On July 09 2008 22:11 Frits wrote:Zelda 3 is without doubt the best zelda ever.
SOORRY man but you missed it here. Ocarina of time is by FAR the best zelda ever made in the world amen. Then A link to the past. haha
btw his advice is not bad at all. Znes or Proyect 64 + many roms might keep you busy lots of time. Console games are most likely single player, so that would be good to look for. Another things you can try is searching in gamefaqs.com and looking for semi-old games with good reviews and torrent them.
Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
For snes RPGS i recommend FF6 FF5 FF4 Crono Trigger Secret of mana Seiken densetsu 3 Bahamut Lagoon Tales of Phantasia Super mario rpg Star ocean Ogre battle Live a Live <----- awesome lol
On July 10 2008 09:23 gameguard wrote: Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
I havnt palyed earthbound though.
If you do decide to use emulators, you might want to look into a lesser known n64 game that came out a while back.
ShadowMan 64 has a great storyline, creepy atmosphere, and it was just an all-out well-made game during it's run. Don't bother with the sequel, the sequel definitely what the Enola Gay was to Japan.
It's also available on computer (with great music).
System Shock 2 has probably already been mentioned but it is considered abandonware (which isn't really a real term) to some and can be picked up on a random site.
Psychonauts is a great little game you can get on www.gametap.com (not sure if they're still having the free trial). This game has anything a third person game could be and the humor pretty awesome.
On July 10 2008 10:05 ydg wrote: lmfaooooo@video, wtf, hard kha'ak, she wants them to shoot, lol wtf. anyways, call of duty? medal of honor? ww2 shooting games?
On July 10 2008 09:23 gameguard wrote: Oh and people mentioned snes games, but Ive played them all. I was addicted to emulators for a while and replayed/played all the good rpgsout there.
For snes RPGS i recommend FF6 FF5 FF4 Crono Trigger Secret of mana Seiken densetsu 3 Bahamut Lagoon Tales of Phantasia Super mario rpg Star ocean Ogre battle Live a Live <----- awesome lol
I havnt palyed earthbound though.
Oh yea.. snes Zelda is indeed epic
try front mission by square
from the games you listed, I can almost guarantee you will like it
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom and other in the serie like zeus and caesar 2d city building better than simcity imo with fighting/trade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Building_Series i didnt like caesar 4 tho because its in 3d and was laggy slow take forever to do something
Total war series rts+turn based game in one
Dawn of war cool units and animations
swat 4 you cant kill the bad guys directly u can only shoot them when they are about to shoot you haha
civ4 nice but i got memory leaks with it.
Ghost Recon(1st one) realistic shooter with team tactics pretty hard and nothing really fancy good for the difficulty.
baldur gate 1 for team tactics and story but slow and items are crappy. play on hard or it gets boring.
On July 10 2008 12:04 LuckyOne wrote: baldur gate 1 for team tactics and story but slow and items are crappy. play on hard or it gets boring.
Munchkin player spotted ( or diablo 2 user ? ) What is cool with BG is that there arent many " great " items. Contrarily of BG2 your bag wont be full of +5 swords and +4 armors. In my opinion it increases difficulty and realism. Nevertheless i think you should play this game more because an end-game party can have really interesting gear .
Can you develop a bit why you find the game easy and slow ? I dont think that a beginner should choose to play on hard btw.
Oh and commando is really good and very hard as SixSongs said. It is a real challenge to complete this game ( i only played the first game ).
BG1 is low-level D&D so there's not much in terms of epic items, spells or character skills, but there are still a few good items to find and buy. If you want it epic and high-level, play BG2:ToB instead.
If you want a real challenge, install the mod Sword Coast Stratagems (there's also a version for BG2). If you activate most of its difficulty and AI enhancing features, it'll be REALLY hard, even though it doesn't give the enemies any unfair advantages. It just makes the AI much smarter and also gives the enemies a few potions or scrolls which they'll of course use to great effect. Spellcasters in particular will be really dangerous (they'll detect which protections you have active and will always cast effective spells), especially if you activate the feature "mages/priests pre-cast spells". This seems like it's unfair, but most players do this all the time... so-called metagaming, you know there's a combat up ahead (even though your party wouldn't know) so you pre-buff like mad and then enter the combat with a big advantage. With this feature enabled, the enemy basically does the same. It's quite script-heavy though, you'll need a somewhat recent CPU to play. It caused the game to lag on my Pentium M 1.6GHz laptop.
There are also several other good mods on that site. One I consider essential is the "NPC Project", which makes BG more like BG2: party members come alive and chat sometimes. Really, really well-written, you never get the impression that it doesn't belong to the game. The community around these games is so good, they deliver pure quality mods.
Twinsen's Odyssey 2 - perhaps the best game I've ever played. It's one you won't get sick of (unless you're stuck in one place, but just read the walkthrough). Incredibly underrated and very original.
I'm not a fan of speed runs 'cos you miss a lot of the quality funny dialogue, but this gives you an idea of the gameplay:
You've probably already played them and someone's probably already mentioned them but obviously Grim Fandango and Monkey Island 3... Both quality adventure games by Lucas Arts with great humour.
Skyroads. This is an old game but has a strong replay value and you can kill a lot of time trying to beat all levels. The levels get harder as you complete. Here's the link to how the game looks. Doesn't have fancy graphic but game play is really simple and fun.
On July 10 2008 22:04 nullmind wrote: Skyroads. This is an old game but has a strong replay value and you can kill a lot of time trying to beat all levels. The levels get harder as you complete. Here's the link to how the game looks. Doesn't have fancy graphic but game play is really simple and fun.