Scion's Ascendant normal lab gives you 40 stats + 1 skill point. Cruel gives you 1 class ascendancy thing and another +40 stat. Merciless lab gives you +1 skill point and another 1 class ascendancy thing. Lastly, Endgame Lab / Uber Lab will give you +3 skill points and the chance to allocate passive points at another class location.
Ascendant is pretty good right now. Especially Slayer + something else is pretty popular since Slayer makes it so your leech doesn't stop at full life.
edit: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds most people actually play it atm... which I haven't seen before. It also reflects what my friend list says.
Scion is particularly popular for builds that abuse slayer overleech and might of the meek/unnatural instincts with scion starting jewel sockets. It's also quite synergistic with stat-stacking builds as you can get a LOT of stats from lab (and things like pure talent).
As others have said, 8 ascendancy passives is 2 subclasses AND one "path of the X" node that grants the ability to start your tree from that class and a bunch of extra passive points.
On October 05 2018 06:35 HolydaKing wrote:edit: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds most people actually play it atm... which I haven't seen before. It also reflects what my friend list says. Worth noting that while ascendant is the largest ascendancy, scion still lags significantly behind ranger and witch in terms of character numbers. Because all scions only have one ascendancy.
Anyone played Consecrated Path at all? I've heard a few things about it but the ascendancies and concepts were all over the place. At a glance looks like a beefy aoe flicker strike that's easier to aim. Sounds like it could be fun next league (or race) but idk if it's a bad fresh starter and needs some juice to get going or not.
I'll playing an Oni-Goroshi Consecrated Path Chieftain right now, basically as my league starter. The skill itself feels great to use and has what feels like huge AoE even without quality and with just Templar AoE-the only awkward thing is that you only get the ground effect when you flicker rather than slam in place.
I think for maximum scaling/eHP/dps you probably want to go Jugg, I just didn't really like pathing to Avatar of Fire or sacrificing the amulet slot for total conversion that feels necessary these days. Plus you get to use and double-dip from Atziri's Promise with Chieftain.
I feel like whichever build you go, there's a pretty decent damage floor with basic uniques (especially if you start 2-handed, a good Primacy or Rigwald's Charge will go a long way) and then you can transition into power once you start to build up currency.
The thing that really surprised me is how the single target seems strong despite that meaty aoe that makes it look like a clear speed skill. Mathil did an elementalist around voidforge which seemed weird but I was already thinking about elementalist BV league starter if Conc path needed gear. But Jugg seems obvious as a safe starter though and I've enjoyed jugg a lot this league. Duelist or Champion seem ok too but generally unpopular right for some reason, just out of favor maybe.
I was looking at that or Toxic Rain as they seem to be the more popular of the new skills, and bow chars have always just been a touch odd for me, esp as starters (tried it again this league and bailed mid-story lol).
I don't mind burning out on leagues anymore because I always have new ideas for the next one, something to look forward to.
We all know cospris scion is the future
I'm Berserker Cons Path/Vaal Warchief wtih Facebreakers. Still over 1M Shaper DPS with Inc AoE. Most of my tree is defense, obviously, to make up for Zerker being a pretty bad ascendency in that regard.
What makes Zerker not totally terrible is that you can basically stunlock all rares in Delves, which makes it surprisingly safe. So, while Jugg would obviously have way more eHP, the one that can push deeper depends on whether you start getting one-shot through Jugg defenses before/after Zerker can't one shot whites and stunlock rares anymore.
Unfortunately, depth 400 isn't close to that treshold, and I don't think I'll grind to 600+ to find out this league. Also, Jugg should probably go for sword/stick as they'll need the extra damage, and freezing might make up for the lack of stun.
While that version requires better gear in general, it's also SSF viable as it requires very few uniques to get started. Still trying to find a way to make berserker cons path work in SSF, but since the whole shouting thing works around Deidbellow, that sounds very unlikely.
Could someone with the knowledge clarify Scorching Ray for me, the wiki is a bit unclear. It states that :"The debuff is applied to an enemy monster and increases the damage they take from scorching Ray, it does not increase the damage it deals to other targets.[1]" Does that refer to the +60% damage per stage part or to the -3% fire resistance debuff? I've seen some builds using a spelltotem with scorching ray to reduce targets resi for another fire skill but that sounds like they are all morons...
Also apparently burning damage support is only applied to the dot, which shows in the ingame dps calculation of the skill not being included, but elemental focus is and should work the same way as burning damage, right? Why is that? Is the enemy while in the ray not burning? Does immolate on another skill not work as long as the target is being actively debuffed? A reddit post said it's too different things, one burning dot and one debuff multiplying the damage, but that would mean burning damage should always give me moar dps. Especially, as the duration of the burn seems to be just one tick anyway and adding more stages does not change that at all. So, no matter how long you have channelled, the game give you 1.5 secs of damage and i guess if you choose to refresh the debuff this simply refreshs that duration. So, in short, does burning damage support increase my damage or not and does the fire pen only count for scorching ray?
Scorching Ray applies a debuff that 1) decreases fire resistance by 3% per stack and 2) causes Scorching Ray to deal 60% more damage after the first stack. These are separate effects. Every time the beam encounters an enemy after a specific interval (which varies by cast speed and is based on every time the mana ticks) it will add another stack to the debuff and increase the duration, so sweeping is highly encouraged. Because it is resistance reduction and not penetration, 1) will improve the damage of other fire skills as well.
Both Elemental Focus and Burning Damage support gems apply to the damage over time, which is the only damage the skill actually deals. You want to look at the "deals X fire damage per second" if you want to gauge the impact of differing gems.
Generally, increases to 1) spell damage, 2) damage over time, and 3) fire damage all increase the damage. Efficacy, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, Burning Damage, Combustion, Empower, Rapid Decay, and Less Duration (not recommended) all increase the damage at max stacks. Arcane Surge also will. Immolate and "damage added" gems/equipment/jewels will not.
It's kind of amazing how many more ways there are to scale Scorching Ray DPS than there used to be on its introduction. I think it maxed out at a 4L back then, maybe a 5L with a crappy 5th link. Though I could be misremembering!
Okay, thanks for that, so basically it behaves like a normal damage skill and a debuff, just that burning damage support is for some reason not showing in the ingame calculation and the wiki is weirdly worded.
Just almost died in the bossfight of the T3 Courtyard map, what the fuck is that. Why is their no information on this bossfight on the youtubes? The three bosses killed my 9 golems in a matter of seconds, the damage output must have been absolutely insane. They can usually tank through much of everything, if they drop just like that, the damage must have been 10 times higher then anything i experienced so far. Should i just avoid this map or is there a trick to the encounter?
Edit: Figured why i did not find anything, it's called Courthouse map... I will consult the interwebs.
I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple comprehensive lists on map difficulty contra boss difficulty stuff, but it differs a lot between summoners/range/melee. Thing is, more dps is always a solution, and the way the atlas works it's not good to do all the maps you can when they are challenging.
On October 12 2018 21:10 Broetchenholer wrote: Just almost died in the bossfight of the T3 Courtyard map, what the fuck is that. Why is their no information on this bossfight on the youtubes? The three bosses killed my 9 golems in a matter of seconds, the damage output must have been absolutely insane. They can usually tank through much of everything, if they drop just like that, the damage must have been 10 times higher then anything i experienced so far. Should i just avoid this map or is there a trick to the encounter?
Edit: Figured why i did not find anything, it's called Courthouse map... I will consult the interwebs.
I don't see how that would be a challenge to your golems. Did you get any of the golem jewels yet? Are you necro or elementalist? If necro, than they might be receiving massive elemental damage from these bosses and you didn't max out their resists.
Na, i am Elementalist. I have no idea how they died but they did die in that fight. And i didn't try for a rerun, to see what was going on. I usually look up new maps i try for the first time to avoid that kind of thing, but i didn't find this one due to writing it wrong and thought it would not be noteworthy...
Did you check the map itself? Some map mods make bosses insanely more difficult compared to others.
I did not see anything i had experienced as problematic before, that said i am very inexperienced in mapping and it's possible i overlooked a boss to the boss.
Consecrated Path is a really cool skill
Uber elder down in Delve HC!
nicely done, on hardcore even. congrats