On May 11 2012 10:56 pallad wrote: Ohoho , game is pretty nice ! , I just hit 16 lv on hardcore , everything is superb , but.....
I dont like. No gold in game , you buy everthing for scrolles., orbs from drops etc. Rare items drops so often..i played like 3h and my char is full rare. Dont know how for you , but for me its to much and some little balance things..but nothing big , like necromancers summons moobs to fast , way to fast , totems are to strong etc , game with bow build is to easy and some more. Yes i know im only 16 lv , but its my opinion. But the game will be KILLER , if they dont fucked up it for money
No gold in game is very different to say the least. Not everyone will like it. Try selling items in town to get a better understanding of how the economy works. It is very complex and hard for new players to understand, but there is definately a good deal of logic in it as soon as you understand the values.
Rares are not necessarily better than magic or normal items in this game. A lot relies on the sockets and mods. After level 16 you start gaining support gems and to use them you need linked sockets. The orbs for gaining sockets and links are very high variance, so I personally prefer to pick up white items with good socket layout and use orbs on them to turn them into magic or rare items. However, if I see a decent damage scaling mod on a magic or rare weapon I will reconsider.
Necromancers definately needs a cooldown on raising allies, but I believe GGG are completely aware of that.
I do not have enough experience with totems to be able to give feedback on their power.
Bow build for marauders is a bit too easy to pull off, while the rest of the characters usually have surviveability issues stamped in their forehead because of too little health to buffer hits.
On May 11 2012 19:55 radiatoren wrote: Necromancers definately needs a cooldown on raising allies
No they don't. Any class can render the corpses they raise useless and deal with the defenseless necromancer just fine. You can shatter them with cold damage, blow them up with Infernal Blow, or keep a low level Raise Zombie, Raise Spectre or Detonate Dead gem around.
On May 11 2012 20:43 MoonfireSpam wrote: Can you respec the sphere grid (for lack of a better term)? Looks like exactly the kind of thing that needs lots of experimentation and playing with!
Sort of. You get a few respecc points which can undo one choice each, and there are fairly rare respecc orb drops. But if you have a level 50 (for example) you can't really change your entire build, so planning carefully is recommended. There's a build planner on the site.
On May 11 2012 14:01 BearSandwich wrote: First time playing in forever, decided to try a hardcore character, a typical archer ranger. Died at level 11 to Brutus. I don't know when he was added but I had never faced him before, and I definitely wasn't expecting his AOE to be able to hit me while he was facing a different direction.
I have learned a valuable lesson.
I kill him very easy with duelist (using some random rare bow , and i dont have build in bows ). All you need is phase gem , if you dont have it , try to buy it.. ITS MUST HAVE gem on hardcore
So you can just shot/run ( using gem) Brutus , and he will dont even hit you once...
Revamped the user interface for levelling gems up. Now, when they're close to the end of a level, they will appear on the right side of the play area, indicating their progress. Once they can be levelled up to the next level, a button will appear. If you want to leave the gem at its current level, you can dismiss this permanently by right clicking on the button. Equipped gems can still be levelled up from the inventory screen. The page up/down keys now control the zoom level as well. These can be rebound. You can now disable mousewheel zoom in the UI options. Double Strike has been rebalanced so that the starting level is now level 1 and it is available as the Shadow's initial gem received in the Twilight Strand. It is now pure dexterity. Increased the monster density in the Twilight Strand. Rejuvenation totems now do not affect themselves. Exploding Spawn can now no longer be magic/rare. Fixed some problems with the chat box. It now replaces the channel symbol if you start to type a /command. Fixed a bug where monsters using Flicker Strike would cause the camera to act wrong if zoomed in. Fixed a bug where Righteous Fire's spell damage increase didn't work. Fixed a recently introduced bug where you'd get the waypoint for an area by merely entering it. Fixed a bug where Oozeback Bloom would crash the instance when he dies. Neutered an experimental skill gem that accidentally made its way into 0.9.9. Oops.
On May 11 2012 14:01 BearSandwich wrote: First time playing in forever, decided to try a hardcore character, a typical archer ranger. Died at level 11 to Brutus. I don't know when he was added but I had never faced him before, and I definitely wasn't expecting his AOE to be able to hit me while he was facing a different direction.
I have learned a valuable lesson.
As far as I know Brutus has always been in the game well ever since I started playing which was sometime last year. That is strange maybe it was just a bit of lag? I still haven't faced Brutus since the last patch is he much harder?
On the cat subject mine likes to sleep on my mouse pad or in front of my keyboard. She gets mad when I move her to play Sc2.
I'm thinking I did lag, since as beef42 said, his cast time is pretty long on it, but it still hit me when I was almost behind him. I'm wondering if he wasn't someone you just kind of brushed aside before recent patches, since all I remember having any issue with was Merveil when I first played. I looked at the patch notes for 9.9 after dying they did make him faster and I assume the AI changes made him a bit smarter (though he seemed to lose track of me several times, oddly enough).
On May 11 2012 14:01 BearSandwich wrote: First time playing in forever, decided to try a hardcore character, a typical archer ranger. Died at level 11 to Brutus. I don't know when he was added but I had never faced him before, and I definitely wasn't expecting his AOE to be able to hit me while he was facing a different direction.
I have learned a valuable lesson.
I kill him very easy with duelist (using some random rare bow , and i dont have build in bows ). All you need is phase gem , if you dont have it , try to buy it.. ITS MUST HAVE gem on hardcore
So you can just shot/run ( using gem) Brutus , and he will dont even hit you once...
Yeah I will definitely need phase run next time. Everything was going fine (he had one or two hits left) until I took a really sharp turn around him, and he melee hit me, then did his AOE.
Something doesn't really appeal me in this game, I just started so i'll still give it a try during this week. The upgradable gem bothers me as with the skill tree ~~
Well lucky for you there is a lot of options coming out relatively soon, such as Torchlight 2, Grim Dawn, Legends of Dawn, and Diablo 3 all of which do skills and passives differently.
Enabled the Shadow character class. Changed chat segregation settings for the Public Weekend. The Default league is segregated into 7 chats: Twilight Strand, Shore Encampment, the rest of Act One, all of Act Two, and then one chat per higher difficulty level. Skill gems now show that they getting close to a new level at 25% from the level, rather than 33%. They are now drawn under the map rather than where item hovers can be displayed.
A message from Chris -
The gem hover stuff will be improved after the public weekend. I understand it's annoying for high level players who don't want the hovers on their screen. Don't worry, we'll fix it!
Its primary purpose in the initial form is to explain to new players how and when gems level up. The most common question during the last public weekend was about how to level up gems. A lot of work can be done making it nicer for high level players and I assure you it's a priority.
Can someone explain to me the benefit of choosing a hybrid stat class? I played the open beta in March but just didn't see the point of splitting points into Dex/Str when you could've chosen an all Str character
Also, if I create a character on the Legacy server, will it have any of the new content? I don't want to lose all the stuff I had in my stash by creating a new character
These map file missing errors are getting annoying. At least it was nice enough to gift me the way point to the area I DCed from I suppose. Doesn't seem to be a solution on forums either
On May 12 2012 12:17 awu25 wrote: Can someone explain to me the benefit of choosing a hybrid stat class? I played the open beta in March but just didn't see the point of splitting points into Dex/Str when you could've chosen an all Str character
Also, if I create a character on the Legacy server, will it have any of the new content? I don't want to lose all the stuff I had in my stash by creating a new character
A lot of it has to do with where you start out the map. The fewer levels it takes to get to the important spheres/nodes in your build is probably what you want to go with. Likewise though if you say only like playing Rangers like me you can still do a bunch of different things thanks to the grid. I've gone bow ranger, 1h/shield ranger, claw/armguard(later shield) ranger, 2h ranger all the way up to Chaos.
Hmm something about the game just doesn't gel to me. I think it's mostly in the gameplay. The controls just feel a bit clunky, especially some skills. Its a bad clunky, not good in the sense of "yeah my character is charging some sick ability". The skills also lack that something that makes them memorable and noteworthy. Some of the skills are just "meh" and feel uninspired (actually all of them so far).
In that way I guess is plays more like D2, and it's good they are going something different.
The Sphere Grid is cool, but seems wasted that you can't respec (unless levelling all the way is super quick). At the same time, I feel it does make every character the same and classes pointless as I'm sure over the course of the game starting stats become totally meaningless.
The currency and trading system is also really interesting.
Overall it does great things and it's actually very different to D3 / Torchlight. It's a good game, just not up my alley.