[HoN/DotA] Let's Play~!! - Page 549
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Canada5412 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
capping you at 1550 would be VERY generous. He's actually a very good player, currently rated around 1900. And his decision was right. Zel did something stupid, BHP didn't delay his farm for no benefit. This is what carries do. Even if bhp had successfully 'saved his ally', his ally shouldn't have needed to be saved anyway, especially if he just dashed in using his escape mechanism, then died. Say he runs in, tanks half the blade fury then an ult goes off. Even if he DOES get the kill on swift, he AND kraken are now almost dead and can't stay in the lane. The minimum cost here is 1:00 of running time and 135 to tp back and the lost creeps, which would be 2 full waves at 35 average x 4 creeps x 2 waves. Basically the idea was shit from the start. | ||
United States2378 Posts
That said, I barely even play with you guys so maybe I don't understand the situation completely. | ||
Canada149 Posts
On October 03 2009 09:28 L wrote: He's actually a very good player, currently rated around 1900. And his decision was right. Zel did something stupid, BHP didn't delay his farm for no benefit. This is what carries do. Even if bhp had successfully 'saved his ally', his ally shouldn't have needed to be saved anyway, especially if he just dashed in using his escape mechanism, then died. Really now? Making his teammates play 4v5 for 30 minutes and come in with his cookiecutter bfury scout and win? He must have some good clanmates that play together all the time then, that's the only way it can work out. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
Really now? Making his teammates play 4v5 for 30 minutes and come in with his cookiecutter bfury scout and win? He must have some good clanmates that play together all the time then, that's the only way it can work out. BHP doesn't really go looking for fights with scout prior to getting some damage because scout doesn't do any damage until that point. having wards up lets the team fight pretty much whenever they want and counterward easily, so their team can set the game pace fairly easily if they aren't terrible. | ||
United States16096 Posts
Scenario: An enemy Jugg jumps into the lane and you are a carry. You're ally is near and you could potentially kill him but also get killed. What do you do? 1.) Are you a carry? If so continue farming, if not go to 2. 2.) Are you Testie? If so help only if your ally will die for you, then continue farming or go to 3. And kill the neutrals in the area too. For good measure laugh if you survived with ~5hp and taunt them by not even going back to base to heal. 3.) Are you R!en? just quit. | ||
13196 Posts
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3340 Posts
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Seychelles2061 Posts
also id personally cap bhp around 1300 for serious. for reals. serious seals. | ||
Canada5412 Posts
On October 03 2009 11:15 Tadzio wrote: I think this applies to the recent argument about teamplay. ![]() Reminds me of a House episode. ![]() | ||
United States7270 Posts
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United States1054 Posts
On October 03 2009 09:38 GoodWill wrote: Really now? Making his teammates play 4v5 for 30 minutes and come in with his cookiecutter bfury scout and win? He must have some good clanmates that play together all the time then, that's the only way it can work out. reading goodwill's posts make me smile. scout has always been a solid hero, even before his recent buff, because as early as lvl 7 now you get 5 free obs wards that have a 6 second aoe silence (that also go through magic immunity). i mean... what? and before their recent change they had huge huge sight range, about as much as regular obs wards. as for the rest of his abilities, sure he's a single target agi carry (which is a problem most agi carries have), but he gets overpower + attack disable + crit AND an improved sniper's ult. he's great at ganking as well as avoiding them ;o On October 03 2009 12:15 Judicator wrote: LOL at these random HoN ratings, 1800? Are you kidding me? EVO Play/Enro's DotA players (Playmate and company) play HoN and they're 1800+, but somehow you guys start dropping 1900s, lol. most of us are, for the most part, at least 1750+ (and others, like testie, are in the 1900s by now simply because of the volume of games they play + win). those guys you're talking about should be breaking 1900 pretty soon... i mean we played against chu and his friends a couple nights ago and got lol'ed, and they were all still in the 1700's. | ||
United States2147 Posts
On October 03 2009 12:15 Judicator wrote: LOL at these random HoN ratings, 1800? Are you kidding me? EVO Play/Enro's DotA players (Playmate and company) play HoN and they're 1800+, but somehow you guys start dropping 1900s, lol. ratings are bad, chu is still 1700s. Most of the 1900s weve played have shit kd ratios and low creep kills. Its just the fact that they play hundreds of matches, the eventually get there. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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United States7166 Posts
I shouldn't have even mentioned the battle with scout/swiftblade/kraken, it's so goddamn trivial compared to everything else I was trying to get across. if that fight was important I could argue with bhp and all your random peoples' responses to it, because there have been some very wrong things said. however bhp's long response regarding it is somewhat significant as it confirms what I've known with bhp, which is that he has some wrong ideas when it comes to decision making and critical thinking, similar to L. Though to be fair I'm probably worse, since I often realize what I'm doing / about to do is probably a bad idea yet I do it anyway, and I've known about this problem for..how long? yet I still do it? something I should really think about. Also I'd like to note that the recent rating discussion is incredibly stupid since HoN ratings at the moment aren't a very good measure of skill at all.. not comparable to ICCUP rank whatsoever. But anyways the]important issue here, at least to me, is everything else I put in my previous post. I'm aware these problems are basically nonexistent with the good clan war lineup, but I think our lesser players can still change if we tried. Is it really that hard for people to make a few changes in the way they lane, keep TPs on themselves always to defend towers, group up when you're a ganker/support hero or on some occasions *gasp* even a carry and gank / push / counter-gank / team fight, keep wards up consistently if it's your role, pick better heroes (that supports/synergizes better with the team, have stronger lanes, and counterpick their heroes)? But of course the problem is not that it's too difficult for people to do those things (for the most part, improving laning skills is probably not easy), it's that people don't do them because it only works if everyone does it. | ||
United States7166 Posts
em GEE new patch! first one for Version 0.1.47 -------------- General: - Single Draft game mode now displays your allied player's hero choices and hides the enemy player's hero choices - Updates to Fog of War to improve player ability to juke - Getting information on a player who is in game will display their current game time - Channeling spells will now break if the target and caster get too far away from each other - Can no longer teleport (with Post Haste) to pets. Includes couriers, defiler's ult, zephyr's tornadoes, and arachna's spider pet. - Shops are now larger and better! Outpost updated! Hurrah! - Fixed a bug stopping projectiles from being shot off the edge of the map (Stopped you from throwing an arrow towards the edge of the map, etc) - Non-damaging stuns now count for assists - Changed invisibility rune to not expire until you actually complete an attack - Ultimates that go through Magic Immunity are now tagged as Superior Magic - Regeneration from the Regen Rune now expires when you are full life and mana - Added new jukespots and new places you can buy from the secret shops on Caldavar (that may have been due to my suggestion post on their forums! yay ![]() - Tweaked Tower AI significantly - Heroes that cast targetted DoTs make those they target deniable by teammates when under 10% * Wretched Hag Haunt * Blacksmith Flaming Hammer * Slither Toxicity and Poison Spray * Hellbringer Death Boil * Blood Hunter Blood Crazy * Legionnaire Terrify * Demented Shaman Entangle * Voodoo Jester Mojo (main target only) - Denying a hero no longer grants the deny-er gold Items: - Crit percentage now properly shows up in the shop window - Removed cooldown from the Mana Potion and gave it a range so you no longer have to be inside a hero to cast it on them - Sacrificial Stone no longer gets charges from illusions - Can now disassemble charged hammer - Fixed Ring of the Teacher and Abyssal Skull to not stack auras - Doombringer now clears ownership when dropped on death - Brutalizer stun chance no longer stacks with itself - Kongor's Token of Life now expires after 10 minutes - Kongor's Token of Life is now binded to the owner when it is picked up. The item can be passed, but it will not trigger on death unless it is held by the owner. - Bottle now will automatically consume the rune it holds 2 minutes after picking it up, even if the bottle is passed to another - Astrolabe now heals magic immune units - Savage Mace is now back in the Combative Shop - Nullstone now blocks all single target abilities, not just Magic. Can also now trigger while stunned. - Nullfire Blade again does bonus damage based on the mana burned - Alchemist Bones recipe now takes 2x Gloves of the Swift and a recipe - Insanitarius no longer breaks channelling when turned on - Steamboots * Recipe is now Marchers, Bolstering Armband/Fleetfeet/Apprentice's Robe, and a Major Totem. 1490 total. * 75 Movement Speed * +5 all stats * +5 stat of your choice, toggable - Enhanced Marchers * Unchanged Recipe. 1500 total * 65 Movement Speed * +16 damage * 30 attack speed * Phased effect now lasts for 5 seconds with a 10 second cooldown * Using abilities while Phased will no longer remove the Phased Effect - Flayer Removed - Riftshards reworked * Takes a Punchdagger, Broadsword, and 950 recipe. 2650 total. * 950 recipe can be bought to upgrade the item 3 more times * +45/55/65/75 damage * 10/13/16/20% chance to crit * 1.8/2.0/2.2/2.4 crit damage New item: Major Totem. - +4 all stats, 540 gold - New Item: Nome's Wisdom * Takes a Ring of the Teacher, Great Arcana, and 325 recipe. 2500 total. * 6 int, 10 damage, 10 attack speed * +4 armor, +1 mana regen aura * Any heroes under the effect of the aura are healed for 25% of their mana costs when casting spells. - New Item: Harkon's Blade * Located in the Morph Attack shop * Takes a Great Arcana, Acolyte's Staff, and 725 recipe. 5100 total. * 35 int, 25 damage, 10 attackspeed, 150% Mana Regen * Toggle item. When toggled on, attacks deal Magic damage instead of Physical. Drains 100 mana per attack and applies Harkon's Blade to the target * Harkon's Blade Debuff: Lowers Magic Armor by 5 for 6 seconds. - Couriers learned some new tricks * Recipies now form on couriers * Neutrals will no longer attack them unless a courier stops moving on top of them * Added an ability to fly/run to you and drop all items you own onto your hero (Delivery) * Added an ability to fly/run back to the well (Homeward Bound) -Behemoth's Heart Re-worked - Recipe the same, cost the same, still grants 35 strength and 300 health - Grants .75% regen to Strength heroes - Grants +10% to all damage done for Agility Heroes - Grants -15% cooldowns and +30 cast speed to Intelligence Heroes Heroes: Pandamonium - New Strength hero for the Legion - Flurry * Deals Physical damage equal to one attack with +15/30/45/60% base damage to targets infront of self. Self and targets are pushed forward 100 units. Each use of this ability consumes 1 charge. 1 charge is restored every 4 seconds. Maximum of 1,2,3,4 charges. - Flick * Throws target unit behind Pandamonium. Upon landing, applies Flicked to target for 6 seconds. * Flicked: -6 armor and reduces movement speed by 20/30/40/50% initially, recovering to full speed over the duration. - Cannon Ball * Throws Pandamonium toward target location over 0.95 seconds. Upon landing, damages enemies in a 400 radius for 75/125/175/225 Physical damage. Enemy units in a 200 radius are stunned for .75/1.25/1.75/2.25 seconds. Stuns Pandamonium for 1.5 seonds if no enemies are stunned. - Face Smash * Channeling. Applies Face Smash to target for the duration of the channel. Deals one attack every second over the duration, for a total of 4 attacks. Each attack deals +33/66/100% base damage. Accursed - Fixed Shield to refresh amount absorbed when it is recast on the same target - Sear now grants allies a buff again instead of just himself - Shield and Flame Consumption now remove stuns Armadon - Armadillo now procs an extra spray faster Behemoth - Movespeed increased from 290 to 300 Blacksmith - Recoded Frenzy to cast correctly on creeps - Added delays for the multicast impacts for Fireball - Want to know the last change? TOO BAD! IT'S ME, BLACKSMITH! Blood Hunter - Fixed tooltips Chronos - Bash damage can proc while the stun is on cooldown Dark Lady: - Base strength increased from 18 to 22 - Base intelligence increased from 13 to 16, gain increased from 1.75 to 1.9 - Dark Blades cool down changed from 25 seconds to 26/22/18/14 seconds - Mana cost of Charging Strikes set to 75 at all levels. Each consecutive attack while charging will deal 15% less damage, reduced from 25% - Taint Soul slightly reworked: * Mana cost reduced from 90/110/130/150 to 35/45/55/65 * Range increased from 1000 to 1200 * Damage reduced from 75/125/175/225 to 60/90/120/150 - Cover of Darkness ![]() *Movement speed slow changed from 5% to 5%/10%/15% *Sight range set to 500 at all levels Devourer - Hook range increased, touch radius decreased. Total range is now 1160. - Hook now brings your target next to the Devourer instead of 128 units away Glacius - Ice Imprisonment now lasts 10 seconds on non-hero and non-pets. Keeper of the Forest - Root can now hit magic immune units Kraken - Splash is now Physical damage Magebane Rework - Strength gain set to 1.6 per level - Mana Combustion * Now gives Magebane mana back equal to 1/4 of the mana burned - Flash * Minimum blink range removed * Adds Magic Armor to allied heroes and self after blinking - Spell Resistance * Removed - Mana Rift * Tooltip fixed - New Ability: Master of the Mantra (E) * Passive Aura * 600 Radius on all enemy heroes * -15/20/25/30 Cast Speed * Damaged for 35/50/65/80% of abilities and items manacost when cast Maliken - Fixed splash damage when in Posession form - Increased base strength from 18 to 22, damage recuded by 4 to compensate - Can no longer teleport to his sword while Immobilized Nymphora - Changed Nymphora's call to disjoint the target (to stop a predator from leaping across the map) Ophelia - Ophelia's Touch will no longer heal wards - Fixed Ophelia's Judgment to always reference the well - Can no longer befriend the very large creatures of Newerth Pebbles - Fixed Chuck (again!) Pharaoh - Lowered his Aggro radius to 100 while inside his Wall of Mummies. Stops him getting pushed to the edge of the wall and being stuck there. Plague Rider - Fixed tooltips - Fixed Cursed Shield to not debuff ranged units - Recoded Plague Carrier to function properly and increased speed to 522 Pollywog Priest - Fixed Electric Jolt (again!) Predator: - Mana cost on terror reduced from 100/200/300 to 100/150/200 Puppetmaster - Added a stop command to Puppet Show to stop spells in midcast Scout - Can no longer nail Kongor with Marksman Shot - Added an initial mana cost of 30 to Vanish - Disarm can no longer disarm a target within 4 seconds of them being disarmed. Disarm duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. - Fixed a bug preventing certain items from expiring his invisibility Soul Reaper - Fixed base damage to the proper amount - Judgment does not hit invisible units anymore - Demonic Execution damage is properly lowered by Magic Armor - Demonic Execution can no longer be used on Kongor - Withering Presence will no longer hurts wards - Soul Reaper now dies in a very impressive way Succubus - Can no longer cast Smitten on Kongor. Kongor smash instead. Voodoo Jester - Acid Cocktail will no longer bounce off runes or catapaults - Fixed Acid Cocktail from spawning two projectiles when the original target becomes invalid Wild Soul - Changed BooBoo's entangle cooldown to 3 seconds - BooBoo is no longer stunned for longer then a hero Wretched Hag - Sonar Scream cooldown is now 7 seconds - Bat Blast cone reworked, should be more accurate | ||
United States2378 Posts
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Sydney2287 Posts
I did a doubletake on Glacius' Ice Imprisonment change, thought it was 10 second duration on all heroes for half a second. | ||
3340 Posts
Anyone play pandamonium yet? His sound effects are hilarious. | ||
United States7166 Posts
sure the older patches mirrored but this one seems unique to hon right? | ||
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