name a more iconic duo than happy and being the last man alive
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Singapore15360 Posts
name a more iconic duo than happy and being the last man alive | ||
France9034 Posts
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Germany711 Posts
On September 06 2017 18:02 Ragnarork wrote: Not every person hack. There. ![]() 3 games, all against hackers. Feels great man. EDIT: One got banned before he could move his knife to his safe account though. At least a tiny little bit of justice. | ||
France9034 Posts
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Netherlands2119 Posts
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France9034 Posts
Also what you said. If someone is suspicious and it's not obvious they're cheating, just consider them good/better. Bonus point is you'll challenge yourself to up your game, and that will benefit you. You'll also avoid the negative feeling of thinking the game is robbed from you (which is honestly not really useful, it's not like you're playing in a tournament's qualifier or something, it's fucking match making). | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
like last 40 or so games | ||
Pakistan10726 Posts
On September 19 2017 00:23 Epoxide wrote: i feel like i have 0 cheaters in my games on lem/supreme eu like last 40 or so games Yeah same, I play maybe like 1 or 2 games a week at the LEM/Supreme level and i have the occasional game where there is one person just significantly better than anyone else on the server which feels wierd, but rarely do I feel like I am being cheated. Even then the games arent that bad. Most of the time I personally get wrecked is when the other side is a stack that has basically the bare minimum amount of team work to run executes or any kind of coordination that isnt a pick based default. | ||
Netherlands2209 Posts
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Germany711 Posts
I am willing to concede that facing 3 obvious hackers in a row in MM is not that usual, excluding operations, though I am quite comfortably in saying that 40 games in a row with no hacker on either side in supreme+ is practically impossible. While I would agree that I notice the games against hackers more than the legit ones, I feel that even 15 games in a row without a hacker is more than I ever got in GE, even with prime. When I still used to play solo / not a full stack I also had a lot of games where one of the enemies seemed to cheat which supposedly caused one of our team to turn on hacks as well. These cases to me basically translate into the guy on our team cheated all game long anyways but now uses more obvious settings. Like let’s be real dude, you really expect us to believe you just happen to have some cheats just for that occasion? About having a lot more sketchy shit in LEM that’s probably due to the fact that there are a lot of low GE smurfs playing in LEM and the skill around LEM generally feels all over the place whenever I end up going through there with a second account / account of a friend. I feel like you can dominate LEM just by fragging alone and by just waiting for someone to push into you stupidly even on t-side. At least my experience is whenever I solo ranked up an account and teamed up with another LEM from the other team/my team that also performed extremely well it turned out that it was a supreme/GE that smurfed/lost his rank due to inactivity as well. Problem with ESEA is they lost their credibility with the bitcoin miner and more importantly how they handled the whole situation and faceits anticheat makes your game feel weird / worse overall. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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Germany711 Posts
On September 19 2017 06:37 Epoxide wrote: How many vaced players do you have in your last 50 or so games? In my last 61 games I've only had one person get vaced. Not meaning to crush your dreams, but if vac would get every person we wouldn’t have this problems. I am not sure since I slacked a bit at adding people+date to my observe list and didn't keep track of my games that well but I got at least 8 out of 30 games. But this isn’t really telling in either ways since they don't necessarily had to cheat in the game vs me to get banned and they don't have to get banned for cheating, so even though my numbers lean more towards my side, they are not an argument. Reportbotting helps, but shit like only playing one game in a certain time period is still a thing I believe which lets you dodge bans quite well. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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Germany711 Posts
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France9034 Posts
On September 19 2017 11:42 waffelz wrote: Nah, you just don't use reportbots or just don't notice hacks. I am not talking ragehackers of course, those you only rarely see indeed. Though at least they make it quick. And yet I feel the same as Epoxide. When there's a huge vac wave, I see people on reddit posting screens of their vac-checker and there's dozens of fresh vacs plus the occasional super old vac. When I do that, I see a full list of non-vac'ed players. So what gives? We know VAC doesn't get everyone, by design it can't. And yes, I've seen cheaters in my games, it's hard to completely avoid them. But I certainly doesn't see cheaters as often as you seem you imply there are. Also I've won games where there was a cheater on the other side, so that's a weird thing to say that it's only when you lose. You spot the cheater before the game is over usually. You're right on one point though, I've never truly looked at demos afterwards, maybe once or twice when I had a clear suspicion. Because that's pretty worthless in MM unless you're five and tryharding in MM (which is weird to me, there are far better places to do that, but that's not the point). I also think that there might (emphasis on might) be some sort of belief bias impacting your judgment. When you're so convinced that there are cheaters everywhere, you'll convince yourself more easily that you're looking at a cheater where another would at best suspect, and thus "find" more cheaters. I'm just mentioning the possibility because once again, I've seen how it can vary by a huge magnitude between different people, like I said my history is pretty empty when it comes to vac bans, whereas some people seem to meet 3 cheaters every game. Anyway, the fact both exist still means that you can't take your situation for the norm and think we're all too stupid to spot cheaters. | ||
2774 Posts
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France9034 Posts
On September 19 2017 19:10 Nixer wrote: Is there a "hidden pool" in CS:GO? I forget. You mean like the low priority queue in DotA or something similar ? Not that we know of. If it exists, Valve never told so I believe. | ||
Germany711 Posts
On September 19 2017 18:09 Ragnarork wrote: And yet I feel the same as Epoxide. When there's a huge vac wave, I see people on reddit posting screens of their vac-checker and there's dozens of fresh vacs plus the occasional super old vac. When I do that, I see a full list of non-vac'ed players. So what gives? We know VAC doesn't get everyone, by design it can't. And yes, I've seen cheaters in my games, it's hard to completely avoid them. But I certainly doesn't see cheaters as often as you seem you imply there are. Also I've won games where there was a cheater on the other side, so that's a weird thing to say that it's only when you lose. You spot the cheater before the game is over usually. You're right on one point though, I've never truly looked at demos afterwards, maybe once or twice when I had a clear suspicion. Because that's pretty worthless in MM unless you're five and tryharding in MM (which is weird to me, there are far better places to do that, but that's not the point). I also think that there might (emphasis on might) be some sort of belief bias impacting your judgment. When you're so convinced that there are cheaters everywhere, you'll convince yourself more easily that you're looking at a cheater where another would at best suspect, and thus "find" more cheaters. I'm just mentioning the possibility because once again, I've seen how it can vary by a huge magnitude between different people, like I said my history is pretty empty when it comes to vac bans, whereas some people seem to meet 3 cheaters every game. Anyway, the fact both exist still means that you can't take your situation for the norm and think we're all too stupid to spot cheaters. I am sorry if this comes of harshly, I initially typed more detailed and softer, but didn't feel like posting it because I don’t see much use. I just use this to vent, of course I don't truly believe that everyone hacks. I don't, none of my stack does (well one former did at some point), so by default I know it isnt true. I could go on about how I always check replays, but not necessarily on the same day so I occasionally spot cheaters much later, how I used to do this shit in 1.6 for tournaments etc., how we check replays for mistakes on our part and not witch-hunting. But you admitted you don't check demos, so how would you know? I really don't want to come off as an asshole and I don't mean to insult you, but given that you seemingly base your observation only on received bans, you probably aren’t equipped to have this discussion. I still apreciate you taking the time to answer though, as long as we all still find a way to enjoy this game it is allright. | ||
France9034 Posts
And I really believe that it's very hard to distinguish between, firstly, cheating or simple luck, and secondly, cheating and playing well. I encountered a good portion of overwatch cases where I'm pretty sure the dude has been reported simply because he made educated guesses as to where enemy where, combined with footsteps when there are some. The thing is, he's probably been reported because those who did only saw the cases where that guy guessed right or made the right bet and not the ones where he was completely wrong. And there wasn't any play/action that warranted saying "this is cheating beyond reasonable doubt". Most of the cheaters I've reported in OW cases were blatant aimbots where there was no way a player at that level could make consistent snapping to heads instantly 40 kills in a row. I'm not saying I've spotted all the cheaters and cleared all the innocents in my overwatch cases, far from that. But I know that there are cognitive biases, some of those that are hard to truly overcome. And that except in very very very obvious cases, there are many moments where if you are intellectually honest, you have to give the benefit of the doubt. And to reiterate, I'm not saying you're constantly mistaking cheaters for strokes of luck or simply good players. I'm mostly exposing my view on this situation, which is mostly confusion as to why experiences vary so much, and that I'm inclined to believe in some cases it's mostly people confirming their bias instead of actually spotting cheaters. Like, in this thread we've had your case, and then multiple others who don't seem to witness nearly half as many cheaters as you do. And my interrogation is "why is it so extreme?". | ||
Germany711 Posts
Why do the accounts differ? TL cs is not that big, in general there are very few people posting in here and there are probably not a lot of GEs around simply to the fact that they only made up a fraction of the playerbase, even if you take Supreme into account and their skill still varies a lot. LEM there are probably a lot more but that skillgroup is a clusterfuck of skilllevels anyway. Our group of 8 probably already trumps the number of GEs/supremes that are active in this thread, though we mostly play only together so we got similar numbers. And around GE it is either a case of someone dodging bans by having numerous accounts or you can only spot it with a demo anyways, so I am still very confident that most player don't notice it. Or have simply an extremely high false positive ratio. And having 5 people or so in total with me being the only one where all 5 pretty consistently checking their demos is not very representative for either side of the argument I think. As I said, I am mostly relieving some frustration and you probably can see how I feel obligated to defend my position when then someone comes on and tells me how it is totally different when I can almost know with certainty that he looks nowhere as close to the issue as I do or might even be in a skillgroup where he experiences a different reality due to practically living in a different world of CS. I also admit that we play MM at times where you usually don’t soloqueue because you meet very special people so that might be a factor but 50 or 40 games still seems like impossible to me, probably from LEM and above. Below I suspect you got more obvious cases. But still I doubt that my numbers are that far off. I might try to keep count a bit better in the future so my numbers are better. About distinguishing luck / skill from hacks you mostly compare general movement, crosshair placement and gamesense to performance. For MM this is a pretty good indicator. Then there are also some other hints which are more gut feeling of course but a lot of cheaters that try to hide it who aren’t obvious still. Then there are weapon specific quirks, like aimbots/aimassists being much harder to spot when used together with snipers and such. In case of not overwatch you also can also check their profile if it isn’t private and you feel like it. Typical cheaterprofile is csgo and only a few other random games on the account, having multiple hundred or even thousand faked game hours in cs, current operation for getting prime lvl faster, achievements unlocked via unlocked. Bonus is having a showcased knife but no knife in the inventory. And to vent a last time, the snapping headshot shit almost falls in the obvious category anyways. Around the higher leagues you mostly see aim assist instead of straight up aimbots and unless they use really brute settings you can't really spot it because of how how flawed demos are. You can read my last vent in here how bad VAC is and how easy it is to make cheats for CS about how I got firsthand experience on how aim assist + skill is basically like doping that you can’t accurately detect from demos. I guess we are at a dead end here anyways and the discussion isn't much use anyways. Unless I get disproven there is nothing to gain from it, otherwise we all either keep our believes or I ruin your experience a bit ![]() I try to keep my rants to a minimum | ||
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