Stack up on assassination agents to deal with their agents. It helps immensely.
Also, Greenskin composition that seems to work great for me: 2x giant, 2x trolls, 2x doomdiver, 2x archers to deal with gyro bullshit, rest is just a mix of black orcs and sobus. Also worthy of note for the Greenskins: if you want to run around with goblin shaman in your main army (useful for the debuffs) - get some other shamans too since with just one shaman you'll be constantly losing him to random events (greenskin mages not reliable) and he'll be incapacitated more than actually being active.
Is it just me or is the Chaoscampaign really easy? I had to restart the Greeenskincampain 4 or 5 times until I made it through, but with Chaos I'm having 0 problems. Round 80 and Karl Franz' empire is already erased, only Bretonia left.
Finally managed to get decent start with Greenskins.
Hint, its really simple - As Long as you don't pick Azhag the Slaughter, which i allways did, as your main hero. Gameplay seems really snowbally... I have now eliminated just about all the Dwarfs up to the Vampire Kingdoms and the Border princess... And i don't see what should stop me? I run around with 5 armies with 3-4 Whaags and just crush everything?
On June 16 2016 04:10 Jerubaal wrote: What's wrong with Azhag? He's not Grimgor?
Grimgor is a beast. Azhag not so good of a fighter and his magic isn't enough to counterbalance that.
Also, I can't wait for them to add some stuff on the western side of the Old World since they already have plenty of it. Bretonnia campaign, Wood Elves + Athel Loren and Beastmen to tie up with that. Would be awesome.
Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
are barded warhorses better than manticores? Found the mobility rly helpful f.e. for taking out artillery, the ai is just too dumb to guard them.
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
I don't own the game yet, as i am a poor student and only buy anything on sale. However,
There is a Deathmetal Wizard in this game? What does he do? (I know that all of Warhammer is generally pretty metal)
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
I don't own the game yet, as i am a poor student and only buy anything on sale. However,
There is a Deathmetal Wizard in this game? What does he do? (I know that all of Warhammer is generally pretty metal)
Death wizard / Metal Wizard. They are 2 different wizards :p
Death is direct damage and debuffs, including probably the best charavter snipe spell in the game
Metal is a bit of a mix of everything, buffs, debuffs and some dmg.
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
I don't own the game yet, as i am a poor student and only buy anything on sale. However,
There is a Deathmetal Wizard in this game? What does he do? (I know that all of Warhammer is generally pretty metal)
He plays Amon Amarth covers on the battlefield. I can see that being an effective leadership buff for your troops tbh.
Yea grimgor is ridiculously strong. You should spearhead him to wreck few units before sending in the actual army cause that's better than having him as the last man standing.
On June 16 2016 05:27 Blackfeather wrote: Chaos lategame is confusing, I have like three similar units for each slot. Chaos giants and sheggoth (spelling) dragon ogres for breaking lines, lancer knights and chariots for flanking cav, forsaken and chosen fighting for the infantry backbone, chosen with great weapons and chaosspawns for heavy infantry, I dunno how to compose ideal armies <.<
Archaon, exalted on barded warhorse(or 4 of them), death/metal wizard on barded warhorse, 6 giants, rest is forsaken. Nothing can stand up to you.
I don't own the game yet, as i am a poor student and only buy anything on sale. However,
There is a Deathmetal Wizard in this game? What does he do? (I know that all of Warhammer is generally pretty metal)
Death wizard / Metal Wizard. They are 2 different wizards :p
Death is direct damage and debuffs, including probably the best charavter snipe spell in the game
Metal is a bit of a mix of everything, buffs, debuffs and some dmg.
Death is nice at sniping but there have been some new discoveries made:
Battle footage starts around 4:40
On June 16 2016 08:35 Jerubaal wrote: Um...I just got a message that the Warriors of Chaos faction has been obliterated....but they'll come back right?
On June 15 2016 11:40 Jerubaal wrote: Watching HeirofCarthage makes me think that the Empire start is a pita.
It's entirely up to the AI what happens to you.
You're surrounded by enemies and they all have basically the same units as you minus whatever bonus units your Faction Leader has.
If 2-3 neutral factions declare war on you early for any reason there's really no way to handle it considering you also have marauding Greenskin tribes to deal with and very little money to work with acquiring new troops.
Just finished long hard campaign on Vampire counts. Got hairy a couple of times when dealing with armies with a ton of high level heros on empire and their allies (bretonnia and dwarf kingdoms in west)
Kind of did it unorthdox. teched diplomacy as fast as possible and Basically allied with the empire fairly early, then used heroes to cause rebellions in some provinces and take them as soon as the rebellions destroy the city, so I was able to expand west without fighting the empire.... Then the chaos incursion basically killed everything to the north of me, so after I wiped the Archaon I just took over everything up to the Chaos wastes and built walls in every area. Chaos attacked me a few times but never took anything before I could get a relief Army. Basically used one maxed Army to move all through the north defending incursions.
Then I went and wiped the dwarves behind me as soon as they confederated, and the Greenskins only took at hand full of those settlements, but never attacked me once, despite hating me the entire time.
Once I consolidated power and economy I built like 6-8 maxed out armies of basically: Lord, Hero, Craveguard x4 Craveguard with great weapons x 2, Hex Wraith (Calvary) x4, Zombies (or sword skellies) x2 (cannon fodder) Vargheists x2, Terrorgheist x1, Varghulf x 1, Black Carts x 2 and them some combination of more craveguard or spear skellies depending on what I wanted to do. If I was seigeing i built way more Vargheists because they are strong as fuck once you get their updrades in the tech tree.
Then I attacked empire and wiped them in about 30 turns. They put up a good fight in a few places but ultimately just couldnt keep up with my raising dead and massive economy. Once Empire was gone the only decent force was Greenskins, and I only had to take one territory before winning.
Was super fun, but Kind of easy compared to the Dwarf Hard Campaign I thought. There was some times when I couldnt expand, but the Chaos incursion really helped me expand and get strong.
Just wondering for anyone else, how many turns do you have maximum. (this campaign took 288 turns, was sweating a bit because thought it might have ended at 300)