On July 16 2008 20:26 LuckyOne wrote: watch out in bg you dont always get the same total of points when you create your character you need to roll a few times to get the most
Yup. But don't try too hard. Once you have 90 or more points total, it's fine.
I will make some ratings ( this is an opinion ).
* ---> bad/useless ** ---> average *** ----> good **** -----> really good
Warrior ---> **** in BG1 they totally kickass and are good even at level 1. *** in BG2 ( you will face some weird ennemies with magic spells who protect them against weapons, a bit like the immunes in diablo 2, so they are a bit less important ). Kensai is the BG2 subclass the most interesting.
Paladin ---> *** in BG1 they are good fighters and make excellent party leader because of their charisma. *** in BG2 if you have high wisdom you will get some low level priest spells . The best sub class is knight imo. You cant use ranged weapons but you gain some interesting bonuses.
Ranger ---> **/*** in BG1, i have never understood what can make them better than warriors. I like them because they are cool for roleplay but well, warriors are better. ** in BG2 same except that there is a subclass specialized in range fighting if you want the ultimate bowman.
Priest ----> *** in BG1 because they can wear good armors / they heal / they buff / and they have not too bad hp. ** in BG2 they are still ok but imo they dont get enought good spells at high level . nevertheless they are still a must if you fight undeads. If i rate them lower it is because i think that a multi mage/priest is more interesting at high level ( more versatile ). The subclass give you a few more spells
Thiefs ----> ** in BG1. You need them because of traps. They can steal +1 shields for your party at Nashkel and you can have quickly money to buy the good items but that's all. In the fights they will be quite useless except if you are experienced. So i would prefer a multi mage/thief or maybe warrior/thief. Nevertheless they are really fun to play but they arent the most effective character.
*/** in BG2. Same problems but maybe even worse. You will lack of hp, AC, Thaco and you will have to face better opponents and bigger monsters. Of course backstab is improved and you will get some nice "one shot" ( especially if you chose assassin as subclass and get X7 ) but overall they arent that effective.
Bards ----> * lol i have never played with them maybe their buff is usefull at high level ? I doubt...
Druids ----> ** in BG1 like priests but worse ( cant wear good armors ) * in BG2
Mage -----> ** in BG1. They suck a lot at beginning ( few crappy spells no hp, no armor, no thaco ). But after level 4 / 5 they become ok. ***/**** in BG2 the beginning is a bit hard for them ( they dont have the best spells at start and they arent high level ). But at the end of BG2 and in ToB they totally kickass. Spells everywhere !!! Moreover they are really fun to play.
Multi -----> **/*** in BG1 Yea they are cool. Yea they are fun to play. BUT WHY I CANT GET HIGHER LEVEL ?  ***/**** now you can get higher levels :D. I have a preference for mage/thief and priest/mage.
There are also "twin class" but they are quite hard to use if you arent experienced with the rules ( you need to chose perfectly when to change class accordind to the bonuses ) you can get some deadly characters ---> Kensai/thief or Assassin/warrior are know to make the best backstabs.
@ Gameguard: you cant choose your subclass in BG2 if you take your old BG1 character. You will have to keep your old "generic" class. This is not really important for mages anyway because the two subclass arent that good. But for thieves / warriors / paladin / rangers it is quite important because some subclass provide good bonuses.
Plain bards suck (nice role-playing class but not very efficient). In BG2, some bard subclasses are strong though, the Blade is very good, but Skald or Jester are cool too.
The best assassins/backstabbers in BG2 are Cleric/Thief and Kensai/Thief by the way. Not the assassin, because as a pure Thief subclass it has quite bad THAC0 and damage. The x7 multiplier is therefore not that important. x5 is enough. Quoting a BG2 guru here:
A dual-class Priest of Lathander > Cleric dual-wielding Belm and Kundane using Boon of Lathander, Holy Power, Righteous Magic and Draw Upon Holy Might, thrown in with Improved Haste from a scroll or item and the Assassination HLA gets 10 attacks per round, with the THAC0 of a fighter (thanks to Holy Power), a 25 strength, all of which are maximum damage backstabs -- hence you can easily do 1000 points of damage per round in melee -- without a single warrior level.
I think it's very cheesy though. :D
Haha nice find, i didnt know this combo. Although i have found by myself when i completed BG1 in solo that priest can be deadly in melee with all their buffs if you manage them properly. ( the only problem is their attack rate so you have to use potions )
Looks quite effective when you mix it with Thief bonuses. :>
Yeah definitely. I think this has also passed on in 3rd edition D&D games like NWN. If you know the good buffs and use them well, your cleric/priest will be better in combat than a warrior. Combine that with the thief or assassin class and you have one hell of a backstabber.
Here's the pic I was looking for. Assassin(20-something) dual-classed to cleric.
Hilarious the guy is even using mage buff with the special high level abilities of the thief. So imba :D Poor Keldorn, although i have never liked him because of his sucky stats.
The bg series is probably my best single player experience. I've played through bg1 3 times and my time in bg2 iv'e lost count off. What really makes the game great for replaying is the mod community that atleast earlier was quite large. http://www.weidu.org/main.html This pages has some of the best bg2 mods, including custom npc/items, bug fixes improved monsters, etc. I kinda like additions like prebuffing for enemy mages/priests since 99% of players do this themself before hard battles. Some mods like the bg2 tactics mod actually makes large parts of the game insanely hard even for an above average player on normal difficulty. The greatest part of the mods is that you can usually easily pick out which parts you wanna install and skip the rest. Playing modded bg2 both solo challenge or with a normal party gives endless hours of fun, you can also find alot of similar stuff for bg1.
You are named after Xan of BG1 ? :D
Nah the Xan bot from the original UT, xan in bg1 is a whiny bitch
On July 17 2008 01:08 Xan wrote:Nah the Xan bot from the original UT, xan in bg1 is a whiny bitch  It is a way better reference for a Xan . UT Xan is a badass. I had troubles to beat him at high difficulty levels. ( In godlike mode he is probably imba ).
Try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Great single player game. Kind of like Oblivion in that you can do quite a lot of free roaming, quests and the such. It has a great atmosphere about it, the NPC's speak actual russian and so on (it takes place in Chernobyl many years after the accident). There are mutants and warring factions all over. Some places have high radiation and there are radioactive "anomalies" that can spawn Artifacts that can enhance your endurance, health regeneration etc at the cost of the risk of radiation poisoning. Great rpg/fps hybrid, also pretty scary at some points. Try it!
I get tired of new games so easily it's just sick. I played assassin's creed for a couple hours last week, and then gave up, total boredom. Stalker I played for half a day. I don't know what it is, i just can't be bothered at all anymore. So much new stuff to learn every game (you have to know what's important mostly in rpg's), I just can't be arsed to find out. And all games seem more alike every year (they all have skill points and magic as well as strength and weapons, and monsters ofc).
I play some achtung! die kurve, and elastomania now and again, occasionally a tiny bit of wow, but that's about it. Anyone know what i should play? Maybe im getting too old...
But if you are lazy you wont like it ( you complain about learning stuff in new games ... )
Seriously just try all the game named in this thread
On July 11 2008 13:18 cuteFayth wrote: LUNAR
I loved lunar and lunar 2
isn't that some cheesy jrpg?
FFXIII on the Xbox 360....
Russian Federation4235 Posts
I urge you to wait for the english release of "King's Bounty: the Legend". That game is a masterpiece, at least in native language, and it's 100% single-player.
i really loved the story and atmosphere in planescape:torment, especially the Q character.
Germany2762 Posts
- jagged alliance 2 - battle for wesnoth (open source turn based strategy game - pure awesomeness)
Get yourself a GBA emulator and play Advance Wars 1/2