On October 07 2010 05:56 redtooth wrote: so for a while i was thinking "man maybe i'm romanticizing how good HS nidalee is". i mean all these people were talking trash about it and saying it wasn't that impressive or shit. then i was reminded of how good it was and it made me realize that it's not me it's
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss threadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I 100% agree with where you're going with this.
If I could give you a football player pat on the butt, I would.
Weve got better nids on TL
On October 07 2010 06:12 Kingske wrote: Weve got better nids on TL
Either I read Redtooth's post wrong, or you just came into this topic on the short yellow bus.
On October 07 2010 05:56 redtooth wrote: so for a while i was thinking "man maybe i'm romanticizing how good HS nidalee is". i mean all these people were talking trash about it and saying it wasn't that impressive or shit. then i was reminded of how good it was and it made me realize that it's not me it's
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss threadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Dunno, i don't follow "trends" and i am very impressed by HS' nidalee, i'd like to play on his level, he always knows hen to back off and WHICH WAY to back off, sometimes he runs from top tower through enemy base to bot tower getting hit for 80% of hp and surviving. I really envy his play so let's not generalize this by saying "everyone who posts in this thread will never ever change his mind". Please, give me vods of good Zil players as i would like to see any, i've never seen anyone do anything impressive with Zil that made me think "man if they had Kayle instead of this Zil they would not win this game".
On October 07 2010 06:16 SCC-Faust wrote:Either I read Redtooth's post wrong, or you just came into this topic on the short yellow bus.
Public transportation baby
I've never lost to his Nidalee, so I feel very comfortable saying I've never been impressed by his play of that particular hero. You can whine and moan all you want but that's not going to change how I feel about it until the day comes that he rolls me with it... when I'm on Kassadin in a solo lane, especially when I'm mano-a-mano with him. It may yet come. HSGG the player? When he's playing seriously he's doubtlessly pretty damn good, and I'll happily say I respect his skills and hope to one day reach that sort of level. This feels like the hundredth time you've brought this exact same topic up, and given that I'm the only person in this thread that I can think of that has ragged on his play and not his raging attitude, and even then only way, way back when some months ago (when I was bemused by how a lot of big-name players were nowhere near as godly as they were made out to be), it just feels like you have a bone to pick with me. Sure, go ahead. I don't really give a damn, but keep it in PM or something instead of popping up every couple of weeks to necro the same old, stale topic.
On October 07 2010 06:27 Southlight wrote: I've never lost to his Nidalee, so I feel very comfortable saying I've never been impressed by his play of that particular hero. You can whine and moan all you want but that's not going to change how I feel about it until the day comes that he rolls me with it... when I'm on Kassadin in a solo lane, especially when I'm mano-a-mano with him. It may yet come. HSGG the player? When he's playing seriously he's doubtlessly pretty damn good, and I'll happily say I respect his skills and hope to one day reach that sort of level. This feels like the hundredth time you've brought this exact same topic up, and given that I'm the only person in this thread that I can think of that has ragged on his play and not his raging attitude, and even then only way, way back when some months ago (when I was bemused by how a lot of big-name players were nowhere near as godly as they were made out to be), it just feels like you have a bone to pick with me. Sure, go ahead. I don't really give a damn, but keep it in PM or something instead of popping up every couple of weeks to necro the same old, stale topic.
Not to prolong this, because it's sorta silly, but your requirements for changing how you feel are sorta odd. Why does he have to win lane to be good with the character? Couldn't he just farm carefully, keep pushing and farming for a while, then win? It seems somewhat weird to me to demand that he win during a certain phase of the game (and in a certain matchup, no less).
On October 07 2010 06:27 Southlight wrote: I've never lost to his Nidalee, so I feel very comfortable saying I've never been impressed by his play of that particular hero. You can whine and moan all you want but that's not going to change how I feel about it until the day comes that he rolls me with it... when I'm on Kassadin in a solo lane, especially when I'm mano-a-mano with him. It may yet come. HSGG the player? When he's playing seriously he's doubtlessly pretty damn good, and I'll happily say I respect his skills and hope to one day reach that sort of level. This feels like the hundredth time you've brought this exact same topic up, and given that I'm the only person in this thread that I can think of that has ragged on his play and not his raging attitude, and even then only way, way back when some months ago (when I was bemused by how a lot of big-name players were nowhere near as godly as they were made out to be), it just feels like you have a bone to pick with me. Sure, go ahead. I don't really give a damn, but keep it in PM or something instead of popping up every couple of weeks to necro the same old, stale topic.
Where is your 5000th post!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
On October 07 2010 02:16 Southlight wrote: Let's see, he does no damage, his snare is significantly worse than a lot of snare-bots, his ult is even worse than ult-bot Kayle (pre-rework), and he's fragile as hell.
This was, I believe, post 5000.
On October 07 2010 06:37 STS17 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 06:27 Southlight wrote: I've never lost to his Nidalee, so I feel very comfortable saying I've never been impressed by his play of that particular hero. You can whine and moan all you want but that's not going to change how I feel about it until the day comes that he rolls me with it... when I'm on Kassadin in a solo lane, especially when I'm mano-a-mano with him. It may yet come. HSGG the player? When he's playing seriously he's doubtlessly pretty damn good, and I'll happily say I respect his skills and hope to one day reach that sort of level. This feels like the hundredth time you've brought this exact same topic up, and given that I'm the only person in this thread that I can think of that has ragged on his play and not his raging attitude, and even then only way, way back when some months ago (when I was bemused by how a lot of big-name players were nowhere near as godly as they were made out to be), it just feels like you have a bone to pick with me. Sure, go ahead. I don't really give a damn, but keep it in PM or something instead of popping up every couple of weeks to necro the same old, stale topic. Where is your 5000th post!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? he hid it :p
No, no, no.
My point is that months ago, I was making an honest, frank remark that I was unimpressed by his Nidalee time and again because he was "no different" from other Nidalees. Since that time a handful of Nidalees have actually fought me pretty damn well 1v1, and that made my roflstomp of Hotshot twice bizarre, and even incredulous. For instance, Shake does a decent job against my Kass 1v1 (provided he doesn't die to tower lolol), until around level 9 when I kick in and he's fuuuuuuuuucked. I have no idea where he ranks on the massive Nidalee-player list, but it's an eye-opener when a relatively unknown player can do that to me when I stomp a lot of Nids, including twice HSGG.
I have also never lost to HSGG's Nidalee... in full games, when I'm playing Kassadin irrespective of whether I solo'd or not, irrespective of whether I was against him in lane or not. Very few Nidalees have, in fact, because a carry Nid tends to get fucked over by Kassadin. I have, however, seen a few impressive Nids that "made it a fight" or played smart and sniped me a few times. On the other hand HSGG played very stale, which I've heard is kind of his playstyle (play passive, farm, and try to push win), but given the circumstances it was far from an impressive display, to me, and thus I feel no need to play up his Nidalee.
I haven't played against him in a long time, because I haven't touched solo queue in at at least a month (I'm losing points via elo decay lol) and my 5-man ranked isn't at that level. I think the last time we faced off was when season 1 had just started, and I won that 1v1 lane into game win. A rematch may yet happen where he proves me wrong and shows me something.
Until that time, what need is there for me to spontaneously decide he's fabulous?
Bear in mind I haven't started anything about his play or whatnot in months, because I really, really don't care, and haven't even played HSGG (in this case) in a long time to have anything to say. Every single damn time this topic comes up because of redtooth moaning about how top-end players are disrespected, and I'm also getting the feeling it's singularly pointed at me because I'm the only one that was not BLOWN AWAY BY THE GODLINESS OF X PLAYER.
Edit: 5k post was here http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=158642
On October 07 2010 05:55 myopia wrote: Magic Pen - flat or % - can't drop you below 0. Mres reduction, such as Abyssal Scepter and Morgana's pool thing, can. You'll take over 100% damage.
I'm not following your logic though, all heroes start with ~30 mres. Get 29 from sorc boots and mpen marks and you're dealing near 100% with your spells.
Ah I didn't know that heroes start with out with 30 mres. I thought that all heroes started with 0, with the exception being that some heroes might have a +mres passive of some sort.
On October 07 2010 06:53 crazeman wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 05:55 myopia wrote: Magic Pen - flat or % - can't drop you below 0. Mres reduction, such as Abyssal Scepter and Morgana's pool thing, can. You'll take over 100% damage.
I'm not following your logic though, all heroes start with ~30 mres. Get 29 from sorc boots and mpen marks and you're dealing near 100% with your spells. Ah I didn't know that heroes start with out with 30 mres. I thought that all heroes started with 0, with the exception being that some heroes might have a +mres passive of some sort.
Most melee champions, and some casters, start with some MR and have a slight scaling per level.
On October 07 2010 06:53 crazeman wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 05:55 myopia wrote: Magic Pen - flat or % - can't drop you below 0. Mres reduction, such as Abyssal Scepter and Morgana's pool thing, can. You'll take over 100% damage.
I'm not following your logic though, all heroes start with ~30 mres. Get 29 from sorc boots and mpen marks and you're dealing near 100% with your spells. Ah I didn't know that heroes start with out with 30 mres. I thought that all heroes started with 0, with the exception being that some heroes might have a +mres passive of some sort.
You can click on heroes to read their stats - armor, mres, attack speed, ap, damage, etc..
I mean piling on, redtooth loling @ HazMat mentioning D7. We beat him. Four? times in the past two weeks. His 5-man vs ours. Not. That. Impressive. Who knows how serious he was taking it; we certainly are trying to win every 5-man, and if he wasn't fine, I'll respect that. But if he was, he falls under the category of "players we expect to beat every time we play them." Does that disqualify his skills as a Zilean player? No, but it also implies that HazMat's opinion is just as valid, because it's not like some low-elo scrub talking trash about someone who's infinitely better.
I have opinions on heroes. I have mentioned time and again that as a long-time Kass player my view on heroes is wildly skewed, because certain heroes that I demolish are usually considered good, while certain heroes that I lose straight-up to are often considered subpar. I may have a very authoritative writing style but I try to make people understand that my opinions are opinions, and I have been known to (albeit slowly and through stubborn-ness) change my view on things. But when I have an opinion I have reasons for it; and it causes me to discuss things to get other peoples' perspectives.
I understand mrgerry's point about heavy-tank teams or whatnot with Zilean, and it goes along with what I mentioned some time ago about how I felt Zil was only worthwhile with a heavy-duty melee DPS hero (Olaf, pre-nerf Jax, and to an extent heroes like Garen nowadays). I still feel he's otherwise a terrible hero because you're essentially playing 4v5, and expecting one hero to make up for him. You can disagree, whatever, I don't care all that much; someone asked about Zilean, I posted my thought, someone posted a retort, I explained my reasoning. You can debate with me about the merits of my points, and who knows, you might change my mind. Or you might not, but you don't have to agree with me either.
Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done?
On October 07 2010 07:02 arb wrote: Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done? Pick garen and steall all of their kills with R
EDIT: Or karthus
Any good stream ATM? I need to watch any stream to fall asleep TT
europe down anyone? just got megalag in middle of a game and now again and disc  and server seems to be down 
edit: seemed to be just current games, some ppl in friendlist had similar experience like mine
On October 07 2010 07:02 arb wrote: Join solo queue, teemo kat and tryndamere all lock in without looking at the team Im like wow wtf ist his shit, the other guy doesnt pick so i just leave queue and take the debuff
What would you have done?
I have to admit I don't solo queue but if I did I probably would have taken Kassadin, demanded a solo lane, and not given a damn about what they do. As long as they can soak up a certain amount of damage that's all I need them to do o/
woo solo queue
![[image loading]](http://i51.tinypic.com/291jeb4.jpg) carried by Procodoco I mean srsly I knew Kayle was good, but still that was so much damage