Removed Sheldonite Ore from The End Cobblestone can now be recycled
Reformatted some files and stuff. See info below
This patch requires updating your modpack. Please see the IRC topic for a download link
This patch requires a complete removal of your /mods/ and /config/ folders. DELETE THESE ENTIRELY. Make sure to backup your Rei_minimap subfolder if you wish to keep your waypoints!
With The End being reset everywhere, Sheldonite Ore = infinite iridium for the lucky few who happen to be online right after the server patches. It wasn't fair to everyone else for 1-2 players to get all the Sheldonite every week, so it was removed.
Best way to get iridium now would be with a quarry. On average a max size quarry will find one iridium.
Also please note the new dimensions may be buggy. If you experience any crashes with them I would recommend avoiding that particular dimension. Don't bother reporting them to me because I can't really do anything about it.
I have experienced a few myself so far and I'm not really sure why. They seem to be caused by Tinker's Construct trying to place ore bushes in the new dimensions. I'm looking for a solution but as of now, enter at your own risk.
Is it possible to disable ore bush generation in TCon's config? They're not exactly a hugely important addition to the game, so it's no big loss if they can be turned off.
The latest dev version of Tinker's Construct lets you blacklist slime island generation on a per-dimension basis. That should be what you'd have to do to fix the RioV errors.
On September 13 2013 04:45 Wineandbread wrote: So are we just gonna have to go farther out in the overworld/nether for the new riov ores?
Yes and no. You're not gonna need the new ores in bulk so it shouldn't be too bad. When you DO need one, the Nether isn't much of an issue because it's still so small. The overworld is pretty clean near the new spawn area, so you can simply go there. Likewise, the mining world will contain the new ores so quarries should pick them up.
In the future I will probably reset the mining world periodically in order to integrate new ores as well, but it's not really needed this time since the mining world is so small already.
I'd rather a Mining world that wasn't perpetual rain and night...
Well, Night I don't have a problem with actually... I mean, whatever. Mobs really aren't an issue for me at the moment, but the rain is annoying. Stopping that would be a worthwhile thing.
On September 14 2013 10:27 Serejai wrote: I'll remove the rain for performance reasons on low-end CPUs.
Translation: Rain is really !@#$ing annoying, so this provides a great excuse to remove it.
Okay, here's my CEX program (v1.03), which is basically an improvement on the default tunnel program. Code is here:
And a quick demo on what it does / can't do + how to pull in the program is here:
There's still a bug in the return to original position logic that I'll work out when I'm motivated to do so. I went ahead and commented out the item dumping line mentioned in the video because it can have bad results when coupled with the return home bug.
Consider using os.pullevent to wait for fuel, using turtle_inventory event which updates whenever anything is changed to the inventory.
Mines 3 blocks at a time, customizable dimensions to mine out, drops off in an enderchest when full, checks fuel only before start and tells you how much it can mine with current fuel level and how much it will use. Tells you how often it dropped off and how many blocks mined. I use it for making both small underground rooms and quarrying huge areas. Oh, and i also have a version for using regular chests instead of ender, which it will leave behind.
I figured there was probably more to the API than I could find for the turtle. Making things event-driven would add a lot of flexibility. I might look into it when I have more time.
I'm a full-time software dev if anyone was curious ^^
Added a new hub dimension. Portals to the Nether, End, and all other dimensions will be located here. Certain dimensions will be reset next Thursday. ALL MACHINERY SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THESE DIMENSIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID DELETION. Affected dimensions are as follows:
Nether Mining Promised Land* All Mists of RioV dimensions*
This is part of a transition to a central travel hub. At this point in the game enough people have portal guns that I'm willing to allow Mystcraft travel so portal guns can be freed up for other uses. Starting on Thursday, if you have a Portal Gun you will be allowed to request a portal between your base and the Hub dimension. More info will be provided later.
*There is a chance these dimensions may remain in tact during the transition, though I am unsure. Better safe than sorry if you have anything in them.
This patch requires updating your modpack. Please see the IRC topic for a download link
Macerator: Now gives you 2 Crushed Ore. You can still smelt these to get an ingot each.
Ore Washing Plant: This Machine requires water to operate Uses Crushed Ore and gives you Purified Crushed Ore and 2 by products: -Some Small Pile of Dust, of which you need 9 to make a regular dust. + Show Spoiler [9 Small Ores for 1 Dust image] +
Thermal Centrifuge: This machine needs to heat up first Uses Purified Crushed Ore to give you a Dust and a Small Pile of Dust. gold: gold/silverpile copper:copper/tinpile iron: iron/goldpile lead: lead/copperpile silver: silver/leadpile uranium: 5uranium/2uraniumpile tin: tin/ironpile
The Grinder gives you 2 Purified Crushed Copper Ore, 1 Tiny Pile of Gold Dust and 1 Tiny Pile of Nickel Dust: You can use this Purified Crushed Ore in the Thermal Centrifuge if you want. Copper in the Macerator gives 2 Crushed Copper Dust. Ore Washing Plant turns this into: 2 Purified Crushed Copper Ore, 4 Small Pile of Copper Dust and 2 Stone Dust. In comparison, grinder gives 1/4th gold + 1/4th nickel vs 4/9th copper.
Total Gain from 1 Copper Ore: Macerator: 2 Crushed Copper Ore Ore Washing Plant: 2 Purified Crushed Copper Ore, 4 Small Pile of Copper Dust and 2 Stone Dust. Thermal Centrifuge: 2 Copper Dust, 2 Small Pile of Tin Dust, 4 Small Pile of Copper Dust and 2 Stone Dust. Thats 2 + 6/9th Dust from 1 Ore, not bad!