United States24579 Posts
On June 13 2013 05:36 Audemed wrote:Well, they're not FREE, they just don't have the 2 ticket entry fee. Got me all excited there  You don't have a stockpile of boosters ready to play with? :p
Lolno, I play paper magic predominantly, and only do the online gig when I need my fix hardcore. It's too expensive to do both, and I prefer the IRL experience.
United States7270 Posts
So after piloting Woo's deck some more last night, its certainly an interesting deck, definitely needs dispel though. The faith's shield maybe there for removal, but sometimes you need more than removal counter. There's definitely a lot of do-you-got-it stare downs which would make me think this deck is better to play in person than online. If nothing else, it's fun, it's got a lot of play, a lot of the things to track. It's got more play than the old Delver decks if that gives you any ideas.
Can you provide a link to a decklist? This sounds like something I'd have fun playing.
Would anyone care to help cut my deck down to a deck/sideboard? at the moment im just running a large (79 card) mono green ramp deck with a 'solution to all' card list. I have a really good Win/Loss against my friends, but they finally clued in that aggro decks do really good against me (2 of them even grabbed 4 assemble the legions and built RW with them)
It is a casual as hell deck, so I'm not worried if nobody wants/is able to look at it, but any help is appreciated  We play with any-card goes, but I'm trying to keep it as modern as possible (don't want to give up my Green Sun's, too central to the deck)
Text Card List + Show Spoiler +//Lands 21 Forest 4 Sapseep Forest
//Spells 2 Asceticism 1 Blanchwood Armor 3 Cultivate 2 Fog 1 Fungal Sprouting 1 Garruk Wildspeaker 2 Green Sun's Zenith 2 Leyline of Vitality 1 Natural End 1 Naturalize 1 Overwhelming Stampede 4 Prey Upon 2 Primal Command 2 Ranger's Path 2 Revive 3 Vines of Vastwood 1 Whispersilk Cloak 1 Tooth and Nail
//Creatures 4 Arbor Elf 1 Eternal Witness 1 Oracle of Mul Daya 2 Bellowing Tanglewurm 2 Borderland Ranger 1 Verdeloth the Ancient 2 Deadly Recluse 1 Dungrove Elder 2 Leatherback Baloth 2 Sentinel Spider 1 Terra Stomper 2 Vigor 1 Worldspine Wurm
Basically I ramp up and try to bring out one of my one-of cards in with a Green Sun, Primal Command or Tooth and Nail, depending on how well I ramped and what the other guy has. Like I said earlier, its a really Swiss-army-knife deck atm, its surprisingly consistent considering its size, but I need a little more, and my friends newer decks are really forcing me to grab more enchantment breaks, Asceticism comes in a little later than I've been needing recently. The only obvious change that pops out to me is straight up cutting the 2 Sentinel Spiders, and probably sideboarding 1 of the Tanglewurms, but I'm hesitant because its proven to be one of my best win conditions.
Leyline of Vitality - is the life or the +0/+1 that strong? I don't think you need the toughness boost. Fungal Sprouting - Just a win-more card, for this card to be good means you already have a large creature out, meaning you are already somewhat winning. Whispersilk - Since your guys are already supposed to be bigger than the other team, and you have tanglewurm, is the shroud worth it to you? Fog - Fog is rarely good, and you have the low drop creatures. Most of the time you'd rather just see a creature that can block instead of a fog.
I would play acidic slimes if you need more naturalize effects.
United States7270 Posts
On June 13 2013 07:50 Audemed wrote: Can you provide a link to a decklist? This sounds like something I'd have fun playing.
Its on Channel Fireball site under Izzet Blitz. My list includes Delver, his doesn't.
Ah great, thanks.
That deck is hot shit. Ever since cyclops did so well for me at prerelease, I've wanted to use it in constructed...I might have to build that, since the only cards I'm missing anyways are the ISD commons.
On June 13 2013 08:51 bobbob wrote: Leyline of Vitality - is the life or the +0/+1 that strong? I don't think you need the toughness boost. Fungal Sprouting - Just a win-more card, for this card to be good means you already have a large creature out, meaning you are already somewhat winning. Whispersilk - Since your guys are already supposed to be bigger than the other team, and you have tanglewurm, is the shroud worth it to you? Fog - Fog is rarely good, and you have the low drop creatures. Most of the time you'd rather just see a creature that can block instead of a fog.
I would play acidic slimes if you need more naturalize effects.
Leyline is mostly for the life, and it really shines when i do manage to plant saprolings, giving a good chunk of life as well as doubling their toughness, but like you said with the fungal sprouting, it seems to be a 'win more' in my deck. I can probably afford to shuffle both of these out.
The Whispersilk is usually used to protect some of the key cards like the Oracle of Mul Daya or a Vigor. I think that leaving it in is justified, but I can see reason for taking it out. Probably sideboard it back in vs decks using Red or Blue?
Fog has saved me a lot, but at the same time, a lot of the times I draw it i wish it was just a creature. I was reluctant to take it out, but hearing it from someone else makes me feel more comfortable about it. Is there a stronger option for safety vs Token decks? or should i just focus on pulling early hitters in place of mana accel and be more aggressive? There's 3 of them now that i have to deal with (2 assemble the legion and a selesnia populate)
The problem with equipment for protection is that 1) It's a card that could just be another creature, and 2) It doesn't help against instant speed removal. Red can still Lightning Bolt your Oracle. Furthermore to make use of it, you need 6 mana to play oracle/equip in the first place. If you are going to run a shroud providing equipment, Lightning Greaves is the way to go. Swiftfoot boots otherwise.
Assemble the Legion is a bad card until about the 3rd turn, if you can't interact with it it's a huge problem, obviously. Acidic Slime handles Assemble well. To get over a billion tokens, Overrun effects are generally the way to go. Not sure how the Selesnya deck is built, but if you really need token hate, Engineered Explosives/Ratchet Bomb clear tokens.
Drafting Modern Masters with 7 friends tomorrow. Going to be awesome, although expensive! (240/8 = 30$ each).
I'm probably going to get destroyed of course, seeing as I didn't even read the cards and I'm just going to wing it.
Sounds great. I'll run a few games without the protection to see how it goes. And it looks like having the option to fetch out acidic slimes will solve most of my problems.
United States24579 Posts
I figured I should be more patient and do some more events. The trend continues. It's frustrating, because the first 10 or so tourneys I did, I did fairly well (a few 6 point finishes out of 9, and a few 3 point finishes out of 9, swiss system) and the 10 tourneys after that (my most recent 10) I have been doing terribly. I get 0 or 3 points, and sometimes the 3 points are due to a last round bye. In my last two tournaments I got mana screwed each match once, except for one. With a 40 card deck playing three colors, if you have three gates/shocks (one for each guild), and 14 basic lands, with one cluestone in addition, getting mana screwed (not missing one color, I mean having almost no/all land) isn't due to an improper amount of land, right? I have been utilizing mulligans when my hand looks bad, but I usually end up with a worse hand after that.
Either I'm getting worse or just in a pretty big rut.
United States7270 Posts
Think you need to watch some draft videos before you actually play again.
United States24579 Posts
Was I correct with the land?
edit: the only streamer I can find is in the middle of a tournament so hopefully they will start a new one when they are done... otherwise if you have any good videos to suggest that aren't live let me know
United States7270 Posts
The land count is fine except I need to see the color break down before I can comment if you actually built your land base correctly. The number is fine, but it's not that simple.
Channelfireball.com has draft videos, any of them are fine and they comment on their play. LSV is the most entertaining of the bunch and all of them with the exception of a few are all Pro Tour regulars.
That's not to say they're infallible, but I think you can think about how you would play versus how they actually played to see any differences to go from there.
United States24579 Posts
On June 14 2013 05:31 Judicator wrote: The land count is fine except I need to see the color break down before I can comment if you actually built your land base correctly. The number is fine, but it's not that simple. I haven't really been having trouble where I'm running three colors, and I can't seem to get one of them. Most of my mana problems are either too much land or too little land, so if the numbers are fine then I think that was solely bad luck.
Channelfireball.com has draft videos, any of them are fine and they comment on their play. LSV is the most entertaining of the bunch and all of them with the exception of a few are all Pro Tour regulars.
That's not to say they're infallible, but I think you can think about how you would play versus how they actually played to see any differences to go from there. I will give that a try as well. I just watched a match where the player (who seemed good) had two people advising them, played perfectly (as far as I could tell) and lost. I did learn a few tricks though, and a few ideas about how to use some of the less straight-forward cards. I really want to see deck construction/drafting as I think that's where I need to improve the most.
United States7270 Posts
They have their drafts posted along with the games.
Had to reformat and lost my cockatrice client and seems the main site and most mirrors have been shut down, can someone pm me a link to the client.
United States24579 Posts
I watched a draft and the 7 games afterwards. As you mentioned earlier judicator, the thing that throws me is the value of cards within the format. Sometimes he says 'oh this card's great' and I'm thinking 'huh? why?' so by watching a few more hopefully I'll learn more about how 'good' each card is and why. Obviously how good they are depends on the situation.