"This time around we won't be running a Flashback (or similar) event for the last month of the league. Player retention during Delve has been excellent, and due to the infinite nature of the mine, we'd like players to be able to continue their progress in the existing league without having to weigh up whether or not they'd prefer to swap to an alternate event in parallel. "
Good thing I didn't wait for it. Delve is pretty great still, I think it might be the best league yet. Still playing which is unsual for me, though it might also have to do with playing SSF for the first time.
Back from a week away and things are a little quiet - guess people have mostly hit their league goals. Just delved to 600 in SSF (very far behind Kirby, but still ~22 overall if you remove multiple characters on the same account), and now trying to work towards 36/40 for the portal ... I've a few of the special fossil rooms to explore to which should get me the last fossil needed for "Use these...", though I've found the Molten Cavity version of Argus with fire-based attacks pretty rippy on past attempts (plus he has a proclivity for wandering multiple screens off into the darkness); Crystal Spire was pretty easy (just an Abyssal Depths-style Stygian Spire encounter), and if I can successfully path through a few rippy nodes I can see what Haunted Tomb has to offer. I've never faced Uber Elder but I've got about 15 sets ready to try out as well as gear juggled so I can use Kaom's Roots while staying res-capped, and I've picked up two Uber Atziri sets which hopefully shouldn't be too tricky. I've found one Aul, four Kurgals and two Ahuatotli's saved up - don't think I'll try for the challenges on the former but hoping the others will be OK. Breachlord challenges are a bit of a pain as a poison-based build - hard to stop DPS and wait for the kill condition.
What else? Found two The Mayor div card early on from Armourer's Strongboxes this league and figured a goal would be to finally run Perandus Manor - shaped Ivory Temple as my T16 after getting the "kill Shaper's Guardians" challenge, but ~80 maps later I haven't seen a single card; and from the ~30 Torture Chambers I've T16-ified via Zana I've only found two of The Stormcaller to attempt the last Agnerod staff. Oh well. I'd thought about rolling another character that might have fared better for either deeper delving or bosskilling (Arc? GC mines? HowA MS? Dancing Duo?) but I think I might be able to polish things off the with poison MS Assassin with the timeframe remaining. Found eight sets of Pale Council fragments (I have ~3-5 of everything bar Eber atm) but the fire version of the Volkuur Gloves remain out of my reach; ran ~35 Chimeras but only found one Boon of the First Ones to gamble on the Fenumus gloves. Oh well.
On October 26 2018 11:30 Haasts wrote: I've a few of the special fossil rooms to explore to which should get me the last fossil needed for "Use these...", though I've found the Molten Cavity version of Argus with fire-based attacks pretty rippy on past attempts (plus he has a proclivity for wandering multiple screens off into the darkness)
Fuck my life - completed Molten Cavity but the game froze then quit to desktop on Argus dying offscreen (had loaded him up with a million poisons); logged back in to find the node completed / the challenge done, but lost all the loot from that node including what would have been the last fossil I needed for "Use these fossils" zzzz.
They said pathofexile.com/trade will index private leagues, but it's unclear what the interface will look like. The fact that its on the API means that other sites will be able to as well if they choose to set up the right interface.
I too look forward to maybe trying a private league probably without any crazy difficulty modifiers just playing a guild-found style event.
the flashback leagues are always my favorite because of difficulty AND mass loot
personally I think a fun league would have a lot of mods but also have no unique items (though with the latest additions to crafting this may not be such a big deal anymore)
On November 09 2018 04:33 imre wrote: Hey Is there anyway to make a doryani's touch build work or is the skill way to bad?
You can also use Mathil's build, its pretty decent and can do lategame.(t16 guardians bit difficult tho) For mapping you mostly use shieldcharge to kill. For single target you use doryanis touch then.