On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
Or they are plain garbage if what's been written on his account is true. There's no excuses for someone playing as poorly this bhp fellow. It's like someone allowing himself to pile up 1000 minerals 5 minutes into a game of starcraft, no amount of "I'm just playing casually, chill out bro" will alter the fact that this guy is terrible.
I'm not sure what kind of pubs you have been playing though, it isn't until 1600 and higher psr will you see a whole team of people, not four, not three, all five of them, push, gank and defend together. And even then you may still get some faggot who's too busy farming in a far corner of the map (while the enemies are descending upon the middle lane) somewhere watching his team getting rolled, and sometimes said faggot will blame his teammates for "feeding". And then there's the matter of hero picks and item builds ... ...
For HoN been playing as DaveChappele if anyone didn't know. My friends using RLckJames and CharleMurphy ^_- Me and rick can't host or join withount invite or right click from f6 tab. We both not that good, but Charle is real good.
PS- did anyone else notice that its Heroes of NewErth with no 'a'?
On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
Or they are plain garbage if what's been written on his account is true. There's no excuses for someone playing as poorly this bhp fellow. It's like someone allowing himself to pile up 1000 minerals 5 minutes into a game of starcraft, no amount of "I'm just playing casually, chill out bro" will alter the fact that this guy is terrible.
I'm not sure what kind of pubs you have been playing though, it isn't until 1600 and higher psr will you see a whole team of people, not four, not three, all five of them, push, gank and defend together. And even then you may still get some faggot who's too busy farming in a far corner of the map (while the enemies are descending upon the middle lane) somewhere watching his team getting rolled, and sometimes said faggot will blame his teammates for "feeding". And then there's the matter of hero picks and item builds ... ...
its the exact same behavior as DOTA hooray! Some people just don't know, some are just dicks and won't take advice, and some are just there to make you mad. Live by the pub, die by the pub.
And godlessmass got really good compared to when we first started DOTA. He's like a mega pub rapist now lol.
On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
Or they are plain garbage if what's been written on his account is true. There's no excuses for someone playing as poorly this bhp fellow. It's like someone allowing himself to pile up 1000 minerals 5 minutes into a game of starcraft, no amount of "I'm just playing casually, chill out bro" will alter the fact that this guy is terrible.
I'm not sure what kind of pubs you have been playing though, it isn't until 1600 and higher psr will you see a whole team of people, not four, not three, all five of them, push, gank and defend together. And even then you may still get some faggot who's too busy farming in a far corner of the map (while the enemies are descending upon the middle lane) somewhere watching his team getting rolled, and sometimes said faggot will blame his teammates for "feeding". And then there's the matter of hero picks and item builds ... ...
its the exact same behavior as DOTA hooray! Some people just don't know, some are just dicks and won't take advice, and some are just there to make you mad. Live by the pub, die by the pub.
And godlessmass got really good compared to when we first started DOTA. He's like a mega pub rapist now lol.
meh, I rape nothing. I rage more these days and that's about it.
On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
Or they are plain garbage if what's been written on his account is true. There's no excuses for someone playing as poorly this bhp fellow. It's like someone allowing himself to pile up 1000 minerals 5 minutes into a game of starcraft, no amount of "I'm just playing casually, chill out bro" will alter the fact that this guy is terrible.
I'm not sure what kind of pubs you have been playing though, it isn't until 1600 and higher psr will you see a whole team of people, not four, not three, all five of them, push, gank and defend together. And even then you may still get some faggot who's too busy farming in a far corner of the map (while the enemies are descending upon the middle lane) somewhere watching his team getting rolled, and sometimes said faggot will blame his teammates for "feeding". And then there's the matter of hero picks and item builds ... ...
its the exact same behavior as DOTA hooray! Some people just don't know, some are just dicks and won't take advice, and some are just there to make you mad. Live by the pub, die by the pub.
And godlessmass got really good compared to when we first started DOTA. He's like a mega pub rapist now lol.
meh, I rape nothing. I rage more these days and that's about it.
Zel, ur too rages for the past few days. You're not normally rages, but you're obviously rages and distracted recently. Did something bad happen to you IRL that you're trying to vent in HoN?
This isn't meant to be accusatory, we kinda talked about what happened that game and everyone came to the conclusion that you're a bit loopy at the moment. We want happy zelnique back.
Or rather, I do, because I fucking hate laning with this new emo zel.
On October 02 2009 13:22 Zelniq wrote: I think I might just play with pubs for a while. The games are just so much more fun than ours.. in pretty much every pub both teams will group up for ganks and team fights, and early pushes. Often times people will group up without even needing to say anything, they'll see a good opportunity to do it and move. Or one or 2 people will ping somewhere or say 'go ___' or 'push ___' and usually several people will listen. They'll also often be there to defend their towers.
But in our games, both hon and in dota, are never like this with a few exceptions when certain players are involved like alven/DYH.. but even with them it's not enough since there are some who'll just do their own thing, while the only team fights we have early on in our games are when someone got ganked and people came to help. And don't say I haven't tried to get people to do stuff either, I've tried plenty and people just dont listen, they gotta finish their whatever task or item or whatever. It's usually like 1, maybe 2 will listen and the others will continue to do their own thing, every time. This is not enough when their team is often together or near enough for them to come help midfight while our allies will continue to do stuff. Some people will be willing to do stuff but not until they do something else, and so our chance is lost. So we just farm and defend and pick off the occasional lone hero here and there or push the undefended tower here and there, perhaps even a counter-gank if we're lucky, but these games are much less fun to play imo. Did I sound like I think I'm special or excluded? I do the same things to, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing.
Also because of those reasons, awesome ganking/support heroes tend to be much more useful and enjoyable in pubs than in our games, for me at least. Although it's player-specific, laning in general is usually more enjoyable with pubs as well. I think it's usually because most of us focus hard on last hitting/denying so hard that we miss opportunities to jump on them, or we get jumped instead because of trying to get that extra last hit in. I feel this the most with devaz, which explains why he's so goddamn baller with last hitting but sometimes isn't close enough / ready to jump after I initiate, or the other way around.
as for the last game, I don't even wanna get into a discussion about it because I definitely did fail, but I have to say that the decision bhp made to literally watch me 1v1 jugg (with both of us standing still), nearby our tower, w/o any of his allies nearby, with 100% hp and mana, not do a single thing the entire time from my full hp to 0, while he stood there not moving, next to me in the same screen, invis, from the beginning till the end.. I've never seen anything like it. I can almost kind of understand being overly afraid of Jugg's spin + ult, despite there being creeps+myself and Lvl 1 ult only, despite the fact that he could have came in mid-spin and w/o a doubt survived even if ALL omnislashes hit him, which was impossible anyway. Of course everyone makes mistakes in judgment calls, I do it like a billion times every goddamn day, but from my point of view, if you make one like that you should recognize you messed up rather than defend it (before I mentioned anything about ragequitting you defended yourself which was really shocking. though I do apologize for saying 'it almost made me ragequit,' that was not only poor behavior but not true, I wasn't even close to ragequitting, was just really frustrated how you seemed to think you did the right thing. bhp's such a nice and cool guy so I feel bad for raging at him so much, but I think I should try to avoid playing with him and L for a while for both of our sakes
I had some of the most fun I've had in HoN today playing with Heen, DYH, and godless.
You can't take things so seriously. Try to play and have fun. And if you think pubs are more reliable than (most) teamliquid people, then you're wrong.
If people aren't listening, maybe you're asking wrong, or have bad timing?
Or they are plain garbage if what's been written on his account is true. There's no excuses for someone playing as poorly this bhp fellow. It's like someone allowing himself to pile up 1000 minerals 5 minutes into a game of starcraft, no amount of "I'm just playing casually, chill out bro" will alter the fact that this guy is terrible.
I'm not sure what kind of pubs you have been playing though, it isn't until 1600 and higher psr will you see a whole team of people, not four, not three, all five of them, push, gank and defend together. And even then you may still get some faggot who's too busy farming in a far corner of the map (while the enemies are descending upon the middle lane) somewhere watching his team getting rolled, and sometimes said faggot will blame his teammates for "feeding". And then there's the matter of hero picks and item builds ... ...
well, since someone HAD to bash on me.... ill have to explain: i dont remember much of that fight cuz from the beginning, i thought it was a bad judgment call from kraken to try to fight swiftblade, and from the beginning i didnt plan to do anything for several reasons: 1) i was scout. we've played several times with me as scout, and in all games i was left to farm so that 30min in, i could have a buriza/bfury and we could start killing stuff (most of the games, they just ff'd when they saw my crits) 2) scout had 800 life at the time kraken died (i was lvl 6) 3) if swift could ult, that means he had at least lvl 6, which means at least lvl 3 bladefrenzy (120dmg x 5 = 600dmg) 4) if kraken got hit by 3 of swiftblade's attacks that probably means that there were none of our allied creeps around, and probably some of theirs 5) scout w/o items does a measly 80 dmg when he crits (and i didnt even have crit yet, i lvl invis/wards first always)
so, lets say i did help. i got off my invis, attacked him while he spinned, and followed him as he ulted. ~500 dmg from spin, ~150 dmg from creeps around us, and im left at 150 life for w/e swiftblade can do (and that's not even accounting for whatever items swiftblade had, or if he was higher than lvl 6, or if there were other heroes around)
besides, kraken has a charge attack that can make him run really fast. if kraken didnt use it to escape from swift, it probably means that he charged earlier INTO swiftblade (i was soloing that lane) in other words, scout BLOWS before he gets any items, so you shouldnt expect him to do anything other than ward and maybe ult someone for the slow if he has enuff mana (and if theres enough vision) if u ram into a fight that cannot be won, dont get angry when u die by yourself 1 death of a support hero < death of carry/support and other escaping with low life, or possibly 2 deaths
On October 02 2009 20:55 Zoler wrote: We do? Wtf? I always look in the chat after something teamliquid like but never sees anything.. :/
Add me plz, Zoler is my ID
/join clan teamliquid That's our channel. If either of HelpImDying (me) or Eti307 is on, we can add you to the clan. Otherwise, just hang around until one of us is on, since you can still play with people
Note that you might have to wait minutes in order for people to come back from game.