I'm still looking for a second champion that I enjoy playing, I'm gonna try out AP Yi.
general plan is:
open Meki, health + mana pot, dominate laning phase with alpha strike and meditate spam (made possible with masteries + MP5plvl /CDRplvl runes) build towards Nashor's Tooth + rageblade so I can push towers later in the game. Teamfights: alpha in and try not to die.
is this a total scrub build or what
On July 21 2010 01:27 myopia wrote: If you see a Shen with 250 CS, you've already lost.
again, this isn't quite true. shen is one of the most mobile champs in the game. give him teleport as a summoner spell (as i've recently started doing) and he can literally threaten every lane at all times, as well as be open to defend any friendly champ at all times. even if you use those skills on cooldown, you're looking at a teleport every 60 or so seconds. the way i've started playing shen is rushing sunfire cape as first item (you have to be a bit greedy during the laning phase but if you can last hit decently well you can get this in under 10-12 minutes and maybe have enough for boots too). with your ult and a sunfire cape, you can push an empty lane, getting every creep kill. if they come to gank you, shen is great at escaping, no problem. they send three champs, you get away, teleport across the map and push another lane. they send three champs to gank your carry, no problem. ult to your carry, save him, then push that lane. depending on enemy team comp i get 2-3 more sunfires because shen just gets soooo much fucking income from all this pushing. i've ended games with the most creep kills in the game and still netted more assists than any other champ.
shen also allows your team to push with 4 while you push another lane solo. if they send someone to stop you, there's a good chance you can take them 1v1 (in fact, in a 1v1 situation, between stacked sunfires, vorpal spam, and how fast ki will reset, you've got MASSIVE damage output, spammable damage reduction with feint, and a way to finish them off via taunt when they inevitably realize they can't kill you and try to run). if they ignore you, which they should, you get a free tower and then ult into the 4v5 fight that your team is in, and turn the tide
that sounds really sweet, I've been rushing sunfires recently too, but getting treads first. Sunfire is Shen's killer item, with tele + ghost you could get away with delaying boots... I like it.
Shen farming isn't that bad, he can just ulti into battles when needed. However, he doesn't exactly need superb farm, and I really think that he's more effective taunting and whatnot for ganks. Eve also is another champion with whom I don't really farm much at all. Still, farming with most carry-type champions isn't a bad thing at all.
On July 21 2010 01:24 Southlight wrote: By the way, Mog, I don't think Maknoon put any points in Spear until late. He seemed content to just sit there and HSS the creep at his own tower. At level 6 he would pop in with level 2 Aegis and level 3 HSS. and now he plays corki :p
let's just drop it, I don't even wanna talk about panth anymore. I'm a xin/taric/heimer/sivir player now :p.
Corki is probably the most underrated champion in the game btw. He has great dps, great burst, great sustained burst, amazing passive along with his E, a good chasing and escaping tool...
Yeah I'm now playing corki instead of trist. What annoys me the most about corki is his range (probably caus i play trist too much) but then I just launch a few rockets ^^.
I don't think he's that fit for solo quee thou. He's just as squishy as trist but with only 1 escape mechanism and highly dependent on his team for E to work.
Edit: Does Phosphorus Bomb reveal wards?
Corki's great, I'm not hating on corki. I'm just saying that the best panth on SR doesn't even play panth anymore. At all. Panth is dead and the best we can all do is move on.
I've recently come to the conclusion that GA + Banshee's Veil makes Xin and Taric impossible to kill. I pretty much always get them with those two guys.
On July 21 2010 02:03 myopia wrote: I'm still looking for a second champion that I enjoy playing, I'm gonna try out AP Yi.
general plan is:
open Meki, health + mana pot, dominate laning phase with alpha strike and meditate spam (made possible with masteries + MP5plvl /CDRplvl runes) build towards Nashor's Tooth + rageblade so I can push towers later in the game. Teamfights: alpha in and try not to die.
is this a total scrub build or what Nashor's is bad on Yi, open Dorans + hp pot > Boots > Zhonya's > Rageblade > Lichbane
QWQWQR then R>Q>E>W unless there's a reason you need more meditation.
On July 20 2010 23:06 TheGreenMachine wrote: Where can I watch HotShotGG play nidalee? http://www.livestream.com/clgame sometimes live (though nowadays he mostly plays xin) and on demand
Mogwai, while you're on the subject of Taric, do you have any recommendations for guides/builds aside from the one here? All of the guides i've looked at say "Hey, stack auras!", but my best games have come from doing other things instead.
On July 21 2010 02:39 Niton wrote: Mogwai, while you're on the subject of Taric, do you have any recommendations for guides/builds aside from the one here? All of the guides i've looked at say "Hey, stack auras!", but my best games have come from doing other things instead. aura stacking is not good, IMO.
I just go: doran's ring merc treads guardian angel <game usually over here> usually banshee's veil here, but I guess it could be other things, it just usually feels most appropriate to me.
United States7481 Posts
Anyone have any suggestions for a 2nd hero I might like after Annie?
(yeah he's low-tier who cares)
On July 21 2010 02:45 Antoine wrote: Anyone have any suggestions for a 2nd hero I might like after Annie? Anivia
requires more finesse, but she's the coolest nuker IMO.
On July 21 2010 02:27 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2010 02:03 myopia wrote: I'm still looking for a second champion that I enjoy playing, I'm gonna try out AP Yi.
general plan is:
open Meki, health + mana pot, dominate laning phase with alpha strike and meditate spam (made possible with masteries + MP5plvl /CDRplvl runes) build towards Nashor's Tooth + rageblade so I can push towers later in the game. Teamfights: alpha in and try not to die.
is this a total scrub build or what Nashor's is bad on Yi, open Dorans + hp pot > Boots > Zhonya's > Rageblade > Lichbane QWQWQR then R>Q>E>W unless there's a reason you need more meditation.
Sounds good, but why Zhonyas before Rageblade? Is it to get some oomph behind your Alpha before team fights start breaking out? Rageblade is cheaper, and I've never been sold on Zhonya's activated ability.
And which boots? I'm thinking Swiftness pending some crazy amount of CC on their end.
On July 21 2010 02:42 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2010 02:39 Niton wrote: Mogwai, while you're on the subject of Taric, do you have any recommendations for guides/builds aside from the one here? All of the guides i've looked at say "Hey, stack auras!", but my best games have come from doing other things instead. aura stacking is not good, IMO. I just go: doran's ring merc treads guardian angel <game usually over here> usually banshee's veil here, but I guess it could be other things, it just usually feels most appropriate to me.
Alright, thanks. I've been using Boots of Swiftness to catch people with move 2 boots, but i'll try out Merc since that's usually my largest problem.
eh, taric's not really a chaser, but to the extent that he is, you should just blow your ghost to get there in time for a stun and boots 3 shouldn't really make a bit of difference.
K so with Nidalee, more often than not I dominate mid, totally gimping their levels, cs, and might get a kill or at least force them back(just last game did this to a reju bead + 3x health pot kat)... but after that, when my lanes are getting owned I don't know what I can do with nid, if I go to gank it doesn't seem to work, in teamfights I always get insta-stuned into death and so on. :/ Kind of frustrating to have like triple minion kills + a lvl higher, maybe a kill at solo mid, then not be able to do much at all... I guess this champion is pretty experience-based, sigh sigh.
On July 21 2010 02:54 myopia wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2010 02:27 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On July 21 2010 02:03 myopia wrote: I'm still looking for a second champion that I enjoy playing, I'm gonna try out AP Yi.
general plan is:
open Meki, health + mana pot, dominate laning phase with alpha strike and meditate spam (made possible with masteries + MP5plvl /CDRplvl runes) build towards Nashor's Tooth + rageblade so I can push towers later in the game. Teamfights: alpha in and try not to die.
is this a total scrub build or what Nashor's is bad on Yi, open Dorans + hp pot > Boots > Zhonya's > Rageblade > Lichbane QWQWQR then R>Q>E>W unless there's a reason you need more meditation. Sounds good, but why Zhonyas before Rageblade? Is it to get some oomph behind your Alpha before team fights start breaking out? Rageblade is cheaper, and I've never been sold on Zhonya's activated ability. And which boots? I'm thinking Swiftness pending some crazy amount of CC on their end. You really don't need Merc Treads with Yi unless they have crazy stuns because Highlander makes you immune to slow, but it's kind of nice to have that extra magic resist. Otherwise, I like swiftness or sorc.
The reason you rush Zhonya's is because you're super squishy and after teamfights start breaking out it's too hard to farm a large item like Zhonya's. I would also suggest trying out double NLR, it's been working for me very well on Cho but he's pretty innately tanky anyway, and Yi actually benefits from the goldmember.