Yeah I'm not getting a striker cause I know exactly that shit's gonna get the nerf eventually. Currently saving at least 1200 certs for pimping the skywhale when the galaxypatch hits.
Also currently TR is back in the favourable warpgate rotation positions. When we had the bad positions, we barely had 20% world pop against the reddit lemmings. It'll get better for the other factions when the warpgates rotate again.
Saw some figures about player numbers recently. More server merges only a matter of time, hopefully with some pop balancing.
Playing a bit more PS2 again now. Still not a fan of lattice tho. Fucking hate it.
Best way to get certs for me is still unwinnable 1 vs the world defenses of random bases. Managed to kill a MAX and his buddy with a sweeper using a light assault ^.^
On August 31 2013 00:09 zere wrote: Yeah I'm not getting a striker cause I know exactly that shit's gonna get the nerf eventually. Currently saving at least 1200 certs for pimping the skywhale when the galaxypatch hits.
Also currently TR is back in the favourable warpgate rotation positions. When we had the bad positions, we barely had 20% world pop against the reddit lemmings. It'll get better for the other factions when the warpgates rotate again.
Saw some figures about player numbers recently. More server merges only a matter of time, hopefully with some pop balancing.
Playing a bit more PS2 again now. Still not a fan of lattice tho. Fucking hate it.
What concerns me is their layoffs though, it seems like Planetside would be the exact kind of thing that would be cut. I'm guessing that means things are gonna slow down on this game at least a bit, and even if they get to the optimization stuff, the content changes will be very slow.
On August 28 2013 01:58 Rah wrote: Here's some entertaining ps2 vods from my friends on mattherson.
Vonic and NivX are the two most fearsome players on all of Matherson, anyone else I know I can go up against in infantry combat but they are just a cut above.
I'm a PS1 vet that played loads in the PS2 beta but I couldnt get to my pc when the game went live and hadn't really plaed much.
I logged on the other night for the first time since launch and didnt really enjoy it, I found the camo really off putting and it honestly felt like because I was low on certs I was at a massive dissadvantage.
Am I just being noob and is it worth sticking at it? How is the game compared to beta?
It takes more time to get good at a class or vehicle than to fully cert it out. The first few training points of everything are cheap and usually the most effective. Find a solid group to run with, it makes all the difference.
That LA video is weird as hell.. nobody is reacting to being shot at... wtf.. there are maxes LOOKING at him but not shooting... what's going on here..?
On August 31 2013 17:08 Shottaz wrote: I'm a PS1 vet that played loads in the PS2 beta but I couldnt get to my pc when the game went live and hadn't really plaed much.
I logged on the other night for the first time since launch and didnt really enjoy it, I found the camo really off putting and it honestly felt like because I was low on certs I was at a massive dissadvantage.
Am I just being noob and is it worth sticking at it? How is the game compared to beta?
Unless he survived with 1 bar or less of health, you lost because he was better, not because he was better certed.
There are health upgrades where 1 cert gives you 10% more health, the 1211 certs to max it out just increase it to a total of 25% more health, so the difference is really not that big and most people run around with flak armor anyways, which only protects against grenades and other explosives, not against bullets.
Cert upgrades really are not a big deal and rarely decide fights. I made a youtube series where i played without spending certs or buying weapons and managed to maintain roughly the same K/D i have on url=!/5428072203494285409]my BR80-something[/url] main. I'm a bad player and still manage to regularly beat BR100s in 1v1, so "He has higher BR, which means he has better stats" is just a cheap excuse. "He has higher BR, so he has more practice, that is why he wins."
Camo is definitely a small problem for new players but once you learn to look for small details and shapes instead of going for color, camo becomes less of a problem. I haven't mistaken friends for enemies or enemies for friends in a very, very long time, even in the heat of battle, just because i developed an eye for it and camo only becomes a factor for spotting stationary targets against similarily colored terrain, which isn't really a big deal either.
For a PS1 vet you will miss continent locking and continental lattice, which is something the developers are actively working on and which will be added at some point, but for now the "meta", for the lack of a better term, consists of randomly selected alerts, e.g. "capture a continent", "capture all biolabs on all continents"; ..., and continent capture, i.e. capture 75% of the territory on a continent and you get a bonus but that's all, which does not compare too much to PS1 yet. However, if you develop some faction pride, fighting to turn all 3 continents into your factions color or to win alerts just to see your faction in the victory message can bring quite a lot of satisfaction, especially if you fight against the odds.
After release they added the lattice system, which should be familiar to you. Some people (like me) still argue that it made the game worse but most people like it, so even when you play on your own, you can find some big 48+ vs 48+ battle no matter what. However, lattice turned many fights into what you might remember as interfarm, so if you liked those, you will like lattice. If you didn't, well, there is always Amerish (though that will become lattice as well at some point in the future).
A common complaint are population imbalances where e.g. VS have 30%, NC 30% and TR 40%, which make some fights annoying because the enemies just win with pure numbers, but after all that is the core of Planetside: Big numbers win and logistics decide the victor. It still is a problem and SoE is working on solutions, but that problem will probably persist for a while. For me it's not a big deal as long as no faction gets above 50%, everything below that can be dealt with by the other two factions teaming up on the bigger one.
Once you get into organized play, the game is definitely worth playing and even spending some money. Playing in a good platoon is the most fun i've had in games since a long, long time and there isn't anything that really compares to it (well, apart from PS1, though even there the scope was a lot smaller).
Question: Does anyone run or has anyone tried to run grenade bandolier revive grenades on medic?
I feel like it would be a cool thing to try out, especially since they cost 45 instead of 100 resources now. Why? Well I feel like the more you revive with them the more you can actually be ready to fight at the same time, instead of running around with the med applicator out all the time. So you can revive and defend the revivees at the same time. And for multiple people it's just faster and more efficient, and again more time being a useful soldier, defending yourself, and doing medical duties at the same time. It would be the ultimate gun medic (taking advantage of how good medic guns are). And the medic ability prevent you from being at a health disadvantage against nanoweave.
Are there any crucial hints for ESF nosegun aiming that I might be missing? I feel like I have to be mechanically off somehow. The story is I've gotten really at home with flying, I feel really good at situational awareness and maneuvering, can often hold my own in maneuvers against BR 100's and such and I get decent aggressive weapon uptime with people in front of me. (or maybe I just think I do and I'm shooting from too far away?)
My aim against other fighters is atrocious though. I'm having trouble with tracking moving targets going across, and adjusting up/down aim in every situation. The little mouse movements up and down I'm used to don't adjust enough most of the time, but the pitch up/down hotkey seems too extreme (I mostly only use it for maneuvering, never for adjust aim in an aggressive situation). If I just try to get used to moving the mouse further for every adjustment, and move it quite far up/down with the right roll for horizontal tracking, is that the key? Or something else?
On September 03 2013 05:02 ZapRoffo wrote: Are there any crucial hints for ESF nosegun aiming that I might be missing? I feel like I have to be mechanically off somehow. The story is I've gotten really at home with flying, I feel really good at situational awareness and maneuvering, can often hold my own in maneuvers against BR 100's and such and I get decent aggressive weapon uptime with people in front of me. (or maybe I just think I do and I'm shooting from too far away?)
My aim against other fighters is atrocious though. I'm having trouble with tracking moving targets going across, and adjusting up/down aim in every situation. The little mouse movements up and down I'm used to don't adjust enough most of the time, but the pitch up/down hotkey seems too extreme (I mostly only use it for maneuvering, never for adjust aim in an aggressive situation). If I just try to get used to moving the mouse further for every adjustment, and move it quite far up/down with the right roll for horizontal tracking, is that the key? Or something else?
His tracking is like 1000x smoother and more accurate than mine, that's like the biggest thing I notice.
Every fight he showed almost in that highlight reel was against a pilot who wasn't doing it right. From the footage it looked like he was using hover frame and constantly reversing away from them in a circle while the opponent was attempting to chase him down for some reason. This makes the enemy pilot's movement very predictable, and I'm sure he's had enough practice fighting that way to recognize how they'll move. When you're up against an opponent that hover fights you back, it's a little harder to keep your shots on them, but that's where the fun comes in. The less you use your pitch keys, the better, that's all I will say for sure.
On September 01 2013 05:23 ZapRoffo wrote: Question: Does anyone run or has anyone tried to run grenade bandolier revive grenades on medic?
I feel like it would be a cool thing to try out, especially since they cost 45 instead of 100 resources now. Why? Well I feel like the more you revive with them the more you can actually be ready to fight at the same time, instead of running around with the med applicator out all the time. So you can revive and defend the revivees at the same time. And for multiple people it's just faster and more efficient, and again more time being a useful soldier, defending yourself, and doing medical duties at the same time. It would be the ultimate gun medic (taking advantage of how good medic guns are). And the medic ability prevent you from being at a health disadvantage against nanoweave.
I always run 4 rez grenades when playing with my outfit or an organized platoon. They often tip the favor when outnumbered.
So if one were to start out playing this, where would they begin researching newbie stuff about the game? I tried it in beta and was overwhelmed; granted I did not have a lot of time with work to figure stuff out.
Will play on Mattherson; Enclave are old "friends" of mine. :-)
The enclave is dead at this point, BWC and Honeybadgers are probably the strongest TR outfits, or AoD if you're feeling zergy. Hit up Rahsun if you have any questions. I've found a few of wrel's videos informative for ground pounding, search for him on youtube.
On September 03 2013 05:02 ZapRoffo wrote: Are there any crucial hints for ESF nosegun aiming that I might be missing? I feel like I have to be mechanically off somehow. The story is I've gotten really at home with flying, I feel really good at situational awareness and maneuvering, can often hold my own in maneuvers against BR 100's and such and I get decent aggressive weapon uptime with people in front of me. (or maybe I just think I do and I'm shooting from too far away?)
My aim against other fighters is atrocious though. I'm having trouble with tracking moving targets going across, and adjusting up/down aim in every situation. The little mouse movements up and down I'm used to don't adjust enough most of the time, but the pitch up/down hotkey seems too extreme (I mostly only use it for maneuvering, never for adjust aim in an aggressive situation). If I just try to get used to moving the mouse further for every adjustment, and move it quite far up/down with the right roll for horizontal tracking, is that the key? Or something else?
His tracking is like 1000x smoother and more accurate than mine, that's like the biggest thing I notice.
Every fight he showed almost in that highlight reel was against a pilot who wasn't doing it right. From the footage it looked like he was using hover frame and constantly reversing away from them in a circle while the opponent was attempting to chase him down for some reason. This makes the enemy pilot's movement very predictable, and I'm sure he's had enough practice fighting that way to recognize how they'll move. When you're up against an opponent that hover fights you back, it's a little harder to keep your shots on them, but that's where the fun comes in. The less you use your pitch keys, the better, that's all I will say for sure.
Of course I'm often fighting people who are way worse than these guys even, I'm still missing people flying in straight lines across in front of me. I'm getting better now that I'm thinking specifically about how much to lead since it's not natural to me yet, and about magazine management, and not getting into bad situations where someone comes close and my magazine is low or reloading.
Another conundrum is when I see enemies who I know are ace pilots in a situation where I would normally feel like I have at least a slight advantage and it's time to take them on. I can engage them and almost certainly lose, or keep my distance. My instinct tells me I should go for it and get practice, but when the acquisition timer isn't up and resources are low that ends up limiting air/practice time.
Also are there any tried and true maneuvers to at least survive if you end up close to a 2 or 3/3 Lib, or is it just like don't get close ever?