On July 20 2010 08:51 red_ wrote: I find DotA/HoN lend themselve more to 'holy shit' moments of individual play(while still obviously revolving around team play) than LoL, which probably suits high end competition more. I find LoL infinitely more fun for casual/mildly competitive playing though. Obviously haven't watched HotShotGG Nidalee enough
On July 20 2010 08:49 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 08:11 Athos wrote: God Nidalee is so fun. First character I've actually felt like I needed to spam stuff with my left hand. Cougar mode rawr! Udyr and Akali~
ezrael? -.-
On July 20 2010 08:53 travis wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 08:49 Shikyo wrote:On July 20 2010 08:11 Athos wrote: God Nidalee is so fun. First character I've actually felt like I needed to spam stuff with my left hand. Cougar mode rawr! Udyr and Akali~ ezrael? -.-
On July 20 2010 08:53 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 08:51 red_ wrote: I find DotA/HoN lend themselve more to 'holy shit' moments of individual play(while still obviously revolving around team play) than LoL, which probably suits high end competition more. I find LoL infinitely more fun for casual/mildly competitive playing though. Obviously haven't watched HotShotGG Nidalee enough
He is one of the few people I actually find entertaining enough to watch play instead of playing myself, with that said I still stand by my point(1 player on 1 champ, DotA/HoN encourage that behavior in a much more widespread manner because of the differences in mechanics).
Had an hr long frustrating game last night which cut into my sleep. Got 6 tower kills and we had 2 of their inhibs down midgame. (i wanted to sleep)
Then our self proclaimed leader shen insisted we keep trying to backdoor to win (which was already done imo) instead of just taking it to a teamfight and end it. We were higher lvld (first 18 their lowest was 12). Did baron fing twice but then noone committed to team fight. I went on tilt at that point watching a game we shoulda won in 30m turn into a 1 hr loss. Granted they did a good job defending, but they were all squishy. Our twitch coulda penta killed them! Team were to busy running away from kass and letting them catch up lvl wise.
How the hell do u backdoor their nexus turrets?!? AARRGGHH!!!
This was solo normal too not bottom ranked elo. :/
On July 20 2010 09:03 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 08:53 travis wrote:On July 20 2010 08:49 Shikyo wrote:On July 20 2010 08:11 Athos wrote: God Nidalee is so fun. First character I've actually felt like I needed to spam stuff with my left hand. Cougar mode rawr! Udyr and Akali~ ezrael? -.- Zilean.
Pre-rewind nerf I think he might actually have been the highest APM champ in the game. Playing him in a teamfight reminded me of my WoW time because it was more like managing a global cooldown than it was actual cooldowns. QEWRQEWQEWQEW, constantly trying to find the best person to bomb/slow/speed up, maybe get a 2nd ult up if the fight lasted 20+ seconds.
On July 20 2010 09:37 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 09:03 Southlight wrote:On July 20 2010 08:53 travis wrote:On July 20 2010 08:49 Shikyo wrote:On July 20 2010 08:11 Athos wrote: God Nidalee is so fun. First character I've actually felt like I needed to spam stuff with my left hand. Cougar mode rawr! Udyr and Akali~ ezrael? -.- Zilean. Pre-rewind nerf I think he might actually have been the highest APM champ in the game. Playing him in a teamfight reminded me of my WoW time because it was more like managing a global cooldown than it was actual cooldowns. QEWRQEWQEWQEW, constantly trying to find the best person to bomb/slow/speed up, maybe get a 2nd ult up if the fight lasted 20+ seconds.
Yea, that was back when I mained Zilean for a while. Loved playing as him then.
Oh I just noticed the champ rotation is new(saw someone mention Nid being free but didn't know it was already changed). I see some serious fail for solo queuers, so many high risk/reward type champs. I haven't touched the ranked waters but I know in normal queue the amount of fail fiddle/blitz/kass/corki players you see when they are free is just mind boggling.
On July 20 2010 08:50 myopia wrote: I love playing against bad Alistair/Trist/Singed. They do the dumbest things with their tosses. Most of the time it's throwing me out of a dogpile, but this game I played last night had a Singed throw me right on top of the Karthus I was chasing. Got the kill and got out. Good times.
Heh, I've been trying to practice on Tristana so I have a good ranged DPS champion in my repertoire, but I always always hesitate to use Buster Shot for fear that I'll knock enemy champs in the wrong direction and get raged at. Probably missing out on a lot of damage because of it.
NOOOOOOOOOO Free nid week is gonna be awful. Everyone gonna be taking my nid and then feeding T_T
edit: Pretty sure they're all going to go Trinity Force and Boots of Mobility.
The longer the game goes on the less i use any of tris abilities except Q. That being said I have some sweet kills by rocket jump/flash over them and buster shot them in the tower ^^.
I just played a game against Nasus, Alistar, Soraka, Ashe, Garen.
God damn if we didn't have olaf and kassadin (like the biggest counters to ashe ever) then we probably would have lost. The amount of kiting and cc they have is amazing.
It was a ranked match btw, we got Kayle, Heimerdinger, Olaf, Udyr, Kassadin.
Anyone know where I can find some recorded stream footage of MrGrimm's Corki? I know he played a diff version, but I just want to watch a game or 2 before I jump into some queue's with a champ I haven't touched that everyone says takes practice to do decent with(and have only ever seen once, so I can't just copy people I've seen).
Level 20 Fiddle with Clarity/Ignite says "first ranked" in team chat during char select.
Am I boned? I think I'm boned
Queue dodging gives you a loss, might as well give it a shot
K Nidalee's really difficult to play as. Need so much knowledge and gamesense to not just get insta-focused to death =S Going to take a while to get used to this
heh solo que is just like normal for me. .500 and 1230-1275
Finland772 Posts
Oh dear god... and someppl are still stating that Xin isn't OP. That was like Yi on crack before the cleanse and highlander nerfs.
On July 20 2010 10:51 suffeli wrote:Oh dear god... and someppl are still stating that Xin isn't OP. That was like Yi on crack before the cleanse and highlander nerfs.
The sad thing is Xin's that build tank dont do much less damage than that he just destroys people no matter what items you get.