Mass Fabricator:
Mass Fabricator:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0dDiyYP.png) New GUI, Accepts 512EU/t max. Can still use scrap to increase the speed.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ThtGVFi.png) Input an item and apply up to 512eu/t. It will start scanning the item.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/IfjRvCP.png) When the scan is complete, it will show you how much UU-Matter and EU is required.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zZQ1kx8.png) If the scanned item can't be created with UU-Matter, it will give an error and you can take your item out.
Pattern Storage: This is as far as i got, theres something with a pattern storage, but havent figured out yet what to do with it. I know if you put it next to the Scanner, you can click the move into chest button on the Scanner. But for me its stuck on waiting...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/krn3xfd.png)
I've got mine set up and functional. I've already produced 11 Iridium Ore. Unfortunately, the recipe to compress 9 into a block is busted. I've tried normal compressor and an Implosion Compressor. In other words, I can't actually do anything with the iridium that I've replicated. Sure, I can make Iridium bars out of nuggets and use those accordingly, but not the 'ore' stuff.
Minor patch required for anyone who has downloaded 2.1 before this post. For anyone who hasn't downloaded 2.1 yet, this fix is included in the new 2.1 zip so proceed as usual.
Fixes a server crash caused when a Replicator is in-use when server is stopped
I've been having lots of Internet trouble lately due to instability in my area on my ISP's end. Until it's resolved, I won't be able to join the server. Sorry, folks.
There was supposed to be a patch today to add Wireless Redstone and a few updates for mods like IC2, as well as new Nether and Mining worlds but I've decided to postpone it until Monday due to me going out of town and I don't want any issues to arise while I'm gone. So to play it safe I will reset the worlds sometime on Monday and I'll save the mod updates for next Thursday.
I found a small bug when attempting to create a landmine from Tinker's Construct to test its block damage and other attributes. The recipe requires two obsidian, two redstone dust, a stone pressure plate, and a blank cast. The first three items are self-explanatory, but blank casts are made by smelting either gold ingots or aluminum brass ingots in a smeltery. The problem arises when I try to use the blank cast to craft the landmine; the recipe only accepts blank casts made with aluminum brass, while all other recipes that require blank casts accept either type. It's not a big deal, since neither gold nor aluminum brass are too difficult to come by, but it's a weird inconsistency. All it'd take to fix it would be to go to the Tinker configs and the four landmine recipes, and allow them to accept both block ID 14725:1 (the aluminum brass cast) and 14725:2 (the gold cast).
Does anyone know how to make Reinforced stone or Construction Foam from ic2?
There's a reproducible bug where placing a reactor chamber next to a reactor will cause a game crash and corrupt a save.
Have you changed when you're going to reset things Sere?
Tomorrow morning will be the world resets. Got home later than expected today.
Fancy ME Storage Monitor colors.
Wireless Redstone NEIPlugins
Forge Multipart
Industrialcraft Gregtech Damage Indicators Railcraft Applied Energistics Mists of RioV NEIAddons
Fixed Tinker's Construct landmine recipes
Mining World has been reset and includes many new ores Nether has been reset and includes many new ores New spawn hub is active, including fast travel to player bases*, access to all extra dimensions, and access to secondary spawn locations in the Overworld for new players
*Fast travel is available for anyone meeting certain requirements. You must contact me in-game and exchange 32 diamonds in order to receive a link book. Diamonds may be in any format (Diamond, Dust, or Industrial). This may seem like a lot to newer players, and it is. Most of us have gone four weeks without fast travel, so new players are not expected to have it available to them immediately. Long-time players should have no trouble coming up with the cost.
This patch requires updating your modpack. Please see the IRC topic for a download link
This patch may require you to update your Forge installation. The current server is built against this version of Forge. You may also have to re-apply the crash fix after updating Forge
This patch requires you to delete your Forge Multipart.jar file from your mods folder. This file is automatically generated in your 1.6.2 folder in the new version
I warned you not to hook up HV cable to the minecraft server.
Regarding the Advanced Solar Panels addon for IC2: At the moment, we are unable to create most of the solar panel types because one of the key ingredients in the current recipe is Sunnarium. To craft Sunnarium, you must use UU-Matter. Unfortunately, since GregTech has abandoned UU-Matter in favor of a new, liquid form of the stuff, the previous form of UU-Matter is unobtainable ingame; as such, we cannot craft Sunnarium until ASP's developer updates and introduces a new recipe for Sunnarium. This not only prevents us from crafting the higher-tier solar panels, but also keeps us from crafting several items that use solar panels in their recipes.
There is a workaround for this flaw while we wait for an update, though. ASP includes both an "easy" and "hard" mode recipe in its config. The "hard mode" recipe is what we use now, but if we were to switch to the "easy mode", the recipe would no longer require Sunnarium as a crafting component. However, changing to easy mode would make solar panels incredibly powerful for the materials they cost, which is why I would recommend heavily nerfing the EU generated by those panels if we switch to easy mode. The ASP config also includes options for that, which is nice. I'm not familiar enough with IC2 to know how much of a nerf would make the easy mode recipes reasonable, but I do know it'd have to be a pretty severe nerf to EU/tick. At a guess, I'd say maybe make solar panels have 1/8th of their previous effectiveness, and halt all EU generation at night.
Something to play around with, I guess.
Also, Aixler reports that the latest version of GregTech fixes a lot of the insane loading time for this modpack when launching the client. According to him, users have reported 50% faster load times with that update, so it's also something we ought to consider doing.
Finally, there have been problems with the transport hub world where players have been erroneously teleported outside of the bedrock box and are unable to return. Additionally, the fact that the hub is in the Twilight Forest causes some pretty strong lag spikes because the game has to render so much vegetation. The former problem is easy to fix by adding a teleport book outside of the bedrock box to send players back into the hub. I'm not sure how feasible it is to fix the latter at this point, though. Ideally, it'd be in an empty world so the game has to render nothing but the hub-box.
I have both accounts stuck outside the transport hub now. We really need a portal back inside or a differently located hub.
We've determined you screwed up the link books back from east spawn. Aixler is marooned with me.
Sorry, went out of town for the weekend. Almost back.
East spawn you say? That should be an easy fix. As for the world itself... I can change it to a void world but it will take maybe a day to do.
Well the world itself is probably fine. It's the fact that the book sends us to age 10 and not age 63. I guess nobody except me ever goes to east spawn these days.
Is there anything you can do for us in the meantime?