He's actually a very good player, currently rated around 1900.
And his decision was right. Zel did something stupid, BHP didn't delay his farm for no benefit. This is what carries do. Even if bhp had successfully 'saved his ally', his ally shouldn't have needed to be saved anyway, especially if he just dashed in using his escape mechanism, then died.
Say he runs in, tanks half the blade fury then an ult goes off. Even if he DOES get the kill on swift, he AND kraken are now almost dead and can't stay in the lane. The minimum cost here is 1:00 of running time and 135 to tp back and the lost creeps, which would be 2 full waves at 35 average x 4 creeps x 2 waves.
Basically the idea was shit from the start.
wow i always knew you had the worst understanding/critical thinking/decision making/analysis ive ever seen, but you still manage to surprise me. i can now add reading comprehension to the list
Hmm, It's not like its a carbon copy, but a lot of changes in dota seem reflected in Hon. For example, in dota the new threads/phase boots have been changed dramitically from what they before. The new HoN version is very similar, which just enough changed so its not completely the same. And since dota got a new heart, HoN decides to dramitcally change its heart too.
Maybe its just those three items, but since I don't really know hon too well the items I can easily recgonize from dota I tend to focus on, and in this case the 3 big item changes in dota are 3 item changes in HoN.
this new patch completely changes a ton of things from dota... interesting. new heart seems ridiculously good. both boots got buffed, phase still seems better though unless you really really need the stats.
and finally, a transfer item/return home button for chicken/bird ;p
steamboots (treads) didnt get buffed, just changed and nerfed imo
lost -5 armor to gain +5 to the the 2 other stats? , and the primary stat was +16 int before and +13 agil too edit: on further review I suppose the +5 to other stats is decent, though I will definitely miss the + armor on some heroes while phase boots just got buffed in every way
the new items seem very good, heal for 25% of mana cost aura? and the new physical dmg--> magical dmg + 100 mana drain per attack + -5 magic armor debuff on attack..wow sounds very strong
Pandamonium, Electrician, Nymph +2 seems really strong. I bet a coordinated team could do wonders. Nymph supplies the mana and some healing/mobility and stays back to stun incase of a tempest ult or something, panda combos (cannonball, flick, ult, flurry) farms and kungfus things, elec destroys his lane, ganks tons and tanks/stuns the carries in team fights. Not sure who I'd fill the +2 with, ideally speaking. Just got out of a game where our +2 was soul reaper and plague rider which worked okay, though we were really weak in the dps department before panda got farmed. Maybe solo puppetmaster for more dps and crowd control & accursed w/nymph since accursed's heal/nuke now removes stuns which would be handy if valk's in the game (really easy to land an arrow on elec). hmmm....
Pandamonium has severe mana problems, but apart from that he's incredibly fun and his skills combo really well.
Cannon ball -> flick> -> kung fu combo -> face smash.
Face smash is like a short range bane ult.
wow i always knew you had the worst understanding/critical thinking/decision making/analysis ive ever seen, but you still manage to surprise me. i can now add reading comprehension to the list