On October 07 2010 16:53 crazeman wrote: Is there any other stun/silence/disable that can't be cleansed besides for warrick's?
Warricks keep targeting me when I play kassadin with cleanse and i finally noticed/figured out that it was the warrick's stun that's uncleansable. Malzahar's stun.
On October 07 2010 16:53 Celestial wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 16:46 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Idk if you're supposed to combo them because galio's ult needs him to get hit for it to work. Most of the time people have merc treads against Galio so they have some movement time before the damage part of the ult falls off, so the best time to Sona ult would be during that window time. Galio's ult only needs him to get hit 8 times to achieve maximum damage. Anyways, the best way would be QSS and/or cleanse, the most effective is just to have some on hit stun/silence effects proc'd when you think Galio will ult. Garen, Blitz, Udyr all come to mind. A) as galio you break ult early to compensate B) even if you stun them with her ult it wont make galio's ult do any more damage afaik
On October 07 2010 18:10 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 18:03 Niton wrote: normal queue vs asuramz, morde feeds to 0/4 in first 10 minutes vs him, comes down and proceeds to towerdive with an iedge and +5 levels :/
really not sure what to do in situations where you fall behind at the same time twitch gets fed
except die I guess?
ended like 1/8 because we had no cohesion except for them getting their shit together after I died 4-5s after engage early and deciding HEY I WANT TO ATTACK THE SAME TARGET AS SOMEONE ELSE
end rant make sure someone gets an oracles and focus twitch in every fight Sadly if you focus a Twitch with decent positioning, you and your bad allies will inevitably all line up for his ult. Add +5 levels and Twitch has a pentakill.
Pentakill skunk with Yi lolol
what did the 50mb patch do?
Fix bugged karthus I think. I failed to break him in a practise game.
Which bug?
Because I just played a normal game with Jungle Karthus, died to ignite, and "killed myself" thereby denying my opponents any gold for that kill.
Then I played the rest of the game with the ignite flash on me the whole time.
On October 07 2010 19:39 Scamp wrote: Which bug?
Because I just played a normal game with Jungle Karthus, died to ignite, and "killed myself" thereby denying my opponents any gold for that kill.
Then I played the rest of the game with the ignite flash on me the whole time. Something doesnt add up here..
If I'm getting non-ranked queued with guys with 500, 600, even 1000+ wins, while being lvl 28 159 wins 140 losses:
Does it mean I'm good or they're bad?
Or does it mean anything at all?
On October 07 2010 21:15 -Kato- wrote: If I'm getting non-ranked queued with guys with 500, 600, even 1000+ wins, while being lvl 28 159 wins 140 losses:
Does it mean I'm good or they're bad?
Or does it mean anything at all? It probably doesn't mean anything. Maybe that you are "more talented" because you got to the same level in much shorter time.
oh word, they upped manamune dmg, now i can test that manamune urgot strategy :o
Anyone who feel like sending me "Filter_de_DE.txt" file so i can (hopefully) get my game up and running? PM me or something and we'll do it over skype/msn or something : D
So whats the best build for sona? ive been going mana manip boots 1 locket soul shroud aegis(if no one got) frozen heart
is there something else?(basically building her like i do taric +locket)
On October 07 2010 21:50 arb wrote: So whats the best build for sona? ive been going mana manip boots 1 locket soul shroud aegis(if no one got) frozen heart
is there something else?(basically building her like i do taric +locket)
Yes actually
mana manip sorc shoes or merc treads as needed mejais (if team fights have started early) NLR / blasting rod as money allows
She doesn't get anywhere near the middle of a team fight like taric and she has auto speed / auto heal to get away. You can rack up stacks like lint balls in your belly button, they just appear for no reason. Obviously if the other team is not dying in team fights (IE you're losing) then don't get mejais but still stack AP.
I've yet to ever actually finish locket. The game gets to the point where you're blue pilling for positioning / purchasing before you run out of mana.
holy smokies, i really like manamune on urgot. basic breakdown, i go manamune->bruta->frozenheart/veil (depending on teamcomp)->which ever one you didnt get (unless they are ALL one dmg type, even then...)->???
i was thinking mybe omen after that, for some gud old cdr and hp, so mebbe sneak in a hog somewhere in all of that. Locket is also a potential goodie, simply due to the excessive q spam, but not for sure on that one, and one of the problems that might arise is that i simply cant get it early enough for it to be useful but w/e
the scary thing about all of this, is that my most recent game i had mune + bruta + heart and was dealing very significant dmg, even to their tanks. i was also largely unkillable and it took combinations of like 3-4 of them to get me (and i was by myself). Also, mune+bruta+either veil or heart is really easy to farm even in a dual lane, i got mune+bruta+glacial in 25 minutes with a panth in my lane that kept fucking up the cs, so in a lane where i could get reasonable cs, i could easily get items much faster.
On October 07 2010 22:31 barbsq wrote: holy smokies, i really like manamune on urgot. basic breakdown, i go manamune->bruta->frozenheart/veil (depending on teamcomp)->which ever one you didnt get (unless they are ALL one dmg type, even then...)->???
i was thinking mybe omen after that, for some gud old cdr and hp, so mebbe sneak in a hog somewhere in all of that. Locket is also a potential goodie, simply due to the excessive q spam, but not for sure on that one, and one of the problems that might arise is that i simply cant get it early enough for it to be useful but w/e
the scary thing about all of this, is that my most recent game i had mune + bruta + heart and was dealing very significant dmg, even to their tanks. i was also largely unkillable and it took combinations of like 3-4 of them to get me (and i was by myself). Also, mune+bruta+either veil or heart is really easy to farm even in a dual lane, i got mune+bruta+glacial in 25 minutes with a panth in my lane that kept fucking up the cs, so in a lane where i could get reasonable cs, i could easily get items much faster. 2100 + 1300 + 1600 (+ 1400 if Frozen Heart) + ~1000 (boots) is a lot of gold. I don't see you getting that "easily" on a sidelane unless you get fed.
Sigh is anyone else getting Riot Server problems.
It seems like it just picks a server at random for a game, and if it picks a bad one for me, I lag all game.
Anyone considered Shury or w/e that new item is on Sona?
Kindlegem would be a nice little bonus early on, and then the active combined with her E skill would give your entire team a what... like 55% or so movement speed boost for 2-3 seconds?
Health + Cooldowns + health/mana regen. Not quite as strong a team item without the aura, but I think the cooldown reduction would make up for that by allowing you to spam abilities more.
Thoughts? o.O
On October 07 2010 21:19 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 21:15 -Kato- wrote: If I'm getting non-ranked queued with guys with 500, 600, even 1000+ wins, while being lvl 28 159 wins 140 losses:
Does it mean I'm good or they're bad?
Or does it mean anything at all? It probably doesn't mean anything. Maybe that you are "more talented" because you got to the same level in much shorter time.
ehhh that's not how elo works. If they've got a similar w/l ratio it doesn't really matter how many total games they've played.
i.e. it doesn't say much about your goodness or their badness, but that you're considered to be of equal skill.
On October 07 2010 23:04 Haemonculus wrote: Anyone considered Shury or w/e that new item is on Sona?
Kindlegem would be a nice little bonus early on, and then the active combined with her E skill would give your entire team a what... like 55% or so movement speed boost for 2-3 seconds?
Health + Cooldowns + health/mana regen. Not quite as strong a team item without the aura, but I think the cooldown reduction would make up for that by allowing you to spam abilities more.
Thoughts? o.O
yes, a lot of people started getting it on her when she/it came out
it's a LOT of gold for a shitty version of youmou's active
skip it