- Warrior / paladin / ranger are the easiest classes to play for a beginner. ( warrior is the best imo ).
--> take human or semi elf, make some tries to get good numbers at stats ( i have already spend 1 hour trying to get stats close to the perfection for a thief/mage lol ) but hopefully you can get quite easily good stats for those classes ( 10-20 tries at max).
---> you max Str ---> 18+ "a random number " ( best being 18/00 , the 00 stands for 100 i guess )
Your character will have the maximum damage and Thaco bonuses.
----> you max Dex --->18 -----> good bonuses at Ac ( -3 if i remember the Add rules ) + bonuses at ranged weapons.
----> you max Const -----> 18 -----> +4 hp per level, really important for a warrior.
-----> Int you dont care take the minimum ( 3 ) it is only usefull for a spell caster.
------> you max Wisd ---> 18 ----> it looks stupid but it gives you some good spell saves bonuses.
-------> Charisma ----> you dont care ( except if you are a pal you will have 16 or 17 at min ) you will take a npc as party leader anyway.
Specialisations: take swords and bows ( probably the best weapons in the game ).
General and important game concepts you must understand:
- Thaco must be the lowest possible it means that you will hit your opponent more often
- Armour class lowest possible too. ( negative Ac are even better :D ).
- REALLY IMPORTANT About leveling: when you level up your char will get some hp bonuses ( a dice dependind of your character class + const bonuses ), here is how it works:
- Warrior / Ranger / Paladin : 10 faces dice + 1 for each constitution point higher than 14.
So if you level up a warrior with 16 of constitution you will get 10+2 hp at max. If you have 18 at const you will get + 14 at max.
- druids / priests 10 faces dice + 1 for 15 at Const +2 for 16 at Const, you cant get more bonuses for higher Const. So if you have priest with 18 at you will have +12 hp max like if you have 16 at Const
- same for / thiefs / Bards but a with a 6 faces dice --- > max is +8 with 16 at Const
- same for mage but with a 4 faces dice. ---> max is +6 with 16 at Const
Remember that you will only get the maximum of hp for your first level. So save before leveling up and Save/load until you get the maximum of hp. ( he might be a bit lame but there is no options to get the max of hp / level like in BG2

About general game advices:
- Level 1 characters are really weak and have bad gear. Try to follow roads and to stay a bit in cities and to do to some easy quests to gain your first levels. Take npc in your party, you will need a priest or a druid asap to heal your characters. You can go to Naskhel quite fast, level 2 / 3 is ok.
- DONT GO in unknow wild areas until level 3 at least. Ogres, Ankegs, random human vilains can be deadly.
- Try to get good armors fast

- Use pause during fights.
- Move your character with the highest charisman on first position on the right bar. You will get better prices. Too bad charisman has no influence on dialog trees like in Planescape Torment :/.
- Try to dont kill innocent people or guards this game isnt designed to play with a reputation < 3 ( Crazy wizards/guards will start to spawn everywhere if your reputation is really low ). Moreover good people will leave your party if your reputation is too bad. If it is too high the bad people wont be happy either, so try to get a coherent party. Monty / Xar + Minsc / Khalid / Jaheira is for sure funny but it will be difficult to avoid troubles ^^.