On October 07 2010 07:35 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 07:20 Southlight wrote:On October 07 2010 07:02 arb wrote: Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done? I have to admit I don't solo queue but if I did I probably would have taken Kassadin, demanded a solo lane, and not given a damn about what they do. As long as they can soak up a certain amount of damage that's all I need them to do o/ Sometimes, that's not enough. I just had a game with Rammus/Heimer(me)/Ryze/Morde/Tristana. I was mid against MF, who I beat slightly in creep kills, and killed once. I also dodged their Ashe's gank attempt on me. In the mean time, my team had died about 8 times. The first time their Akali shows up on my screen, she has 6 kills. I was pretty high level and well farmed, but between Akali and Ashe they could demolish all 4 of my teammates before I could kill any of them. Maybe Kass has a higher sustained DPS than Heimer and could do something in a game like that, but I sorta doubt it.
No idea, some games you just can't win. My point was just that I usually don't give a damn and play what I want to play and am comfortable playing. There's no end to it if you keep trying to placate your team.
Do you guys play on EU or US?
And I think I have my MF down now, I've won the last 3/4 games going 16+/2-ish/10-ish the amount of harass power she has is just awesome only gonna get better as i fill out the runepage for her :D thanks guys !
Just so you know, that quality is too poor to watch. Each pixel is the size of a normal item, so your items are mostly dots of various colors.
On October 07 2010 10:03 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 07:35 oberon wrote:On October 07 2010 07:20 Southlight wrote:On October 07 2010 07:02 arb wrote: Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done? I have to admit I don't solo queue but if I did I probably would have taken Kassadin, demanded a solo lane, and not given a damn about what they do. As long as they can soak up a certain amount of damage that's all I need them to do o/ Sometimes, that's not enough. I just had a game with Rammus/Heimer(me)/Ryze/Morde/Tristana. I was mid against MF, who I beat slightly in creep kills, and killed once. I also dodged their Ashe's gank attempt on me. In the mean time, my team had died about 8 times. The first time their Akali shows up on my screen, she has 6 kills. I was pretty high level and well farmed, but between Akali and Ashe they could demolish all 4 of my teammates before I could kill any of them. Maybe Kass has a higher sustained DPS than Heimer and could do something in a game like that, but I sorta doubt it. No idea, some games you just can't win. My point was just that I usually don't give a damn and play what I want to play and am comfortable playing. There's no end to it if you keep trying to placate your team.
This we agree on.
On a related topic: my best champ, by far, is Heimer. If we already have AP champs, however, I'm hesitant to play him. For example, a couple games ago our first two picks were Sona and Swain, and I was third. If I pick Heimer our comp is terrible. Do you take Kass in those situations?
So here's my kind of analysis of Swain (thus far)
Hes really squishy like a caster but he really really wants to play a support role like taric. The only problem is hes so goddamn squishy you really have to be spot on with Nevermore's
Q - Lazer bird is pretty hilarious. It is a really short range and pretty terrible slow (it scales with level and starts at like 20%) so you can't really use it to kill people early (unless they facecheck a bush). It's most effectively cast when you're standing on top of someone. W - Nevermore really wants to be rupture. I mean man it really wants to be rupture, but sadly it isnt. The range is a lot smaller than rupture and it FEELS like it comes up slower (dont quote me on it because i'm not sure). The graphic is a lot more pronounced than rupture but it is arguably much better for kiting as it stops them in place rather than knocking up and then putting a slow. It does not reveal targets that it hits (so using it in a bush doesn't work like anivia's wall). The ap ratio seems like its not that bad but it definitely wont let you rice too well. E - If you ever want to kill anyone this has to be maxed first. The graphic for the projectile is oddly misleading as it looks a lot like his auto attack. It doesn't do a lot of damage up front but substantially increases his overall dps (although not burst) by a ton when it's applied. Horrendously short casting range on most of his spells makes this hard to setup effectively. R - Pretty much the only ability that i don't have beef with. It's low cooldown makes it very good to use whenever you feel like it. It costs less mana than anivia's ult to maintain for short periods of time which is nice. It heals you for a fuck ton if theres a lot of stuff around, making him pretty tanky in long team fights. With golem you can't stay in bird form forever (unfortunately)
How to kills people: 1) hope they facecheck a bush and go EQWR 2) they dont facecheck a bush so you have to use W to lead, get in their face with Q and then ER and auto attack them to death
Cool tips and trix: E increases auto attack damage, go to town oldman You can use Zhonya's while in birdform and be near full hp when the invulnerability is over. Deathfire Grasp is totally optional. He doesn't excel at killing champions with or without it. Stick to mana regen and some tanky AP items (frozen heart looks nice on paper, getting an arch angels after banshees veil and frozen heart is nice too) I might try doing a sheen or lichbane build to see if that makes him a better caster dps
On October 07 2010 10:19 oberon wrote:Just so you know, that quality is too poor to watch. Each pixel is the size of a normal item, so your items are mostly dots of various colors.
i check out vods and the stream quality looks fine
not stellar but fine
make sure it isn't your own end
On October 07 2010 10:23 shawster wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 10:19 oberon wrote:Just so you know, that quality is too poor to watch. Each pixel is the size of a normal item, so your items are mostly dots of various colors. really? i check out vods and the stream quality looks fine not stellar but fine make sure it isn't your own end
There are lots of reasons I know it's not on my end, but the simplest: other streams look fine.
Edit: Checked again. The first time was especially bad, and the second time is better. Still really bad, but I can see what items you have.
Also, the current game makes your earlier comment about giving retards responsibility hilarious.
On October 07 2010 09:05 shawster wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 08:48 arb wrote: When morgana is the only positive one on your team, and is the only reason youre winning team fights When she(I) say im b a second to get something, the best thing to do when in the advantage is to promptly follow the tank(who has less hp than me..) into a 4v5 die, then cost ust he game and blame me
<3 LoL retard logic you gave retards a slightest hint of responsibility shame on you I atleast figured they would tower defend, we'd won the last 4-5 team fights and i just went back to get zhonyas and an elixir, instead they just face check into a bush with the entire team in it, all die without killing a single member, they then baron and we lose the game
shame on me
On October 07 2010 10:27 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 10:23 shawster wrote:On October 07 2010 10:19 oberon wrote:Just so you know, that quality is too poor to watch. Each pixel is the size of a normal item, so your items are mostly dots of various colors. really? i check out vods and the stream quality looks fine not stellar but fine make sure it isn't your own end There are lots of reasons I know it's not on my end, but the simplest: other streams look fine. Edit: Checked again. The first time was especially bad, and the second time is better. Still really bad, but I can see what items you have. Also, the current game makes your earlier comment about giving retards responsibility hilarious.
well if it's on my side then i just don't have the resources to stream 100% premium quality
just out of curiosity how does my current game make that statement hilarious?
The stream quality is pretty decent actually. And lol at that nidalee game. Jesus they were bad
EDIT Just checked your stream again and the quality has decreased drastically. But still watchable.
On October 07 2010 10:49 SHr3DD3r wrote: The stream quality is pretty decent actually. And lol at that nidalee game. Jesus they were bad
EDIT Just checked your stream again and the quality has decreased drastically. But still watchable.
yeah i just noticed how it went down pretty badly
not sure why though, hmm
that nidalee game was fun as shit though haha
current trollsmurf strategy = AD janna. EOTS is a beast.
Is anyone else having severe lag issues?
Lol Shen with 2 negatron, merc treads, 2 sunfires and a chain mail. I went AP poppy this game and could almost destoy him with R>DFG>slam>Q (leaving him with about ~10%). DFG is pretty good, I might use it on my AD poppy for the easy 30%, plus cdr (of course I need set up time to ult then dfg then continue).
On October 07 2010 12:49 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Lol Shen with 2 negatron, merc treads, 2 sunfires and a chain mail. I went AP poppy this game and could almost destoy him with R>DFG>slam>Q (leaving him with about ~10%). DFG is pretty good, I might use it on my AD poppy for the easy 30%, plus cdr (of course I need set up time to ult then dfg then continue).
if you mean almost destroy me you mean kill me instantly everytime gosh, what am I even supposed to do... doesn't help that the corki just dcs for 5 minutes =/
Rough games today, liquidparty bros. Sorry I couldn't play better for you. I had to resort to solo queue to get my win bonus.
There's been ~5 patches in the last day, and not one of them fixes the Karthus bug. Sure they stopped him from being invincible but getting scammed out of kills isn't cool. I got cheated three times this last game.
On October 07 2010 10:20 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 10:03 Southlight wrote:On October 07 2010 07:35 oberon wrote:On October 07 2010 07:20 Southlight wrote:On October 07 2010 07:02 arb wrote: Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done? I have to admit I don't solo queue but if I did I probably would have taken Kassadin, demanded a solo lane, and not given a damn about what they do. As long as they can soak up a certain amount of damage that's all I need them to do o/ Sometimes, that's not enough. I just had a game with Rammus/Heimer(me)/Ryze/Morde/Tristana. I was mid against MF, who I beat slightly in creep kills, and killed once. I also dodged their Ashe's gank attempt on me. In the mean time, my team had died about 8 times. The first time their Akali shows up on my screen, she has 6 kills. I was pretty high level and well farmed, but between Akali and Ashe they could demolish all 4 of my teammates before I could kill any of them. Maybe Kass has a higher sustained DPS than Heimer and could do something in a game like that, but I sorta doubt it. No idea, some games you just can't win. My point was just that I usually don't give a damn and play what I want to play and am comfortable playing. There's no end to it if you keep trying to placate your team. This we agree on. On a related topic: my best champ, by far, is Heimer. If we already have AP champs, however, I'm hesitant to play him. For example, a couple games ago our first two picks were Sona and Swain, and I was third. If I pick Heimer our comp is terrible. Do you take Kass in those situations?
Well I mean in the end it boils down to how confident you are in relation to the players around you. My opinion is going to necessarily be biased - I feel you primarily run into ridiculous champ lineups like that at lower (relatively) levels of play and in such environments I was always super confident that I was "by far" the best player in the game. I mean, I'm not an elite player but I'm pretty comfortable saying I'm still a top-end player. That would then cause me to not care about any and all hero choices in the game, as my comfort with Kassadin was such that I could and can adapt to any situation, and I expect to dominate regardless. If I go 20-0-10 and we lose, so be it, but just from the start I expect, push myself to reach such heights. If I end up with a mediocre score I just blame myself for not being good enough and move on. If we lose because the whole team was AP and they stacked 300 MR, oh well, I'll have a brief moment of "blahhhhhhhhhh" and then move on.
Edit: Beyond that, the only real suggestion I can make is to find some duo queue partners, or try to make a 5-man team. Obviously at a certain point you're going to need some "proper teams" and best/only way to ensure as much as possible a balanced team is to duo. A lot of people have posted in this thread they had success by getting one person to solo and the other person jungles, giving a good combination of a melee + ranged + two people getting good farmage and placing two players in positions of significant impact. If you go totally solo there's just not a lot you can do, you tend to be stuck resorting to your "go-to" hero and gutting it out. I think, anyways.
Or picking your best hero that the team needs and trusting at least one person to be competent.
There's been ~5 patches in the last day, and not one of them fixes the Karthus bug. Sure they stopped him from being invincible but getting scammed out of kills isn't cool. I got cheated three times this last game. Yeah I was wondering how Karthus killed Karthus...yet there was only one ingame.
On October 07 2010 13:19 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +There's been ~5 patches in the last day, and not one of them fixes the Karthus bug. Sure they stopped him from being invincible but getting scammed out of kills isn't cool. I got cheated three times this last game. Yeah I was wondering how Karthus killed Karthus...yet there was only one ingame. was there a swain on your team? apparently there is a bug with swain's Q that makes karthus's passive not work properly(then again it may have just been another karthus bug lol)