On December 06 2018 21:41 HolydaKing wrote:Show nested quote +On December 06 2018 21:33 travis wrote: so how does ice spear work now?
I think I read it changes to stage 2 after hitting an enemy?
Won't that make it *god awful* against bosses? It's a shotgunning skill. Scale it by getting more projectiles and it should wreck bosses. See https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2241894
hmm, it looks kind of good you know my first successful build was ice spear totems like 7 or 8 years ago. I got to like level 85 and I was soooo proud of myself. but things were hard back then.
I might give that a go again and see what ice spear totems are capable of now
On December 06 2018 23:39 travis wrote:Show nested quote +On December 06 2018 21:41 HolydaKing wrote:On December 06 2018 21:33 travis wrote: so how does ice spear work now?
I think I read it changes to stage 2 after hitting an enemy?
Won't that make it *god awful* against bosses? It's a shotgunning skill. Scale it by getting more projectiles and it should wreck bosses. See https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2241894 hmm, it looks kind of good you know my first successful build was ice spear totems like 7 or 8 years ago. I got to like level 85 and I was soooo proud of myself. but things were hard back then. I might give that a go again and see what ice spear totems are capable of now Good thing is that Ice Spear and Winter Orb can work with same supports. So you can use Winter Orb for map clear and switch in Ice Spear gem for bossing :D
oh yeah that sounds pretty damn good... let's see if I can get my motivation up and come up with a tree and plan
I haven't played for a while, and the game has changed a hilariously insane amount. the last time I played they had just introduced the new acts
dudes, if you haven't played totems after the %hp nerf, just don't, unless it's totem + fast casting skill(fp, arc etc) because ... the %hp nerf(the subsequent %percentage reduced dmg taken was a washout) neutered the totems. - channeled skills on totems get interrupted by pretty much 90% of any mob dmg it receives = incinerate dead(hard to get stacks, no dmg), FB dead(<same>), etc and i'm guessing winters orb will be the same. the totem will start the cast, it'll get interrupted, it'll have no stacks, delayed dmg, if any... - totems are way more susceptible to status ailments since then: they'll freeze more often, get shocked/ignited/chilled more often and i'm pretty sure will get the new ailments on mobs so yea, i'm thinking they'll have a hard time staying alive.
investing in a cannot be stunned jewel for totems just so they'll end up in a freeze is redundant and getting totem life is like wasting potential poe fun. personally i'd go brands + immune elemental(i'm thinking syndicate bosses will scorch people to death for sure) notable on hiero.
also, CoC - i tested it this league and while you couldn't cast ice novas on FBs cast by totems/traps/mines, you could however trigger icenovas on frostbolts triggered by cast on crit/cast on melee kill. so you put FB first in links so it'll go off first(priorities btw) then CoC icenovas onto the projectiles. i'm thinking jugg here maybe frost blades.
arctic breath will work nice with mines, better than arc imo(at least for its defensive potential).
There are multiple things you can do to make totems more tanky. First, if you want the channeling to work properly, you can use Spire of Stone jewel which also adds some totem life. Second, you need to max the totem resistances, either by jewels or using the support gem which also adds some elemental damage. Third, if nothing else helps, you can use Soul Mantle for (amongst other things) 50% increased Totem Life, which shouldn't really be necessary but it's not a bad choice anyway.
In general though, totem resistances are the most critical thing people generally don't bother getting. Also a reason why they get frozen so often.
I played FP Totem Hierophant 2 leagues ago and it was one of the best chars recently. The totems did die, but it was no problem at all for all content up to Shaper, I'm sure it would've been a problem for Uber Elder but I don't think many of us actually want to farm him. Also I think they weren't even max res, but I had Soul Mantle so the totem life was pretty decent.
ah, well maybe I won't go totems then. just self cast ice spear.
can I do cwdt-spell totem-arctic breath to create defensive chilled ground with 0 effort, or will that not work?
Just use Vortex for that?
On December 07 2018 00:38 travis wrote: ah, well maybe I won't go totems then. just self cast ice spear.
can I do cwdt-spell totem-arctic breath to create defensive chilled ground with 0 effort, or will that not work? totems and mines/traps don't work with cwdt. But you can do cwdt+cold snap+bonechill.
Don't think cwdt can support totems, but honestly cwdt - arctic breath - gmp is prolly better anyway. Vortex could work too but the aoe is pretty small.
On December 07 2018 00:11 xM(Z wrote: dudes, if you haven't played totems after the %hp nerf, just don't, unless it's totem + fast casting skill(fp, arc etc) because ... the %hp nerf(the subsequent %percentage reduced dmg taken was a washout) neutered the totems. - channeled skills on totems get interrupted by pretty much 90% of any mob dmg it receives = incinerate dead(hard to get stacks, no dmg), FB dead(<same>), etc and i'm guessing winters orb will be the same. the totem will start the cast, it'll get interrupted, it'll have no stacks, delayed dmg, if any... - totems are way more susceptible to status ailments since then: they'll freeze more often, get shocked/ignited/chilled more often and i'm pretty sure will get the new ailments on mobs so yea, i'm thinking they'll have a hard time staying alive.
investing in a cannot be stunned jewel for totems just so they'll end up in a freeze is redundant and getting totem life is like wasting potential poe fun. personally i'd go brands + immune elemental(i'm thinking syndicate bosses will scorch people to death for sure) notable on hiero. Aren't all of these things (stun and ailments) based on damage after mitigation? When totem life was nerfed, they got a "less damage taken" modifier that exactly cancels it out:
Summoned totems have 45% less life and take 45% less damage. I thought this nerf only impacted totems that scale damage with their own life total, like RF, DP, and the explosions from the Chieftain node. They should be exactly as susceptible to stun/freeze/chill/shock/ignite as they were before.
24 hours to go!  I assume most of you have already chosen your starters? I'm thinking Glacial Cascade Miner (Sabo), Toxic rain pathfinder (yes, even with the nerfs) or Blade Vortex something for a start this league. In Delve I ran arc totem hiero and was just bored out of my mind so no repeating that for me. Ofc I COULD always go back to what has worked for me in the past which is Enki's arc witch and/or Nghamu's cyclone (was a slayer before, but I heard Jugger is flavour of the month this time around)
Starting off as cold spells Occultist, hoping to switch into a cold-themed CoC build eventually once I'm rich enough.
We'll see if it's any good.
I refuse to play anything that isn't CoC just on principle but I haven't come up with a CoC build that excites me yet so i'm still kinda confused
I'm going to play frost blades raider or lancing steel champion... I don't know if it's optimal though xD I have a bad feeling I'm going to die Day 1. Don't have any other good ideas
Gonna try TR to start because I feel like its still going to be relevant even without QR, just not as batshit easy. If I can make my moneys or don't like the build I'll try stuff later but I'd rather go with something well documented and established.
CoC looks like fun or some summoner build for char 2.
Hmm after reading Reddit I got flashbacks from Incursion missions and having no chaos res. Kinda makes me want to play Occultist now but yeah... idk.
BV Chieftain. Just deciding on SSF or not still.
Can someone clarify for me how SRS works?
It's a minion so it gains damage from minion nodes and items, but I have heard that you can also put it in a +fire skills wand/staff, but that it doesn't benefit from %increased spell damage? Does it benefit from "element damage added to spells?" I'm so confused tbh not even sure if my initial assumptions are correct despite having ran SRS twice now lol.
On December 07 2018 04:06 Jealous wrote: Can someone clarify for me how SRS works?
It's a minion so it gains damage from minion nodes and items, but I have heard that you can also put it in a +fire skills wand/staff, but that it doesn't benefit from %increased spell damage? Does it benefit from "element damage added to spells?" I'm so confused tbh not even sure if my initial assumptions are correct despite having ran SRS twice now lol. Generally speaking, minions (including SRS) only benefit from stats that say "minions" on them. This is 100% true for stats that are "part of your character," like anything on your passive tree.
However, there's a sneaky exception for things that apply to gems, rather than to your character. The SRS gem has the [Minion, Fire, Spell] tags, which means that it will benefit from mods on items like "+1 level to socketed fire gems," even though that mod doesn't have the word "minion" on it anywhere.
tl;dr: Exclusively stack minion stuff on your tree and most of your gear, but the item you have SRS socketed into (and the support gems you have linked to SRS in that item) can provide gem-related benefits even if they aren't minion-specific.
*edit* To be clear about the specific cases you were asking about:
- +1 fire gems: works as long as it's on the item SRS is socketed into.
- Increased spell damage: Doesn't work, the SRS spell doesn't do damage (it summons a minion who does damage)
- Flat damage added to spells: Again, doesn't work because the SRS spell doesn't do damage
Had figured out a bunch of things for BV Chieftain (in SSF), but I'm sorely tempted to try a life-based Occultist starting ED/Contagion/Blight and farming up a Death's Oath via div cards. Uuuugh, need to make a decision so I can set up a custom lootfilter.