I have played about 90 hours since I got beta a couple weeks ago and my experience has been vastly different from some of the posts I am seeing in this thread. (Currently I am at the highest ELO possible just so you know where I am coming from)
For one I have had a great time in pugs and made many friends (added over 40 cs:go players to my friends list and I talk with many of them regularly).
I also haven't had any trouble getting into competitive mode games except for one day when there was some type of bug going around but even then it just took multiple retries to get into a server.
To the people saying that valve isn't working with pros or doesn't care about the competitive scene you are just flat out wrong. They are working hand in hand with pros from both 1.6 and css to make the game as competitive and true to CS as possible. I could provide proof but its all over the internet already.
To Jibba: I see one of your complaints is not being able to play with friends. The solution to this is to join servers until you find one with 2+ Bots then have your buddy who is waiting at the loading screen join you through the friends list. Sometimes it can take 5 minutes to get a server but it is worth it to play with friends.
Now for some things that are actually wrong with the game:
The recoil model needs work. They have the ability to change it to something that is almost identical to previous cs versions but they don't seem to want to do this just yet. Here is the thread about that: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2638721
They messed with some of the maps. Most notably with nuke and the removal of the entire backside into lower bombsite. This makes the vents basically useless and the retaking of lower site very easy as there are only about 3 places to hide. That having been said maps are not even remotely a big deal as it is something the community will fix (like they did with 1.6 and css).
There also seems to be something wrong with tracers as they don't seem to be true to where your bullets are going so it can make spray a bit strange.
One last thing I don't like (but this is more of a preference) is how you can only have one flash but it is a super powerful one. Getting flashed lasts a LONG time in this game but if you turn your back to the flash it will barely effect you. I personally would prefer the older style flashes from source or 1.6.
I am sure I am missing something but that's all I can think of for now. Feel free to PM me or check out my stream www.twitch.tv/tnerb14 if you have any questions or comments I would love to discuss the game or play with new people.
Almost forgot for people having sound issues try setting the quality to low, this will remove a lot of the random noises and echos and make it sound more like cs. Also make sure you are adjusting your rates and interp (in console, rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 101, cl_updaterate 101, cl_interp 0, cl_interp_ratio 0)
I've been joining mostly EU servers and found that some of them doesn't have bots, the ESL server is de_aztec casual mode (takes a fucking while to kills someone with rifles but deagle still takes the same amount of body shots to kill someone).
Please, I'm just going to plug-in this thread incase you TLers want to play with each other
encountered two hackers last night. they were awping people through walls and one shotting the whole team. i really hope valve keeps a tighter grip on cheating than they did with previous releases.
To Jibba: I see one of your complaints is not being able to play with friends. The solution to this is to join servers until you find one with 2+ Bots then have your buddy who is waiting at the loading screen join you through the friends list. Sometimes it can take 5 minutes to get a server but it is worth it to play with friends.
I know that but it's not a great way of doing it, plus it's pretty hard to do if there's 3 or more people. I don't know, I'm starting off on a new account (had a shared account before) and pugging is just miserable. Basically every other game I'm with people with zero competitive experience and I have to teach them things like run with your knife out to go faster or what a save round is, and playing for ELO isn't really high on my list. Then again, it'll have no bearing on leagues and teams won't care about it, nor is anyone going to scrim using Competitive mode.
Just out of curiosity, what's your ELO? Since the latest patch, I think these are the new ELO icons. Third row from the bottom, on the right. I'm at a silver bar + 1 star, whatever that means. D:
On April 17 2012 02:54 KAmaKAsa wrote: theyre updating it constantly and working with pro gamers and listening to constructive feedback with actual thought behind it so you two are full of shit
No, you are. They are not hearing to the CS 1.6 pro scene, cArn and lurppis have confirmed it. I'm in the beta for around 2 months and there has not been a decent update, the game is still pretty bad, even in looks since the effects are hurting the gameplay so much.
The problem is (aside from most of those links being dead) is that there have been 2 hugely important patches since all of those comments. The March 29th patch changed first shot accuracy and movement, and the patch last weekend altered weapon spray. There's definitely more to go and I really do hope they use the 1.6 recoil pattern instead of the new one, but the game feels massively improved since when they made those comments.
I mean, look at my posts in this thread. I've been bitching a lot and I still think there's issues pertaining to maps, flashes, spray pattern, weapon balance, money rules and so on, but the guns really do feel pretty good now. Occasionally I throw my hands up in the air, but half the time it's likely my own fault and the other half the time is the same kind of randomness you still found in 1.6. I've been playing both GO and CSDM (at NuclearFallout) for at least an hour each the past few days and my main complaints aren't related to the guns anymore.
EDIT: Oh, and I don't think you should drop nades on death in competitive mode. It's one thing when it's a dropped gun and you have the option of picking it up, but a fallen nade at the end of the round is basically an obstacle because you don't want to make noise.
I'm not sure where the VODs are, but the SK vs Fnatic show match at Copenhagen Games was legitimately entertaining. They were hitting a lot of good shots and there was a real display of skill, not just randomness.
On April 17 2012 12:25 Jibba wrote: The problem is (aside from most of those links being dead) is that there have been 2 hugely important patches since all of those comments. The March 29th patch changed first shot accuracy and movement, and the patch last weekend altered weapon spray. There's definitely more to go and I really do hope they use the 1.6 recoil pattern instead of the new one, but the game feels massively improved since when they made those comments.
I mean, look at my posts in this thread. I've been bitching a lot and I still think there's issues pertaining to maps, flashes, spray pattern, weapon balance, money rules and so on, but the guns really do feel pretty good now. Occasionally I throw my hands up in the air, but half the time it's likely my own fault and the other half the time is the same kind of randomness you still found in 1.6. I've been playing both GO and CSDM (at NuclearFallout) for at least an hour each the past few days and my main complaints aren't related to the guns anymore.
EDIT: Oh, and I don't think you should drop nades on death in competitive mode. It's one thing when it's a dropped gun and you have the option of picking it up, but a fallen nade at the end of the round is basically an obstacle because you don't want to make noise.
I'm not sure where the VODs are, but the SK vs Fnatic show match at Copenhagen Games was legitimately entertaining. They were hitting a lot of good shots and there was a real display of skill, not just randomness.
SK vs fnatic? you must mean SK vs ESC.pl which was the final of the CS:GO tournament at CPH Games that featured 4 CS 1.6 teams vs CS:S teams, obviously the 1.6 top teams met in the final. It was painful to watch such skilled players (the 1.6 ones) play on a broken game that has a 800$ deagle as one of the most effective weapons. the rifles were completely useless in those matches and the maps didn't allow for proper rotations and backups.
the game has changed but its not better, it still feels like a console game, the control is completely awful and allows for random stuff and limites the players too much. I don't enjoy playing it at all I just test it everytime they update something.
this is my list of the most importante changes the game needs:
rollback to the 1.6 money system balance the maps accordingly on the 1.6 maps, the source ones are awful dunno why they ported em. improve the recoil copy the 1.6 movement the radar should be a radar, not a MOBA minimap made for newbies and it shouldn't have interaction with the enemy team nor the c4 when you're a CT.
PS: the links are not dead, the steam forums simplifies them by adding dots, you can still have access to em. I edited em, check again.
I agree on all of those things but I still think the game is making good progress. The recoil and movement are close to where they need to be and the radar is a minor issue.
I read the lurppis post when he made it, I was hoping Thorin would have something to say about it but that's just a summary article on the post.
I'm 1.6, nothing special, cal-main esea-im was my best. I enjoy cs go just fine. Its different, and its constantly getting better. Theres plenty of things that are irritating to me, but overall, I would definitely play leagues in this game. I can't say the same about source.. just my opinion.
That being said, if there are any west coast players out there, please, please add me. graydon0 on steam.
I picked up the game about a month ago, played it for a few hours and put it down completely. You couldn't spray, couldn't hear anything, movement was beyond sluggish, maps were horribly imbalanced - to say the least, it wasn't anything like 1.6. I opened it up again a few days ago after the 4/13 patch, and yeah there are still a lot of broken things, but Jibba's 100% correct, progress has been made.
No, you are. They are not hearing to the CS 1.6 pro scene, cArn and lurppis have confirmed it. I'm in the beta for around 2 months and there has not been a decent update, the game is still pretty bad, even in looks since the effects are hurting the gameplay so much.
SK vs fnatic? you must mean SK vs ESC.pl which was the final of the CS:GO tournament at CPH Games that featured 4 CS 1.6 teams vs CS:S teams, obviously the 1.6 top teams met in the final. It was painful to watch such skilled players (the 1.6 ones) play on a broken game that has a 800$ deagle as one of the most effective weapons. the rifles were completely useless in those matches and the maps didn't allow for proper rotations and backups.
the game has changed but its not better, it still feels like a console game, the control is completely awful and allows for random stuff and limites the players too much. I don't enjoy playing it at all I just test it everytime they update something.
this is my list of the most importante changes the game needs:
rollback to the 1.6 money system balance the maps accordingly on the 1.6 maps, the source ones are awful dunno why they ported em. improve the recoil copy the 1.6 movement the radar should be a radar, not a MOBA minimap made for newbies and it shouldn't have interaction with the enemy team nor the c4 when you're a CT.
PS: the links are not dead, the steam forums simplifies them by adding dots, you can still have access to em. I edited em, check again.
I pretty much agree with all of your criticism, and the pro player feedback, most notably from Lurrpis, has been spot on. Believe me, when Lurrpis's huge bashing article came out, it summed up everything I felt about the game. But you can't ignore the 3/29 and 4/13 patches, you really can't. The one thing I'm waiting for most right now is pro player feedback post-4/13, I want to see if any faith will be restored. I'm also surprised no current 1.6 pros are involved with the game (Navi, ESC, SK, Fnatic), I think if they'd want any backing by the 1.6 community, those would be the people to work with first.
• Adjustments have been made to increase the base accuracy of all weapons. • Jump and land penalties have been decreased, and the rate of stamina gain has been increased.
• Added additional camera punch effect to weapon firing to give more visual feedback.. • Changed the ducking speed to match the unducking speed. Both are now 200 ms.
You can't deny they're working on some of the biggest complaints 1.6ers have, mainly movement and recoil. I agree recoil's still not the same - AK spray is pretty impossible mid-to-long range, Famas spray is pretty terrible as well. But M4 spray, Famas burst and Galil spray all feel correct to me. As for movement, hell they practically put bunnyhopping back in. It's not 1.3 bhopping but the momentum/stamina recovery after jumping feels like it's actually more than what it is in 1.6. I think the most glaringly broken thing right now is sound, and I don't know how they haven't addressed this at all yet. Is it just me or is directional sound MILES away from 1.6? I also find footsteps irrelevant about 60-70% of the time - you can hear them when you're running around alone, but when it comes to hearing where people are coming from, they seem invisible.
Here's my list of broken things that need to be fixed for GO to be able to be taken seriously as a competitive game: - can't hear footsteps - no sense of directional sound - AK is unsprayable - deagle is too strong - awp seems like it's actually easier than it was in 1.6 - famas full auto needs to be sprayable - bring back 1.6 crouch hopping (not the silent exploit) - flashbang 25% buff is way too strong (for people who think only being able to buy one balances this, I disagree; nullifying a player for 3-4 full seconds in a competitive game is just way too long and punishing) - why do kits cost $400? if there's some competitive implication for this, I really want to know what it is - radar shows too much information (this isn't the end of the world, this is one of those making the game easier changes a-la-SC2 that I could live with) - maps are terribly imbalanced (as it was mentioned somewhere in this thread, this isn't so big of a problem as the community will eventually correct this, but it'd be nice if Valve/HP gave us maps worth testing)
edit: one thing I forgot - tracers need to go! this is one thing making the game easier/more appealing, but it completely eliminates the purpose of wallbanging. I saw someone sitting in mini on nuke (the entrance from outside to upper) getting sprayed by someone outside by red box, and the shots came through the wall like ridiculous 10 ft lines; he just moved and dodged all of it.
Any idea how far the beta is in yet? For me (don't have beta ) just wondered when roughly it could be finished? Looking at Nov-Dec release with the way the beta is going or is it pretty close to being a complete game?
I think the game is good, although theyve kept the standard game mode its quite easy to see theyve been inspired by Call of Duty with the Arsenal modes. The map layouts and size makes it extremely fast paced same as Call of Duty. Its not about aim, its about running and spraying. Cant figure out bullet spread in this, its not like 1.6 or Source, its alot more difficult than before. Specially AK-47 feels quite hard.
Dont know how it will fare against call of duty though .....
On April 17 2012 19:11 Avean wrote: I think the game is good, although theyve kept the standard game mode its quite easy to see theyve been inspired by Call of Duty with the Arsenal modes. The map layouts and size makes it extremely fast paced same as Call of Duty. Its not about aim, its about running and spraying. Cant figure out bullet spread in this, its not like 1.6 or Source, its alot more difficult than before. Specially AK-47 feels quite hard.
Dont know how it will fare against call of duty though .....
Its not more difficult, its more random, its luck-based because there's no way to effectively control a full spray like you could in 1.6.
I think the game will fail miserably against the COD titles IF it tries to emulate them, which it currently does but with a akward cs twist: random recoil. Yay, thats gonna cause alot of players to be frustrated. So right now its like a COD title but with some weird gameplay changes.
Im still baffled as to why HP are so scared to just make it a counter-strike game, will the CS gameplay uch as free flowing movement, proper recoil, crisp sound system and clean map layouts really hurt the game that much?
The maps just look like different shades of grey. Where are the colors and contrasts at ?
Are they completely oblivious to counter-strikes success?
At the end of the day its about the money, thats why they're focusing on making the game casual to try and grab some of CODs playerbase. The problem is that COD games are better COD games than what CS:GO is. So there goes that theory. Why try to be something you're not?
Dont use the counter-strike name if you're gonna create COD MW5 or whatever
On April 17 2012 22:23 Crownlol wrote: This post: Screen Shake and recoil_model_0 seems to indicate that they're going to make recoil_model_0 standard.
So, that addresses the main complaint.
*edit* Avean... I don't even know where to start. Call of Duty took to idea from CS in the first place...
All they did was change so that you can effectively 3 shot burst now and also added a small screen shake, the spray is still random.
I was thinking that too (as we unfortunately quick game'd into demolition mode ._.) Those levels feel a lot like imitations of Nuke Town from Black Ops, only a whole lot worse. Whoever thought of downgrading weapons for each kill deserves a punch in the dick.
My issue with sound hasn't been so much about direction, but more about the distance of it. I was behind the T-side train, near the ladder, yesterday and I heard someone zooming their AWP, and I was positive they were on the other side of the train from me, but it turned out to be coming from the ladder room. :|
I don't think the recoil is completely random. I believe the difference is that shots 3-5, rather than going up like in 1.6, go directly left and right, so to spray you pull down slightly but not as much as 1.6. The xhair should still be around their chest level. I've been pretty consistently pulling off spray kills, the last two days.
Just because you can kill people while spraying hardly proves that it isnt random, the recoil isnt grping bullets its individually picking a new spot for each bullet which makes it random
I posted the video before and it's not really relevant here because the guns still have a spray pattern that they follow, it just goes further left/right each time than it could in 1.6.
When you're able to consistently get spraying kills, especially headshots, then it's not random anymore. Whisenhunt's video was incredible useful, because you're trained in 1.6 that the spray location isn't near the center of the xhair, but in GO it's much closer to it.
On April 17 2012 12:25 Jibba wrote: I'm not sure where the VODs are, but the SK vs Fnatic show match at Copenhagen Games was legitimately entertaining. They were hitting a lot of good shots and there was a real display of skill, not just randomness.