Oh dear god... and someppl are still stating that Xin isn't OP. That was like Yi on crack before the cleanse and highlander nerfs.
oh my fucking god. how did i miss this. quoting it again so people can see it. how the fuck is he hitting for half their life? and how was he not freaking out right after? that was ridiculous.
How is Sion? I'm gonna buy him since I sense an imminent nerf on Xin'Zhao coming and the way I got my T3 runes for Xin I feel I can use with Sion as well (Tank/DPS hybrid). How do I build him, life steal/AD?
On July 20 2010 13:58 Fruscainte wrote: How is Sion? I'm gonna buy him since I sense an imminent nerf on Xin'Zhao coming and the way I got my T3 runes for Xin I feel I can use with Sion as well (Tank/DPS hybrid). How do I build him, life steal/AD?
AD sion is instafail, build AP or play something else~
Well, here's my Akali playstyle guide: Gank gank gank gank get super farmed and fed. Hope that your team has someone who can disable everyone while you explode them. At this point you will face one of two scenarios: ONE: Either you are crazy fed or your enemies are honourable and will nobly fight you one on one, but you can successfully wipe their team. or TWO: The enemy team has more than one stun/some concept of focus fire/too much health and/or your team has no coordination/no disables/no one willing to initiate and/or you aren't fed enough to survive bursting the crap out of their squishies. In case of ONE, win. In case of TWO, rage at whoever you feel is responsible and try to backdoor only to realize you are unable to carry your team because you can't burst down turrets the way you do heroes. Lose.
On July 20 2010 13:58 Fruscainte wrote: How is Sion? I'm gonna buy him since I sense an imminent nerf on Xin'Zhao coming and the way I got my T3 runes for Xin I feel I can use with Sion as well (Tank/DPS hybrid). How do I build him, life steal/AD?
AD sion is instafail, build AP or play something else~
Mmm not instafail but you need to let your team know what you're doing and tool your team accordingly (get a Morgana, Two strong CCers).
If you can farm well with AD sion (actually Crit sion) and your team is built around it... then your teamfights become very lollish as you heal yourself for half your hp every hit.
It's extremely difficult to pull off effectively though.
"My heartseeker strike is great for massages and making quick wooshing sounds."
lol... sad but true. You're way better off just leveling your other 2 skills at this point and just never HSSing (still get it for the auto-crits though). uhg, he's so pathetically bad.
and xin zhao is fine, what self respecting carry wouldn't solo a team that squishy with that itemization and baron buff? I mean, he's really good, but not nearly as game breaking as the true homos like Heimer and Soraka.
"My heartseeker strike is great for massages and making quick wooshing sounds."
lol... sad but true. You're way better off just leveling your other 2 skills at this point and just never HSSing (still get it for the auto-crits though). uhg, he's so pathetically bad.
and xin zhao is fine, what self respecting carry wouldn't solo a team that squishy with that itemization and baron buff? I mean, he's really good, but not nearly as game breaking as the true homos like Heimer and Soraka.
I just feel like Xin deserves more credit, he has 2 forms of CC, an AoE 25% of your life, MAD HP for the damage he does, an instant charge and a skill that's like trist's q + cooldown refresh.
So I'm in Vietnam and League of Legends is blocked here ._. HOWEVER before I left I bought Ezreal because I think skill shots are so sexy when they land :3 So I played around 20 games with him and I realized; AP Ezreal seems very very weak.
Now I ask you Teamliquid; how should I be playing Ezreal? If AP is indeed the way to go which build should I be playing? And if AD is superior, how should my play style be? All the guides I read on the LoL forums are outdated.