server was busy when i last tried to log in, then i went to watch some anime only to come back to find out that EU server is down AGAIN right after a 11 hours maintenance....
On October 04 2010 04:38 SHr3DD3r wrote: My friend wants to play LoL but is getting this weird problem. Each time he would try to login - he would get an error and LoL would close. People on the forums said this might be a Windows 7 issue - so he installed XP - same problem there. He made a thread about it on the LoL forums, Riot people said that sometimes there is an issue where the client doesn't update to the latest version (apparently - and he checked that his is But he then asked me and it turns out I also have atm.
Any solutions?
EDIT - New development, now the downloader crashes each time he tries to download the game.
Well interesting enough - I just moved to the same ISP as my friend - and turns out it is just as spinesheath said, the IP is blocked(ISP rather). And proxies aren't working. Luckily I have yet to disconnect my old ISP so I can still play.
On October 06 2010 20:27 cascades wrote: Since high level players are posting here, any guide to improve for us mediocre players that last-hit and ward-buy? People like l0cust could do well to not be bugged .=p and League of Legends will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 10/5/2010 from 2AM until 12PM PDT.
New Skins in the Store
* Bilgewater Swain * Northern Front Swain * Professor Ryze * Tango Evelynn * Tango Twisted Fate v1.20.10
* Improved matchmaking specifically for the Solo Ranked Queue * Refactored back end stats processing. This change will temporarily remove the display of matches in your Recent Matches list, however these games will still count towards your lifetime statistics. * Fixed a bug where the patcher was not displaying news correctly * Fixed a bug where players could use skins that they did not own
League of Legends v1.0.0.102
Swain, the Master Tactician
* Decrepify - Swain sets his raven to cripple an enemy. Over the next three seconds, the target takes damage over time and is slowed. * Nevermove - Swain marks a target area. After a short delay, mighty talons grab hold of enemy units dealing damage and rooting them. * Torment - Swain afflicts his target, dealing damage to them over time and causing them to take increased damage from Swain's attacks. * Ravenous Flock (Ultimate) - Toggle: Swain transforms into the form of a raven, during this time up to 3 lesser ravens strike out at nearby enemies each second. Swain is healed for half the damage dealt by the Ravens. * Carrion Renewal (Passive) - Swain gains increased mana regeneration for 5 seconds upon killing a unit.
* Cursed Touch duration reduced to 4 from 5
* Base movement speed reduced to 315 from 320 * Courage duration modified to 3 at all levels from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 * Courage active damage reduction changed to 10/15/20/25/30% from 30% at all levels
* Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown increased to 17 from 15 at all levels
* Attack range increased to 425 from 400
* Sanguine Pool o Duration reduced to 2 seconds from 2.5 o Slow duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1 second o Damage per second changed to 20/33.75/47.5/61.25/75 from X o Fixed a bug where Sanguine Pool wasn't dealing enough damage
* Manamune attack damage conversion increased to 2% from 1.5%
Swain Champ Spotlight
In case anyone did not know. You can safely ignore the spotlight as it was based on an earlier version of Swain that since got tweaked and skills changed.
Why Riot decided to go ahead and post a spotlight that completely worthless upon the release of the acutal character is beyond me.