So I've been trying to play sand wraith and he just seems terrible to me, I'm going the old tank/gank build from dota but It seems like I can't get kills early enough to get to radiance in a decent amount of time with his low hp/dmg.
Anyone been able to successfully carry with him yet because I'm about ready to give up
Also should you keep the heart even without the HP regen(on agi heroes) or should I replace it with something else.(not that it matters I can't get any fuggin money with him atm anyways)
yes, been able to just farm creeps and get crazy items and roflstomp pubs
oh, and to the people that have been resetting lately, i've had a couple of issues as well with HoN; i suspect it was my videocard getting overloaded cuz my screen just froze but the rest of the computer was working. it may be a HoN thing with the recent patches, etc where the game doesnt manage resources right and ends up overloading. fortunately for me, i have a lot of fans on my computer, so i dont get reset (i have to reset it myself anyways ) probably for you guys, ur computer overheats and turns itself off to prevent damage :o
+ Show Spoiler +On October 12 2009 07:11 radmax86 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2009 17:58 bhp255 wrote: from the descriptions, the site, etc, i was expecting much, MUCH more from LoL.... i was expecting a very professional game on par with HoN, with different art style but still good graphics, an interesting new approach on hero customization with the whole summoner thing, new spells, etc but apparently, designers were like "oh, lets copy the skills in dota, change them a bit, and call them our own!" so i was playing and looking at skills and going like "oh, ok, this is wd's stun, this is magmus's ult" etc etc some skills had such bad graphics that you wouldnt even notice something was being cast.... omg, complete and utter disappointment.... fget about comparing LoL with HoN, LoL is not even on par with DotA......
edit: btw, these are just my first impressions on it... ill still play it a bit more tho, to make sure im not jumping to conclusions, but srsly.... first impression sucked I've been playing LoL the last few weeks and have played about 35 games played so far, my first impression of it wasn't good, but it has been growing on me ever since. The art looks good to me. Its wc3 style art, but a little crisper. Hero models are unique and easy to distinguish. Spells become more obvious, once you learn what they are. LoL a lot more gank oriented than dota/hon. Juking is more fun with grass all over the place in the jungles which can lead to some pretty epic chases. The rune and mastery system is interesting, but doesn't feel complete. Lower level cap, and lower hp towers make for shorter games. 30-40 min range seems average. I also look forward to trying out different maps as they are released. My biggest complaints about LoL is that it initially feels awkward to RTS/Dota players who are used to being able to select units/heroes. With LoL, your hero is always selected, but there is no circle or distinguishing graphic to help identify it as selected. Hard to explain, other than it just feels weird controlling your hero for a while. I tried HoN, and I just don't see what the fuss is about. To me, it just feels like a more awkward version of dota, with uglier (albeit crisper) graphics, and with better netcode/matchmaking/ladder. I don't think there is room for both HoN and DoTA in the competitive scene, and dota will win out once people have to start paying $30+ to play HoN. well, HoN is just dota with demanding graphics and slightly different hero pool, with good connectivity and decent pubs, so thats why we play it and if u play LoL and are convinced that its good, then add me and lets go play cuz rite now im about to give up on it
On October 13 2009 02:10 crucifix wrote: Hmm... In the morning when I first turn on cpu and turn on HoN and it resets, so shouldn't be heat problem after PC was run only for 2 minutes :/ Your problem sounds like its a GPU/voltage issue, and Testie's could really be any of the 4 issues. HoN's graphics requirement have increased your GPU's load and the resulting heat if improperly ventilated could have created problems in your case over time. Heat problems create voltage problems which slowly but surely create damage you can't really fix, so I'd suggest getting a fan asap and plunking it on high.
If that helps, good, if not, we move to step 2.
what build are you using for Sand Wraith bhp
uh, iirc, i got phase boots, diffusal, radiance (since they werent killing me at the time), satanic (since they started getting more dangerous), and doom bringer just for the hell of it :o
;o I think if you're going to go diffusal, you should go 2 wraith/steam boots/diffusal If you're going to go radiance go vanguard/boots/radiance
I've heard a lot of dislikes with vanguard on spectre because it reduces the damage return from his passive. Are you suggesting just pure carry with him and forget about tanking all together testie?
On October 13 2009 05:36 iSiN wrote: I've heard a lot of dislikes with vanguard on spectre because it reduces the damage return from his passive. Are you suggesting just pure carry with him and forget about tanking all together testie?
vang doesnt reduce the damage of his dispersion. His dispersion is based off of life lost. Vang just lets him live longer, doing more damage before they can kill him.
I think what he means is that he disperses less damage per attack due to vanguard, but let's be serious, you disperse it for a lot longer due to more hp.
On October 13 2009 06:00 Alventenie wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2009 05:36 iSiN wrote: I've heard a lot of dislikes with vanguard on spectre because it reduces the damage return from his passive. Are you suggesting just pure carry with him and forget about tanking all together testie? vang doesnt reduce the damage of his dispersion. His dispersion is based off of life lost. Vang just lets him live longer, doing more damage before they can kill him.
VG does, so does PMS, as does armor and spell resistance. Dispersion is calculated/triggered after Armor/Spell and way after Block mechanics. If VG procs, your Dispersion is going to suck in terms of damage and in terms of damage reduced, which is why its more effective to just go raw HP.
Your post is weird Alv because that first part is wrong, but the second part is right.
On October 13 2009 07:20 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2009 06:00 Alventenie wrote:On October 13 2009 05:36 iSiN wrote: I've heard a lot of dislikes with vanguard on spectre because it reduces the damage return from his passive. Are you suggesting just pure carry with him and forget about tanking all together testie? vang doesnt reduce the damage of his dispersion. His dispersion is based off of life lost. Vang just lets him live longer, doing more damage before they can kill him. VG does, so does PMS, as does armor and spell resistance. Dispersion is calculated/triggered after Armor/Spell and way after Block mechanics. If VG procs, your Dispersion is going to suck in terms of damage and in terms of damage reduced, which is why its more effective to just go raw HP. Your post is weird Alv because that first part is wrong, but the second part is right.
how does it reduce the damage dispersion does. If he block 40 damage, he still has that 40 hp for the next hit of dispersion. Dispersion is mostly based off his life. so even though hes blocking 40 damage, that dispersion from the block does less, but he didnt lose any of that extra hp, so its not like he lost the damage from dispersion.
easy way to look at it. someone hits you for 100, you block 40, and disperse rest (which is 15 damage). Someone hits you for 100, you dont block, you disperse 25 damage. But in case 1 you still have 40 hp to get hit again to disperse that other 10 damage. He doesn't lose any damage from dispersion by going vanguard.
United States4991 Posts
It decreases the dps from physical attacks from dispersion, but not the total damage, no? Imo you guys are just arguing about the same thing but misunderstanding what the other is arguing
I think basically what people are trying to say is:
Old dispersion was more fun
exactly peter, vang and armor reduce the dps of dispersion making it less noticeable thats why in the past heart was the defensive item of choice more raw hp and regen=more dps time for a higher dps dispersion. I'm wondering though does the change to heart for HoN defeat the purpose of spectre's tank build I mean there is no more HP regen from it(for agi heroes)
Heres how you play spectre.
1. Farm (ridic easy, buy a set of wards, and keep the lane in one spot. 14 mins of freefarm) if anyone comes to gank shoot a dagger and run into the trees
2. Haunt in on easy ganks
3. Late game, kill the lowest/squishiest/easiest to kill hero on their team every 120 seconds
4. Profit
I usually go Quelling Blade, Wraiths, Steamboots, diffusal (or rad if im farming really well), then rad/bfly/heart/basher depending on whatever you need. Heart is for heavy nuke or aoe lineups, bfly for heavy dps lineups, and basher is if they have a carry with BKB that you need to outcarry.
If youre having a tough game you can throw a vangaurd in there, but its really not necessary.
I tried LoL today, feels a bit slow paced and the graphics are err.. candy-ish.
Played some games with Sand Wraith for first time, +agi/regen early with quick hatchet allowed me to farm early diffusal and decently fast manta, after that the fights were mostly quite easy.
does new heart increase all dmg from agi heroes (and thus dispersion) or only physical dps?
If it does increase it, it doesn't say it in the tool tip.
But then again it also doesn't say the base damage increase it gives you either. ;o