On May 10 2012 15:01 r.Evo wrote: I'd not just post the key in this thread publicly tbh. Rather give it to some tl vet who posts in this thread and contributes than someone who just browsed the site. :>
PS: You guys scare the fuck out of me with your OMG I DIED stories in HC. T_T
People who wanna play this game , and contributes to it , already are playing... only 10$ for key.
Yes the $10 for a key is a great option, however I am someone who would rather try the game than spend the money on it. Maybe they should give a demo which allows you to level up to 5 and only 2 characters avaliable so that people would know that they enjoy the game first.
If anyones on the fence about buying it, I feel its worth it. Its a great game and with how Diablo3 looks I'm probably going to stick with PoE and I've been a Diablo fan since the first one. I highly doubt me even buying Diablo3 when I can freely play PoE which may even be better* than Diablo3.
*Just my opinion based off what I've seen from Diablo3 I haven't actually played it yet.
They can try the game out this weekend for free again, open beta time :D
So far having fun on my HC Marauder, he's now in the Ship Graveyard and it is really challenging. I almost died @ Chatters who was trying to freezestun me to death.
Oh that is interesting. I'm going to have to spend some time not dying so I can actually see these new bosses or mini bosses?. Sheesh if hes harder than Brutus in the new patch I'm kinda worried about running in there. Brutus wasn't to much of a joke in the old version (you had a chance of losing a character your rushing) but now I bet hes really tough.
So has anyone had any real progress with a melee character? All I really see are Rangers getting there and I also heard people talking about staff Templars. I might have to try one of those but, its more mage than melee I believe.
There are a lot of Marauders in the top10 of the HC ladder, but that could be deceptive. I know that IMDissapoint plays a Elemental Hit Wand Marauder, so they could not be melee after all :D
My Marauder is melee, and I have so far specced him pure life, life regen, armor and resistance (the defensive nodes at the start).
I could kill the False God, who claimed many melee chars, I equiped a 8% resistance shield and had the 15% resistance node. Had to retreat once for my life to regen a bit, since his burst was strong.
I killed Chatters, had to tp to town for the first time to get full flasks again.
I ran past the Necromancer mini-boss with Life Regen aura, he just regened faster than my defensive build could output in damage, so didn't kill him.
I thought Brutus was easy for my Marauder, I found Molten Shell though, helped alot.
I will craft/buy some cold resistance rings before trying Merveil though, should help alot :D
On May 10 2012 17:54 -Dustin- wrote: I died to Hailrake once and in the Fetid Pool fighting skeleton Rhoas twice. Those damn things just hit way to hard! Gonna have to play it a ton safer than what I'm used to in these types of games. Usually its about getting as much DPS as possible and some resists but now I feel defense is the top priority.
Glad to hear you are doing well NotSorry. I might have to give that build a try but I always get worried when having Blood Magic. Do you really recommend that passive? I haven't tried a range character yet as I love my melees I also love using my BowRauder haven't done it this patch although.
I would probably suggest using the Blood Magic support gem on your main 1-2 attacks so that you can use your left over mana for auras, I used a little too many auras with the Blood Magic passive (because it was my first char and didn't have access to the BM support) and got insta death killed by pack of rare corsairs all using Flicker Strike from full screen. When using BM keep 1-2health flasks that give you instant recovery, cause if you have enough attack speed you can drain your HP faster than overtime flasks heal for.
Side note: Holy Shit rare necro + minion pack with Allie can't die and movement speed is fucking crazy
The first zombie on the Twilight Strand now drops a skill gem appropriate for your class. The chat window now defaults to the last type of chat used in this session. This does not include whispers. Global chat is now the default chat when you join game. Added the ability to zoom the view in using the mouse wheel. Sometimes the camera will go through a wall when zoomed in quite far. We don't need bug reports of this, thanks. The passive skill screen now always shows how many respec points you have, so that new players understand that they exist. Improved the environment of the Fellshrine Ruins.
Changed early quest rewards so that there are more options for some classes. Increased the rarity of drops from magic, rare, unique and act boss monsters. Reduced the chill duration of Merveil's Ice Spear. Reduced the damage of Ice Nova for Merveil and Water Elementals. Reduced chill and freeze duration of Cold Snap for Merveil and Water Elementals. Reduced the distance that Merveil and Water Elementals can Cold Snap you from. Reduced the distance that Snakes can spit at you from. Slightly reduced the distance that Skeletal Archers can attack you from. Swapped Mental Acuity and Spell Power on the passive tree.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Merveil would not drop her act boss item rewards properly. Fixed clicking on minions so that the clicks will go through them. This means that you're able to target monsters near minions more easily. Blood Magic now no longer prevents traps from working. Fixed a bug where Totems would not attack monsters outside of your range with some skills. Fixed a server crash that would occur if you left an area while something was caught in your Bear Trap. Undead revived by a necromancer can now grant flask charges. Fixed the starting weapons so that they can't spawn in the water. Fixed the information on the website about 0.9.9 Gloves and Shields. Double Strike is now counted as a Melee gem for the purpose of the mods that increase the levels of certain types of gems. Fixed some overlapping passive skills in the tree. Fixed a duplicate quest reward in Merciless difficulty. Fixed up quests around Brutus so that it's clear what to do after finding him in the Prison.
The skeletons charge critters are so hard. That necromancer is totally op because of them! I died once to them and once to a crit from the lightning totem. That lightning totem is so insane. After level 8 you have gotten the heart of the gladiater passive you need to survive as a marauder and the rest of act 1 is a lot more doable.
I can see that they have improved the drops and decreased the cold damage creatures deadlyness a bit. Now they probably should turn the bosses before Brutus down a notch. At the moment Brutus has become easier than 0.9.9 and the small bosses in the rest of the prison are considerably harder to fight than him!
I consider blue necromancers harder bosses than Brutus. The decoy totem is one of the most genious additions to the game. I really love it. It is making the range of tactics you can use so much broader. Fire-mines were great too. These additions is making a huge difference to how the game is played! While it is true that the difficulty has increased a lot I also see the new skills as improving you a lot too. I think a lot of getting used to is needed and new tactics. It is not impossible at all to play hardcore, but it is a lot more difficult and challenging.
I love the new difficulty. I got a lvl 9 mage for now that specializes in Fire and Minions. Firestorm is for now my most useful spell and lets me kill most of the new challenges that came in this version. Hailrake was usually dangerous if you are standing still, new boss in fetid pools was fun challenge (and I didn't have firestorm at the time so just fought him and his zombies with fireball), Totem God was fun and a different challenge again (had to fight him without minions), Chatters terrifying (his first strike took down my health to less then 50% and froze me :D). I am happy to see what else the game has in store for me
What I worry most from future enemies are those puncture wolves on higher difficulties. My character lives by kiting, puncture kind of fucks that up.
Now is really an important time for PoE's future, they just released this much more difficult patch and the masses are crying that it's too hard, now we get to see how GGG responds to this and just how much they are willing to cave into the crying before saying, "the game isn't too hard, you just suck"
On May 11 2012 00:08 NotSorry wrote: Now is really an important time for PoE's future, they just released this much more difficult patch and the masses are crying that it's too hard, now we get to see how GGG responds to this and just how much they are willing to cave into the crying before saying, "the game isn't too hard, you just suck"
Hey guys does anyone know if PoE is down? It tells me that my account doesn't exist.
Wow that makes me love GGG even more. I get bored of games having to hold my fuckin' hand through the whole thing. Which happens to be one of the reasons I may skip out on Diablo3. Its been toned down so much just to make it easier for newer players to well play and win with no issues.
PoE is really great for me because you may die at anytime no matter your build. You have to play it smart not turn off your brain and spam spells or attacks. You HAVE to pay attention and play it safe one mistake and you're dead. Its not so bad in default but I play HC and I enjoy it and this is where PoE succeeds. Its not a MLP/Care bears hack n' slash its a brutal game of intensity and fear of not knowing whats around that next corner and when you will die.
EDIT- Forget the server being down question my cat had sat on my spacebar which added spaces behind my username >.<.
things like that is why I'll never get a cat, can't even begin to remember all the times I've had someone DC and then come back "oh my cat knocked out the power cord"