On July 15 2014 14:48 MarlieChurphy wrote: Just came across this. Other than the weird character mods I actually think this is an improvement. It would be nice if at least we could turn off the cameras.
Maybe I can just hack my shit to turn cameras off online too? It still sucks that they are so long though.
There should be an option when you pick a character for whose stance you get to use too lol. Some do look nice but ones like dudely are obviously not meant to have that changed.
So I just bought the SF bundle(AE+ultra) on steam. I only see the arcade edition in my game library, am I missing something? Can't find Ultra anywhere, I know it's available in august though - but you can pre-load most games on steam afaik?
Also any recommendations on what character should I focus early on, totally new to the series/fighting in general.
On July 16 2014 03:53 Andre wrote: So I just bought the SF bundle(AE+ultra) on steam. I only see the arcade edition in my game library, am I missing something? Can't find Ultra anywhere, I know it's available in august though - but you can pre-load most games on steam afaik?
Also any recommendations on what character should I focus early on, totally new to the series/fighting in general.
Ryu is the most common suggestion. I would also put forth fei, barlog(boxer), guile, ken, sagat, or anyone you think that looks cool. If you look at the previous page there are some characters you should probably avoid if you have no real fundamentals (cviper, ibuki, etc.)
Ultra isn't available for the PC until August. You can't preload Ultra, not yet at least. FYI even if you could it wouldn't be playable until the release date.
On July 16 2014 03:53 Andre wrote: So I just bought the SF bundle(AE+ultra) on steam. I only see the arcade edition in my game library, am I missing something? Can't find Ultra anywhere, I know it's available in august though - but you can pre-load most games on steam afaik?
Also any recommendations on what character should I focus early on, totally new to the series/fighting in general.
Ultra is available as a DLC under Arcade Edition. It's at the bottom, under all the costume packs.
If you're totally new to Street fighter, pick up Ryu, Guy, Cody, Guile or Balrog. Watch a few of james chen videos ( First Attack ) on the youtube channel Ultrachentv, and the tutorial serie on VesperArcade youtube channel. This will get you started.
On July 16 2014 03:53 Andre wrote: So I just bought the SF bundle(AE+ultra) on steam. I only see the arcade edition in my game library, am I missing something? Can't find Ultra anywhere, I know it's available in august though - but you can pre-load most games on steam afaik?
Also any recommendations on what character should I focus early on, totally new to the series/fighting in general.
Ultra is available as a DLC under Arcade Edition. It's at the bottom, under all the costume packs.
If you're totally new to Street fighter, pick up Ryu, Guy, Cody, Guile or Balrog. Watch a few of james chen videos ( First Attack ) on the youtube channel Ultrachentv, and the tutorial serie on VesperArcade youtube channel. This will get you started.
Guy? Curious about this one. And I don't mean in a negative way, but rather I've never heard or expected that suggestion. He good for beginners? I know very little about playing the character.
I don't think Guy is very good for a beginner at all. His game plan centers around run-stop pressure, frame traps, and really brutal punish combos. I would say his execution requirement is too high for a beginner, and his wakeup game is quite weak. He doesn't really teach you good fundamentals unlike Ryu, Boxer, Guile.
Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
You could buy a hitbox, it's similar to the way you play on a keyboard but with the advantage of the nicer buttons and layout. image
Some characters you want to avoid on keyboards, you could probably never play a good grappler for example with the 720 motions and what not.
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular. Which controller is best is really personal, Louffy just won Evo with a stock Playstation controller, while most people use fightsticks. It can take a while to change and get good though, so I'd just stick with one . If you're planning to attend tournaments, maybe a keyboard is inconvenient.
Any notable players registered from Dreamhack Valencia this upcoming weekend...? I assume Ryan hart, defending DH valencia champion will be in it and possibly infiltration for having won the recent one...?
Anyone know a name for the song or artist played in the first 10 seconds (Brokentier ad)? I know it's a longshot but I've tried finding it everywhere and I just can't
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
Just pick something and stick to it. If you end up loving the game more than you expected and want to try a stick down the road, you can make the switch. It takes time and practice but it's up to you; controllers are very common these days, and plenty of people also just play on keyboard too. If you can get used to a "hitbox" style button setup on your keyboard, where your thumb is jump (basically any setup where you can have fingers on all 4 movement directions at once) then you're able to do just about anything you'd do on controller or stick. Even grapplers. 360 is awkward sometimes if you use a WASD setup, but with a "4 finger d-pad" setup (like ASD Spacebar) it's pretty easy.
As someone who is relatively new to the FGC, I think the "sticks >>>>>>>" idea is slowly fading. There are tons of prominent pad players in every game these days, even street fighter, and although they're much less common, many players speak very highly of hitboxes (which would essentially be keyboards). Basically "if you have the patience to learn one, then they're ridiculously good".
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
Actually you only need to do 6248 or 4268 (only cardinal directions matter) and that's much easier to do when you're pressing keys as opposed to a stick. For 720s you only need to do 6248624 or 4268426. That's really easy if you have your directions bound to, say, ASDSpacebar because you just rap your fingers on the keys very quickly. asd[space]asd+punches and you're done. In fact, doing a standing 720 is very easy hitbox/keyboard compared to a stick for that reason.
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
Actually you only need to do 6248 or 4268 (only cardinal directions matter) and that's much easier to do when you're pressing keys as opposed to a stick. For 720s you only need to do 6248624 or 4268426. That's really easy if you have your directions bound to, say, ASDSpacebar because you just rap your fingers on the keys very quickly. asd[space]asd+punches and you're done. In fact, doing a standing 720 is very easy hitbox/keyboard compared to a stick for that reason.
What direction do the numbers actually correspond to?
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
Actually you only need to do 6248 or 4268 (only cardinal directions matter) and that's much easier to do when you're pressing keys as opposed to a stick. For 720s you only need to do 6248624 or 4268426. That's really easy if you have your directions bound to, say, ASDSpacebar because you just rap your fingers on the keys very quickly. asd[space]asd+punches and you're done. In fact, doing a standing 720 is very easy hitbox/keyboard compared to a stick for that reason.
What direction do the numbers actually correspond to?
Refers to P1 side, so 6 would be forward and 4 would be backward.
Edit: however a 360 in SF4 can begin on any direction as long as you go through 270º motion (6248, 6842, 2486, etc etc). It's just usually easiest to save Up for last because then you won't jump before the grab happens.
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
Actually you only need to do 6248 or 4268 (only cardinal directions matter) and that's much easier to do when you're pressing keys as opposed to a stick. For 720s you only need to do 6248624 or 4268426. That's really easy if you have your directions bound to, say, ASDSpacebar because you just rap your fingers on the keys very quickly. asd[space]asd+punches and you're done. In fact, doing a standing 720 is very easy hitbox/keyboard compared to a stick for that reason.
What direction do the numbers actually correspond to?
On July 16 2014 18:39 Andre wrote: Alright thanks for the suggestions guys. I've played a bit of Chun Li and really like her but I'll give a try for the ones people recommended.
Also checked some of VesperArcade's videos, only thing I'm not sure right about now is if it's really worth investing in a stick/pad? Never used it because #PCmasterrace. If it's possible to do all the stuff on keyboard I'd rather not switch because it would take ages to get used to controllers ~_~
It's possible to do everything on a keyboard, although you'll need to remap the buttons to make some things easier, 360 and 720 motions in particular.
360s aren't hard on a keyboard, since you only need to do 632147. 720s on the other hand could be difficult.
Actually you only need to do 6248 or 4268 (only cardinal directions matter) and that's much easier to do when you're pressing keys as opposed to a stick. For 720s you only need to do 6248624 or 4268426. That's really easy if you have your directions bound to, say, ASDSpacebar because you just rap your fingers on the keys very quickly. asd[space]asd+punches and you're done. In fact, doing a standing 720 is very easy hitbox/keyboard compared to a stick for that reason.
What direction do the numbers actually correspond to?