On January 27 2014 11:51 Serejai wrote: I only join 550+ groups so thats clearly not a good indication of how to find successful groups. If you have any other secrets please share them. I've ran with other people in the guild like gtr and masq and its always the same thing; massive fail.
I mean my current dbm stats for garrosh are 1 kill and 106 wipes. That kill was in lfr. im already only joining 550 or higher groups. already running on Tuesdays to get the pick of the litter in terms of players. I guess its moot since I've uninstalled oq a week ago but humor me; what else could be done? I used to run pugs during wotlk that would get top 100 us kills so I'm pretty used to plugging and also making them work. People on oq are just trash in every possible way.
My experience with Garrosh pugs: hitting the interrupt key is hard. Also had a clicker who thought he is ready for heroic SoO...
Pretty much. Interrupts have been the reason for at least 90% of my wipes. I'm guessing the people who have had success with Garrosh runs are DPS specs that can interrupt themselves. I'm pretty sure if I had the ability to interrupt then I would have a few kills by now, too, but I don't so I have to rely on the geniuses in oqueue for that.
Problem is one alone is not enough; you need about 2 interrupts for each MC since people are not that fast on target switching (and I'm reluctant to throw a Chaos Bolt that hits for about twice their hp). Non-empowered mind controls are easy to deal with as a lock, Shadowfury for an aoe stun and pet interrupt if they are attempting to cast it and are still on high hp. Empowered MC's however, are not stunnable, and combined with the chaos in last phase make it really hard to coordonate for some reason, despite throwing 5-6 markers, explaining tactics and using Vent/Mumble/etc...
If you don't have at least 5-6 dps (just in case 2 of them get MC'd) that are on the ball with target switching and interrputing, you will have a bad time. Yes, tanks can interrupt too, but if you get both MC's in the ranged stack they can't run back in time.
RE: Bold
This is the kind of thinking that causes wipes. If you get to phase 3, you're going to die to MCs or adds, nothing else is really all that threatening, if you make MCs not matter, even if it's a dps loss, you're going to kill him slightly slower without wiping instead of possibly wiping to MCs.
It's like tunneling the boss for the last 5% instead of paying attention to mechanics: it may pay off, but technical play at a slower pace is so much safer it's rarely worth it.
thats kind of a philosophical question.
Back in the day in EQ2 we had whole guilds specialize in slowly killing stuff with being really safe and a lot of emergency stuff where they can rez like the whole raid if they have to.
And we had guilds that went really crazy dps to rush trough phases as quickly as possible to give people as few possibilities to screw up a mechanic as possible.
Progression wise the dps guilds had a slight lead, but they also were the most hardcore, so both were viable.
On February 03 2014 00:21 farvacola wrote: After around three weeks of concerted guild raiding, we downed Thok on normal :D Congrats to everyone who helped make it happen and get ready for wing 4 baby.
Video of the Thok kill that I recorded.
I love that fight. It's hilarious when he targets people and they drag Thok through the entire raid. haha good times!
any tips for a healer on the Shaman fight in flex 2? When the purple tornadoes come up, everything goes to hell. Do I just stay near the tank or do I stack elsewhere?
On February 04 2014 23:04 Golgotha wrote: any tips for a healer on the Shaman fight in flex 2? When the purple tornadoes come up, everything goes to hell. Do I just stay near the tank or do I stack elsewhere?
Assuming you kite the shamans around the outside area the raid should be following behind the tank so that your leaving a line of purple tornado's. people need to move out of them asap and watch out for the little tornado's that come out of them. Not much you can do as a healer besides just healing them as needed. If tornado's are all over the place and people stand in them your not going to save it anyway unless you massively over gear the fight.
Biggest tip. If your not a tank or melee. Stand in the centre of Org. In line with the entrance and on the "walkway" path. Just go up and down there in the middle. Tanks and Melee are the only ones who have to do anything in this fight. It should be tanked/kited around the edge when it is needed to. You cannot stand in melee/tank range due to if the slimes come out they will hurt anyone other than a tank really hard. Best bet is for the tanks to kite when the oozes come and the ranged dps (who are in the middle) snipe them all easily.
As in that picture (which is bad) but the pathway from the place Shamans spawn is what im on about. Leads directly out of Org to the entrance. That is the line healers/ranged should be following moving up and down that and out of anything they need to get out of.
On February 03 2014 00:21 farvacola wrote: After around three weeks of concerted guild raiding, we downed Thok on normal :D Congrats to everyone who helped make it happen and get ready for wing 4 baby.
this game is addicting. gearing and raiding is addicting. is it true that sometimes you can go a whole week of flex and all types of raiding without any drops? Can RNG be that hurtful? I can picture myself getting pretty downhearted if nothing drops...
Yeah very true Golgotha. The worst experience i have had is Flex 1 2 and 3 all dropped nothing. The following week it dropped pointless frost gear. Then i've also had coins giving me gold on Ordos and Flex for the passed few weeks ;_;
On February 05 2014 22:15 Pandemona wrote: Yeah very true Golgotha. The worst experience i have had is Flex 1 2 and 3 all dropped nothing. The following week it dropped pointless frost gear. Then i've also had coins giving me gold on Ordos and Flex for the passed few weeks ;_;
I've used 15 warforged seals and have yet to get anything but gold. Good luck with regular drops though.
Edit: strike that, 14, using my last one this week on Thok.
On February 05 2014 22:15 Pandemona wrote: Yeah very true Golgotha. The worst experience i have had is Flex 1 2 and 3 all dropped nothing. The following week it dropped pointless frost gear. Then i've also had coins giving me gold on Ordos and Flex for the passed few weeks ;_;
I've used 15 warforged seals and have yet to get anything but gold. Good luck with regular drops though.
btw, thanks for the shaman tips Pandemona and Gorsameth, knowing where to stand made it much easier!
EU Raid leader FIGHTING
Yeah i always made WoW like a routine for me haha. Especially when there was dailies to do. When the TOT expansion came i literally farmed the dailies for about 3 weeks solid every day i would make sure i logged on to do them xD Was good though as i was like one of the first on the busiest server eu (Twisting Nether Horde) with a Direhorn mount! All i have to do now though is make sure all my chars are valor capped each week and have done all of LFR on my alts to gear them up. Then raid with my main xD
btw, thanks for the shaman tips Pandemona and Gorsameth, knowing where to stand made it much easier!
EU Raid leader FIGHTING
Yeah i always made WoW like a routine for me haha. Especially when there was dailies to do. When the TOT expansion came i literally farmed the dailies for about 3 weeks solid every day i would make sure i logged on to do them xD Was good though as i was like one of the first on the busiest server eu (Twisting Nether Horde) with a Direhorn mount! All i have to do now though is make sure all my chars are valor capped each week and have done all of LFR on my alts to gear them up. Then raid with my main xD
damn you are going to be ready for WoD soon. I need to make an alt and do what you do. Since you have a lot of toons, which do you find the most enjoyable and why? And do you feel that each class is different enough to have their own style and unique gameplay? Which toon is the most challenging for you and which is the most easiest/mindless? Thanks, I ask because I want to make a new alt but I am not sure whether I should do Lock, Mage, or Hunter.
I like hunter because he is so mobile and kites. I like lock because he brings utility to a raid. Mage is just awesome dps caster.