficulty slider to maximum if it really bothers you that it's too easy... then the monsters will do double damage which can be nasty sometimes. Not often though. :p You can also try to kill Many-as-One for a challenge. Just a stupid rat, what are you waiting for? :D
i know as you said that Torment isnt about fights, but i like challenge, and i'm a bit disappointed because i feel it is all about completing dialog trees .
Yes, well... it's intentional that many things are different from traditional computer RPGs. Dialog in PS:T is much more critical and game-deciding than combat. In other RPGs, you save before some combats, but in PS:T, you should save before some dialogs instead. See the first answer in this interview here for more examples: http://www.rpgwatch.com/show/article?articleid=56&ref=0&id=208 (warning: major spoilers if you read more than just the first answer! If you also don't want slight spoilers, don't click on it at all).
It looks almost like a book ( it is both a critic and a compliment for a video game ) but it lacks of balance between fights / difficulty / dialogs in my opinion, nevertheless i would rate it higher than 15/20 because of the story, characters and world.
Yeah, it's like an interactive book, and this greatly enhances the story and character interactions. My advice is to play PS:T when you're not in a hurry. Gotta immerse yourself in it. Also, talk to your party members from time to time... it's fun and sometimes rewarding.
Based on your favorite games you will really enjoy Master of Magic and Star Control 2. They are DOS based games but their quality is so good, they will stand the test of time.
I am playing Grandia 2 right now and its pretty fun, but its no CT.
I like how she keeps on repeating it hahahahahahahahaha.
on Topic: Deus Ex: Invisible War is one of the most fun RPGs ever its actually an RPG/FPS hybrid, and that just makes it all the more cooler. Like it's predecessor there's a lot of freedom you have and many ways for you to play the game.
I thought the Splinter Cell games were pretty fun too, but I think I liked the co-op versions better.
did they purposely name the aliens kha'ak? sooo funny at one point she says the kha'aks are exploding. hahahahaha oh man.
anyway, back to the topic, i really liked Metal Gear Solids. the story line is just really great, and well thought out, although i do think the gameplay is not as tense as some of the other games.
i also vote splinter cell. it was crazy fun when it first came out.
Alpha Centauri: THE best TBS (turn based strategy). Amazing technolgy notes/background strory, mechanics and ui far ahead of its time. Miles, miles better than civ2/3/4
Colonization: 1994 TBS. very, very fun. Generally fairly short games.
Westnoth: HERE. You can see my post about it HERE.
various snes games and psx games (among the Front Mission, Metal Marines, Super Mario, Final Fantasy, Tales of Phantasia, MGS)
On July 10 2008 02:50 Cogito wrote: Chrono Trigger and X-Com were already mentioned.
Based on your favorite games you will really enjoy Master of Magic and Star Control 2. They are DOS based games but their quality is so good, they will stand the test of time.
I am playing Grandia 2 right now and its pretty fun, but its no CT.
Disciples 2: My choice for THE best TBS ever - amazing fantasy world, kickass gotic atmosphere, the best artwork and models design ever- even better than the blizzard games (its true, I'm not even kidding). Awesome story,great soundtrack... all you can ask for from a single player game. (only the intro clip kinda sucks) And ofc NWN...
painkiller is a good shooter if you enjoy trashy gameplay with loooots of monsters etc.
last singleplayer game i played through was Rune i suppose.. really enjoyed it at that time.. the levels were very well designed on the whole (you have quite a voyage.. through the underworld, viking fortifications, meet gods..) and it just felt cool playing an action adventure with ut99 engine. (we also played it a lot via lan)
yeah mass effect is great - already mentioned
i hear different opinions on the witcher.. some say it's really great and a must play.. but some1 in the comments here said he didn't enjoy it. anyway, there will be an enhanced version later this year so if you wanna try out the game i'd wait for this as they improve dialogues, voice acting and some other things.. i'll buy it then too
and i want to underline disciple's pick: Disciples II is indeed a great game with the positive aspects he already named. (if you are in for tbs)
so my cleared recommendations (for antique pc ) -> Rune, Disciples II
On July 09 2008 19:43 XCetron wrote: I was actually considering getting X3: The Reunion but I haven't found much info on it. Someone convince me quick, gogo
On July 10 2008 06:35 Ghardo wrote: last singleplayer game i played through was Rune i suppose.. really enjoyed it at that time.. the levels were very well designed on the whole (you have quite a voyage.. through the underworld, viking fortifications, meet gods..) and it just felt cool playing an action adventure with ut99 engine. (we also played it a lot via lan)
Rune is really good, i agree. Multi is funny but becomes boring quite fast in my opinion. If you like the multi here is a cool vid: + Show Spoiler +
Planescape Torment is so good. Second time I played it I used a walkthrough to make sure I didn't miss any good dialogues and there were sooooooooooooooo many great ones I missed the first time. + Show Spoiler +
I love the fact that you don't even have to fight the final boss, you can just talk your way out of it if you have enough Wis+Int
Dungeon Siege was nice but there was no story, DS2 is great but it was very easy. Also try the Silent Hill series, to be exact SH2 - it gave me the creeps
When I get around to it, I will definitely play FEAR and Max payne. I havn't played any real horror games so I duno what its like. I kind of doubt a game could scare me though cus im immune to horror or something lol.
Deus Ex, as many people mentioned is amazing. I did read read many bad reviews for sequel though, which detered me from playing it.
I also really enjoyed jagged allience 2 (although I lost interest eventually lol), so I will give UFO a try.
Baldurs Gate. Now that is a series that everyone hails in the RPg department. I have been meaning to play it, but never really got around to it.
Someone mentioned Jedi Outcast. If that is the same series as Jedi Academy, then yes that game is incredible. I played Jedi Academy online for a bit, and it was so addictive. Once you get good at using the saber its like an artform. My fav move was, walking towards the opponent with your saber sheathed, then bust out the 1 hit kill backstab move. It rarely works, but once in a while u can get the kill.
Once, my internet went down for an extended amount of time, and I resorted to playing D2 single player. It was so much fun until I went to Nightmare and my resistence got fucked over lol. I ended up doing nightmare meph runs.... on fuckin single player and realized it was time to quit.
I played morrowind for a bit, but I went off track with the flying spell and ended up in some wierd castle with guards everywhere. I also stole all these crazy shit from the mage guild. I duno that game was maybe too open ended for me.
The game I really want to recommend to everyone is again Space rangers 2. There is so many mini games in it that it doesnt get dull. Not to mension the combat system is one of the best ive seen. You can toggle it from turn based to real time. They both have their uses in different situations. Here is a short clip of the different aspects of the game.
On July 09 2008 22:11 Frits wrote:Zelda 3 is without doubt the best zelda ever.
SOORRY man but you missed it here. Ocarina of time is by FAR the best zelda ever made in the world amen. Then A link to the past. haha
btw his advice is not bad at all. Znes or Proyect 64 + many roms might keep you busy lots of time. Console games are most likely single player, so that would be good to look for. Another things you can try is searching in gamefaqs.com and looking for semi-old games with good reviews and torrent them.
Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
For snes RPGS i recommend FF6 FF5 FF4 Crono Trigger Secret of mana Seiken densetsu 3 Bahamut Lagoon Tales of Phantasia Super mario rpg Star ocean Ogre battle Live a Live <----- awesome lol
On July 10 2008 09:23 gameguard wrote: Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
I havnt palyed earthbound though.
If you do decide to use emulators, you might want to look into a lesser known n64 game that came out a while back.
ShadowMan 64 has a great storyline, creepy atmosphere, and it was just an all-out well-made game during it's run. Don't bother with the sequel, the sequel definitely what the Enola Gay was to Japan.
It's also available on computer (with great music).
System Shock 2 has probably already been mentioned but it is considered abandonware (which isn't really a real term) to some and can be picked up on a random site.
Psychonauts is a great little game you can get on www.gametap.com (not sure if they're still having the free trial). This game has anything a third person game could be and the humor pretty awesome.
On July 10 2008 10:05 ydg wrote: lmfaooooo@video, wtf, hard kha'ak, she wants them to shoot, lol wtf. anyways, call of duty? medal of honor? ww2 shooting games?
On July 10 2008 09:23 gameguard wrote: Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
For snes RPGS i recommend FF6 FF5 FF4 Crono Trigger Secret of mana Seiken densetsu 3 Bahamut Lagoon Tales of Phantasia Super mario rpg Star ocean Ogre battle Live a Live <----- awesome lol
I havnt palyed earthbound though.
Oh yea.. snes Zelda is indeed epic
try front mission by square
from the games you listed, I can almost guarantee you will like it
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom and other in the serie like zeus and caesar 2d city building better than simcity imo with fighting/trade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Building_Series i didnt like caesar 4 tho because its in 3d and was laggy slow take forever to do something
Total war series rts+turn based game in one
Dawn of war cool units and animations
swat 4 you cant kill the bad guys directly u can only shoot them when they are about to shoot you haha
civ4 nice but i got memory leaks with it.
Ghost Recon(1st one) realistic shooter with team tactics pretty hard and nothing really fancy good for the difficulty.
baldur gate 1 for team tactics and story but slow and items are crappy. play on hard or it gets boring.
On July 10 2008 12:04 LuckyOne wrote: baldur gate 1 for team tactics and story but slow and items are crappy. play on hard or it gets boring.
Munchkin player spotted ( or diablo 2 user ? ) What is cool with BG is that there arent many " great " items. Contrarily of BG2 your bag wont be full of +5 swords and +4 armors. In my opinion it increases difficulty and realism. Nevertheless i think you should play this game more because an end-game party can have really interesting gear .
Can you develop a bit why you find the game easy and slow ? I dont think that a beginner should choose to play on hard btw.
Oh and commando is really good and very hard as SixSongs said. It is a real challenge to complete this game ( i only played the first game ).
BG1 is low-level D&D so there's not much in terms of epic items, spells or character skills, but there are still a few good items to find and buy. If you want it epic and high-level, play BG2:ToB instead.
If you want a real challenge, install the mod Sword Coast Stratagems (there's also a version for BG2). If you activate most of its difficulty and AI enhancing features, it'll be REALLY hard, even though it doesn't give the enemies any unfair advantages. It just makes the AI much smarter and also gives the enemies a few potions or scrolls which they'll of course use to great effect. Spellcasters in particular will be really dangerous (they'll detect which protections you have active and will always cast effective spells), especially if you activate the feature "mages/priests pre-cast spells". This seems like it's unfair, but most players do this all the time... so-called metagaming, you know there's a combat up ahead (even though your party wouldn't know) so you pre-buff like mad and then enter the combat with a big advantage. With this feature enabled, the enemy basically does the same. It's quite script-heavy though, you'll need a somewhat recent CPU to play. It caused the game to lag on my Pentium M 1.6GHz laptop.
There are also several other good mods on that site. One I consider essential is the "NPC Project", which makes BG more like BG2: party members come alive and chat sometimes. Really, really well-written, you never get the impression that it doesn't belong to the game. The community around these games is so good, they deliver pure quality mods.
Twinsen's Odyssey 2 - perhaps the best game I've ever played. It's one you won't get sick of (unless you're stuck in one place, but just read the walkthrough). Incredibly underrated and very original.
I'm not a fan of speed runs 'cos you miss a lot of the quality funny dialogue, but this gives you an idea of the gameplay:
You've probably already played them and someone's probably already mentioned them but obviously Grim Fandango and Monkey Island 3... Both quality adventure games by Lucas Arts with great humour.
Skyroads. This is an old game but has a strong replay value and you can kill a lot of time trying to beat all levels. The levels get harder as you complete. Here's the link to how the game looks. Doesn't have fancy graphic but game play is really simple and fun.
On July 10 2008 22:04 nullmind wrote: Skyroads. This is an old game but has a strong replay value and you can kill a lot of time trying to beat all levels. The levels get harder as you complete. Here's the link to how the game looks. Doesn't have fancy graphic but game play is really simple and fun.
On July 10 2008 12:04 LuckyOne wrote: baldur gate 1 for team tactics and story but slow and items are crappy. play on hard or it gets boring.
Munchkin player spotted ( or diablo 2 user ? ) What is cool with BG is that there arent many " great " items. Contrarily of BG2 your bag wont be full of +5 swords and +4 armors. In my opinion it increases difficulty and realism. Nevertheless i think you should play this game more because an end-game party can have really interesting gear .
Can you develop a bit why you find the game easy and slow ? I dont think that a beginner should choose to play on hard btw.
Oh and commando is really good and very hard as SixSongs said. It is a real challenge to complete this game ( i only played the first game ).
i remember bow being the best for range because of those special arrows and sword for melee then just use 4 bowmen 1mage 1 tank or was it all bowmen + 1mage. then it does so much dmg that it wasnt hard. just didnt seem like there was much choice with items, and team maybe an all mage party?
slow- dont really remember maybe compared to d2 or that you had to sleep to restore spells not slow i guess just a little slower
Haha, I can't believe people mentioned Skyroads and Death Rally in here. Two of the games I played as a kid. Might throw in zach mc cracken at this point.
I really enjoyed Master of Orion 2, Freelancer (so incredibly intense if you try to make a fortune by trading and have like a 20% chance of making your route; get stuffed with lvl10 stuff in the end, then it's boring), WC2 & 3 and Diablo 1 & 2 (although I can't play the first part anymore, so slow...).
But the best SP experiences I had were with console games, namely Ocarina of Time (N64), Resident Evil 2 (PS, get ePSXe for the computer), Golden Eye (N64) and the Gran Turismo Series (ePSXe again for GT2).
You wont find 4 good bows in this game, moreover there are two kickass crossbows. There are some good bolts althought i have to admit that i still prefer piercing and explosive arrows. Moreover you absolutly need a priest in your party. He cant use crossbows or bows and wont be a good tank so a full bowmen party seems a bit weird imo.
I have to agree on the sword issue and say thanks to drizzt
edit: After reflexion i think that the best party possible is: - a paladin as leader ( for charisma but a warrior can be a decent choice too ) he will be a melee tank. - another warrior ( second melee tank but make sure he can use a bow too ) - another warrior. Take an halfling or an elf to get 19 dex --> pure bowman - a priest ( take an elf because u can get 19 dext and priest cant have const bonuses above 16 ). - a pure mage ( elf again for the same reasons ). - a mage / thief ( elf again ) you can use a really good light crossbow for him.
If you play with npc: - kivan - Minsc - Ajantis - Edwin - Coran - A priest/ priest-mage character
If you dont want to play a priest remove Kivan or Minsc and take Jaheira. If you want to play a thief / thief mage remove Coran.
You have to try Mass Effect. I never had more fun playing an game. It's fast paced and the storyline is amazing. It's somewhat "short" (20 hours gameplay), but from what you wrote, you don't want something epically long. As for the witcher, it's got a unique approach to rpgs and it's quite fun.... until the novelty wears off. The storyline isn't very engaging, and takes over ten hours of gameplay to get going, which imo is way too long for any game, no matter how good the ending is.
if you likes first person shooters,, then crysis and bioshock is pretty good. i finished crysis but got stuck in some level in bioshock. and then give up but overall its a good game.
gears of war is pretty good too.i finished it few months ago. its a third person shooter set in the future where u battle invading aliens that live underground. your AI teammates will support you and you fight enemies as a group. its a good game.
Ive been playing freelancer... and I ran into a problem. I'm at the part of the main mission where I have to go to cambridge for the first time. When I enter the warp gate for combridge, my whole computer crashes - goes into blue screen. Probably vid card issue. It says something like check drivers/memory issue. The crash happens when its about to load the new area.
I have a feeling maybe discovery mod did something to fuck it up .. Maybe i should have just started with vanilla single player. I think im about to move onto the next game :/
"Ignore the Kha'ak completely and focus on self fulfillment" "Despite the many exploding Kha'ak I am left unsatisfied" "What does a girl have to do to see some Kha'ak around here"
Obviously I'm a nerd because I thought that was incredibly sexy lol ;_;
On July 09 2008 22:11 Frits wrote:Zelda 3 is without doubt the best zelda ever.
SOORRY man but you missed it here. Ocarina of time is by FAR the best zelda ever made in the world amen. Then A link to the past. haha
btw his advice is not bad at all. Znes or Proyect 64 + many roms might keep you busy lots of time. Console games are most likely single player, so that would be good to look for. Another things you can try is searching in gamefaqs.com and looking for semi-old games with good reviews and torrent them.
On July 10 2008 23:27 FrozenArbiter wrote: It's a good game, played it for the first time over 10 years ago (maybe like 12 years ago now).
Are you sure it's not this version of the game you played, I've had it since I was a little kid and it's got the same name and it's basically the same gameplay but it's from 92 instead of 93 and made in Sweden.
Lttp is the only Zelda game i have played ( thanks to an emulator ), and even if i'm a big hater of Japanese games ( i think most of them are overated and i hate the FF fanboyism ) i must say that i highly respect this game. The musics are just pure awesomeness ( arguably best themes on snes ) gameplay is also very good for such an old game. If i had started to play this game when it was released i'm sure it would be in my all time top 5 because of the nostalgia factor. So i cant say it is the best Zelda ever made but i understand why fusionsdf loves it so much.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl... awesome game. Great gameplay, EXCELLENT atmosphere in the game. it is such a great game... the ending is kind of weird though. (the good one). on hard difficulty it can be so challenging... excellent game though. probably one of my favorites. the next one is coming out in august, too.
On July 11 2008 09:47 Nitrogen23 wrote: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl... awesome game. Great gameplay, EXCELLENT atmosphere in the game. it is such a great game... the ending is kind of weird though. (the good one). on hard difficulty it can be so challenging... excellent game though. probably one of my favorites. the next one is coming out in august, too.
Thanks! That game looks mad fun. I wonder if i can run it on my rig though
On July 11 2008 09:47 Nitrogen23 wrote: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl... awesome game. Great gameplay, EXCELLENT atmosphere in the game. it is such a great game... the ending is kind of weird though. (the good one). on hard difficulty it can be so challenging... excellent game though. probably one of my favorites. the next one is coming out in august, too.
Thanks! That game looks mad fun. I wonder if i can run it on my rig though
You can put it on pretty low settings, I ran it on a 7600 gs just fine. The graphics aren't too great though.
fuck i just died in baldur's gate, i have no idea how to play this.
- Warrior / paladin / ranger are the easiest classes to play for a beginner. ( warrior is the best imo ).
--> take human or semi elf, make some tries to get good numbers at stats ( i have already spend 1 hour trying to get stats close to the perfection for a thief/mage lol ) but hopefully you can get quite easily good stats for those classes ( 10-20 tries at max).
---> you max Str ---> 18+ "a random number " ( best being 18/00 , the 00 stands for 100 i guess ) Your character will have the maximum damage and Thaco bonuses.
----> you max Dex --->18 -----> good bonuses at Ac ( -3 if i remember the Add rules ) + bonuses at ranged weapons.
----> you max Const -----> 18 -----> +4 hp per level, really important for a warrior.
-----> Int you dont care take the minimum ( 3 ) it is only usefull for a spell caster.
------> you max Wisd ---> 18 ----> it looks stupid but it gives you some good spell saves bonuses.
-------> Charisma ----> you dont care ( except if you are a pal you will have 16 or 17 at min ) you will take a npc as party leader anyway.
Specialisations: take swords and bows ( probably the best weapons in the game ).
General and important game concepts you must understand:
- Thaco must be the lowest possible it means that you will hit your opponent more often - Armour class lowest possible too. ( negative Ac are even better :D ). - REALLY IMPORTANT About leveling: when you level up your char will get some hp bonuses ( a dice dependind of your character class + const bonuses ), here is how it works: - Warrior / Ranger / Paladin : 10 faces dice + 1 for each constitution point higher than 14. So if you level up a warrior with 16 of constitution you will get 10+2 hp at max. If you have 18 at const you will get + 14 at max.
- druids / priests 10 faces dice + 1 for 15 at Const +2 for 16 at Const, you cant get more bonuses for higher Const. So if you have priest with 18 at you will have +12 hp max like if you have 16 at Const
- same for / thiefs / Bards but a with a 6 faces dice --- > max is +8 with 16 at Const - same for mage but with a 4 faces dice. ---> max is +6 with 16 at Const
Remember that you will only get the maximum of hp for your first level. So save before leveling up and Save/load until you get the maximum of hp. ( he might be a bit lame but there is no options to get the max of hp / level like in BG2 ).
About general game advices:
- Level 1 characters are really weak and have bad gear. Try to follow roads and to stay a bit in cities and to do to some easy quests to gain your first levels. Take npc in your party, you will need a priest or a druid asap to heal your characters. You can go to Naskhel quite fast, level 2 / 3 is ok.
- DONT GO in unknow wild areas until level 3 at least. Ogres, Ankegs, random human vilains can be deadly.
- Try to get good armors fast .
- Use pause during fights.
- Move your character with the highest charisman on first position on the right bar. You will get better prices. Too bad charisman has no influence on dialog trees like in Planescape Torment :/.
- Try to dont kill innocent people or guards this game isnt designed to play with a reputation < 3 ( Crazy wizards/guards will start to spawn everywhere if your reputation is really low ). Moreover good people will leave your party if your reputation is too bad. If it is too high the bad people wont be happy either, so try to get a coherent party. Monty / Xar + Minsc / Khalid / Jaheira is for sure funny but it will be difficult to avoid troubles ^^.
Edit: i dont remember if priest have 8 or 10 faces dice in fact . So it is 10 or 12 max with 16 at const . After reflexion i think it is an 8 faces dice so 10 hp max :>.
Oh man i remember baldurs gate 1 being pretty tough, i had an easier time on bg2... until after the first time you go to that mage prison and fight the bad guy for the first time then it gets fucking hard .
And yeah on bg1 all was "well", jesus low level mages blow donkey balls, i mean i simply avoided totally some areas, ran like a pussy through others, basically the last quarter of the game was me running trying not to get my characters blown into pieces or petrified, god damn it that was so lame, only to find that the game FUCKING CRASHED RIGHT WHEN I GOT TO THE LAST BOSS, god fucking damn it.
Neverwinters night was way easier for me, though those games are pretty damn long and i just lose my patience.
On July 11 2008 13:03 Cloud wrote: Oh man i remember baldurs gate 1 being pretty tough, i had an easier time on bg2... until after the first time you go to that mage prison and fight the bad guy for the first time then it gets fucking hard .
And yeah on bg1 all was "well", jesus low level mages blow donkey balls, i mean i simply avoided totally some areas, ran like a pussy through others, basically the last quarter of the game was me running trying not to get my characters blown into pieces or petrified, god damn it that was so lame, only to find that the game FUCKING CRASHED RIGHT WHEN I GOT TO THE LAST BOSS, god fucking damn it.
Neverwinters night was way easier for me, though those games are pretty damn long and i just lose my patience.
Hahaha perfect summary of my first experience with the game.
Sword-Spiders / Basiliks / Upgraded Skeletons are hard to beat. But my worst experience was with the Warrior-Horrors ( dunno what is the exact translation in English ) at Cloakwood mines. I was like Wtf ??? those two dudes raped my ranger, Khalid and Jaheira several times :S. Hopefully you didnt play Tales of the sword cast ( the expansion ), because those moffos are common in the Durlag tower.
But seriously when you know the game rules and where are the good items / hard fights the game becomes really easy. I think i can complete the game in one day with one character .
LOL at lol gem. Btw this is a really bad gem if i remember its value is around 15-20 coins. Try big game if you want to get more money :D. People like white wolf fur in Naskhel.
99% of the Gems in Bg 1 ---> sell to get money. You cant get socket items like in diablo 2 ( however there are a few super gems in BG2 and in BG 1 expansion ).
Enjoy Monty and Xar btw ( there are really funny ).
On July 11 2008 13:33 Boblion wrote: LOL at lol gem. 99% of the Gems in Bg 1 ---> sell to get money. You cant get socket items like in diablo 2 ( however there are a few super gems in BG2 and in BG 1 expansion ).
Enjoy Monty and Xar btw ( there are really funny ).
hahaha, im starting to get this game now. i'm in beregost now :O
edit: FUCK i died and i haven't saved in like 20 mins, im giving up on this game for today.
You know what helps? When im bored i go to either newgrounds or armorgames.com. Try playing Last stand & Last stand 2, they're both good.
Then i recommend from armorgames playing Tainted kingdom. Its a good campaing that will keep you busy for at least 2 days ( iplayed it and beat it in 5 hours with everything)
Unmodded BG1 is a bit imbalanced when it comes to character creation. Make a human fighter or fighter/thief with good Str, Dex and Con. BG1 NPCs aren't really good fighters. Sometimes you can make up for their weakness (e.g. give Kagain the Gauntlets of Dexterity so he can actually hit stuff), but it's still a disadvantage of course.
If you play solo (also a good idea if you want a challenge, but it's not that hard either because you get all the good stuff for yourself and become monstrously rich and powerful), you should create a Fighter/Thief or Fighter/Mage/Thief (the experience penalty for a three-class-character does not matter in solo games where you get all the XP for yourself. So you'll have a super allrounder).
If you have Imoen, dual-class her to an Illusionist at level 6 or 7. She makes an excellent mage (and thief, but you don't need a pure thief in BG as you'll get enough thief points with a dual-class character too). Just make sure you have a backup thief for a while, because when dual-classing a character she will lose all the abilities of her first class until she reaches a level 1 higher than her original class (in this case, until she reaches Illusionist level 7 or 8).
As for "where to explore": take Imoen/Xzar/Montaron with you if you want, go to Beregost first (always stick to the roads at this stage in the game!), then go directly to High Hedge (directly west of Beregost) and take Kivan with you (2nd best archer, Coran is slightly better even but you won't get him before much later in the game). When you enter High Hedge from the west side, just follow the path a bit and Kivan will talk to you. He is an excellent addition to your party so early in the game. Then go to Friendly Arm Inn (the bounty hunter there can be tough if you're level 1 and just have Imoen, especially when you use mods to make the game harder he's almost impossible to beat then). Take Jaheira/Khalid if you want. Now do some small quests. Avoid the area to the east and north at first. When you're level 2/3 or so go to Nashkell. Do quests. The Gnoll stronghold is easy and you need to do it if you want to take Minsc with you. Then do the Nashkell Mines. After that, explore all areas to the west. Start in the south-west (easy), going further north as you progress. Avoid the eastern and northern areas because there can be tough monsters (basilisks, vampire wolves, ankhegs etc.). After that, you'll be equipped well enough to do pretty much what you want.
On July 11 2008 13:24 Boblion wrote: Warrior-Horrors
Battle Horrors. Yeah they're fun... *cough*
Oh and @Cloud: Yes low-level mages are really weak but there is one really powerful spell which works damn well in low-level D&D games like BG1: Sleep. Make sure you use that one often. Of course it's useless against higher-level enemies but you can kill lots of low-level monsters easily when using it. Most important spell if you play a solo mage.
On July 10 2008 23:27 FrozenArbiter wrote: It's a good game, played it for the first time over 10 years ago (maybe like 12 years ago now).
Are you sure it's not this version of the game you played, I've had it since I was a little kid and it's got the same name and it's basically the same gameplay but it's from 92 instead of 93 and made in Sweden.
A very good game I must add, haven't bored me for 15 years.
No idea, the video he posted looks like the game I played, although the levels seemed different :C Also, I'm not dling a 78kb exe from a fileuploading site.. No offense.
On July 11 2008 10:49 Cogito wrote: Raptor: Call of the Shadows.
I have but i dont know if i will be with my comp tomorow. I will send you a pm or make an update in this thread if i'm free. If not it means that i'm outside .
Btw i have never played BG in multi, dunno if it is good that a player who completed the game and a " beginner " play together. If so i will try to not spoil the story, and just give you advice about how to play and let you choose the areas to explore and what to do.
If you say: "Lets explore the Durlag tower " i will have to say ok :D. Could be a challenge, because i will join with a new character and because of time issue we probably wont be able to do the Save / load trick to get a maximum of hp.
Nevertheless i really dont think that i will have my comp tomorrow, soit will probably be next week .
edit Addition to Deadbeef post: you can explore the Southern West areas quite fast but avoid the two coastal areas under Candle Keep on the world map until level 5 imo.
On July 10 2008 21:27 AdamaS wrote: Twinsen's Odyssey 2 - perhaps the best game I've ever played. It's one you won't get sick of (unless you're stuck in one place, but just read the walkthrough). Incredibly underrated and very original.
LBA2 ist still one of my all time favourites But at first it was a bit chaotic because I went to desert island before freeing lighthouse keeper. So the aliens were there before they landed.
I especially likes the eastereggs like the eastereggs like sucking the enemies out into the space on green moon.
Definatly recommended, but don't make the mistake of going to desert island too early.
On July 11 2008 19:05 Boblion wrote: edit Addition to Deadbeef post: you can explore the Southern West areas quite fast but avoid the two coastal areas under Candle Keep on the world map until level 5 imo.
Sirenes are fun!
Btw is DK1 > or < DK2? I only played 2. It was fun but haven't played it in many years.
On July 11 2008 19:05 Boblion wrote: edit Addition to Deadbeef post: you can explore the Southern West areas quite fast but avoid the two coastal areas under Candle Keep on the world map until level 5 imo.
Sirenes are fun!
Btw is DK1 > or < DK2? I only played 2. It was fun but haven't played it in many years.
Sirenes + Golems + berserker ogres = insta death for low levels ^^.
Imo DK1 > DK2 ( DK2 is still a good game ). Atmosphere is way better.
On July 11 2008 15:14 RtS)Night[Mare wrote: You know what helps? When im bored i go to either newgrounds or armorgames.com. Try playing Last stand & Last stand 2, they're both good.
Then i recommend from armorgames playing Tainted kingdom. Its a good campaing that will keep you busy for at least 2 days ( iplayed it and beat it in 5 hours with everything)
Armorgames.com is a great site! I am playing "Sonny" right now by the same author of "Tainted Kingdom". Awesome awesome game.
edit - The music in this game is fucking AWESOME!!!!!
On July 11 2008 19:05 Boblion wrote: I have but i dont know if i will be with my comp tomorow. I will send you a pm or make an update in this thread if i'm free. If not it means that i'm outside .
Btw i have never played BG in multi, dunno if it is good that a player who completed the game and a " beginner " play together. If so i will try to not spoil the story, and just give you advice about how to play and let you choose the areas to explore and what to do.
If you say: "Lets explore the Durlag tower " i will have to say ok :D. Could be a challenge, because i will join with a new character and because of time issue we probably wont be able to do the Save / load trick to get a maximum of hp.
Nevertheless i really dont think that i will have my comp tomorrow, soit will probably be next week .
edit Addition to Deadbeef post: you can explore the Southern West areas quite fast but avoid the two coastal areas under Candle Keep on the world map until level 5 imo.
Hehe. Yeah, just drop me a pm when you feel like playing, I'll probably be home. I'm not sure how it works, but I think I got it, I forwarded some ports and I got into the game, I'm not sure if anyone can join thou. Also, I'm not sure how the multiplayer gameplay works.
The lost Vikings, one of my two favourite Blizzard games. (I'm not sure if I liked Vikings or SC better). But of cause the graphics are a bit bad for todays standard (320x240).
And talking about Jump&Run Earth Worm Jim 2 wasn't bad either. Really funny and very diverse missions.
I wonder why no one mentioned this. If you had a PC for over 15 years then you will definetly know this game. This game was like the foundation for the current C&C series. Dune 2. Great game play and story, especially for rts/starcraft gamers like us. I remember playing this game after I played BW for couple of years and noticed how easy the game was once I revisited. I played hours and hours until I beat the game with all the races(pretty much same races just some different units and tech). Serious, if you love starcraft, you will love this too. This should be an abandonware so you would be able to find it somewhere on internet.
I loved Dune 2 when it came out. The music was soooo good for its time. (the Dune 2000 music is awesome too, by the way. I still listen to its soundtrack sometimes) And although I didn't know any other RTS game at that time, I was already annoyed by the fact that you couldn't select more than one unit at a time, lol. At least you could use hotkeys for the commands, but that took me a while to figure out so I clicked on the buttons all the time at first. Bah.
i just tryed dungeon keeper 2 pretty fun btw how do you guys build your dungeon i try to not make walls between the rooms to gain space ,but the computer seems to make a wall/door between room
and do guard rooms attract dark elf? is it random i seem to get firefly for no reason and any ways to sell my units the only solution i found to replace my bad units is to slap them till they leave lol
Morrowind (it's slow with lots of text but awesome atmosphere, best sp game imo) Bioshock (awesome story, awesome everything, but a bit short) GTA (for some quick fun, try gta2 it's awesome and for free) and if u have a gamecube/wii or emulator get baten kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean! FF style just better imo
I started Baldur's gate.... I made a human conjurer with pretty good stats. I was planning on taking this guy through the whole series, but I am having second thoughts now. The level caps are whats bothering me. I planned on not using many chars so I can lvl up fast. If I play with a 4 person party, when will I start getting HLAs? How effective is a super high lvl mage? Will he reach cap before end game? Is a lvl 40 mage really better than like a lvl 25 mage? Also, whats the best specialist mage? I think its between conjurer and illutionist or something.
D&D based games usually have a possible strength (and constitution, dexterity, wisdom, charisma, intelligence) value that ranges from 3-18. It's possible for someone to be stronger than 18 strength, though, and that is represented as 18/xx. You can think of it as 18.12 strength, except that 18/00 is the highest (after 18/99). AD&D or something (I'm really bad with the history, so someone else correct me) introduced stats up to 25, which would describe gods and stuff. But the 18/xx stuff is still there, because that's where the super-strong humans are capped at.
On July 16 2008 10:40 gameguard wrote: I started Baldur's gate.... I made a human conjurer with pretty good stats. I was planning on taking this guy through the whole series, but I am having second thoughts now. The level caps are whats bothering me. I planned on not using many chars so I can lvl up fast. If I play with a 4 person party, when will I start getting HLAs? How effective is a super high lvl mage? Will he reach cap before end game? Is a lvl 40 mage really better than like a lvl 25 mage? Also, whats the best specialist mage? I think its between conjurer and illutionist or something.
If you have Tales of the Sword Coast as well, the level cap will be high enough to not really matter anymore unless you have some crazy party like a custom 6-man-party consisting of F/M/Ts who level extremely slowly.
You won't reach level 40 in BG1, and you won't reach a high enough level for HLAs (3 million XP). You need to play BG2 for that, or use mods. Wizards are always powerful IMHO, but of course far less so than in BG2 due to the much lower level. The best spells you can cast will be level 5 spells.
Best specialist mage: Conjurer and Illusionist. Basically, you pick them based on the opposing school. In the case of Conjurer and Illusionist, the opposing school doesn't have great spells (Divination and Necromancy, respectively). So you don't lose much.
On July 16 2008 13:09 gameguard wrote: also, I just picked up kivan. What does the 18/12 mean for strength? Is it 18 or 12? lol
That's just a dumb part of the 2nd edition D&D system. Basically, there's a strength value between 18 and 19, and it is subdivided into 100 points. 00 (100) is highest, 01 lowest. 18/00 is not as good as 19, and 18/01 is better than 18.
i just tryed dungeon keeper 2 pretty fun btw how do you guys build your dungeon i try to not make walls between the rooms to gain space ,but the computer seems to make a wall/door between room
Walls provide additional production areas for certain rooms, and walls allow you to funnel opponents into smaller areas to make spellcasting easier. Library, Torture chamber, etc gain function with walls.
On July 16 2008 18:35 gameguard wrote: I just wanted to know if having a plain mage is good in the long run. Like if i end up playing BGII with all the expantions.
In BG2 (with ToB), the most powerful character is a pure sorceror. In BG1 fighter types are best.
On July 16 2008 20:26 LuckyOne wrote: watch out in bg you dont always get the same total of points when you create your character you need to roll a few times to get the most
Yup. But don't try too hard. Once you have 90 or more points total, it's fine.
* ---> bad/useless ** ---> average *** ----> good **** -----> really good
Warrior ---> **** in BG1 they totally kickass and are good even at level 1. *** in BG2 ( you will face some weird ennemies with magic spells who protect them against weapons, a bit like the immunes in diablo 2, so they are a bit less important ). Kensai is the BG2 subclass the most interesting.
Paladin ---> *** in BG1 they are good fighters and make excellent party leader because of their charisma. *** in BG2 if you have high wisdom you will get some low level priest spells . The best sub class is knight imo. You cant use ranged weapons but you gain some interesting bonuses.
Ranger ---> **/*** in BG1, i have never understood what can make them better than warriors. I like them because they are cool for roleplay but well, warriors are better. ** in BG2 same except that there is a subclass specialized in range fighting if you want the ultimate bowman.
Priest ----> *** in BG1 because they can wear good armors / they heal / they buff / and they have not too bad hp. ** in BG2 they are still ok but imo they dont get enought good spells at high level . nevertheless they are still a must if you fight undeads. If i rate them lower it is because i think that a multi mage/priest is more interesting at high level ( more versatile ). The subclass give you a few more spells
Thiefs ----> ** in BG1. You need them because of traps. They can steal +1 shields for your party at Nashkel and you can have quickly money to buy the good items but that's all. In the fights they will be quite useless except if you are experienced. So i would prefer a multi mage/thief or maybe warrior/thief. Nevertheless they are really fun to play but they arent the most effective character.
*/** in BG2. Same problems but maybe even worse. You will lack of hp, AC, Thaco and you will have to face better opponents and bigger monsters. Of course backstab is improved and you will get some nice "one shot" ( especially if you chose assassin as subclass and get X7 ) but overall they arent that effective.
Bards ----> * lol i have never played with them maybe their buff is usefull at high level ? I doubt...
Druids ----> ** in BG1 like priests but worse ( cant wear good armors ) * in BG2
Mage -----> ** in BG1. They suck a lot at beginning ( few crappy spells no hp, no armor, no thaco ). But after level 4 / 5 they become ok. ***/**** in BG2 the beginning is a bit hard for them ( they dont have the best spells at start and they arent high level ). But at the end of BG2 and in ToB they totally kickass. Spells everywhere !!! Moreover they are really fun to play.
Multi -----> **/*** in BG1 Yea they are cool. Yea they are fun to play. BUT WHY I CANT GET HIGHER LEVEL ? ***/**** now you can get higher levels :D. I have a preference for mage/thief and priest/mage.
There are also "twin class" but they are quite hard to use if you arent experienced with the rules ( you need to chose perfectly when to change class accordind to the bonuses ) you can get some deadly characters ---> Kensai/thief or Assassin/warrior are know to make the best backstabs.
@ Gameguard: you cant choose your subclass in BG2 if you take your old BG1 character. You will have to keep your old "generic" class. This is not really important for mages anyway because the two subclass arent that good. But for thieves / warriors / paladin / rangers it is quite important because some subclass provide good bonuses.
Plain bards suck (nice role-playing class but not very efficient). In BG2, some bard subclasses are strong though, the Blade is very good, but Skald or Jester are cool too.
The best assassins/backstabbers in BG2 are Cleric/Thief and Kensai/Thief by the way. Not the assassin, because as a pure Thief subclass it has quite bad THAC0 and damage. The x7 multiplier is therefore not that important. x5 is enough. Quoting a BG2 guru here:
A dual-class Priest of Lathander > Cleric dual-wielding Belm and Kundane using Boon of Lathander, Holy Power, Righteous Magic and Draw Upon Holy Might, thrown in with Improved Haste from a scroll or item and the Assassination HLA gets 10 attacks per round, with the THAC0 of a fighter (thanks to Holy Power), a 25 strength, all of which are maximum damage backstabs -- hence you can easily do 1000 points of damage per round in melee -- without a single warrior level.
Haha nice find, i didnt know this combo. Although i have found by myself when i completed BG1 in solo that priest can be deadly in melee with all their buffs if you manage them properly. ( the only problem is their attack rate so you have to use potions )
Looks quite effective when you mix it with Thief bonuses. :>
Yeah definitely. I think this has also passed on in 3rd edition D&D games like NWN. If you know the good buffs and use them well, your cleric/priest will be better in combat than a warrior. Combine that with the thief or assassin class and you have one hell of a backstabber.
Here's the pic I was looking for. Assassin(20-something) dual-classed to cleric.
Hilarious the guy is even using mage buff with the special high level abilities of the thief. So imba :D Poor Keldorn, although i have never liked him because of his sucky stats.
The bg series is probably my best single player experience. I've played through bg1 3 times and my time in bg2 iv'e lost count off. What really makes the game great for replaying is the mod community that atleast earlier was quite large. http://www.weidu.org/main.html This pages has some of the best bg2 mods, including custom npc/items, bug fixes improved monsters, etc. I kinda like additions like prebuffing for enemy mages/priests since 99% of players do this themself before hard battles. Some mods like the bg2 tactics mod actually makes large parts of the game insanely hard even for an above average player on normal difficulty. The greatest part of the mods is that you can usually easily pick out which parts you wanna install and skip the rest. Playing modded bg2 both solo challenge or with a normal party gives endless hours of fun, you can also find alot of similar stuff for bg1.
On July 17 2008 01:08 Xan wrote: Nah the Xan bot from the original UT, xan in bg1 is a whiny bitch
It is a way better reference for a Xan . UT Xan is a badass. I had troubles to beat him at high difficulty levels. ( In godlike mode he is probably imba ).
Try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Great single player game. Kind of like Oblivion in that you can do quite a lot of free roaming, quests and the such. It has a great atmosphere about it, the NPC's speak actual russian and so on (it takes place in Chernobyl many years after the accident). There are mutants and warring factions all over. Some places have high radiation and there are radioactive "anomalies" that can spawn Artifacts that can enhance your endurance, health regeneration etc at the cost of the risk of radiation poisoning. Great rpg/fps hybrid, also pretty scary at some points. Try it!
I get tired of new games so easily it's just sick. I played assassin's creed for a couple hours last week, and then gave up, total boredom. Stalker I played for half a day. I don't know what it is, i just can't be bothered at all anymore. So much new stuff to learn every game (you have to know what's important mostly in rpg's), I just can't be arsed to find out. And all games seem more alike every year (they all have skill points and magic as well as strength and weapons, and monsters ofc).
I play some achtung! die kurve, and elastomania now and again, occasionally a tiny bit of wow, but that's about it. Anyone know what i should play? Maybe im getting too old...
I urge you to wait for the english release of "King's Bounty: the Legend". That game is a masterpiece, at least in native language, and it's 100% single-player.
Hell, when I started playing D2 online I had already played it in Single Player for about a month. It was more fun because I was not funded and get rushed, etc.
Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning.
Dungeon Siege 2: BW. I didn't play that much but it looks great.
Fable: TLC THIS IS PROBABLY THE BEST SINGLE PLAYER RPG IMO. Your character is fully customizable (I may be exaggerating as you can't make your guy black or anything) and there is so much to do when you aren't questing. I wished the story was extended a bit longer and was harder. I'm currently playing this with my all-skill character. Still deciding on allignment.
Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
Also, I started the game without tutu. I do not want to restart now even though Im only lvl 3 lol. Is there a way to install tutu and keep my current save?
F.E.A.R. is he best FPS game i've played in my life in terms of gameplay and storyline. you need a pretty good comp tho to get the most out of it. The AI is wicked sick and it gets pretty scary at some points.
Also NOX is a pretty old and less wellknown game but I personally enjoyed it. It's kinda like baldurs gate except its pretty short and fast paced and mostly real time action.
On July 17 2008 08:31 MyStiC_Chaos wrote: Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning. .
lol DS is an horrible game. It is like diablo 2 but 10x worse.
On July 17 2008 08:34 gameguard wrote: Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
Also, I started the game without tutu. I do not want to restart now even though Im only lvl 3 lol. Is there a way to install tutu and keep my current save?
1- a sorc isnt really better than a mage. He will have more spells slots but he cant learn many different kind of spell.
2- You need to start a new game if you want to play with Tutu. But if you play as a mage it isnt really important imo because the subclass arent really better. A mage is more versatile than a sorc. The only things that Tutu would make better for you is the 800x600 resolution, window mode and max hp per level. So if you dont really care about graphics and arent lazy ( do the save / load trick to get the max of hp ) it isnt really important.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night it has the best. soundtrack. ever. in addition to really fun gameplay.
Super Metroid is pretty awesome too (and very similar).
Oh, try Cave Story too. it's a free game for PC, feels like a megaman/contra/RPG hybrid, and it does everything really well. i don't really know the story yet, because i've just started playing, but it's been fun so far. http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/
On July 17 2008 09:20 hiddink wrote: F.E.A.R. is he best FPS game i've played in my life in terms of gameplay and storyline. you need a pretty good comp tho to get the most out of it. The AI is wicked sick and it gets pretty scary at some points.
Also NOX is a pretty old and less wellknown game but I personally enjoyed it. It's kinda like baldurs gate except its pretty short and fast paced and mostly real time action.
F.E.A.R. is nice, but far from the best FPS... the level design is very repetitive, and the scary parts are too predictable. It's pretty much "scary scene" - "soldier fighting scene" - "scary scene" - "soldier fighting scene" and so on.
NOX was fun, but it's absolutely not like BG at all. It's like Diablo.
@Sorcerer question: Sorcerers are better than mages because they can cast spells more often, obviously. A mage is more versatile, i.e. can choose from a much greater variety of spells, but there are only a few really good spells from each spell level. So if you want to maximize your efficiency, and you play a mage, you'll basically use the same spells a sorcerer would use (the best ones) but you have less spell slots available. A Wild Mage is fairly powerful though. And fun.
ah well, im begining to like my mage. The versatility is good to have i guess. And regardless of being a sorc or mage, i think it would play out pretty similar in most circumstances. On a solo play, a mage would potentially be better than a sorc right? Since they can prepare spells depending on the situation. Although if u make a good sorc, it should be able to cover all the bases... iduno.
I actually planned on playing solo/duo with imeon or something.. but then I realized none of us can melee for shit lol. The spells are quite lacking in terms of power at the begining of the game. Mage seems like only a support char at this point. Not to mention i took dagger as my weap lol, throwing weaps only stack to 10 and u cant put it on quiver which is annoying like shit. I ended up just using the +1 sling -_-
Anyways, It seems so hard to play a low member party with a mage PC. Blind/sleep can only take u so far. Right now I got kivan and minsc along with imoen and things are much easier now. But then, I have to go rescue minsc's girl.... And when she joins ill have 2 mages -_-. Then I need a cleric probably. Thats like a full party lol which is not what i intended. With a party liek taht, can I get max level on BG1 + expantion?
On July 17 2008 08:31 MyStiC_Chaos wrote: Dungeon Siege 1: LoA had a decent story, but the gameplay to me seemed kind of dull. When you range you can level so fast (not magic). When you're magic there aren't that much varieties of Nature Magic and Combat Magic. I wanted more Ice instead of Lightning. .
lol DS is an horrible game. It is like diablo 2 but 10x worse.
Didn't say it wasn't, did I? I agree, it's so bad. It was just one that came into my head. DS2 is better.
On July 17 2008 15:53 gameguard wrote: But then, I have to go rescue minsc's girl.... And when she joins ill have 2 mages -_-. Then I need a cleric probably. Thats like a full party lol which is not what i intended. With a party liek taht, can I get max level on BG1 + expantion?
If you're not that much into the role-playing aspect, you can kill Dynaheir if you just want Minsc. You just have to send her somewhere alone into enemies. Minsc will then be sad but stay with your party. And don't worry about max level or experience. The game is designed for a full party, less characters just means faster levelling but it's by no means necessary.
master of orion 1 is pretty awesome and it is free. Some see it as a somewhat simple strategy game but there are a lot of subtle cool stuff about the game that you discover as you continue to play. Definitely a revolutionary masterpiece when it was released in 1992 and still enjoyable to play today occasionally.
Also, some dude conveniently dedicated his website to Master of Orion original that has literally everything to help players including how to get the game to play on XP, Tutorials for the noobs, nice tricks, Comparisons of all the races, and battle reports on Impossible Difficulty
The only "flaw" is that occasionally the game will ask you to identify random ships as a defence against people who didn't buy the game. You can try to guess the ship's name but if you get it wrong 3 times in a row you instantly become genocided. To simply defeat this problem, use this website that has all the ship names:
Also, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (DX) for the Game Boy Color was a pretty sweet game too. I personally thought it was better than Link to the Past.
If your PC can handle it, play Mass Effect. Definately an awesome epic game. It offers fantastic characters, a thrilling story, well written and spoken dialogs and an overall great universe. Game of the year so far for me.
On July 17 2008 08:34 gameguard wrote: Why is sorc better than mage at end game? I supose since u get to cast more high lvl spells? I believe it was 6 spells each? How about a mage? I think i saw his chart somewhere but i cant find it.
A sorceror is only more powerfull if you know beforehand which spells are usefull during the game. If not, I suggest going with a mage.
The reason why the sorceror is more powerfull is explained above, there are only a few usefull spells each level that you will use during the game. And yes, you do get to cast more spells a day with a sorceror than with a mage.
Here's a spell list for a (solo) sorceror that I made a long time ago. This will also make a decent selection for party sorceror, although you might want to replace some spell with party buffing spells then.
That said, BG 2 is the best game ever created and I play it to this day (yes, better than sc). There are ton's of mods out there that make the game more challenging, add new NPC's, new quests, new items etc. The party aspect of the game is great and soloing is a huge challenge the first time.
Besides that, singleplayer games that run on older PC's:
Might and Magic 6 Fallout 1 Commando's Planescape Torment Baldur's gate 1 Old SNES RPG's playable with rom (Zelda:A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy series, Lufia 2:The Rise of the Sinistrals, The Super Mario RPG) The Pokemon games can be quite fun on a rom. Beyond Good and Evil
On July 22 2008 07:14 mistapooh wrote: ^Wow, I tried it too after your suggestion. I'm playing the tutorial and loving the pace right now. Is this the best in the series?
yea i remember reading 3>5>2> or =4>1 5 got better gfx tho. but i had lags with it on my p4 3.2ghz ,1gig ram, 9600 ati
Planescape: Torment is so awesome, currently playing through it a second time. Also playing Deus Ex for the first time and it is very good (graphics are dated but the story and gameplay are top notch). System Shock 2 was also very good, one of the few games that genuinely scared me and cool hybrid of RPG and FPS.
Hmm. I just beat BG1 and am about to play 2. This time I want to use all the good mods. Can you guys sugest which mods I should get and in which order to install them? One thing I am curious about is the ascension/redemption mod. Do these mods change the endgame drastically? Is it better than the original end game? Am I missing out if I end up playing through BG2 just once? How does it relate to the ending movie?
gta san adreas for the pcc unioronically owns hard, seriously just download andd laugh your ass off playing the single player missions it s ofucking awesome
On July 29 2008 11:43 gameguard wrote: Hmm. I just beat BG1 and am about to play 2. This time I want to use all the good mods. Can you guys sugest which mods I should get and in which order to install them? One thing I am curious about is the ascension/redemption mod. Do these mods change the endgame drastically? Is it better than the original end game? Am I missing out if I end up playing through BG2 just once? How does it relate to the ending movie?
Install the G3 fix pack first, after that it's pretty much up to yourself since the weidu system makes crashes and difficulties kinda rare atleast for me. Just played through SoA myself and think i'm gonna try a Solo run on insane difficulty with the tactics mod. The main Ascension component alters the Balthazar battle in ToB a little and really alters the last battle. I'd not reccomend it without a quite good game knowledge since i it's so hard that someone on their first playthrough probably wouldn't finnish it except on easy. Although it is soloable even on insane this mostly requires quite alot of "cheese". Mod list for my SoA run: G3 fixpack Unfinished buisness Questpack Tactics bg tweaks Npc flirtpack Npc Banterpack The custom npc's Amber,Kelsey,Sarah,Solaufein Also all components in ascension. Of course there is alot of single components i leave out from personal preference, so you'll just have to check the readme files first and find out what you want to have.
My first impressions with this game were very good but after playing some missions i think it has some big flaws and it isnt deep enought. This game has a huge potential if few things can be improved / changed. Nevertheless i have to say that it is awesome for a free game however i have only played vs a comp.
- Give fucking range to ranged units ffs.
- Make riders really fast ... they arent really faster than infantry.
- Dont heal units when they level up. That ruined many battles for me and it isnt realistic at all.
- Make units a bit more different. Their stats are often really close.
- Make level up a bit more interesting even if you have completed the unit progression tree ... because it become really boring after level 3.
- Change the hit system. That magic 70% attack isnt realistic at all and it lacks of complexity.
- Change healers abilities. The auto heal around the caster is retarded and imba. You should have to chose the unit you want to heal. Casters should be slightly more expensive and have many different spells with range and different effects ( it isnt fun to have a wizard who is like a melee unit + a 70% hit ratio )
- Make many more abilities for units + new kind of grounds ( a goldmine, some sort of buildings to recruit special units and so on ). A sapper unit able to build defenses would be awesome for example.
- give items for your hero ( he is just like a normal unit and i think it is lame ).
On July 29 2008 11:43 gameguard wrote: Hmm. I just beat BG1 and am about to play 2. This time I want to use all the good mods. Can you guys sugest which mods I should get and in which order to install them? One thing I am curious about is the ascension/redemption mod. Do these mods change the endgame drastically? Is it better than the original end game? Am I missing out if I end up playing through BG2 just once? How does it relate to the ending movie?
I don't know about Ascension/Redemption, but I play BG2 with several mods which I can recommend. The list is also in the order you should install them. Actually I use about 5 more mods, but these modify classes and aren't recommended if you're playing for the first time.
(0. Install BG2, BG2:ToB, then the latest ToB patch) 1. BG2 Fixpack (fixes some essential bugs not addressed in the official patch) 2. Romantic Encounters (more NPC dialogue and stuff) 3. NPC Flirtpack (same) 4. Banterpack (same) 5. Unfinished Business (additional quests) 6. D0 Questpack (same) 7. Assassinations (same. I haven't played with this one yet, it's very new, but I think it's going to be awesome) 8. D0 Tweakpack (same) 9. Sword Coast Stratagems II (tactics/combat/spell/AI/realism enhancement, also fixes some combat- and spell-related bugs. It's like the old Tactics mod, but probably better and more realistic. Makes the game much harder, obviously) 10. BG2 Tweaks (many tweaks to choose from, mostly convenience stuff)
It's important that you read every Readme file and write down conflicts and then only install components which work well together (almost all mods consist of many components which are almost all optional). There's usually a section in each Readme called "Compatibility" so you can search for that word directly.
If you want to install D0 Questpack, you should be aware of a bug in the installer script (at least in version 2.3 which I'm using) which you may encounter, but you can fix that one easily. Open file setup-d0questpack.tp2 and find this section:
Then comment out the DESIGNATED 2 line ("//DESIGNATED 2").
Oh, and while many mods are available in different languages it's still best to have an English version of the game.
Oh god if only my Throne of baal CD wasnt half dead ( i cant access some areas or do the full installation ) i would try a BG1 Tutu + BG2 + ToB + mass mods run with one character. It would be pretty epic.
I think i would use an Assassin / priest because dear beef, you have convinced me that it is the best class combo for solo run.
I haven't even tried that class combo myself... :p and I probably won't, it's too cheesy IMHO. Assassin/cleric is such a weird combination by itself already, and to be able to do so much damage you really have to play in a cheesy way.
I dream of the perfect backstab with 25 at strenght, X7 of the assassin + all the priest buffs + some mage buffs + all buff potions ( heroism potion ) thanks to the high level capacities of the thieves. That is just so sick. Each kill becomes art !
But yea 10 minutes buffing preparations before each fight + backstab abuse is somewhat cheesy :>
Yeah. But I do agree the thought of a 1000 damage backstab is nice. That can't be a normal "backstab" anymore if you try to visualize it, that must be equivalent to blowing the target up. Before he even realizes it he's not just dead, no, at 1000+ damage his body parts, organs and everything must be flying all over the place too. :D
oh man... i installed the tactics mod and it makes mages incredibly annoying. These mages autocast all protections? I mean I can understand if they have optimal contingencies and stuff that follows the game rules, but its kinda lame when 10 different protections go up the moment they notice you. I have to resort to so much reloading now lol.
Is it really from tactics mod though? I think it might be from something else that makes mages autocast all these spells, because tactics readme only states they optimized spell selection and stuff. Argh
On August 02 2008 06:12 gameguard wrote: oh man... i installed the tactics mod and it makes mages incredibly annoying. These mages autocast all protections? I mean I can understand if they have optimal contingencies and stuff that follows the game rules, but its kinda lame when 10 different protections go up the moment they notice you. I have to resort to so much reloading now lol.
Is it really from tactics mod though? I think it might be from something else that makes mages autocast all these spells, because tactics readme only states they optimized spell selection and stuff. Argh
On August 02 2008 06:12 gameguard wrote: oh man... i installed the tactics mod and it makes mages incredibly annoying. These mages autocast all protections? I mean I can understand if they have optimal contingencies and stuff that follows the game rules, but its kinda lame when 10 different protections go up the moment they notice you. I have to resort to so much reloading now lol.
Is it really from tactics mod though? I think it might be from something else that makes mages autocast all these spells, because tactics readme only states they optimized spell selection and stuff. Argh
Find a +5 weapon for Korgan x).
Protection from magical weapons> +5 weapons It's not really that hard except before you got a few breaches on your mages or in some of the more insane figths with when they start using things like PfMW combined with Imp invis and SI:Aburation. It's the Slightly Smarter Mages and Liches that adds this, and imo it's just fair since apart from a first run people buff up like hell before hard encounters they know are there. Although as i said before some of the battles that are made to be insanely hard are cheesy since it's really hard to make hard battles with normal abilities. One battle apart from the ascension battle that is incredibly fun and challenging for most people (although it uses alot of "counter cheese") is the improved irenicus battle in hell. I also really like the improved Bodhi,improved torgal improved,Improved twisted rune and improved Guarded compound. Also Kurosian the acid kensai is just a hilarious display of how enemies feel against your kensai/mage wearing cloak of mirroring ring of gax etc .
On August 02 2008 06:47 Boblion wrote: Find a +5 weapon for Korgan x).
Protection from magical weapons> +5 weapons
You cant have protection vs magical weapons and protection vs [ + 0 <---> + 4 ] weapons at the same time if i remember ( in "regular" BG 2 )
So you read the log to know which kind of protection he has. If he has a protection vs magical weapon you use the normal version of your weapon if he has some sort of [ +0 <---> +4 ] protection you use your +5 weapon.
It has always worked for me and i have almost never tried to dispell protections. The only problem is that mods are harder and usually you have to face mages with [ +0 <---> +4 ] protections before having your first +3 weapon :>.
Another solution is to use some area spells like abi dalzim or some kind of clouds. It can be really effective even if the mage has magical protections.
My first impressions with this game were very good but after playing some missions i think it has some big flaws and it isnt deep enought. This game has a huge potential if few things can be improved / changed. Nevertheless i have to say that it is awesome for a free game however i have only played vs a comp.
- Give fucking range to ranged units ffs.
- Make riders really fast ... they arent really faster than infantry.
- Dont heal units when they level up. That ruined many battles for me and it isnt realistic at all.
- Make units a bit more different. Their stats are often really close.
- Make level up a bit more interesting even if you have completed the unit progression tree ... because it become really boring after level 3.
- Change the hit system. That magic 70% attack isnt realistic at all and it lacks of complexity.
- Change healers abilities. The auto heal around the caster is retarded and imba. You should have to chose the unit you want to heal. Casters should be slightly more expensive and have many different spells with range and different effects ( it isnt fun to have a wizard who is like a melee unit + a 70% hit ratio )
- Make many more abilities for units + new kind of grounds ( a goldmine, some sort of buildings to recruit special units and so on ). A sapper unit able to build defenses would be awesome for example.
- give items for your hero ( he is just like a normal unit and i think it is lame ).
-melee units already cant retaliate against ranged units
-riders have like double the movement point of non riders in most cases
-it just introduces strategy, but it isnt that big of a deal anyways, unless you neglect it when you are attacking
-wesnoth is based on levelling up a whole bunch of units. If you have a level 3 unit, you should be trying to avoid giving it experience whenever possible. givbe the experience to a low level unit so it can grow
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -melee units already cant retaliate against ranged units
I know but i think it would way better if they had " multiple squares " range. It would be way more interesting. Like having a front army of melee units and behind some ranged units. I also dislike when ranged units have to leave their defensive positions ( castle, mountain... ) to attack.
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -riders have like double the movement point of non riders in most cases
I didnt find Human riders good at all. Their stats arent better than infantry and they are barely faster than an infantry or mage with "speed ability ".
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -it just introduces strategy, but it isnt that big of a deal anyways, unless you neglect it when you are attacking
-wesnoth is based on levelling up a whole bunch of units. If you have a level 3 unit, you should be trying to avoid giving it experience whenever possible. givbe the experience to a low level unit so it can grow
I hate it .
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -healers can be broken pretty easily
Maybe but it is really bad because it always force you to use the same unit formation with an healer surrounded by units. I think if casters has range it would make the game way more complex.
Overall i'm not saying this game is bad but i have always dreamed to play an very deep turn based strategy game and Wesnoth clearly isnt.
If someone know a complex strategy free game i'm interested. Some sort of warhammer-like game would be awesome.
Oh and dont say Homm 3 because: -i have it already -i dont find it that deep - it isnt free anyway.
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -melee units already cant retaliate against ranged units
I know but i think it would way better if they had " multiple squares " range. It would be way more interesting. Like having a front army of melee units and behind some ranged units. I also dislike when ranged units have to leave their defensive positions ( castle, mountain... ) to attack.
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -riders have like double the movement point of non riders in most cases
I didnt find Human riders good at all. Their stats arent better than infantry and they are barely faster than an infantry or mage with "speed ability ".
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -it just introduces strategy, but it isnt that big of a deal anyways, unless you neglect it when you are attacking
-wesnoth is based on levelling up a whole bunch of units. If you have a level 3 unit, you should be trying to avoid giving it experience whenever possible. givbe the experience to a low level unit so it can grow
On August 02 2008 12:29 fusionsdf wrote: -healers can be broken pretty easily
Maybe but it is really bad because it always force you to use the same unit formation with an healer surrounded by units. I think if casters has range it would make the game way more complex.
Overall i'm not saying this game is bad but i have always dreamed to play an very deep turn based strategy game and Wesnoth clearly isnt.
If someone know a complex strategy free game i'm interested. Some sort of warhammer-like game would be awesome.
Oh and dont say Homm 3 because: -i have it already -i dont find it that deep - it isnt free anyway.
i think master of orion is free someone posted about it or you could learn the way of the flowing river
Hmm Wesnoth is nice... very polished for a free game, the graphics and sound/music are decent which is actually great (biggest flaw of free games is always that no one has good artists). I've just played through the tutorial. I see a lot of potential and depth there.
Ranged units have no real range, just the bonus that melee units can't retaliate, that's very weird, but maybe they'd be too strong otherwise.
On August 02 2008 21:50 0xDEADBEEF wrote: Hmm Wesnoth is nice... very polished for a free game, the graphics and sound/music are decent which is actually great (biggest flaw of free games is always that no one has good artists). I've just played through the tutorial. I see a lot of potential and depth there.
Ranged units have no real range, just the bonus that melee units can't retaliate, that's very weird, but maybe they'd be too strong otherwise.
I made a /whine post because i think that this game has a huge potential too. A few small changes and it could be the best turn based wargame i have ever played. If this game was crappy i wouldnt have made a post .
On August 02 2008 22:11 Boblion wrote: Qui bene amat bene castigat lol.
Dude I had to look that up and I still don't understand it in this context here... you mean that if you love a game you're also good at pointing out its flaws?