Cloak of Defiance + Devouring Diadem + Wicked Ward = viable hybrid?
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2862 Posts
Cloak of Defiance + Devouring Diadem + Wicked Ward = viable hybrid? | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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2862 Posts
On December 02 2018 14:09 bo1b wrote: Am I rolling solar guards or arc mines to start off? What are the chances minion scaling gets dumpstered? *edit* Eh I guess even if they do, it'll probably be in a way that doesn't affect pure minion builds, like making the minion scaling nodes apply to non-minion damage at 50% effectiveness or something. | ||
21253 Posts
On December 02 2018 13:55 ASoo wrote: Theorycrafting corner: Cloak of Defiance + Devouring Diadem + Wicked Ward = viable hybrid? Easily viable considering ES recharge doesn't stop anymore when casting in the next league (with EB, that is). Very possible Feast of Flesh isn't helpful though. Inb4 lose 10% of maximum Life every 5 seconds. Probably something like that considering how good the item is. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On December 02 2018 10:34 WaveofShadow wrote: I'm fucking pumped for this league boyos Also a lil drunk ^^ Excited about We're also giving Chaos Damage over Time the same treatment, adding non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier to items, passives and the Occultist. as I have a soft spot for ED/Contagion/Blight, and always meant to run a Death's Oath build but those skills, while not bad, haven't caught up with statstick/Arc/PP-esque shenanigans. Checked in to see what the people who run Death's Oath all league every league were up to, and there's some spicy/$$ stuff going on - LL via Coward's Legacy/Dreadbeak/Atziri's Reflection/Green Nightmare/Rallying Cry! (Isildria @ Also, new divination The Nurse card is crackup, but if there was ever going to be a sequel to The Immortal => House of Mirrors div card for a div card, it was going to be The Doctor. | ||
United States2113 Posts
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Sweden2360 Posts
On December 03 2018 07:33 hunts wrote: So thoughts on how good CoC will be? I never got to play it before the nerfs so was wanting to play it but not sure if it would be good as a starter snd what version. Probably won't be very good as a starter. You need gear for the crit (and hit!), as well as the base damage to make the proc worthwhile. 0,15s CD is 6.6 procs per second though, so that's niice (latency will eat some). | ||
21253 Posts
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United States2113 Posts
On December 03 2018 07:34 Duvon wrote: I feel like playing some silly element-themed CoC thing, like Fidelitas Spike Smite-Arc/stormbrand. Probably won't be very good as a starter. You need gear for the crit (and hit!), as well as the base damage to make the proc worthwhile. 0,15s CD is 6.6 procs per second though, so that's niice (latency will eat some). Maybe I'll be boring and start as poets then get a zerphis asap and farm uber elder for currency to fund alts Maybe barrage? I'm honestly not sure since I didn't really play much during the CoC days so I don't know what they used | ||
21253 Posts
On December 03 2018 07:46 hunts wrote: Maybe I'll be boring and start as poets then get a zerphis asap and farm uber elder for currency to fund alts Maybe barrage? I'm honestly not sure since I didn't really play much during the CoC days so I don't know what they used Afaik Barrage rolls either all arrows crit or none of them, so maybe with a huge crit chance. Also wait for the patch with PP/Indigon/Zerphi builds, it's not unlikely they change something. The one thing that makes me not want to try CoC as a starter is that Lycosidae helps a ton with melee CoC builds, and god knows how expensive it will be next league given its rarity. Maybe Cospri will be even more expensive though. | ||
2862 Posts
Yeah, I'm really curious what Occultist is going to look like post patch. They're adding both cold DoT and chaos DoT scaling to it? Are those going to be on one new node? Or will the chaos be on the minus chaos res node? Will anything get combined or removed to make room for the new stuff? Excited to see. | ||
10098 Posts
Is there a build that can be reasonably done as a somewhat budget second (or maybe first, but not necessarily) character in a league that is the following: 1. High armor/damage reduction, as high as possible. 2. High life, as high as possible. 3. Capable of clearing most content. 4. Low effort, meaning something like Cyclone where I can just lean back and hold right click to clear the whole map? Basically, a boring brain-dead super-tanky melee clearing machine that doesn't require a lot of clicking/keyboard usage, on a budget, preferably with long melee range like a 2 hand +2 range weapon. I had a marauder back in 2013-2015 or so (I forget exactly when I made it) that I then turned into a Juggernaut and it was basically 2H Axe/Cyclone/Fortify/Cold aura/5 endurance charges with immortal call on damage taken and warlord's mark connected to riposte or whatever that skill is that counter-attacks automatically upon getting hit. If there is something that can hang in the modern meta that is like that, that I can afford on a relatively conservative budget, please let me know! Moon from FBW has already given me some interesting suggestions but I figured it would be nice to have multiple options, if possible. | ||
3391 Posts
Consecrated Path is new and good. Hold one button to teleport around and smash packs, gets single target boost for some bossing help. Think my last SSF char was Cons.Path Jugg. Fairly cheap too. Smite is also new but idk as much about it. Infernal Blow with Ancestral Call. Molten Strike with Ancestral Call. Reave. Sunder of course. Look into some of those. Jugg is pretty flexible with anything "generic melee", and super tanky. And cheaper to gear early on too thanks to the massive accuracy node. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On December 03 2018 08:34 Jealous wrote: Is there a build that can be reasonably done as a somewhat budget second (or maybe first, but not necessarily) character in a league that is the following: 1. High armor/damage reduction, as high as possible. 2. High life, as high as possible. 3. Capable of clearing most content. 4. Low effort, meaning something like Cyclone where I can just lean back and hold right click to clear the whole map? Basically, a boring brain-dead super-tanky melee clearing machine that doesn't require a lot of clicking/keyboard usage, on a budget, preferably with long melee range like a 2 hand +2 range weapon. We haven't seen the patch notes yet, but 2-handers haven't really been in fashion for a while. I'd echo that Juggernaut is probably what you're after - the most meta/fashionable "right click to clear everything" Juggernaut build that can start on a budget but scale up would probably be the ones that (ab)use Molten Strike via Life Gain on Hit and increased projectiles. + Show Spoiler + | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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1125 Posts
On December 03 2018 08:34 Jealous wrote: Again, I'm sorry for all the newb questions (I really appreciate your help!), but this one is less about game mechanics and more about builds. Is there a build that can be reasonably done as a somewhat budget second (or maybe first, but not necessarily) character in a league that is the following: 1. High armor/damage reduction, as high as possible. 2. High life, as high as possible. 3. Capable of clearing most content. 4. Low effort, meaning something like Cyclone where I can just lean back and hold right click to clear the whole map? Basically, a boring brain-dead super-tanky melee clearing machine that doesn't require a lot of clicking/keyboard usage, on a budget, preferably with long melee range like a 2 hand +2 range weapon. I had a marauder back in 2013-2015 or so (I forget exactly when I made it) that I then turned into a Juggernaut and it was basically 2H Axe/Cyclone/Fortify/Cold aura/5 endurance charges with immortal call on damage taken and warlord's mark connected to riposte or whatever that skill is that counter-attacks automatically upon getting hit. If there is something that can hang in the modern meta that is like that, that I can afford on a relatively conservative budget, please let me know! Moon from FBW has already given me some interesting suggestions but I figured it would be nice to have multiple options, if possible. RF jugg sounds like that kind of char | ||
3391 Posts
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10098 Posts
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Sweden2360 Posts
Its mainly the lategame items that are really expensive. | ||
10098 Posts
On December 03 2018 15:36 Duvon wrote: RF is cheap enough to get started that if you are a slow player like me its fine as a leaguestart. Its mainly the lategame items that are really expensive. I think my main issue is my lack of a desire to play the market game. I don't like trying to find out what item would work for me and what's the price and buying it until I hit a wall, and I feel like RF immediately puts a lot of demand on your character when you spec into it and it becomes basically unplayable until you have the right gear even if it's shitty. There's just simply no way, after reading the description of RF, that it would naturally mesh into a regular character that originally opted for a more low IQ option like "I swing my axe" without specific items even if they aren't expensive or difficult to find/craft. I know I'm being a prima donna about this but I'm REALLY lazy and having to pull up or a build sheet or even a PoB until I am level like 60-70 is a major annoyance to me because as I said, I am all about that brick tier IQ hack n' slash experience. Anyway, all I am saying is that it's easier for me to cope with the demands of RF if I have some currency in the bank and I am already in the swing of things league-wise, I think. | ||
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