No beta key again When I saw new map... Bank.. I hoped it was a remake of CS_Miami from the xbox version... alas
I saw the recoil thing on the official forum. It reverts to an almost identical pattern to 1.6 and source. if they'd change this.. and do the 50% post processing changes that are discussed on the forum, the game would look so much better.
Yeah they sent out another bunch today, they usually do every friday. Grats to those lucky of you that got one... the rest of us will just sit and watch twitch tv and wish it was us... *sigh*
WOOOTTT! Just got a key today. I tried it out, wow the recoil on the AK really blows, the first shot rarely goes straight down the crosshair like in 1.6. No more 1 click AKs ... game feels pretty source-ish tbh, 1.6 ftw
On April 14 2012 14:03 pengfx wrote: WOOOTTT! Just got a key today. I tried it out, wow the recoil on the AK really blows, the first shot rarely goes straight down the crosshair like in 1.6. No more 1 click AKs ... game feels pretty source-ish tbh, 1.6 ftw
dude if u played source a lot the guns are sooo different...i cant kill anyone with the AK in CSGO unless i 1 shot AK...can't do the 3 shot burst in it cuz its shit. try the tech 9 and galil...they are sick in CSGO. tech9 is a bit OP with the huge clip size imo.
Since the game hasn't been letting me play "competitive mode" anymore (mysterious Failed to Join Game bug), I've had a chance to play Demolition and Gun Game.
1. Demolition is the least fun FPS experience I've ever had. I'd rather play competitive Daikatana. They just took your standard de maps, cut them in half (so there's only 1 bomb site and one route) and your gun direction goes the opposite of gun game, so it goes m4->p90->ump->something shitty->something shittier. P90ing across the train yard isn't fun. You can tell Valve never really got what custom mods were about.
2. Gun game (Arsenal) is decent. The maps are extremely meh (I think it'd be better on standard maps) as it's fairly easy to spawn camp and there's lots of dumb corners. At least you get a feel for what the weapons can and can't do.
Rifles and pistols feel better than ever, and I guess they toned down the P90. The shotguns feel too lulzy (read: terrifying). I'd have to test it in a scrim, but it feels like the range is longer and spread is narrower than 1.6, plus you can still run and jump around with it. I kind of hope they make shotguns worse and buff the SMGs (besides P90) a bit.
Its pretty funny that whisenhunt is almost the sole reason that CSGO is headed in the right direction.
edit: him and venom :: zid who introduced the issue of recoil pattern not grping properly which also got partially fixed this patch ( only first bullets get grped )
That video's actually pretty helpful. I still have it in my muscle memory to pull down like 1.6 because the bullets go above the xhair, but in here I guess the xhair will always be at the bullet location.
For people who were/are big into competitive CS, whether it be 1.6 or CSS, you can check out this CSGO streamer:
Description from his Twitch:
Former professional counter-strike player! Been playing CS for the better half of 10+ years.From 1.6 to source and now testing my luck at CS:GO. I've competed in events ranging from CPL to the CGS to ESEA finals.
I don't know or have any connection to this guy, but I started watching a few days ago. He mainly streams ESEA (American pug client) pugs (competitive 5v5 on de_ maps only), sometimes with a friend or two. Just looking around on Twitch, he's the only ex-pro-level CSGO streamer I've found.
I was a pretty hardcore competitive 1.6 player, and for me it restored some faith into CSGO, so to say. The way he sprays (and shoots in general) and his tactical play (positioning, making calls, where/how to throw nades) are pretty awesome and educational to watch.