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United States7270 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On June 14 2013 07:19 micronesia wrote: I watched a draft and the 7 games afterwards. As you mentioned earlier judicator, the thing that throws me is the value of cards within the format. Sometimes he says 'oh this card's great' and I'm thinking 'huh? why?' so by watching a few more hopefully I'll learn more about how 'good' each card is and why. Obviously how good they are depends on the situation. A lot of players remember cards that won them the game a few times, despite the fact that the card isn't powerful, and irrationally overvalue the card as a result. I know I do a bit of this and am trying desperately to stop it. | ||
Australia998 Posts
On June 14 2013 07:19 micronesia wrote: I watched a draft and the 7 games afterwards. As you mentioned earlier judicator, the thing that throws me is the value of cards within the format. Sometimes he says 'oh this card's great' and I'm thinking 'huh? why?' so by watching a few more hopefully I'll learn more about how 'good' each card is and why. Obviously how good they are depends on the situation. Out of curiosity, which cards specifically are you talking about that he thought were good and you didn't understand why | ||
United States7270 Posts
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United States24579 Posts
On June 14 2013 12:11 DarthXX wrote: Out of curiosity, which cards specifically are you talking about that he thought were good and you didn't understand why Sorry, was a few hours ago and I can't remember. Next time I'm watching I'll keep a mental list of a few cards. | ||
Australia998 Posts
On June 14 2013 12:21 Judicator wrote: Hysterical Blindness best pick in DKA-ISD-ISD draft. I am a bigger fan of fleeting distraction ![]() | ||
United States7270 Posts
On June 14 2013 12:44 DarthXX wrote: I am a bigger fan of fleeting distraction ![]() See, the difference between the two requires a mental screw up on HB and FD wasn't that terrible of a card/combat trick in blue. Losing to HB is terrible cause it almost always required you to fuck up. | ||
United States2316 Posts
So I moved on and looked at those BWR control/midrange(depends on who you talk to) decks and decided to try my hand at building one. I really like it and have fish bowled it quite a few times and even got some nods from a few of my standard buddies. + Show Spoiler + 4 Boros Reckoner 2 Nearheath Pilgrim 2 Obzedat, Ghost Council 2 Olivia Voldaren 3 Sin Collector 2 Sire of Insanity 3 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 1 Tragic Slip 4 Pillar of Flame 1 Blasphemous Act 3 Searing Spear 2 Dreadbore 4 Lingering Souls 2 Mizzium Mortars 4 Blood Crypt 4 Clifftop Retreat 4 Godless Shrine 4 Isolated Chapel 4 Sacred Foundry 1 Stensia Bloodhall 1 Swamp 1 Mountain 1 Plains 1 Vault of the Archangel SB: 2 Pithing Needle SB: 3 Assemble the Legion SB: 1 Oblivion Ring SB: 2 Underworld Connections SB: 2 Crypt Incursion SB: 2 Devour Flesh SB: 1 Devil's Play SB: 2 Sever the Bloodline Edit: it feels a few cards off, I think the tragic slip is a bit off aand I think I can cut back to 2 searing spears. | ||
United States7270 Posts
Overall the deck is "fine", the power is there, but I am essentially trading down in card quality to have access to Wolf-run. I can see where the development path for RUG went. I have very little doubt that people started in RUG control, realized the futility of it with Esper/Bant Run being better, then went into the RUG flash version with Yeva, Avengers, Silverheart to give the deck a lot of play, a lot earlier since they could easily get outcarded and wrathed out of the game. Back to tweaking Woo's build of Izzet. Realized that I have been playing the Looting all kinds of wrong since my only experience with that card has been with Reanimator, hurray for preconceptions-ruining-play. | ||
United States2316 Posts
On June 14 2013 22:53 Judicator wrote: Funnily enough Shotcoder, after our little talk I decided to try building RUG, your best card are Acidic Slime and Thoughtflare from the 10 or so matches I played with the deck. Thoughtflare actually does a pretty good job smoothing out your draws so you can dump extra lands out of your hand and dig 4 cards deep which is pretty significant for a RG ramp deck splashing blue. Aetherling is underwhelming in this deck since you have access to Wolf-run. Clone's pretty good main board. Planeswalkers feel like a giant trap, although I think this is where 4-Garruk is his best. My original list included Bonfire but I think Mizzium might be better. Progenitor Mimic is alright and so is Thragtusk. Overall the deck is "fine", the power is there, but I am essentially trading down in card quality to have access to Wolf-run. I can see where the development path for RUG went. I have very little doubt that people started in RUG control, realized the futility of it with Esper/Bant Run being better, then went into the RUG flash version with Yeva, Avengers, Silverheart to give the deck a lot of play, a lot earlier since they could easily get outcarded and wrathed out of the game. Back to tweaking Woo's build of Izzet. Realized that I have been playing the Looting all kinds of wrong since my only experience with that card has been with Reanimator, hurray for preconceptions-ruining-play. I actually forgot Mimick and Slime were cards... | ||
United States893 Posts
As for Izzet blitz, how were you misplaying looting, as a T1 play? I havent played it out yet, but I assume you just use it after a cyclops/guttersnipe is already out, and you use it to dump extra lands and find the extra spells you need to pump them and clear the path, as well as using the looting itself to get the cyclops running. | ||
United States24579 Posts
Gates: Izzet, Azorius, Boros Land: UUUURRRRRWWWWW White: Riot Control, Azorius Arrester, Hold the Gates, Concordia Pegasus, Assault Griffin, Azorius Justiciar, Seller of Songbirds, Aerial Maneuver Blue: Runner's Bane, Way of the Thief, Spell Rupture, Isperia's Skywatch Red: Maze Rusher, Bomber Corps, Furious Resistance, Ember Beast, Batterhorn, Scorchwalker Multi: Jelenn Sphinx, Judge's Familiar, Skymark Roc, Ordruun Veteran, Frostburn Weird, Dragonshift Total Cards: 41 I got paired up against my friend in round 1 and beat him 2-0. In the second round I won 2-1, then in the third round I won 2-0, except vs a guy who was 1-1 since there were an odd number of people with 6 points, I think. In round four I was up against the other 9 point player, and lost 2-0 due to him playing very well. However, due to tiebreakers I got third instead of second and there were only prizes for the top two finishers. According to my friend, he felt the level of play was comparable to other nights, even though the pool of players was smaller. For me the highlight was my first game in round three. Almost all of my creatures were stubbornly sitting in my deck, and I was close to defeat. I started sandbagging lands and acting like I had instant spells prepared for when he attacked me. There were two turns in a row I would have lost if he just swung (I only had one creature out and was low on health), but I was able to fool him (not specifically by saying anything, though) into being more careful, until I got the cards I needed. | ||
United States7270 Posts
On phone so not elaborating, will later. | ||
United States1087 Posts
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Australia998 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:47 micronesia wrote: I just did a Friday Night Magic. There was a modern masters draft going on simultaneously with my Ravnica Block draft, so there were only 12 participants. I put together what I think is a pretty good deck: Gates: Izzet, Azorius, Boros Land: UUUURRRRRWWWWW White: Riot Control, Azorius Arrester, Hold the Gates, Concordia Pegasus, Assault Griffin, Azorius Justiciar, Seller of Songbirds, Aerial Maneuver Blue: Runner's Bane, Way of the Thief, Spell Rupture, Isperia's Skywatch Red: Maze Rusher, Bomber Corps, Furious Resistance, Ember Beast, Batterhorn, Scorchwalker Multi: Jelenn Sphinx, Judge's Familiar, Skymark Roc, Ordruun Veteran, Frostburn Weird, Dragonshift Total Cards: 41 I got paired up against my friend in round 1 and beat him 2-0. In the second round I won 2-1, then in the third round I won 2-0, except vs a guy who was 1-1 since there were an odd number of people with 6 points, I think. In round four I was up against the other 9 point player, and lost 2-0 due to him playing very well. However, due to tiebreakers I got third instead of second and there were only prizes for the top two finishers. According to my friend, he felt the level of play was comparable to other nights, even though the pool of players was smaller. For me the highlight was my first game in round three. Almost all of my creatures were stubbornly sitting in my deck, and I was close to defeat. I started sandbagging lands and acting like I had instant spells prepared for when he attacked me. There were two turns in a row I would have lost if he just swung (I only had one creature out and was low on health), but I was able to fool him (not specifically by saying anything, though) into being more careful, until I got the cards I needed. Bolded the cards I am not a fan of. Riot Control - not maindeckable imo, although this can be a very good sideboard card against certain decks Hold the Gates - in 99% of situations I would rather have another creature than this thing heh. It's only less bad in decks with lots of gates, and if you are running lots of gates the chances are you have much better things to do than drop this enchantment Concordia Pegasus - This guy is slightly better in the DGR format but still he is mostly the borderline 23rd card that usually doesn't, make the cut for me. The problem is that a lot of the fliers in this format are 3 power. He does trade with drakewing though so I guess that's a thing occasionally Runner's Bane - one of those cards that people either love or hate. Personally I'm not a fan of it, but it is very good sideboard tech against aggro decks Bomber Corp - not a terrible card but not that good,if you can ping a creature off it is nice but mostly it just dies to anything that can block Furious Resistance - more conditional red version of smite which is already a fairly weak removal spell Batterhorn - Is slightly better in the DGR format, however he costs a lot but may be decent in the sideboard against opponents with really terrible mana bases that rely heavily on cluestones Judge's Familiar - 1/1s for 1 in limited are generally terrible and i dont think this is an exception, can be good sometimes if you need an evasive creature for cipher or what not but doesnt look like you have that in this deck Maze Rusher - I feel he is the weakest of the maze runner cycle but still can be decent, the haste on turn 6 is almost not relevant as it only affects creature that come into play after him, by that point you are probably quite low on cards. However he is still a decent 6 power haster out of nowhere which is sometimes all you need Just my opinions the other cards are fine imo Skymark Roc is a bamf, won me so many games. What were your first picks if you can remember? edit: also dont run more than 40 cards unless you are playing lost in the woods Also where do i find the MM queues on MTGO, just bought an account and can't find anything anywhere D: | ||
United States24579 Posts
On June 15 2013 15:13 DarthXX wrote: Yeah I can see how this would be good in a sideboard.Bolded the cards I am not a fan of. Riot Control - not maindeckable imo, although this can be a very good sideboard card against certain decks Hold the Gates - in 99% of situations I would rather have another creature than this thing heh. It's only less bad in decks with lots of gates, and if you are running lots of gates the chances are you have much better things to do than drop this enchantment This actually really came in handy in a couple of games. It's so nice having my creatures be vigilant and having one or two extra toughness.Concordia Pegasus - This guy is slightly better in the DGR format but still he is mostly the borderline 23rd card that usually doesn't, make the cut for me. The problem is that a lot of the fliers in this format are 3 power. He does trade with drakewing though so I guess that's a thing occasionally I was trying to get as many fliers in as possible, but if I had the choice I would swap Concordia Pegasus for another flier. Of course in a draft my options are limited.Runner's Bane - one of those cards that people either love or hate. Personally I'm not a fan of it, but it is very good sideboard tech against aggro decks I really like it, personally.Bomber Corp - not a terrible card but not that good,if you can ping a creature off it is nice but mostly it just dies to anything that can block I didn't have many two drops so I went with it... and yea it's ability is pretty useful sometimes... but only sometimes.Furious Resistance - more conditional red version of smite which is already a fairly weak removal spell I had very few 1 mana spells so I figured why not (didn't have much else to choose from). It came in handy but I can see where it's too restrictive to be a good card most of the time.Batterhorn - Is slightly better in the DGR format, however he costs a lot but may be decent in the sideboard against opponents with really terrible mana bases that rely heavily on cluestones Yeah if I had another good comparable creature I would put that in and have batterhorn in the sideboard, for the reason you gave. Still, it's so nice when you can wreck your opponent's cluestone right from game 1! In actuality, I didn't end up destroying any artifacts with it in this tourney :p. Just an expensive creature...Judge's Familiar - 1/1s for 1 in limited are generally terrible and i dont think this is an exception, can be good sometimes if you need an evasive creature for cipher or what not but doesnt look like you have that in this deck I didn't have any one drops, so a 1/1 flier is a pretty good deal I think. Plus, the ability to sacrifice it and counter a spell gives the opponent a bit of pause, even though I didn't plan to utilize the ability.Maze Rusher - I feel he is the weakest of the maze runner cycle but still can be decent, the haste on turn 6 is almost not relevant as it only affects creature that come into play after him, by that point you are probably quite low on cards. However he is still a decent 6 power haster out of nowhere which is sometimes all you need I had several fairly expensive multicolored cards, so I figured it was worth it considering the raw power of a hasted 6-3 (especially when combined with hold the gates). I don't think it won me any games.Just my opinions the other cards are fine imo Skymark Roc is a bamf, won me so many games. One game he was a champ... another he was almost useless hahaWhat were your first picks if you can remember? I think my first or second pick was that dude who lets you double the number of counters on a creature... but I wasn't finding any ways to get counters on to my creatures so I eventually ruled out green entirely. I also ruled out black pretty quickly based on the gates/cards I was picking up. When I opened the RTR pack I found a pack rat, which I took, and also a rakdos cluestone which I grabbed since nothing else in the second pack was that good, but I decided it doesn't make sense to splash that card in even though it's a great card.edit: also dont run more than 40 cards unless you are playing lost in the woods I don't know what you mean by 'lost in the woods.' What actually happened was, I was not given much time to construct the deck and when I was putting it together I decided I was a tiny bit light on mana, and so I just threw in an extra land of the color I needed most, making it 41. I could have tried to rework it and pulled something out, but I didn't have time. I don't think 41 is really a problem, unlike say 45 or 50. Also, I'm less likely to be milled! | ||
United States2316 Posts
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United States1087 Posts
Won round 1 so far with this. ![]() p1p1 I went spellstutter over lightning helix because well, I like faeries and not a fan of RW. | ||
United States4890 Posts
On June 15 2013 13:47 micronesia wrote: I just did a Friday Night Magic. There was a modern masters draft going on simultaneously with my Ravnica Block draft, so there were only 12 participants. I put together what I think is a pretty good deck: Gates: Izzet, Azorius, Boros Land: UUUURRRRRWWWWW White: Riot Control, Azorius Arrester, Hold the Gates, Concordia Pegasus, Assault Griffin, Azorius Justiciar, Seller of Songbirds, Aerial Maneuver Blue: Runner's Bane, Way of the Thief, Spell Rupture, Isperia's Skywatch Red: Maze Rusher, Bomber Corps, Furious Resistance, Ember Beast, Batterhorn, Scorchwalker Multi: Jelenn Sphinx, Judge's Familiar, Skymark Roc, Ordruun Veteran, Frostburn Weird, Dragonshift Total Cards: 41 I got paired up against my friend in round 1 and beat him 2-0. In the second round I won 2-1, then in the third round I won 2-0, except vs a guy who was 1-1 since there were an odd number of people with 6 points, I think. In round four I was up against the other 9 point player, and lost 2-0 due to him playing very well. However, due to tiebreakers I got third instead of second and there were only prizes for the top two finishers. According to my friend, he felt the level of play was comparable to other nights, even though the pool of players was smaller. For me the highlight was my first game in round three. Almost all of my creatures were stubbornly sitting in my deck, and I was close to defeat. I started sandbagging lands and acting like I had instant spells prepared for when he attacked me. There were two turns in a row I would have lost if he just swung (I only had one creature out and was low on health), but I was able to fool him (not specifically by saying anything, though) into being more careful, until I got the cards I needed. You need to place a higher priority on drafting creatures, especially good creatures. You have only 5 substantial threats in that deck, and no good tricks to back them up besides Dragonshift. Mediocre 1/1s and 2/2s, and guys like Ordrunn Veteran do not win games. Also, in general, you should try to avoid being three colors, but it can be challenging for a new player to read the signals and figure out an appropriate two-color deck. Just try to minimize your third color as much as possible. | ||
United States24579 Posts
On June 15 2013 15:31 DEN1ED wrote: There is no way you shouldnt have been playing the pack rat. 39 swamps and rat is probably as good or better than what you played. How? I know it's very good, but that sounds a bit extreme. Are you seriously saying that's what I should have done? Because... the only other way to play it would be to splash it with one cluestone. On June 15 2013 15:34 Cel.erity wrote: You need to place a higher priority on drafting creatures, especially good creatures. You have only 5 substantial threats in that deck, and no good tricks to back them up besides Dragonshift. Mediocre 1/1s and 2/2s, and guys like Ordrunn Veteran do not win games. Also, in general, you should try to avoid being three colors, but it can be challenging for a new player to read the signals and figure out an appropriate two-color deck. Just try to minimize your third color as much as possible. Yeah I was intentionally passing up on those good creatures because I enjoy having mediocre 1/1s and 2/2s :p The problem was color. Several of the good cards I picked at the beginning were incompatible (unless I played/splash lots of colors and did something really crazy). Also, some of the good cards I saw (in the third booster) were incompatible with most of the choices I had already made (this also more or less explains why I ended up doing three colors, but I did have all three gates at least). I realize I can't expect people to tell me if I did a good job drafting or not when they weren't watching the decisions I made, but I also think it's a bit presumptuous to tell me to change how I prioritize good creatures! | ||
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