But how is he useless?

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Canada404 Posts
October 06 2010 17:12 GMT
But how is he useless? ![]() | ||
United States5348 Posts
October 06 2010 17:12 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
October 06 2010 17:16 GMT
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United States2928 Posts
October 06 2010 17:18 GMT
There's a chance of Ezreal usurping Nasus as my main. I've carried harder and posted better scores as Ez in the past 2 days than on any other champ, in all the months I've played LoL. sample build: Ezreallmatic + Show Spoiler + arpen/mp5plvl/mp5plvl/movespeed 0/9/21 flash/ghost runes - arpen quints may be a better idea, but I don't have them. MS rocks though so it doesn't bother me. masteries - I've tried points in offensive, but hate laning without meditation and SoS. items dblade+hpot mercs/bruta/sheen/BT (in some order) triforce ghostblade/banshees/GA (in some order) I typically have a decent early-midgame, then I get triforce'd and become a killing machine. (e.g. two games this week: start 1-1-5/5-3-2 ->triforce-> finish 13-1-13/20-5-15). Triforce on everyone. | ||
United States13684 Posts
October 06 2010 17:20 GMT
On October 07 2010 02:16 Southlight wrote: Let's see, he does no damage, his snare is significantly worse than a lot of snare-bots, his ult is even worse than ult-bot Kayle (pre-rework), and he's fragile as hell. Ya, really the only time he can actually be useful is when he has a GA, can ulti a completely fed supercarry who can 1v5, and sit comfortably outside and watch the carnage without really doing anything despite the fact he is unkillable himself since he cant actually do enough damage. And should the supercarry still die, all he has to do is get GA'd, run around a bit till the carry respawns (since he cant do any damage himself), and rinse and repeat. | ||
Canada404 Posts
October 06 2010 17:29 GMT
On October 07 2010 02:16 Southlight wrote: Let's see, he does no damage, his snare is significantly worse than a lot of snare-bots, his ult is even worse than ult-bot Kayle (pre-rework), and he's fragile as hell. None of this makes sense to me. Q: -Starts solid and becomes a good pushing/farming skill late-game. W: -Allows double-bomb combos early- and mid-game. -Enhances the flexibility of his E. -Allows usage of multiple R's during a teamfight. E: -Can perma-slow enemies --Completely removes their ability to position themselves. Tanks can't tank, DPS can't engage, etc. -Can haste/save allies --Can improve the ability of allies to position themselves, enables ganks, and allows saves -Makes Zilean nearly-unkillable. Who can keep up with someone with over 500 MS? R: -Controls tempo in teamfights. A good Zilean will be aware of which heroes their team is focusing and allows their focus to be rendered significantly less-effective, combo'd with his E gives Zilean a lot of control of team fights. -Is now better than Guardian Angel -Allows saves and manipulates number advantages. Instead of losing an ally and being 5v4, you can keep it at 5v5 or if there's an even 141 trade your team now has the 5v4 advantage. As for being squishy, Zilean should be running around with nearly 2.5k life. Only a strong CC combo will be able to actually kill him, and if they're using CC on a support I'd say that's still to your advantage. I'm just genuinely curious as to how Zilean can be bad. Soul Shroud + AA is like all you need. The only "bad" thing about Zilean, is that smart opponents will detonate his bombs early-game against their own creeps to maintain lane control. But I've never met someone smart enough to do that on purpose. *Shrugs* | ||
United States9109 Posts
October 06 2010 17:31 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
October 06 2010 17:35 GMT
Amazing concept. Or if you want a "free life" you could play Kayle, who has an arguably better ult, has a speed boost, snare, and damage amplification, and, oh by the way, she's one of the top 3 ranged DPS heroes in the game. As a tiny bonus, she's not reliant on a fed Olaf to be any worthwhile. Edit: While we're on that topic, if we want a side-lane aggressive zoning + snarebot we could play Ashe, who works incredibly well with other support heroes, does significantly more damage to champions, and has an AoE snare with a low cooldown. But no, we can stick with Zilean, he of the one spell that pisses people off until about level 7 (and even then he gets dominated by a lot of heroes like Kassadin and now Sona, and he's also a bad choice for babysitting someone in lane because he himself sort of needs babysit). 'Cause, you know, creep-clearing in the 2v2 lane is awesome, except not really. But hey for whatever it's worth if he farms creep he'll get really farmed instead of his lane partner, but that's no problem. Or he can have a solo lane and no one gives a flying rat's ass. Hahah. | ||
United States5348 Posts
October 06 2010 17:45 GMT
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United States11761 Posts
October 06 2010 17:48 GMT
Edit: Also what the hell am I going to do with my 5,000th post. | ||
United States2484 Posts
October 06 2010 17:53 GMT
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United States2928 Posts
October 06 2010 17:54 GMT
On October 07 2010 02:48 Southlight wrote: Edit: Also what the hell am I going to do with my 5,000th post. we should post pants on head retarded advice until you're forced to waste it in here imo Everybody: rush Frozen Mallet on Ashe, I saw one game one time where this Ashe did really well and she got Mallet first. Do it. | ||
United States2395 Posts
October 06 2010 17:54 GMT
On October 07 2010 02:48 Southlight wrote: It's actually even worse at higher levels of play, because for instance if I'm laning against Zilean and he puts a bomb on me I run toward my creep. Standard operating procedure. Easy creep return, safe farming for me and easy jungle ganks for our team. So awesome. Edit: Also what the hell am I going to do with my 5,000th post. Troll the HoN tread? Quick and easy return to posting. On topic: I don't get to play Zilean much anymore because there's always a need for tanks and better support, but I think he's good at 2 things - getting your team into teamfights they can win without you being there, and getting your team out of teamfights they can't win because you're there. I've noticed it the last few times i've played him, but he doesn't DO anything in the fights - he's got a nice delayed aoe and a single-target slow. Taric / Janna / Sona are all just so much better than him at the things supports do. I can't even stand playing Soraka having played those 3, so I can't comment on her. I think it's hilarious though that the last time they looked at Zilean they decided he was too strong. edit @Athos: Every single champ in this game is useful with the proper preconditions. Zilean's is just 'have Olaf, but not Tryndamere because his ult interacts badly with it'. | ||
United States211 Posts
October 06 2010 17:58 GMT
i've been using arpen red, mreg/5 yellow and blues, then movespeed or arpen quints. i can't decide if i want raw AP/level or more Mpen, since i can buy sorc shoes or a void staff if i really need the pen. im primarily talking about AP TF right now EDIT: thanks myopia, yea not arpen >_> | ||
United States5348 Posts
October 06 2010 18:01 GMT
for tf, i would probably go mpen, simply because his stuff scales a bit better with levels than with raw ap afaik, so pen benefits a bit more than ap | ||
United States2928 Posts
October 06 2010 18:02 GMT
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United States7087 Posts
October 06 2010 18:04 GMT
On October 07 2010 02:48 Southlight wrote: It's actually even worse at higher levels of play, because for instance if I'm laning against Zilean and he puts a bomb on me I run toward my creep. Standard operating procedure. Easy creep return, safe farming for me and easy jungle ganks for our team. So awesome. Edit: Also what the hell am I going to do with my 5,000th post. you're supposed to run into your ally when u have a bomb on you. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
October 06 2010 18:09 GMT
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United States6894 Posts
October 06 2010 18:13 GMT
DO IT + Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
United States2928 Posts
October 06 2010 18:16 GMT
the website says he can be built DPS I'm thinking zerks-manamune-last whisper-bloodrazer | ||
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