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United States1865 Posts
United States4126 Posts
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United States570 Posts
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United States2131 Posts
On July 16 2010 11:11 Atrioc wrote: Just played a couple matches with some college buddies, we were doing all right until we run into 3 guys from TL who rock our face in so bad that one of my friends ragequits. So HI THERE THREE GUYS FROM TL. THANK YOU! hahah | ||
United States416 Posts
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United States15034 Posts
Anyone here good with Morgana have some pointers? | ||
Italy3402 Posts
100% granted I got placed into a game with all ppl who just started playing ranked but it didn't feel any harder than my lv 21 unranked matches... 2nd game on hybrid tank/ap sion went 7/5/17, not bad especially considering that we had another lv 21, a lv 22 on the opposite team and all the others were 30s. Something that's been bugging me for the last couple of days is how badly some people build XZ... I mean I understand that it's a new champ and people are still looking on how to optimize him, but going for warmog's as 3rd item and following it with force of nature just doesn't make sense. -.- Also I'm getting pretty pissed off at buddies queuing together, I'm not even talking about to lv 30+lv 1 people, I'm talking about the teemo+morgana yelling if you don't let them lane together and letting my alistar, sion or whatever lane with the other half tank or my jax lane with the other carry... Not being able to make balanced lanes can possibly force one of your players into feeding. Also how can people not understand that when your whole team is down 2 lvls in the midgame and the opponents are pushing you should NOT push/defend all as one, 2 or 3 ppl should sit at the tower, the guy with the highest escaping chance should solopush and possibly another carry should take the opportunity to jungle and maybe ward too... It's insane how it can turn games around when you come out of the woods with 2 brand new items and finally shut your teammates up by getting a triple kill... I love having learned this game. | ||
United States2928 Posts
On July 16 2010 11:24 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Starting to get better with Morgana although I am still trash overall. I'm just not getting curbstomped every game now, which is nice. Anyone here good with Morgana have some pointers? check the OP for guides, Phrost actually posted this one a day or two ago:¤tpage=299#5964 | ||
Australia1455 Posts
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United States3747 Posts
On July 16 2010 10:41 Shikyo wrote: okay getting my ass kicked in solo q -_ EDIT: question to all the better players out there: When I'm soloing mid and am kind of owning it in the way that I have about double their minion kills but can't really actually kill the mid opponent and both the other lanes are getting owned, what am I supposed to do? In these games I've mostly just kept farming mid but that doesn't seem to work out so well, then I end the game with something like 1-2-0 while our team is 3-25 or something and I really feel like I could have done something better. Whenever I actually have ganked a sidelane in trouble my allies would run away and not see me coming or whatever then I get owned 2v1 while my mid tower gets destroyed. Is there really nothing I can do in this situation? If you're ahead in farming on mid and you know you're not going to kill your opponent mid try to sneak away for a quick gank on one of the other lanes. Mid winning does not mean your team wins you need the other lanes to at least not fail hardcore so go help them out a bit this will force the other person in mid to: a) Be a jackass and farm in mid while you gank their teammates b) Have to leave mid since you're ganking their team and possible be able to catch them in a bad position for that kill you want | ||
United States119 Posts
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United States4008 Posts
On July 16 2010 13:20 tenpromicro wrote: just played a game with riot travis goetz ![]() ![]() Kanmuk also works for riot. I know Travis pretty well. He refers to me as "not Frozt" | ||
51334 Posts
On July 16 2010 12:33 nataziel wrote: I practiced a few games of kayle this morning and I'm kinda stumped. I tried getting a nashors tooth first but it just seems to take too long to get to without much payoff. Should I get a codex -> guinsoo -> nashors? And I've been leveling r>e>w>q i assume you're starting off with meki + 2pot opening. if you are able to lane properly by the time you get back you should be able to buy a tooth immediately. although recently i do think it's better to just spend the money on a grb on the first tp back. | ||
5459 Posts
On July 16 2010 13:26 Phrost wrote: and allister is part of my premade. lool i'm gonna give him so much crap for this.Kanmuk also works for riot. I know Travis pretty well. He refers to me as "not Frozt" | ||
United States4008 Posts
Angel Wings and Flame Swords: Winning games in ranked solo queue: + Show Spoiler + General: Q is a huge nuke that increases the damage that the target takes in addition to slowing. Use this to focus someone down and whenever possible continue to attack the person you nuked. W is a heal with a move speed bonus. You can use this for longetivity or for chasing as 1 rank is sufficient for that most of the time. E is a big part of your mid game and works amazingly well in combo with Q. It does a split of physical and magical damage thus forcing the enemy to get dual resistances to reduce the damage. R is now on a short cooldown with a very short duration. A well timed ult can turn a gank around in a huge way or be used to bait a ton of damage. Setup: Runes - Mpen in marks, mp5 per level seals, ap per level glyph, flat HP quintessences. Mastery - 9/21/0, same as my Morgana guide. Summoner spells - Ghost / Ignite or Cleanse/ Ghost if the enemy team has a ton of powerful stuns. Champion skills - > QEQW then R>Q>E>W Items - Start - Doran's ring, hp potion first trip to base - basic boots, blasting wand or meki pendant, 2-3 health potions 2nd trip to base - Berserker Greaves (or if there is a lot of cc merc treads, but later), blasting wand or meki pendant (whichever you didn't already get), stinger if you can afford it Eventually you'll want to finish a Guinsoo's rageblade then Nashor's Tooth. After those 4 items the game should be close to over but if it's not I suggest getting hextech gunblade started because you're probably facing some pretty tanky champions that you'll need the lifesteal to beat. Strategy: By picking all of these tanky masteries, hp quints, and doran's ring, you will start with a ton of hp (something around just shy of 800) at level 1 and make it very easy to hold your ground. If you're confident in the damage exchange throw a Q at the enemy and take a few whacks then back away. Once you hit level 2 you can do some serious hurt with a Q followed by E activation and just going to town on an enemy champion. Most solo-mids will take about 1/4 to 1/3 of their HP with Q and a single auto attack during E. Use this to your advantage and if your opponent gets too cocky throw ignite on him and win. So far I've tested this against ashe, katarina, pantheon, and ezreal with great success. The damage output of most low level champions is too low to beat the burst of kayle. Once you have the hp lead you can continue to dominate the lane by last hitting with ease. At level 6 if you still haven't killed them then you should be able to save up enough mana to tower dive with ease. Generally I'd say try to get red and blue buffs whenever possible. With blue buff and nashor's tooth your spells are almost max CDR so E comes off CD nearly as its effect wears off. Make good use of kiting with kayle's superior move speed with W and her slow. You should never get killed by most melee champions. Use Kayle's ult to turn the tide of a battle by making an enemy waste as much damage as possible. You can also use it to surprise an opponent when theyre trying to 1v1 you in the mid game. Try not to be a dick and ks people once you have your 4 main items. She doesn't gain much from additional gold. Updates to the guide as of 8/14/10 I've had more sucess with AS marks and glyphs instead of Mpen and CDR respectively. Rageblade's recent buff makes it a decent choice after Nashor's Tooth but the recent metagame of tank tank tank tank tank teams make bloodrazor a better choice usually. I've also taken a liking to leveling my skills as follows: E W E Q E R E W then R>E>Q>W Using E more often gives better chances to last hit and farm faster and focuses less on trying to gib and zone them with Q | ||
United States17077 Posts
On July 16 2010 13:37 GTR wrote: i assume you're starting off with meki + 2pot opening. if you are able to lane properly by the time you get back you should be able to buy a tooth immediately. although recently i do think it's better to just spend the money on a grb on the first tp back. Starting meki is bad on kayle. If you use your heals and e well you can get by with just boots. You can also go dorans ring. And I think Rageblade first is much better. You can rape face with just rgb tbh. | ||
Korea (South)3804 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
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Australia1455 Posts
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Netherlands12045 Posts
why do they have to increase the font size almost double.... god, this look anoying | ||
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