Other than that, I really think the new web does what they intended it to do; make it easier for new players to grasp.
Path of Exile - Page 129
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Guild invites: Message any of EvoSenseOfPride, ScionViableORly, neophyteWham, TheTouchOfGOLD in game OR post your character name in the thread and ask for an invite Private league ladder (finished): https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/TeamLiquid and friends | ||
Denmark1037 Posts
Other than that, I really think the new web does what they intended it to do; make it easier for new players to grasp. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
I just may pick it up again as it was so much more awesome then D3 is :< | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
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Denmark1907 Posts
On August 08 2012 16:33 Xapti wrote: While there is possibly no issue with having no more wipes, I certainly hope that they do some skill resets, since the passive tree still has various problems. It's a really complicated thing that went through many changes, but this new change they did was a complete re-vamp and it really needs a whole lot of tweaking (or even rather sigificant redesign) in my view to make it balanced enough. Yeah latest patch(s) really introduced a lot of crashing — maybe 3 kinds, at least one of which may have existed before though. However, I personally have not heard of any problem with it ignoring V sync personally, although it still seems to not run optimally graphics-wise even if it's running at full FPS. Personally I'm using a DirectX wrapper that limits FPS. If you search of FPSlimiter I think you could find it. It doesn't seem to help for any of the crashes though. FPSlimiter is a very good program and it works really well. It is the only reason that I can run the game on my laptop! ![]() | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
I think this is a quite fun thing that D3 couldnt implemented in their system. With the current skill tree of PoE, i could see myself playing through the game with every class just to test out different amazing skill combo. Right now im running a DEX shadow and hoping that i could end up with the spell dodging skill later. But there is a build i read on PoE forum that has you going int shadow and grab the immune to chaos, 1 HP and max energy shield. That shit sound imbalance xD. | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
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Netherlands12045 Posts
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Netherlands384 Posts
On August 10 2012 02:53 NB wrote: now im kinda worried of throwing point into the dodge skill too early. It removes my armor and energy shield but i dont have the gears needed to buff up my HP.... wondering if i should just get a bunch of 8% HP before put stuff into dodge ![]() HP nodes are extremely good, best defensive stat imho (unless you go max Energy Shield and Chaos Innoculation of course). I suggest you to invest in HP before worrying about armour/energy shield vs dodge. | ||
Germany180 Posts
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United States2911 Posts
On August 10 2012 03:14 k0pf wrote: doge is kinda tricky late-game ... it leads too often to a no dmg or 1hit-death. I myselfe dislike it and prefer the armor (or evade with iron reflexes) defensive. There's no reason why you can't stack HP after grabbing dodge, and mitigate your spiky damage that way, not unlike Druid tanks in WoW. The idea being that with a large enough HP pool, it won't matter so much that your only form of damage mitigation (Dodge) can skullfuck you with RNG. It lowers the chance of a bad string of hits taking you down, and if you do get a bad string of hits, you have longer to flask/get to safety than you would with a smaller HP pool but more overall dodge. There's no question that evasion in general needs to be reassessed in PoE, but it's not completely unviable. | ||
Netherlands384 Posts
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United Kingdom1483 Posts
On August 10 2012 03:31 ZasZ. wrote: There's no reason why you can't stack HP after grabbing dodge, and mitigate your spiky damage that way, not unlike Druid tanks in WoW. The idea being that with a large enough HP pool, it won't matter so much that your only form of damage mitigation (Dodge) can skullfuck you with RNG. It lowers the chance of a bad string of hits taking you down, and if you do get a bad string of hits, you have longer to flask/get to safety than you would with a smaller HP pool but more overall dodge. There's no question that evasion in general needs to be reassessed in PoE, but it's not completely unviable. in which case, why aren't you just getting IR and stacking hp all day long? if you're massing up hp then might as well get actual mitigation as opposed to RNG. at least that's my viewpoint as duelist (who seems to be the only actual class running evasion anyway) | ||
Germany710 Posts
On August 10 2012 03:36 Vandro wrote: Mass Evasion with HP is pretty decent after the recent change. Evasion still gives you the chance to evade enemy attacks, but now it also makes you able to evade an enemy crit (the monster will not crit you but it will just be a normal hit). hmm that sounds quite nice, 1 year ago, dodge was the biggest crap they put ingame..... currently i am playing a marauder, and armour is doing its job just fine, but maybe i will twing a duelist or ranger to try out the new dodge mechanic! | ||
Canada1556 Posts
They have a lot of balancing to do regarding evasion, armor, dodge, resist and chaos. And monster health, damage, skill damage, etc. Any balance currently in the game is actually mostly luck and decent design rather than mathematical effort. Constant changes also help to hide broken builds. But they'll get there, or die trying. ps. Acrobatics (the dodge keystone) is currently a hindrance early-on. Losing armor + ES for a flat 24% dodge (not added to evasion) and 20% spell dodge is not worth it until mid-endgame, at which point Iron Reflexes is supposedly better, and everything is too easy so no real balance exists anyway. pss. They have a mechanic to basically make evasion/accuracy less RNGesque. I can't find the quote, but they said your chances to hit improve after a few miss and vice versa. | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On August 10 2012 04:07 Pwere wrote: ps. Acrobatics (the dodge keystone) is currently a hindrance early-on. Losing armor + ES for a flat 24% dodge (not added to evasion) and 20% spell dodge is not worth it until mid-endgame, at which point Iron Reflexes is supposedly better, and everything is too easy so no real balance exists anyway. pss. They have a mechanic to basically make evasion/accuracy less RNGesque. I can't find the quote, but they said your chances to hit improve after a few miss and vice versa. This is my current worried exactly. Im barely lv 26 and rushing acrobatic seem more like a lose than a win move. I just watch kripp stream and he brought up a very interesting point: armor is pretty much useless due to the fact that you could just get the best potion and get max armor when ever. Its interesting to see how this could change/improve people builds in life-steal centric builds atm. What should i get as a dex claw shadow if acrobatics isnt a good choice early game? | ||
Canada1556 Posts
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Netherlands12045 Posts
im thinking about starting a new character bc other classes seem to much just much better/viable than shadow atm ![]() | ||
Canada2473 Posts
On August 10 2012 13:20 NB wrote: im thinking about starting a new character bc other classes seem to much just much better/viable than shadow atm ![]() The build is far more relevant than the class. Many people stereotype classes to be only one or 2 of certain builds, but there's much more options (although the new skill tree reduces these options substantially). What you might be using is a bad build; the shadow class certainly has good access to many good builds. Many people may use something like dual wield daggers or claws and pick up whirling blades and double strike to use with them, which really that's a poor combination. Right now in my opinion whirling blades is a rather poor skill for dealing damage, daggers and claws have a serious lack of dealing good AoE/ranged damage (and hence damage in general) and double strike, while reasonable, is generally far more useful in 1-weapon builds than 2-weapon builds in my opinion. Another thing might be the choice of protection, such as using energy shield–evasion hybrid equipment, which while better than armor-ES equipment, is still a rather poor armor since it's hybridizing with energy shield. On August 10 2012 04:07 Pwere wrote: Life and energy shield are the only two defensive stats that have no diminishing return. Evasion has ridiculous double-dip diminishing return, and armor has standard diminishing return What do you mean by "double-dip diminishing return"? Neither evasion or armor gives any sort of real diminishing return — increasing armor or evasion gives linear returns in protection — not exponential and not inverse. While the same amount of evasion points might give less % chance of evading depending how much evasion you already had that's not diminishing returns because chance to evade is actually a non-linear scale. It's easy to see this when you see that 100% chance to evade is infinite/undefined damage reduction, and that moving from 98% to 99% is doubling the damage reduction, even though it's only adding 1 more percent. One other thing that may seem diminishing is that a 10% evasion bonus won't give a net 10% evasion bonus if you already have some evasion bonus (only +5% if you already have +100%), since the evasion bonuses stack additively. While that may seem diminishing, it's actually just linear, since if each passive was multiplicative with each other passive, that would result in overall exponential returns. In practice, they're not there yet, and it's much easier to get +100% life rather than 50% elemental resist + 50% evade/armor but still fear chaos damage. Life and ES also improve passive regen, so you never have too much of it.. Life doesn't improve regeneration unless you have regeneration that bases off your maximum life (it's zero by default). so while one could overall take more damage, the efficiency in taking sustained damage isn't there without regenerate % max life passives. Such passives are not readily available to most classes or builds aside from marauder and duelist.Aside from that your comparison is flawed in that evasion, resists, life, and reduction via armor/evasion all have different mechanics. Players don't start with any elemental resists, but exponentially gain them since the amounts gained isn't reduced the more you have. Players do start with life, but also gain the majority of their base life from equipment, and then another 0-60% of net life from passives which scale linearly. Evasion/armor is similar to life in that it also scales linearly, except there is no starting amount without equipment. Overall, it's quite a complex system and is difficult to compare. | ||
Croatia7457 Posts
On August 10 2012 13:12 Pwere wrote: Grab every block% you can get. Lots of them if you use a shield, very few if you dual wield. Dual wielding claw builds seem mostly bad currently. This is true. My claw + shield shadow does not have any problems killing stuff in Ruthless. I kill them fast and efficient and rarely even need to use flasks. I just wish Whirlwind strike was more efficient in killing groups. I don't even use it most of the time, I can kill stuff faster with Double Strike (and leech more). But I don't use Acrobatics but mix of armor and evasion. Both is pretty low as Shadow does not have access to any cool passives like the Dualist. | ||
Denmark1907 Posts
On August 10 2012 04:07 Pwere wrote: Life and energy shield are the only two defensive stats that have no diminishing return. Evasion has ridiculous double-dip diminishing return, and armor has standard diminishing return, but since damage is involved in the formula, big hits basically bypass armor. I think their plan is that armor + evasion is viable because your armor helps greatly vs fast, low damage, high accuracy hits, while evasion helps against slow hard-hitting inaccurate hits and criticals. In practice, they're not there yet, and it's much easier to get +100% life rather than 50% elemental resist + 50% evade/armor but still fear chaos damage. Life and ES also improve passive regen, so you never have too much of it. They have a lot of balancing to do regarding evasion, armor, dodge, resist and chaos. And monster health, damage, skill damage, etc. Any balance currently in the game is actually mostly luck and decent design rather than mathematical effort. Constant changes also help to hide broken builds. But they'll get there, or die trying. ps. Acrobatics (the dodge keystone) is currently a hindrance early-on. Losing armor + ES for a flat 24% dodge (not added to evasion) and 20% spell dodge is not worth it until mid-endgame, at which point Iron Reflexes is supposedly better, and everything is too easy so no real balance exists anyway. pss. They have a mechanic to basically make evasion/accuracy less RNGesque. I can't find the quote, but they said your chances to hit improve after a few miss and vice versa. Actually evaasion is 100% deterministic. If you get hit 10 times and have 66 2/3% evasion you will see a pattern of hit miss hit miss miss hit miss hit miss miss or similar, so in theory you will be able to predict when you are gonna get hit. That is how I think Chris explained it. In reality the problems with evasion stems from a harder time stacking hp compared to strenght characters, stacking of ES as Witches do and the simple N/A nature of evasion. Getting "one-shot" (Killed in same second as you take damage without repercussions also count here.) should be pretty rare and requires you to have too little hp/energy shield/armour to mitigate when you are getting hit. The changes in 0.9.11 is making getting 1-shot even more rare. The problem, however, is that getting one-shot is a concern at all. It is forcing evasion characters to be a lot more focused on getting other mitigation and that in turn forces them into very specific builds since the passive tree around the rangers start is somewhat lacking alternatives to evasion. I am not convinced that they have sufficiently addressed this concern yet and I do not think they can without changing evasion fundamentally. | ||
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