(Granted, I was playing with a crappy laptop that would very easily thermal-throttle at that time)
Europa Universalis IV - Page 197
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Sweden11767 Posts
(Granted, I was playing with a crappy laptop that would very easily thermal-throttle at that time) | ||
Poland7710 Posts
On June 28 2017 04:22 WindWolf wrote: Last time I tried M&T, I remember that the mod were poorly optimized? Has things gotten better since? (Granted, I was playing with a crappy laptop that would very easily thermal-throttle at that time) According to Reman's video the mod has worse performance than vanilla, especially on higher game speeds. So I've been messing around with a tall England/GB game (on normal difficulty 'cause I'm a scrub with 200h played in total haha), so far in 1656 I'm no. 2 great power on the globe (behind Ottos, obviously). I've been developing the British Isles like nobody's business, taking Economic ideas, converting to Protestant for the development cost decrease Aspect of Faith, using state edicts and pushing development issues in the Parliament whenever possible, and later spamming Universities for even more dev cost discounts. At this moment all provinces on the Isles have at least 20 development, and this combined with tons of buildings gives me absurd amounts of income (I have almost 70% of the English Channel node without holding any of the Dutch trade provinces on the continent; I do have some centers of trade on the French lands I hold though, as well as 5 colonial nations in North and Central America funnelling trade to the English Channel), ~140k force limit and 155k manpower without Quantity or Offensive ideas, and over 300k naval force limit (with Maritime and Exploration Ideas). I should have the Industrial Evolution achievement soon, and then I'll try for the City of Cities in London. Overall, this is a nice change of pace from the usual blobbing style of gameplay, and it seems pretty legit, at least for certain countries. | ||
Poland4692 Posts
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Poland7710 Posts
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United States13750 Posts
I can't imagine how theres any enjoyment at all in playing a tall game idk. I'm more of a small nation into big messing up world balance kind of player. | ||
Poland7710 Posts
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China26351 Posts
Some other things: - Overextending colonial nations by demanding large CNs from other countries is very painful to deal with. They'll stay at -3 stab for a long time and won't have a big enough army to quell rebels. The only things you can do are to pay off debt/gift money and re-elect admin governor. - It's almost always good to enforce religion on vassals for the +1 annexation point even if they can't convert well. - Taking the time to find and release religious vassals isn't worth it. There aren't a lot of them and the only time when you'll have trouble converting with six 13% missionaries is in the last hundred years when client states are already available. - Cutting off Russia early from colonizing Siberia saves a lot of time later. - I enacted court and country but am still unsure if it was worth it. I did it asap after age of absolutism hit. The trade-off is ten years of bad events during a crucial time for 2% admin efficiency. I did not go revolutionary which might have been a mistake. The disaster is much shorter and an extra 25% provincial warcost is pretty big. | ||
Netherlands557 Posts
On July 21 2017 09:23 zulu_nation8 wrote: Finished a Sunni Ottoman one tag on 1.22 that took about three weeks and a lot of savescumming. Tried for one faith but ended up about 60-70 provinces short. The general strategy was to expand upstream into India asap while keeping an eye on colonizers by no-cbing Granada at the start. Ideas were admin/influence/religious/diplo/first two ideas of exploration then humanist/offensive/defensive/quantity. Had 6-7 vassals for most of the game, didn't go above 100% OE until the end. This required timing wars so they ended at around the same time. The last two institutions were very difficult to embrace. I either should've developed asap or focused more on embraced European land. I was able to have an entirely converted new world 50-60 years before the end but I'm not sure what I could've done to get one faith besides conquering Europe faster. Some other things: - Overextending colonial nations by demanding large CNs from other countries is very painful to deal with. They'll stay at -3 stab for a long time and won't have a big enough army to quell rebels. The only things you can do are to pay off debt/gift money and re-elect admin governor. - It's almost always good to enforce religion on vassals for the +1 annexation point even if they can't convert well. - Taking the time to find and release religious vassals isn't worth it. There aren't a lot of them and the only time when you'll have trouble converting with six 13% missionaries is in the last hundred years when client states are already available. - Cutting off Russia early from colonizing Siberia saves a lot of time later. - I enacted court and country but am still unsure if it was worth it. I did it asap after age of absolutism hit. The trade-off is ten years of bad events during a crucial time for 2% admin efficiency. I did not go revolutionary which might have been a mistake. The disaster is much shorter and an extra 25% provincial warcost is pretty big. But client states don't convert provinces. What you usually do for a one faith is (force) vassalize countries that have religoius ideas and have +1 missionary or missionary strength as a national idea bonus. Look in the wiki to see which countries you should vassalize http://www.eu4wiki.com/Envoy#Missionary | ||
China26351 Posts
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3251 Posts
Ofc it's still good for paying bird instead of paper mana, but still. Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong? | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On August 05 2017 07:02 Archeon wrote: Somehow my vassals just keep sinking more and more into debt overtime. They aren't getting sieged, they have a minimal army (Pomerania has 5k troops on 110 development), they have important centers of trade in their home-nodes. They are basically a negative factor right now, since I either watch them go bankrupt all the time or need to pay them a lot to provide a minimal army. Ofc it's still good for paying bird instead of paper mana, but still. Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong? tbh vassals usually always have a shit army. early game just think of it as 4-5 more units in your army and dont worry about them, let em go bankrupt or do their own thing | ||
Netherlands557 Posts
On August 05 2017 07:02 Archeon wrote: Somehow my vassals just keep sinking more and more into debt overtime. They aren't getting sieged, they have a minimal army (Pomerania has 5k troops on 110 development), they have important centers of trade in their home-nodes. They are basically a negative factor right now, since I either watch them go bankrupt all the time or need to pay them a lot to provide a minimal army. Ofc it's still good for paying bird instead of paper mana, but still. Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong? Apparently they spend a lot of money on state edicts. If you turn them into a march, you could get them to have a good army (but marches cannot be integrated). | ||
3251 Posts
On August 05 2017 23:56 LetaBot wrote: Apparently they spend a lot of money on state edicts. If you turn them into a march, you could get them to have a good army (but marches cannot be integrated). That sounds exactly like what I'd expect from Paradox <.< New feature? Expect it to ruin some kind of AI-interaction. Might turn them into a march and just revoke it for the 200 admin later on, or just continue to use them as an useless admin-saver. If they go bankrupt all the time turning them into a march isn't going to make them useful though. | ||
China26351 Posts
I started another Ottoman WC and was able to have most of the world wrapped up by 1700. Deciding whether or not to go revolutionary to finish up. I had to pay 10k twice before 1650 to break up coalitions but other than that I was much more careful about where to blob pre-absolutism. | ||
China26351 Posts
![]() Persia and Astrakan are my vassals. I'm wondering if Kazan is a better choice as they start closer to Ottoman/Europe and can get to Hindu land faster. The Otto blob is a huge roadblock and would take 4-5 wars with multiple truce breaks to finish. I'm trying to move my capital to Constantinople by 1600 to get Global Trade/Age of Absolutism asap. Also should've maybe went admin first instead of humanist, and released Ming vassals to save on adm early instead of coring everything with only 20% RCC. One thing nice about Tengri/Hindu Manchu is the unrest reduction even though an extra +1 tolerance of heathens is wasted. With a theologian, consort of the people, and the -separatism ruler personality, I could generally buy enough time with 1-2 harsh treatments to have no rebels spawning at 200+ OE. ![]() GH run: ![]() | ||
Poland7710 Posts
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Poland4692 Posts
On another note DEV clash looks great. I always thought that EU has huge potential for team games. Too bad they wont added that fucntionality in the upcoming patch. | ||
Poland7710 Posts
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Sweden11767 Posts
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